
509 строки
22 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import copy
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import traceback
import urllib
import mozhttpd
import mozversion
import utils
from mozlog import get_proxy_logger
from talos.config import get_configs, ConfigurationError
from talos.mitmproxy import mitmproxy
from talos.results import TalosResults
from talos.ttest import TTest
from talos.utils import TalosError, TalosRegression
# directory of this file
here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
LOG = get_proxy_logger()
def useBaseTestDefaults(base, tests):
for test in tests:
for item in base:
if item not in test:
test[item] = base[item]
if test[item] is None:
test[item] = ''
return tests
def set_tp_preferences(test, browser_config):
# sanity check pageloader values
# mandatory options: tpmanifest, tpcycles
if test['tpcycles'] not in range(1, 1000):
raise TalosError('pageloader cycles must be int 1 to 1,000')
if 'tpmanifest' not in test:
raise TalosError("tpmanifest not found in test: %s" % test)
# if profiling is on, override tppagecycles to prevent test hanging
if test['gecko_profile']:"Gecko profiling is enabled so talos is reducing the number "
"of cycles, please disregard reported numbers")
for cycle_var in ['tppagecycles', 'tpcycles', 'cycles']:
if test[cycle_var] > 2:
test[cycle_var] = 2
CLI_bool_options = ['tpchrome', 'tphero', 'tpmozafterpaint', 'tploadnocache', 'tpscrolltest',
CLI_options = ['tpcycles', 'tppagecycles', 'tptimeout', 'tpmanifest']
for key in CLI_bool_options:
_pref_name = "talos.%s" % key
if key in test:
test['preferences'][_pref_name] = test.get(key)
# current test doesn't use this setting, remove it from our prefs
if _pref_name in test['preferences']:
del test['preferences'][_pref_name]
for key in CLI_options:
value = test.get(key)
_pref_name = "talos.%s" % key
if value:
test['preferences'][_pref_name] = value
# current test doesn't use this setting, remove it from our prefs
if _pref_name in test['preferences']:
del test['preferences'][_pref_name]
def setup_webserver(webserver):
"""use mozhttpd to setup a webserver""""starting webserver on %r" % webserver)
host, port = webserver.split(':')
return mozhttpd.MozHttpd(host=host, port=int(port), docroot=here)
def run_tests(config, browser_config):
"""Runs the talos tests on the given configuration and generates a report.
# get the test data
tests = config['tests']
tests = useBaseTestDefaults(config.get('basetest', {}), tests)
paths = ['profile_path', 'tpmanifest', 'extensions', 'setup', 'cleanup']
for test in tests:
# Check for profile_path, tpmanifest and interpolate based on Talos
# root
# Build command line from config
for path in paths:
if test.get(path):
if path == 'extensions':
for _index, _ext in enumerate(test['extensions']):
test['extensions'][_index] = utils.interpolate(_ext)
test[path] = utils.interpolate(test[path])
if test.get('tpmanifest'):
test['tpmanifest'] = \
os.path.normpath('file:/%s' % (urllib.quote(test['tpmanifest'],
test['preferences']['talos.tpmanifest'] = test['tpmanifest']
# if using firstNonBlankPaint, set test preference for it
# so that the browser pref will be turned on (in ffsetup)
if test.get('fnbpaint', False):"Test is using firstNonBlankPaint, browser pref will be turned on")
test['preferences']['dom.performance.time_to_non_blank_paint.enabled'] = True
test['setup'] = utils.interpolate(test['setup'])
test['cleanup'] = utils.interpolate(test['cleanup'])
if not test.get('profile', False):
test['profile'] = config.get('profile')
# pass --no-remote to firefox launch, if --develop is specified
# we do that to allow locally the user to have another running firefox
# instance
if browser_config['develop']:
browser_config['extra_args'] = '--no-remote'
# Pass subtests filter argument via a preference
if browser_config['subtests']:
browser_config['preferences']['talos.subtests'] = browser_config['subtests']
