
508 строки
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
# March 31, 1998.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Jonathan Granrose (
# -
# Parse a package file and copy the specified files for a component
# from the given source directory into the given destination directory
# for packaging by the install builder.
# load modules
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
use File::Path;
use File::stat;
use Getopt::Long;
# initialize variables
$saved_cwd = cwd();
$component = ""; # current component being copied
$PD = ""; # file Path Delimiter ( /, \, or :)
$altdest = ""; # alternate file destination
$file = ""; # file being copied
$srcdir = ""; # directory being copied from
$destdir = ""; # destination being copied to
$package = ""; # file listing files to copy
$os = "NULL"; # os type (MacOS, MSDOS, "" == Unix)
$verbose = 0; # shorthand for --debug 1
$lineno = 0; # line # of package file for error text
$debug = 0; # controls amount of debug output
$batch = 0; # flag: are we in batch copy mode?
$help = 0; # flag: if set, print usage
# get command line options
$return = GetOptions( "source|src|s=s", \$srcdir,
"destination|dest|d=s", \$destdir,
"file|f=s", \$package,
"os|o=s", \$os,
"help|h", \$help,
"debug=i", \$debug,
"verbose|v", \$verbose,
"<>", \&do_badargument
# set debug level
if ($verbose && !($debug)) {
$debug = 1;
} elsif ($debug != 0) {
$debug = abs ($debug);
($debug >= 2) && print "debug level: $debug\n";
# check usage
if (! $return)
die "Error: couldn't parse command line options. See \'$0 --help' for options.\nExiting...\n";
} else {
# main loop
open (MANIFEST,"<$package") ||
die "Error: couldn't open file $package for reading: $!. Exiting...\n";
LINE: while (<MANIFEST>) {
$file = "";
$altdest = "";
s/\;.*//; # it's a comment, kill it.
s/^\s+//; # nuke leading whitespace
s/\s+$//; # nuke trailing whitespace
($debug >= 2) && print "\n";
($debug >= 8) && print "line $lineno:$_\n";
# it's a blank line, skip it.
/^$/ && do {
($debug >= 10) && print "blank line.\n";
next LINE;
# it's a new component
/^\[/ && do {
$component = $_;
($debug >= 10) && print "component.\n";
do_component ();
next LINE;
# make sure a component is defined before doing any copies or deletes.
( $component eq "" ) &&
die "Error: item $_ outside a component ($package, $lineno). Exiting...\n";
# delete the file or directory following the '-'
/^-/ && do {
s/^-//; # strip leading '-'
($debug >= 10) && print "delete.\n";
do_delete ("$destdir$PD$component$PD$_");
next LINE;
# file/directory being copied to different target location
/\,/ && do {
/.*\,.*\,.*/ &&
die "Error: multiple commas not allowed ($package, $lineno): $_.\n";
($file, $altdest) = split (/\s*\,\s*/, $_, 2);
$file =~ s/$PD*$//; # strip any trailing delimiter
$altdest =~ s/$PD*$//; # strip any trailing delimiter
($debug >= 10) && print "relocate: $file, $altdest.\n";
($file eq "") && ($file = $_); # if $file not set, set it.
# if it has wildcards, do recursive copy.
/(?:\*|\?)/ && do {
($debug >= 10) && print "wildcard copy.\n";
do_batchcopy ("$srcdir$PD$file");
next LINE;
# if it's a directory, do recursive copy.
(-d "$srcdir$PD$file") && do {
($debug >= 10) && print "directory copy.\n";
do_batchcopy ("$srcdir$PD$file");
next LINE;
