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# Config file for the Apache httpd.
# Configuration.tmpl is the template for Configuration. Configuration should
# be edited to select the modules to be included as well as various flags
# for Makefile.
# The template should only be changed when a new system or module is added,
# or an existing one modified. This will also most likely require some minor
# changes to Configure to recognize those changes.
# There are 5 types of lines here:
# '#' comments, distinguished by having a '#' as the first non-blank character
# Makefile options, such as CC=gcc, etc...
# Rules, distinguished by having "Rule" at the front. These are used to
# control Configure's behavior as far as how to create Makefile.
# Module selection lines, distinguished by having 'AddModule' at the front.
# These list the configured modules, in priority order (highest priority
# last). They're down at the bottom.
# Optional module selection lines, distinguished by having `%Module'
# at the front. These specify a module that is to be compiled in (but
# not enabled). The AddModule directive can be used to enable such a
# module. By default no such modules are defined.
# Makefile configuration
# These are added to the general flags determined by Configure.
# Edit these to work around Configure if needed. The EXTRA_* family
# will be added to the regular Makefile flags. For example, if you
# want to compile with -Wall, then add that to EXTRA_CFLAGS. These
# will be added to whatever flags Configure determines as appropriate
# and needed for your platform.
# You can also set the compiler (CC) and optimization (OPTIM) used here as
# well. Settings here have priority; If not set, Configure will attempt to
# guess the C compiler, looking for gcc first, then cc.
# Optimization note:
# Be careful when adding optimization flags (like -O3 or -O6) on the OPTIM
# entry, especially when using some GCC variants. Experience showed that using
# these for compiling Apache is risky. If you don't want to see Apache dumping
# core regularly then at most use -O or -O2.
# Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) support
# There is experimental support for compiling the Apache core and
# the Apache modules into dynamic shared object (DSO) files for
# maximum runtime flexibility.
# The Configure script currently has only limited built-in
# knowledge on how to compile these DSO files because this is
# heavily platform-dependent. The current state of supported and
# explicitly unsupported platforms can be found in the file
# "htdocs/manual/sharedobjects.html", under
# "Supported Platforms".
# For other platforms where you want to use the DSO mechanism you
# first have to make sure it supports the pragmatic dlopen()
# system call and then you have to provide the appropriate
# compiler and linker flags below to create the DSO files on your
# particular platform.
# The placement of the Apache core into a DSO file is triggered
# by the SHARED_CORE rule below while support for building
# individual Apache Modules as DSO files and loading them under
# runtime without recompilation is triggered by `SharedModule'
# commands. To be able to use the latter one first enable the
# module mod_so (see corresponding `AddModule' command below).
# Then enable the DSO feature for particular modules individually
# by replacing their `AddModule' command with `SharedModule' and
# change the filename extension from `.o' to `.so'.
Rule SHARED_CORE=default
# Rules configuration
# These are used to let Configure know that we want certain
# functions. The format is: Rule RULE=value
# At present, only the following RULES are known: WANTHSREGEX, SOCKS4,
# For all Rules, if set to "yes", then Configure knows we want that
# capability and does what is required to add it in. If set to "default"
# then Configure makes a "best guess"; if set to anything else, or not
# present, then nothing is done.
# If SOCKS4 is set to 'yes', be sure that you add the socks library
# location to EXTRA_LIBS, otherwise Configure will assume
# "-L/usr/local/lib -lsocks"
# If SOCKS5 is set to 'yes', be sure that you add the socks5 library
# location to EXTRA_LIBS, otherwise Configure will assume
# "-L/usr/local/lib -lsocks5"
# If Configure determines that you are using the status_module,
# it will automatically enable full status information if set
# to 'yes'. If the status module is not included, having STATUS
# set to 'yes' has no impact.
# Only takes effect if Configure determines that you are running
# SGI IRIX. If you are using a (ancient) 4.x version of IRIX, you
# need this if you are using NIS and Apache needs access to it for
# things like mod_userdir. This is not required on 5.x and later
# and you should not enable it on such systems.
# IRIXN32:
# If you are running a version of IRIX and Configure detects
# n32 libraries, it will use those instead of the o32 ones.
# New with version 1.3, during Configure modules can run
# pre-programmed shell commands in the same environment that
# Configure runs in. This allows modules to control how Configure
# works. Normally, Configure will simply note that a module
# is performing this function. If PARANOID is set to yes, it will
# actually print-out the code that the modules execute
Rule STATUS=yes
