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<title>Understanding Privacy</title>
<center><b>UNDERSTANDING PRIVACY</b></center>
<p>This document explains what degree of privacy you can expect while you
surf on the world-wide web and how you can control what information is
given out about you.&nbsp; The important point to note is that you are
in control – nobody can obtain personal information about you unless you
explicitly allow them to.
<p>There are various ways that a site has of obtaining information about
you.&nbsp; When you request a page from a site, a certain amount of information
is automatically disclosed in the page-request that your browser makes
on your behalf.&nbsp; Once you've received the page, the site could ask
your browser for some additional information.&nbsp; While you are getting
the page, the site could be tracking you by taking notes about your behavior
and storing those notes in an area of your hard disk (cookies) which it
can read back later.&nbsp; And whenever you fill out and submit a form,
the information on that form is sent to the site.&nbsp; Each of these aspects
are described below in detail.
<p><b>Requesting a Page</b>
<p>When you request a page from a site, a small amount of information about
you is given to that site.&nbsp; In particular, the site is told the three
items listed below.&nbsp; Beyond that, the site is unable to obtain any
other information about you with out your knowledge -- it does not know
your e-mail address and certainly does not know your name.
<p><i>1. Operating Environment</i>
<p>The site is told something about your operating environment such as
the type of browser you are using and perhaps the operating system on which
you are running.&nbsp; This helps the site present the page that you are
requesting in a way that will best display on your screen.&nbsp; As an
example, the site might be told that you are using the English version
of Netscape 6 and are running under the Windows 98 operating system.&nbsp;
Such information is not in any way personal so your privacy is not compromised
by having it divulged.
<p><i>2. Internet Address</i>
<p>The site is told the internet address that you are currently using.&nbsp;
This is sometimes referred to as your IP (or Internet Protocol) address.&nbsp;
The site needs your IP address so that it knows where to send the page
that you are requesting.&nbsp; IP addresses are usually registered to internet
service providers and not to individuals; each time you dial up an internet
service provider, you are assigned one of their many IP addresses at random
to use for the duration of your session.&nbsp; So the site you are visiting
can determine, for example, that an AOL member just requested a page but
it cannot determine which AOL member.
<p>Your IP address is not your e-mail address -- they are two different
things.&nbsp; Your e-mail address is the address to which your incoming
e-mail is sent and uniquely identifies you in cyberspace just as your social
security number identifies you in the real world.&nbsp; Your IP address,
on the other hand,&nbsp; is a temporary address that you are using for
the duration of a session in order to get the pages you are requesting.&nbsp;
It is no more a part of your identity than is the phone number of a pay
telephone which you happen to be using when making a phone call.
<p>But if you are concerned and want to block your IP address from being
given out, see the section on <i>Hiding Your Internet Address</i>.
<p><i>3. Referrer</i>
<p>The site is also told where you just came from.&nbsp; In other words,
it knows which page you were reading when you clicked on the link to the
page you are now requesting.&nbsp; This allows the site to know which other
site referred you to it.&nbsp; Also, as you traverse the site, it allows
the site to know where in the site you were most recently.
<p><b>After the Page is Received</b>
<p>After you receive a page from a site, that page is displayed.&nbsp;
The page might contain programs, referred to as <i>javascript code, which</i>
will then execute on your machine.&nbsp; Javascript code has the ability
to request some information about your machine and to send such information
back to the site.
<p>If you do not want any additional information given out, you can easily
prevent it.&nbsp; Whether or not your browser allows javascript code to
execute is controlled by your preference settings.&nbsp; That preference
is initially set to allow javascript to execute.&nbsp; By changing that
preference, you will be preventing the site from requesting and transmitting
this information.
<p>The information that the site can request by using javascript code in
this manner is usually not very interesting.&nbsp; It includes such things
as the number (but not the names) of the sites you previously visited,
whether or not your browser can execute programs written in a language
called&nbsp; <i>java</i>, the number and type of plugins you have installed
in your browser, the height and width of the browser window, etc..