# if it's a single file, copy it.
( -f "$srcdir$PD$file" ) && do {
($debug >= 10) && print "file copy.\n";
do_copyfile ();
$file = "";
next LINE;
# if we hit this, dunno what it is. abort! abort!
die "Error: $_ unrecognized ($package, $lineno). Exiting...\n";
# cyeh print "Error: $_ unrecognized ($package, $lineno). Exiting...\n";
} # LINE
close (MANIFEST);
chdir ($saved_cwd);
exit (0);
# Delete the given file or directory
sub do_delete
local ($target) = $_[0];
($debug >= 2) && print "do_delete():\n";
if (-f $target) {
!(-w $target) &&
die "Error: delete failed: $target not writeable ($package, $component, $lineno). Exiting...\n";
if ($debug >= 1) {
print "-$target (file)\n";
unlink ($target) ||
die "Error: unlink() failed: $!. Exiting...\n";
} elsif (-d $target) {
!(-w $target) &&
die "Error: delete failed: $target not writeable ($package, $component, $lineno). Exiting...\n";
if ($debug >= 1) {
print "-$target (directory)\n";
rmtree ($target, 0, 0) ||
die "Error: rmtree() failed: $!. Exiting...\n";
} else {
die "Error: delete failed: $target is not a file or directory ($package, $component, $lineno). Exiting...\n";
# Copy an individual file from the srcdir to the destdir.
# This is called by both the individual and batch/recursive copy routines,
# using $batch to check if called from do_batchcopy.
sub do_copyfile
local ($path) = "";
my ($srcfile) = "";
($debug >= 2) && print "do_copyfile():\n";
# set srcfile correctly depending on how called
if ($batch) {
$srcfile = $File::Find::name;
} else {
$srcfile = "$srcdir$PD$file";
# check that source file is readable
(!( -r $srcfile )) &&
die "Error: file $srcfile is not readable ($package, $component, $lineno).\n";
# set the destination path, if alternate destination given, use it.
if ($altdest ne "") {
if ($batch) {
$path = "$destdir$PD$component$PD$altdest$PD$File::Find::dir";
$path =~ s/$srcdir$PD$file$PD//; # rm info added by find
$basefile = basename ($File::Find::name);
($debug >= 5) &&
print "recursive find w/altdest: $path $basefile\n";
} else {
$path = dirname ("$destdir$PD$component$PD$altdest");
$basefile = basename ($altdest);
($debug >= 5) &&
print "recursive find w/altdest: $path $basefile\n";
} else {
if ($batch) {
$path = "$destdir$PD$component$PD$File::Find::dir";
# avert your eyes now, butt-ugly hack
if ($os eq "MSDOS") {
$path =~ s/\\/\//g;
$srcdir =~ s/\\/\//g;
$PD = "/";
$path =~ s/$srcdir$PD//g;
$path =~ s/\//\\/g;
$srcdir =~ s/\//\\/g;
$PD = "\\";
} else {
$path =~ s/$srcdir$PD//;
# end stupid MSDOS hack
$basefile = basename ($File::Find::name);
($debug >= 5) &&
print "recursive find w/o altdest: $path $basefile\n";
} else {
$path = dirname ("$destdir$PD$component$PD$file");
$basefile = basename ($file);
($debug >= 5) &&
print "recursive find w/o altdest: $path $basefile\n";
# create the directory path to the file if not there yet
if (!( -d $path)) {
mkpath ($path, 0, 0755) ||
die "Error: mkpath() failed: $!. Exiting...\n";
if (-f $srcfile) { # don't copy if it's a directory
if ($debug >= 1) {
if ($batch) {
print "$basefile\n"; # from unglob
} else {
print "$file\n"; # from single file
if ($debug >= 3) {
print "copy\t$srcfile =>\n\t\t$path$PD$basefile\n";
copy ("$srcfile", "$path$PD$basefile") ||
die "Error: copy of file $srcdir$PD$file failed ($package, $component, $lineno): $!. Exiting...\n";
# if this is unix, set the dest file permissions
if ($os eq "") {
# read permissions
$st = stat($srcfile) ||
die "Error: can't stat $srcfile: $! Exiting...\n";
# set permissions
($debug >= 2) && print "chmod ".$st->mode."\n";
chmod ($st->mode, "$path$PD$basefile");
# Expand any wildcards, and recursively copy files and directories specified.
sub do_batchcopy
my ($entry) = $_[0];
my (@list) = ();
($debug >= 2) && print "do_batchcopy():\n";
if ($entry =~ /(?:\*|\?)/) { # it's a wildcard,
@list = glob($entry); # expand it, and
foreach $entry (@list) {
do_batchcopy($entry); # recursively copy results.
