
1278 строки
43 KiB

/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
var { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
const DBG_STRINGS_URI = "chrome://devtools/locale/";
const NEW_SOURCE_IGNORED_URLS = ["debugger eval code", "XStringBundle"];
const NEW_SOURCE_DISPLAY_DELAY = 200; // ms
const FRAME_STEP_CLEAR_DELAY = 100; // ms
const CALL_STACK_PAGE_SIZE = 25; // frames
// The panel's window global is an EventEmitter firing the following events:
const EVENTS = {
// When the debugger's source editor instance finishes loading or unloading.
EDITOR_LOADED: "Debugger:EditorLoaded",
EDITOR_UNLOADED: "Debugger:EditorUnloaded",
// When new sources are received from the debugger server.
NEW_SOURCE: "Debugger:NewSource",
SOURCES_ADDED: "Debugger:SourcesAdded",
// When a source is shown in the source editor.
SOURCE_SHOWN: "Debugger:EditorSourceShown",
SOURCE_ERROR_SHOWN: "Debugger:EditorSourceErrorShown",
// When the editor has shown a source and set the line / column position
EDITOR_LOCATION_SET: "Debugger:EditorLocationSet",
// When scopes, variables, properties and watch expressions are fetched and
// displayed in the variables view.
FETCHED_SCOPES: "Debugger:FetchedScopes",
FETCHED_VARIABLES: "Debugger:FetchedVariables",
FETCHED_PROPERTIES: "Debugger:FetchedProperties",
FETCHED_BUBBLE_PROPERTIES: "Debugger:FetchedBubbleProperties",
FETCHED_WATCH_EXPRESSIONS: "Debugger:FetchedWatchExpressions",
// When a breakpoint has been added or removed on the debugger server.
BREAKPOINT_ADDED: "Debugger:BreakpointAdded",
BREAKPOINT_REMOVED: "Debugger:BreakpointRemoved",
BREAKPOINT_CLICKED: "Debugger:BreakpointClicked",
// When a breakpoint has been shown or hidden in the source editor
// or the pane.
BREAKPOINT_SHOWN_IN_EDITOR: "Debugger:BreakpointShownInEditor",
BREAKPOINT_SHOWN_IN_PANE: "Debugger:BreakpointShownInPane",
BREAKPOINT_HIDDEN_IN_EDITOR: "Debugger:BreakpointHiddenInEditor",
BREAKPOINT_HIDDEN_IN_PANE: "Debugger:BreakpointHiddenInPane",
// When a conditional breakpoint's popup is showing or hiding.
CONDITIONAL_BREAKPOINT_POPUP_SHOWING: "Debugger:ConditionalBreakpointPopupShowing",
CONDITIONAL_BREAKPOINT_POPUP_HIDING: "Debugger:ConditionalBreakpointPopupHiding",
// When event listeners are fetched or event breakpoints are updated.
EVENT_LISTENERS_FETCHED: "Debugger:EventListenersFetched",
EVENT_BREAKPOINTS_UPDATED: "Debugger:EventBreakpointsUpdated",
// When a file search was performed.
FILE_SEARCH_MATCH_FOUND: "Debugger:FileSearch:MatchFound",
FILE_SEARCH_MATCH_NOT_FOUND: "Debugger:FileSearch:MatchNotFound",
// When a function search was performed.
FUNCTION_SEARCH_MATCH_FOUND: "Debugger:FunctionSearch:MatchFound",
FUNCTION_SEARCH_MATCH_NOT_FOUND: "Debugger:FunctionSearch:MatchNotFound",
// When a global text search was performed.
GLOBAL_SEARCH_MATCH_FOUND: "Debugger:GlobalSearch:MatchFound",
GLOBAL_SEARCH_MATCH_NOT_FOUND: "Debugger:GlobalSearch:MatchNotFound",
// After the the StackFrames object has been filled with frames
AFTER_FRAMES_REFILLED: "Debugger:AfterFramesRefilled",
// After the stackframes are cleared and debugger won't pause anymore.
AFTER_FRAMES_CLEARED: "Debugger:AfterFramesCleared",
// When the options popup is showing or hiding.
