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# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
# the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Python XPCOM language bindings.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ActiveState Tool Corp.
# Portions created by ActiveState Tool Corp. are Copyright (C) 2000, 2001
# ActiveState Tool Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Mark Hammond <> (original author)
import xpcom
from xpcom import components
import factory
import module
import glob, os, types
from xpcom.client import Component
fileSizeValueName = "FileSize"
lastModValueName = "LastModTimeStamp"
xpcomKeyName = "software/mozilla/XPCOM/components"
# Until we get interface constants.
When_Startup = 0
When_Component = 1
When_Timer = 2
def _has_good_attr(object, attr):
# Actually allows "None" to be specified to disable inherited attributes.
return getattr(object, attr, None) is not None
def FindCOMComponents(py_module):
# For now, just run over all classes looking for likely candidates.
comps = []
for name, object in py_module.__dict__.items():
if type(object)==types.ClassType and \
_has_good_attr(object, "_com_interfaces_") and \
_has_good_attr(object, "_reg_clsid_") and \
_has_good_attr(object, "_reg_contractid_"):
return comps
def register_self(klass, compMgr, location, registryLocation, componentType):
pcl = PythonComponentLoader
from xpcom import _xpcom
svc = _xpcom.GetGlobalServiceManager().GetService(";1", components.interfaces.nsICategoryManager)
svc.addCategoryEntry("component-loader", pcl._reg_component_type_, pcl._reg_contractid_, 1, 1)
class PythonComponentLoader:
_com_interfaces_ = components.interfaces.nsIComponentLoader
_reg_clsid_ = "{63B68B1E-3E62-45f0-98E3-5E0B5797970C}" # Never copy these!
_reg_contractid_ = "moz.pyloader.1"
_reg_desc_ = "Python component loader"
# Optional function which performs additional special registration
# Appears that no special unregistration is needed for ComponentLoaders, hence no unregister function.
_reg_registrar_ = (register_self,None)
# Custom attributes for ComponentLoader registration.
_reg_component_type_ = "script/python"
def __init__(self):
self.com_modules = {} # Keyed by module's FQN as obtained from nsIFile.path
def _getCOMModuleForLocation(self, componentFile):
fqn = componentFile.path
mod = self.com_modules.get(fqn)
if mod is not None:
return mod
import ihooks, sys
base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fqn))[0]
loader = ihooks.ModuleLoader()
module_name_in_sys = "component:%s" % (base_name,)
stuff = loader.find_module(base_name, [componentFile.parent.path])
assert stuff is not None, "Couldnt find the module '%s'" % (base_name,)
py_mod = loader.load_module( module_name_in_sys, stuff )
# Make and remember the COM module.
comps = FindCOMComponents(py_mod)
mod = module.Module(comps)
self.com_modules[fqn] = mod
return mod
def getFactory(self, clsid, location, type):
# return the factory
assert type == self._reg_component_type_, "Being asked to create an object not of my type:%s" % (type,)
file_interface = components.manager.specForRegistryLocation(location)
# delegate to the module.
m = self._getCOMModuleForLocation(file_interface)
return m.getClassObject(components.manager, clsid, components.interfaces.nsIFactory)
def init(self, comp_mgr, registry):
# void
registry = registry.QueryInterface(components.interfaces.nsIRegistry)
self.xpcom_registry_key = registry.getSubtree(
# If we worked, we can use the registry!
self.registry = registry
except xpcom.Exception, details:
print "Registry failed", details
self.registry = None # no registry ops allowed
self.comp_mgr = comp_mgr
if xpcom.verbose:
print "Python component loader init() called"
# Called when a component of the appropriate type is registered,
# to give the component loader an opportunity to do things like
# annotate the registry and such.
def onRegister (self, clsid, type, className, proId, location, replace, persist):
if xpcom.verbose:
print "Python component loader - onRegister() called"
def autoRegisterComponents (self, when, directory):
directory_path = directory.path
print "Auto-registering all Python components in", directory_path
import traceback
# ToDo - work out the right thing here
# eg - do we recurse?
# - do we support packages?
entries = directory.directoryEntries
while entries.HasMoreElements():
entry = entries.GetNext(components.interfaces.nsIFile)
if os.path.splitext(entry.path)[1]==".py":
self.autoRegisterComponent(when, entry)
print "** Registration of '%s' failed!" % (entry.path,)
def autoRegisterComponent (self, when, componentFile):
# bool return
reg_loc = components.manager.registryLocationForSpec(componentFile)
# Use the registry to see if we actually need to do anything
if not self._hasChanged(reg_loc, componentFile):
return 1
# Sheesh - it appears we should also use the observer service
# to let the system know of our auto-register progress.
# auto-register via the module.
m = self._getCOMModuleForLocation(componentFile)
m.registerSelf(components.manager, componentFile, reg_loc, self._reg_component_type_)
self._setRegistryInfo(reg_loc, componentFile)
return 1
def autoUnregisterComponent (self, when, componentFile):
# bool return
# auto-unregister via the module.
m = self._getCOMModuleForLocation(componentFile)
reg_loc = components.manager.registryLocationForSpec(componentFile)
m.unregisterSelf(components.manager, componentFile, reg_loc)
self._removeRegistryInfo( reg_loc, componentFile)
return 1
def registerDeferredComponents (self, when):
# bool return
if xpcom.verbose:
print "Python component loader - registerDeferred() called"
return 0 # no more to register
def unloadAll (self, when):
if xpcom.verbose:
print "Python component loader being asked to unload all components!"
self.registry = None
self.comp_mgr = None
self.com_modules = {}
# Internal Helpers
def _setRegistryInfo(self, registry_location, nsIFile):
if self.registry is None:
return # No registry work allowed.
e_location = self.registry.escapeKey(registry_location, 1)
if e_location is None: # No escaped key needed.
e_location = registry_location
key = self.registry.addSubtreeRaw(self.xpcom_registry_key, e_location)
self.registry.setLongLong(key, lastModValueName, nsIFile.lastModificationDate)
self.registry.setLongLong(key, fileSizeValueName, nsIFile.fileSize)
def _hasChanged(self, registry_location, nsIFile):
if self.registry is None:
# Can't cache in registry - assume it has changed.
return 1
e_location = self.registry.escapeKey(registry_location, 1)
if e_location is None: # No escaped key needed.
e_location = registry_location
key = self.registry.getSubtreeRaw(self.xpcom_registry_key, e_location)
if nsIFile.lastModificationDate != self.registry.getLongLong(key, lastModValueName):
return 1
if nsIFile.fileSize != self.registry.getLongLong(key, fileSizeValueName):
return 1
return 0
except xpcom.Exception, details:
return 1
def _removeRegistryInfo(self, registry_location, nsIFile):
if self.registry is None:
return # No registry work allowed.
e_location = self.registry.escapeKey(registry_location, 1)
if e_location is None: # No escaped key needed.
e_location = registry_location
key = self.registry.removeSubtreeRaw(self.xpcom_registry_key, e_location)
except xpcom.Exception, details:
def MakePythonComponentLoaderModule(serviceManager, nsIFile):
import module
return module.Module( [PythonComponentLoader] )