# If --code-coverage files are expected, set flag in browser config so ffsetup knows
# that it needs to delete any ccov files resulting from browser initialization
# NOTE: This is only supported in production; local setup of ccov folders and
# data collection not supported yet, so if attempting to run with --code-coverage
# flag locally, that is not supported yet
if config.get('code_coverage', False):
if browser_config['develop']:
raise TalosError('Aborting: talos --code-coverage flag is only '
'supported in production')
browser_config['code_coverage'] = True
# set defaults
testdate = config.get('testdate', '')
# get the process name from the path to the browser
if not browser_config['process']:
browser_config['process'] = \
# fix paths to substitute
# `os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))` for ${talos}
browser_config['extensions'] = [utils.interpolate(i)
for i in browser_config['extensions']]
browser_config['bcontroller_config'] = \
# normalize browser path to work across platforms
browser_config['browser_path'] = \
binary = browser_config["browser_path"]
version_info = mozversion.get_version(binary=binary)
browser_config['browser_name'] = version_info['application_name']
browser_config['browser_version'] = version_info['application_version']
browser_config['buildid'] = version_info['application_buildid']
browser_config['repository'] = version_info['application_repository']
browser_config['sourcestamp'] = version_info['application_changeset']
except KeyError:
if not browser_config['develop']:
print("Abort: unable to find changeset or repository: %s" % version_info)
browser_config['repository'] = 'develop'
browser_config['sourcestamp'] = 'develop'
# get test date in seconds since epoch
if testdate:
date = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(testdate,
'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')))
date = int(time.time())
LOG.debug("using testdate: %d" % date)
LOG.debug("actual date: %d" % int(time.time()))
# results container
talos_results = TalosResults()
# results links
if not browser_config['develop'] and not config['gecko_profile']:
results_urls = dict(
# another hack; datazilla stands for Perfherder
# and do not require url, but a non empty dict is required...
# local mode, output to files
results_urls = dict(output_urls=[os.path.abspath('local.json')])
httpd = setup_webserver(browser_config['webserver'])
# legacy still required for perfherder data
# measuring the difference of a a certain thread level
if config.get('stylothreads', 0) > 0:
talos_results.add_extra_option('%s_thread' % config['stylothreads'])
if config['gecko_profile']:
# some tests use mitmproxy to playback pages
mitmproxy_recordings_list = config.get('mitmproxy', False)
if mitmproxy_recordings_list is not False:
# needed so can tell talos ttest to allow external connections
browser_config['mitmproxy'] = True
# start mitmproxy playback; this also generates the CA certificate
mitmdump_path = config.get('mitmdumpPath', False)
if mitmdump_path is False:
# cannot continue, need path for mitmdump playback tool
raise TalosError('Aborting: mitmdumpPath not provided on cmd line but is required')
mitmproxy_recording_path = os.path.join(here, 'mitmproxy')
mitmproxy_proc = mitmproxy.start_mitmproxy_playback(mitmdump_path,
# install the generated CA certificate into Firefox
# mitmproxy cert setup needs path to mozharness install; mozharness has set this
# value in the SCRIPTSPATH env var for us in mozharness/mozilla/testing/
scripts_path = os.environ.get('SCRIPTSPATH')'scripts_path: %s' % str(scripts_path))
testname = None
# run the tests
timer = utils.Timer()
LOG.suite_start(tests=[test['name'] for test in tests])
for test in tests:
testname = test['name']
if not test.get('url'):
# set browser prefs for pageloader test setings (doesn't use cmd line args / url)
test['url'] = None
set_tp_preferences(test, browser_config)
mytest = TTest()
# some tests like ts_paint return multiple results in a single iteration
if test.get('firstpaint', False) or test.get('userready', None):
# we need a 'testeventmap' to tell us which tests each event should map to
multi_value_result = None
separate_results_list = []
test_event_map = test.get('testeventmap', None)
if test_event_map is None:
raise TalosError("Need 'testeventmap' in for %s" % test.get('name'))
# run the test
multi_value_result = mytest.runTest(browser_config, test)
if multi_value_result is None:
raise TalosError("Abort: no results returned for %s" % test.get('name'))
# parse out the multi-value results, and 'fake it' to appear like separate tests
separate_results_list = convert_to_separate_test_results(multi_value_result,
# now we have three separate test results, store them
for test_result in separate_results_list:
# some tests like bloom_basic run two separate tests and then compare those values
# we want the results in perfherder to only be the actual difference between those
# and store the base and reference test replicates in results.json for upload
elif test.get('base_vs_ref', False):
# run the test, results will be reported for each page like two tests in the suite
base_and_reference_results = mytest.runTest(browser_config, test)
# now compare each test, and create a new test object for the comparison
# just expecting regular test - one result value per iteration
talos_results.add(mytest.runTest(browser_config, test))
LOG.test_end(testname, status='OK')
except TalosRegression as exc:
LOG.error("Detected a regression for %s" % testname)
# by returning 1, we report an orange to buildbot
LOG.test_end(testname, status='FAIL', message=str(exc),
return 1
except Exception as exc:
# NOTE: if we get into this condition, talos has an internal
# problem and cannot continue
# this will prevent future tests from running
LOG.test_end(testname, status='ERROR', message=str(exc),
# indicate a failure to buildbot, turn the job red
return 2
httpd.stop()"Completed test suite (%s)" % timer.elapsed())
# if mitmproxy was used for page playback, stop it
if mitmproxy_recordings_list is not False:
# output results
if results_urls and not browser_config['no_upload_results']:
if browser_config['develop'] or config['gecko_profile']:
print("Thanks for running Talos locally. Results are in %s"
% (results_urls['output_urls']))
# when running talos locally with gecko profiling on, use the view-gecko-profile
# tool to automatically load the latest gecko profile in
if config['gecko_profile'] and browser_config['develop']:
if os.environ.get('TALOS_DISABLE_PROFILE_LAUNCH', '0') == '1':"Not launching because TALOS_DISABLE_PROFILE_LAUNCH=1")
# we will stop running tests on a failed test, or we will return 0 for
# green
return 0
def view_gecko_profile(ffox_bin):
# automatically load the latest talos gecko-profile archive in
if not os.path.exists(ffox_bin):"unable to find Firefox bin, cannot launch view-gecko-profile")
profile_zip = os.environ.get('TALOS_LATEST_GECKO_PROFILE_ARCHIVE', None)
if profile_zip is None or not os.path.exists(profile_zip):"No local talos gecko profiles were found so not launching")
# need the view-gecko-profile tool, it's in repo/testing/tools
repo_dir = os.environ.get('MOZ_DEVELOPER_REPO_DIR', None)
if repo_dir is None:"unable to find MOZ_DEVELOPER_REPO_DIR, can't launch view-gecko-profile")
view_gp = os.path.join(repo_dir, 'testing', 'tools',
'view_gecko_profile', '')
if not os.path.exists(view_gp):"unable to find the view-gecko-profile tool, cannot launch it")
command = ['python',
'-b', ffox_bin,
'-p', profile_zip]'Auto-loading this profile in %s' % profile_zip)
# if the view-gecko-profile tool fails to launch for some reason, we don't
# want to crash talos! just dump error and finsh up talos as usual
view_profile = subprocess.Popen(command,
# that will leave it running in own instance and let talos finish up
except Exception as e:"failed to launch view-gecko-profile tool, exeption: %s" % e)
ret = view_profile.poll()
if ret is None:"view-gecko-profile successfully started as pid %d" %
LOG.error('view-gecko-profile process failed to start, poll returned: %s' % ret)
def make_comparison_result(base_and_reference_results):
''' Receive a test result object meant to be used as a base vs reference test. The result
object will have one test with two subtests; instead of traditional subtests we want to
treat them as separate tests, comparing them together and reporting the comparison results.