<p>Javascript code is normally incapable of obtaining any information about
you that would seriously compromise your privacy.&nbsp; However, with your
permission, javascript code can obtain much more personal information.&nbsp;
In fact, it could even read information from arbitrary files on your hard
disk and transfer that information back to the site.&nbsp; But you have
to grant your permission before any of this can happen.&nbsp; You'll know
when the site is attempting to use javascript in this manner because a
box will appear asking you to grant your permission.&nbsp; You should not
grant it unless you have absolute trust in that site.&nbsp; If you refuse,
the javascript code is rendered harmless.
<p><b>Downloading a File</b>
<p>When you are requesting a file (as opposed to a viewable page), your
e-mail address might be divulged as a courtesy to the site.&nbsp; You know
when you are requesting a file because its address starts with "ftp://"
instead of the more usual "http://".
<p>One of your preference settings determines if your e-mail address should
be sent as your password when you request files.&nbsp; This preference
is initially set to not send your e-mail address so, unless you've changed
it, your e-mail address will not be divulged.
<p><b>Being Tracked by Cookies</b>
<p>Since the site does not know who you are, it cannot possibly be collecting
any information on you and has no knowledge of any previous times that
you visited the site.&nbsp; It does not even know what you've done while
on the site other than knowing&nbsp; where on the site you just came from.
<p>However there are times when it would be to your advantage to allow
a site to know something about your previous visits to the site.&nbsp;
For example, if you were previously reading a long document and got as
far as page 17, it would be nice if the site could take you immediately
to page 17 on your next visit.
<p>The only way a site has of remembering information that it can associate
with you is to store the information onto your hard disk and to read it
back each time you interact with the site.&nbsp; Such pieces of information
are called <i>cookies</i> for lack of a better name.&nbsp; Of course the
site cannot store a cookie directly but instead asks your browser to do
that&nbsp; on its behalf.&nbsp; And your browser will not store a cookie
without your permission (see the section on <i>Controlling Your Cookies</i>).&nbsp;
Once a site has stored a cookie, it can read that cookie in the future
without having to get permission from you.&nbsp; But the site can read
only the cookies that it has stored – it cannot read the cookies that other
sites have stored.
<p>Don't be alarmed -- a site cannot write to arbitrary places on your
disk.&nbsp; The cookies that it stores go into one specific file, called
your cookie file.&nbsp; And the site can't even write there unless you
give it permission to do so.&nbsp; Similarly, the site can't read arbitrary
information from your disk either.
<p>If a site can store a cookie, it can keep track of all the things that
you've done by simply writing these things into a cookie which it keeps
updating.&nbsp; By this means it can build up a profile on you.&nbsp; This
may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what the site intends to
do with the information.&nbsp; For example, it would be a good thing if
a book-seller knew that you frequently looked for information on dogs so
that it could tell you if a new dog book became available since your last
visit.&nbsp; It would be a bad thing if it then sold that information to
the local dog pound so they could cross-check for potential dog owners
who do not have valid dog licenses.
<p><b>Encountering Foreign Cookies</b>
<p>When a site stores a cookie, it is the only site that is able to read
that cookie in the future.&nbsp; That permits a site to build up a profile
on your behavior while you are at that site but not on your behavior in
general while surfing the web.&nbsp; So at least you have some assurance
that the data that is collected on you (with your permission of course)
is site specific and nobody can build up a universal database on you.
<p>But suppose that while you are visiting site, a cookie gets
stored not by but by some marketing site called;
And can cause that to happen very simply by having an image from displayed on its home page.&nbsp; So when you visit,
you are really making a side trip to; to get the image and can store the cookie at that time.&nbsp; Suppose that
has enlisted many other sites to also display its cookie-storing image.&nbsp;
Now will be building up a cookie that contains information about
your accumulative behavior at all of these sites.&nbsp; And the more sites
that can entice to display its image, the more encompassing a
profile it can build on you.
<p>Such cookies that are stored by the site other than the one that you
think you are visiting are called <i>foreign cookies</i>.&nbsp; If you
are concerned about the privacy implications of&nbsp; foreign cookies but
not concerned about ordinary cookies, you could give permission for sites
to store ordinary cookies only but not store foreign ones.