} else {
$batch = 1; # flag for do_copyfile
find (\&do_copyfile, $entry);
$batch = 0;
# Handle new component
sub do_component
($debug >= 2) && print "do_component():\n";
( $component =~ /^\[.*(?:\s|\[|\])+.*\]/ ) && # no brackets or ws
die "Error: malformed component $component. Exiting...\n";
$component =~ s/^\[(.*)\]/$1/; # strip []
if ($debug >= 1) {
print "[$component]\n";
# create component directory
if ( -d "$destdir$PD$component" ) {
warn "Warning: component directory \"$component\" already exists in \"$destdir\".\n";
} else {
mkdir ("$destdir$PD$component", 0755) ||
die "Error: couldn't create component directory \"$component\": $!. Exiting...\n";
# Check that arguments to script are valid.
sub check_arguments
my ($exitval) = 0;
($debug >= 2) && print "check_arguments():\n";
# if --help print usage
if ($help) {
exit (1);
# make sure required variables are set:
# check source directory
if ($srcdir eq "") {
print "Error: source directory (--source) not specified.\n";
$exitval += 8;
} elsif (!(-d $srcdir) || !(-r $srcdir)) {
print "Error: source directory \"$srcdir\" is not a directory or is unreadable.\n";
$exitval = 1;
# check destination directory
if ($destdir eq "") {
print "Error: destination directory (--destination) not specified.\n";
$exitval += 8;
} elsif (!(-d $destdir) || !(-w $destdir)) {
print "Error: destination directory \"$destdir\" is not a directory or is not writeable.\n";
$exitval += 2;
# check package file
if ($package eq "") {
print "Error: package file (--file) not specified.\n";
$exitval += 8;
} elsif (!(-f $package) || !(-r $package)) {
print "Error: package file \"$package\" is not a file or is unreadable.\n";
$exitval += 4;
# check OS == {mac|unix|dos}
if ($os eq "") {
print "Error: OS type (--os) not specified.\n";
$exitval += 8;
} elsif ( $os =~ /mac/i ) {
$os = "MacOS";
$PD = ":";
fileparse_set_fstype ($os);
($debug >= 4) && print "OS: $os\n";
warn "Warning: MacOS not fully implemented/tested.\n";
} elsif ( $os =~ /dos/i ) {
$os = "MSDOS";
$PD = "\\";
fileparse_set_fstype ($os);
($debug >= 4) && print "OS: $os\n";
warn "Warning: MSDOS not fully implemented/tested.\n";
} elsif ( $os =~ /unix/i ) { # null because Unix is default for
$os = ""; # fileparse_set_fstype()
$PD = "/";
fileparse_set_fstype ($os);
($debug >= 4) && print "OS: Unix\n";
} else {
print "Error: OS type \"$os\" unknown.\n";
$exitval += 16;
if ($exitval) {
print "\See '$0 --help\' for more information.\n";
print "Exiting...\n";
exit ($exitval);
# This is called by GetOptions when there are extra command line arguments
# it doesn't understand.
sub do_badargument
warn "Warning: unknown command line option specified: @_.\n";
# display usage information
sub print_usage
($debug >= 2) && print "print_usage():\n";
print <<EOC
Copy files from the source directory to component directories
in the destination directory as specified by the package file.
--source <source directory>
Specifies the directory from which to copy the files
specified in the file passed via --file. Can also be
abbreviated to: --src, --s.
--destination <destination directory>
Specifies the directory in which to create the component
directories and copy the files specified in the file passed
via --file. Can also be abbreviated to: --dest, --d.
--file <package file>
Specifies the file listing the components to be created in
the destination directory and the files to copy from the
source directory to each component directory in the
destination directory. Can also be abbreviated to: --f.
--os [dos|mac|unix]
Specifies which type of system this is. Used for parsing file
specifications from the package file. Can also be abbreviated
to: --o.
Prints this information. Can also be abbreviated to: --h
--debug [1-10]
Controls verbosity of debugging output, 10 being most verbose.
1 : same as --verbose.
2 : includes function calls.
3 : includes source and destination for each copy.
Print component names and files copied/deleted. Can also
be abbreviated to: --v.
$0 --os unix --source /builds/mozilla/dist --destination /h/lithium/install --file packages-win --os unix --verbose
Note: options can be specified by either a leading '--' or '-'.