Results with multiple pages used as subtests would look like this normally, with the overall
result value being the mean of the pages/subtests:
PERFHERDER_DATA: {"framework": {"name": "talos"}, "suites": [{"extraOptions": ["e10s"],
"name": "bloom_basic", "lowerIsBetter": true, "alertThreshold": 5.0, "value": 594.81,
"subtests": [{"name": ".html", "lowerIsBetter": true, "alertThreshold": 5.0, "replicates":
[586.52, ...], "value": 586.52], "unit": "ms"}, {"name": "-ref.html", "lowerIsBetter": true,
"alertThreshold": 5.0, "replicates": [603.225, ...], "value": 603.225, "unit": "ms"}]}]}
We want to compare the subtests against eachother (base vs ref) and create a new single test
results object with the comparison results, that will look like traditional single test results
like this:
PERFHERDER_DATA: {"framework": {"name": "talos"}, "suites": [{"lowerIsBetter": true,
"subtests": [{"name": "", "lowerIsBetter": true, "alertThreshold": 5.0, "replicates":
[16.705, ...], "value": 16.705, "unit": "ms"}], "extraOptions": ["e10s"], "name":
"bloom_basic", "alertThreshold": 5.0}]}
# create a new results object for the comparison result; keep replicates from both pages
comparison_result = copy.deepcopy(base_and_reference_results)
# remove original results from our copy as they will be replaced by one comparison result
comparison_result.results[0].results = []
comp_results = comparison_result.results[0].results
# zero-based count of how many base vs reftest sets we have
subtest_index = 0
# each set of two results is actually a base test followed by the
# reference test; we want to go through each set of base vs reference
for x in range(0, len(base_and_reference_results.results[0].results), 2):
# separate the 'base' and 'reference' result run values
results = base_and_reference_results.results[0].results
base_result_runs = results[x]['runs']
ref_result_runs = results[x + 1]['runs']
# the test/subtest result is the difference between the base vs reference test page
# values; for this result use the base test page name for the subtest/test name
sub_test_name = base_and_reference_results.results[0].results[x]['page']
# populate our new comparison result with 'base' and 'ref' replicates
comp_results.append({'index': 0,
'runs': [],
'page': sub_test_name,
'base_runs': base_result_runs,
'ref_runs': ref_result_runs})
# now step thru each result, compare 'base' vs 'ref', and store the difference in 'runs'
_index = 0
for next_ref in comp_results[subtest_index]['ref_runs']:
diff = abs(next_ref - comp_results[subtest_index]['base_runs'][_index])
comp_results[subtest_index]['runs'].append(round(diff, 3))
_index += 1
# increment our base vs reference subtest index
subtest_index += 1
return comparison_result
def convert_to_separate_test_results(multi_value_result, test_event_map):
''' Receive a test result that actually contains multiple values in a single iteration, and
parse it out in order to 'fake' three seprate test results.
Incoming result looks like this:
[{'index': 0, 'runs': {'event_1': [1338, ...], 'event_2': [1438, ...], 'event_3':
[1538, ...]}, 'page': 'NULL'}]
We want to parse it out such that we have 'faked' three separate tests, setting test names
and taking the run values for each. End goal is to have results reported as three separate
tests, like this:
PERFHERDER_DATA: {"framework": {"name": "talos"}, "suites": [{"subtests": [{"replicates":
[1338, ...], "name": "ts_paint", "value": 1338}], "extraOptions": ["e10s"], "name":
"ts_paint"}, {"subtests": [{"replicates": [1438, ...], "name": "ts_first_paint", "value":
1438}], "extraOptions": ["e10s"], "name": "ts_first_paint"}, {"subtests": [{"replicates":
[1538, ...], "name": "ts_user_ready", "value": 1538}], "extraOptions": ["e10s"], "name":
list_of_separate_tests = []
for next_test in test_event_map:
# copy the original test result that has multiple values per iteration
separate_test = copy.deepcopy(multi_value_result)
# set the name of the new 'faked' test
separate_test.test_config['name'] = next_test['name']
# set the run values for the new test
for x in separate_test.results:
for item in x.results:
all_runs = item['runs']
item['runs'] = all_runs[next_test['label']]
# add it to our list of results to return
return list_of_separate_tests
def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
config, browser_config = get_configs()
except ConfigurationError as exc:
sys.exit("ERROR: %s" % exc)
sys.exit(run_tests(config, browser_config))
if __name__ == '__main__':