<p><b>Controlling Your Cookies</b>
<p>The way you give permission for a site to use (store and/or read) cookies
is by your preference settings.&nbsp; Your preference could be that your
browser should allow sites to use all (foreign as well as non-foreign)
cookies, allow sites to use non-foreign cookies only, or not allow sites
to use cookies.&nbsp; Furthermore, in your preference settings you could
state that you want to be warned before your browser will store any cookie.&nbsp;
When you first install your browser,&nbsp; your preferences are set to
allow all sites to use all cookies with no warning given when a cookie
is being stored; you will need to explicitly change your preference setting
if that is not what you want.
<p>If you don't consider cookies to be a privacy invasion and don't care
who stores cookies on your machine, you would keep your preference settings
unchanged.&nbsp; On the other hand, if you are paranoid and don't want
to allow any site to store cookies, you would change your preferences to
not allow sites to use cookies.&nbsp; But there might be a middle ground
whereby you want to allow specific sites to store cookies (your brokerage
house, for example, might require cookies before it can let you examine
your portfolio), prohibit other specific sites (those notorious for engaging
in questionable marketing practices), and be asked about all remaining
<p>You can accomplish this middle ground by setting your preferences to
allow sites to use cookies but warning you first.&nbsp; In that case, a&nbsp;
box will pop up each time a site attempts to store a cookie.&nbsp; That
box will identify the site (it might not be the site that you are currently
visiting, as in the case of foreign cookies) and ask you if you want to
allow the cookie to be stored.&nbsp; It will also ask you if you want to
remember your decision on behalf of this site.&nbsp; If you accept the
cookie and specify that you want the decision remembered, the browser will
automatically grant all future cookie-storing attempts made by this particular
site without giving any warning.&nbsp; On the other hand, if you reject
the cookie and ask to have the decision remembered, the browser will automatically
reject all future cookie-storing attempts from this site.
<p>By using the Cookie Manager, you can bring up a&nbsp; list of cookies&nbsp;
that have been stored on your hard disk as well as a&nbsp; list of sites&nbsp;
for which you have asked to have the cookie-storing decisions remembered.&nbsp;
And you can selectively delete any of the cookies or sites in these lists.
<p><b>Evading Cookies</b>
<p>It should be mentioned that even if you have disabled cookies, the site
still has ways of tracking you, at least while you remain at that site.
Presented here is one example.
<p>The site could store the information not in a cookie on your machine
but rather in the links that it lets you fetch.&nbsp; Each link that it
presents for you to click on contains the address of the next page to fetch.&nbsp;
But the site could customize that link specifically for you so that it
contains a bit of tracking information as well.
<p>To make this clear, suppose that you visit a site called;
That site presents you with its home page and that page contains a link
to a second page.&nbsp; What you see on your screen is some text describing
the link (for example, "visit our second page").&nbsp; In addition to the
visible text, the link also contains the address of the second page, such
as;&nbsp;&nbsp; But suppose the link on the
home page doesn't contain just but contains something
like instead.&nbsp; The "?0" might be a code saying
that you haven't visited the second page yet.&nbsp; Suppose you click on
this link and view the second page.&nbsp; Then you click on a link on the
second page that gets you back to the home page.&nbsp; The home page that
the site presents to you this time differs from the one it sent you previously
in that the link back to now contains;
The site is now using the page itself (rather than a cookie) to keep track
of where you've been and what things you've clicked on.
<p>The good news is that this sort of tracking works only as long as you
remain at the site and visit its related pages.&nbsp; Once you leave the
site all of this information is lost.&nbsp; If you should then return again
later you will be presented with the "" link all
over again.&nbsp; (Of course if you bookmark a page from such a site, when
you return to that page via the bookmark that tracking information will
still be there.)
<p><b>Submitting Information on Forms</b>
<p>Of course if you voluntarily chose to divulge information to the site,
such as by submitting a form that the site presents to you, you are knowingly
providing the site with whatever personal information you filled in.&nbsp;
The site is then free to store that information in its data base and to
use the information in any way it sees fit.&nbsp; For your protection,
many sites are now voluntarily establishing privacy policies which dictate
what they will and will not do with any information you give them.&nbsp;
Each site determines its own privacy policy and makes that policy available
for you to view.