Rule SOCKS4=no
Rule SOCKS5=no
Rule IRIXN32=yes
# The following rules should be set automatically by Configure. However, if
# they are not set by Configure (because we don't know the correct value for
# your platform), or are set incorrectly, you may override them here.
# If you have to do this, please let us know what you set and what your
# platform is, by filling out a problem report form at the Apache web site:
# <>. If your browser is forms-incapable, you
# can get the information to us by sending mail to
# Apache requires a POSIX regex implementation. Henry Spencer's
# excellent regex package is included with Apache and can be used
# if desired. If your OS has a decent regex, you can elect to
# not use this one by setting WANTHSREGEX to 'no' or commenting
# out the Rule. The "default" action is "yes" unless overruled
# by OS specifics
Rule WANTHSREGEX=default
# Module configuration
# Modules are listed in reverse priority order --- the ones that come
# later can override the behavior of those that come earlier. This
# can have visible effects; for instance, if UserDir followed Alias,
# you couldn't alias out a particular user's home directory.
# The configuration below is what we consider a decent default
# configuration. If you want the functionality provided by a particular
# module, remove the "#" sign at the beginning of the line. But remember,
# the more modules you compile into the server, the larger the executable
# is and the more memory it will take, so if you are unlikely to use the
# functionality of a particular module you might wish to leave it out.
## Config manipulation modules
## mod_env sets up additional or restricted environment variables to be
## passed to CGI/SSI scripts. It is listed first (lowest priority) since
## it does not do per-request stuff.
AddModule modules/standard/mod_env.o
## Request logging modules
AddModule modules/standard/mod_log_config.o
## Optional modules for NCSA user-agent/referer logging compatibility
## We recommend, however, that you just use the configurable access_log.
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_log_agent.o
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_log_referer.o
## Type checking modules
## mod_mime_magic determines the type of a file by examining a few bytes
## of it and testing against a database of filetype signatures. It is
## based on the unix file(1) command.
## mod_mime maps filename extensions to content types, encodings, and
## "magic" type handlers (the latter is obsoleted by mod_actions, and
## don't confuse it with the previous module).
## mod_gzip_content is a specialized type of negotiation to return
## content-encoded: gzip versions of requested files if they
## exist based on the accept-encoding header and a CompressContent
## command in access.conf.
## mod_negotiation allows content selection based on the Accept* headers.
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_mime_magic.o
AddModule modules/standard/mod_mime.o
AddModule modules/do_gzip/mod_gzip_content.o
AddModule modules/standard/mod_negotiation.o
## Compressed content modules
## mod_gzip_content looks to see if the returned file
## also exists as content-encoded gzip, and if so
## returns that instead (setting the content-encoded header)
## Content delivery modules
## The status module allows the server to display current details about
## how well it is performing and what it is doing. Consider also enabling
## STATUS=yes (see the Rules section near the start of this file) to allow
## full status information. Check conf/access.conf on how to enable this.
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_status.o
## The Info module displays configuration information for the server and
## all included modules. It's very useful for debugging.
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_info.o
## mod_include translates server-side include (SSI) statements in text files.
## mod_autoindex handles requests for directories which have no index file
## mod_dir handles requests on directories and directory index files.
## mod_cgi handles CGI scripts.
AddModule modules/standard/mod_include.o
AddModule modules/standard/mod_autoindex.o
AddModule modules/standard/mod_dir.o
AddModule modules/standard/mod_cgi.o
## The asis module implements ".asis" file types, which allow the embedding
## of HTTP headers at the beginning of the document. mod_imap handles internal
## imagemaps (no more cgi-bin/imagemap/!). mod_actions is used to specify
## CGI scripts which act as "handlers" for particular files, for example to
## automatically convert every GIF to another file type.
AddModule modules/standard/mod_asis.o
AddModule modules/standard/mod_imap.o
AddModule modules/standard/mod_actions.o
## URL translation modules.
## The Speling module attempts to correct misspellings of URLs that
## users might have entered, namely by checking capitalizations
## or by allowing up to one misspelling (character insertion / omission /
## transposition/typo). This catches the majority of misspelled requests.
## If it finds a match, a "spelling corrected" redirection is returned.
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_speling.o
## The UserDir module for selecting resource directories by user name
## and a common prefix, e.g., /~<user> , /usr/web/<user> , etc.
AddModule modules/standard/mod_userdir.o
## The proxy module enables the server to act as a proxy for outside
## http and ftp services. It's not as complete as it could be yet.
## NOTE: You do not want this module UNLESS you are running a proxy;
## it is not needed for normal (origin server) operation.
# AddModule modules/proxy/libproxy.a
## The Alias module provides simple URL translation and redirection.
AddModule modules/standard/mod_alias.o
## The URL rewriting module allows for powerful URI-to-URI and
## URI-to-filename mapping using a regular expression based
## rule-controlled rewriting engine.
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_rewrite.o
## Access control and authentication modules.
AddModule modules/standard/mod_access.o
AddModule modules/standard/mod_auth.o
## The anon_auth module allows for anonymous-FTP-style username/
## password authentication.
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_auth_anon.o
## db_auth and dbm_auth work with Berkeley DB files - make sure there
## is support for DBM files on your system. You may need to grab the GNU
## "gdbm" package if not and possibly adjust EXTRA_LIBS. (This may be
## done by Configure at a later date)
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_auth_dbm.o
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_auth_db.o
## "digest" implements HTTP Digest Authentication rather than the less
## secure Basic Auth used by the other modules.
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_digest.o
## Optional response header manipulation modules.
## cern_meta mimics the behavior of the CERN web server with regards to
## metainformation files.
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_cern_meta.o
## The expires module can apply Expires: headers to resources,
## as a function of access time or modification time.
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_expires.o
## The headers module can set arbitrary HTTP response headers,
## as configured in server, vhost, access.conf or .htaccess configs
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_headers.o
## Miscellaneous modules
## mod_usertrack is the new name for mod_cookies. This module
## uses Netscape cookies to automatically construct and log
## click-trails from Netscape cookies, or compatible clients who
## aren't coming in via proxy.
## You do not need this, or any other module to allow your site
## to use Cookies. This module is for user tracking only
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_usertrack.o
## The example module, which demonstrates the use of the API. See
## the file modules/example/README for details. This module should
## only be used for testing -- DO NOT ENABLE IT on a production server.
# AddModule modules/example/mod_example.o
## mod_unique_id generates unique identifiers for each hit, which are
## available in the environment variable UNIQUE_ID. It may not work on all
## systems, hence it is not included by default.
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_unique_id.o
## mod_so lets you add modules to Apache without recompiling.
## This is an experimental feature at this stage and only supported
## on a subset of the platforms we generally support.
## Don't change this entry to a 'SharedModule' variant (Bootstrapping!)
# AddModule modules/standard/mod_so.o
## mod_mmap_static is an experimental module, you almost certainly
## don't need it. It can make some webservers faster. No further
## documentation is provided here because you'd be foolish
## to use mod_mmap_static without reading the full documentation.
# AddModule modules/experimental/mod_mmap_static.o
## mod_setenvif lets you set environment variables based on the HTTP header
## fields in the request; this is useful for conditional HTML, for example.
## Since it is also used to detect buggy browsers for workarounds, it
## should be the last (highest priority) module.
AddModule modules/standard/mod_setenvif.o