<p>Keep in mind that there is no policing of sites with regards to their
privacy policies and they can say in it whatever they want.&nbsp; So when
it comes right down to it, the final decision as to whether you want to
voluntarily submit information to a site will depend on how much trust
you have in the site.&nbsp; You might be inclined to believe what is said
in the privacy policy of&nbsp; whereas you might
be justified in being dubious about any policy offered by
<p>You will often find yourself entering the same information on the forms
of many different sites.&nbsp; For example, all sites that sell you something
will probably ask for your name, your shipping address, and your credit
card number.&nbsp; It's tedious to have to type this in every time.&nbsp;
Instead you can ask the Form Manager to save the information from a particular
form and then prefill that information onto forms that you encounter in
the future.&nbsp; The Form Manager saves the information on your local
machine and not on any website.&nbsp; When the Form Manager prefills a
form with the saved information, that information is not sent to the site
until you submit the form.&nbsp; Once again you are in control -- no information
is released until you say so.
<p><b>Divulging your Password</b>
<p>If you are like most users, you've registered for services at various
sites.&nbsp; The registration consisted of selecting a user name and password.&nbsp;
Each time you return to such a site, you fill out and submit a form containing
the user name and password that you selected for that site.&nbsp; To avoid
having to remember a different password for each site, especially those
you don't visit often, you might have used the same password everywhere.&nbsp;
And the same goes for your user name, providing somebody else hadn't already
taken it.
<p>So each site that you registered with has a record of two important
pieces of information about you -- your user name and password.&nbsp; And
if this is the same user name and password that you always use, an unscrupulous
site administrator at any one of these sites has enough information to
go impersonating you by logging in to other sites at which you are registered.&nbsp;
You might not be concerned about this because it really doesn't hurt you
if somebody logged in as you at some newspaper site and read what was going
on in the world.&nbsp; But you might be concerned if somebody managed to
guess which stockbroker you used, and logged in as you and made some stock
<p>The way to protect yourself, of course, is to use a different password
at every site that you register with.&nbsp; But this means you have to
keep track of every password that you've ever used.&nbsp; The Password
Manager in the browser can help you out by remembering the user name and&nbsp;
password that you used when you last logged on to a site, and then pre-filling
that information onto the log-in form the next time you visit that site.&nbsp;
You can then either submit the log-in form with these pre-filled values,
or change them before submitting if they are not what you want.
<p>The Password Manager also allows you to see which user names you have
stored for which sites.&nbsp; And it allows you to selectively delete any
of these items if you wish.
<p><b>Hiding Your Internet Address</b>
<p>When you request to see a page from a site, your browser needs to tell
the site your internet address (IP address) so the site knows where to
send the page.&nbsp; This is in effect your return address.&nbsp; Your
internet service provider has many IP addresses assigned to it and it selects
one for you to use each time you start a session&nbsp; Every time you connect
to your provider you will be given a new IP address.
<p>Some users have their own fixed IP addresses which they use every time
they connect to the Internet.&nbsp; But these user's are in the minority
and if you are one of them you undoubtedly know about it.&nbsp; So if you
have not heard anything to the contrary, you can assume that you get a
new IP address for each session.
<p>Even though it's only a temporary address, you might not want that information
to be given to a site you intend to visit.&nbsp; But if your browser doesn't
provide this information, the site won't know where to deliver the requested
page.&nbsp; So this is the one piece of information that you can't ask
your browser not to reveal.
<p>If you really want to hide your IP address from the site, you need to
use some trusted intermediate site.&nbsp; You go to the intermediate site
and tell it the name of the site whose page you want.&nbsp; The intermediate
site requests the page on your behalf, using its own IP address as the
return address.&nbsp; Then, when it gets the page, it forwards it on to
you.&nbsp; The site that supplied the page never gets to see your IP address.
<p>There are several sites that provide such services.&nbsp; Use your favorite
search engine to find them -- try search words such as "anonymous" and