OPTIONS_POPUP_SHOWING: "Debugger:OptionsPopupShowing",
OPTIONS_POPUP_HIDDEN: "Debugger:OptionsPopupHidden",
// When the widgets layout has been changed.
LAYOUT_CHANGED: "Debugger:LayoutChanged",
// When a worker has been selected.
WORKER_SELECTED: "Debugger::WorkerSelected"
// Descriptions for what a stack frame represents after the debugger pauses.
const FRAME_TYPE = {
const { BrowserLoader } = Cu.import("resource://devtools/client/shared/browser-loader.js", {});
const { require } = BrowserLoader({
baseURI: "resource://devtools/client/debugger/",
const { XPCOMUtils } = require("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm");
XPCOMUtils.defineConstant(this, "require", require);
const { SimpleListWidget } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/SimpleListWidget.jsm");
const { BreadcrumbsWidget } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/BreadcrumbsWidget.jsm");
const { SideMenuWidget } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/SideMenuWidget.jsm");
const { VariablesView } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/VariablesView.jsm");
const { VariablesViewController, StackFrameUtils } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/VariablesViewController.jsm");
const EventEmitter = require("devtools/shared/event-emitter");
const { gDevTools } = require("devtools/client/framework/devtools");
const { ViewHelpers, Heritage, WidgetMethods, setNamedTimeout,
clearNamedTimeout } = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/view-helpers");
// React
const React = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react");
const ReactDOM = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom");
const { Provider } = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-redux");
// Used to create the Redux store
const createStore = require("devtools/client/shared/redux/create-store")({
getTargetClient: () => DebuggerController.client,
log: false
const {
} = require("devtools/client/shared/redux/non-react-subscriber");
const { bindActionCreators } = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/redux");
const reducers = require("./content/reducers/index");
const { onReducerEvents } = require("./content/utils");
const waitUntilService = require("devtools/client/shared/redux/middleware/wait-service");
var services = {
WAIT_UNTIL: waitUntilService.NAME
var Services = require("Services");
var {TargetFactory} = require("devtools/client/framework/target");
var {Toolbox} = require("devtools/client/framework/toolbox");
var DevToolsUtils = require("devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils");
var promise = require("devtools/shared/deprecated-sync-thenables");
var Editor = require("devtools/client/sourceeditor/editor");
var DebuggerEditor = require("devtools/client/sourceeditor/debugger");
var {Tooltip} = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/Tooltip");
var FastListWidget = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/FastListWidget");
var {LocalizationHelper} = require("devtools/client/shared/l10n");
var {PrefsHelper} = require("devtools/client/shared/prefs");
var {Task} = require("devtools/shared/task");
XPCOMUtils.defineConstant(this, "EVENTS", EVENTS);
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Parser",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ShortcutUtils",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "clipboardHelper",
";1", "nsIClipboardHelper");
Object.defineProperty(this, "NetworkHelper", {
get: function () {
return require("devtools/shared/webconsole/network-helper");
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
* Localization convenience methods.
var L10N = new LocalizationHelper(DBG_STRINGS_URI);
* Object defining the debugger controller components.
var DebuggerController = {
* Initializes the debugger controller.
initialize: function () {
dumpn("Initializing the DebuggerController");
this.startupDebugger = this.startupDebugger.bind(this);
this.shutdownDebugger = this.shutdownDebugger.bind(this);
this._onNavigate = this._onNavigate.bind(this);
this._onWillNavigate = this._onWillNavigate.bind(this);
this._onTabDetached = this._onTabDetached.bind(this);
const broadcaster = makeStateBroadcaster(() => !!this.activeThread);
const reducer = combineBroadcastingReducers(
// TODO: Bug 1228867, clean this up and probably abstract it out
// better.
// We only want to process async event that are appropriate for
// this page. The devtools are open across page reloads, so async
// requests from the last page might bleed through if reloading
// fast enough. We check to make sure the async action is part of
// a current request, and ignore it if not.
let store = createStore((state, action) => {
if (action.seqId &&
(action.status === "done" || action.status === "error") &&
state && state.asyncRequests.indexOf(action.seqId) === -1) {
return state;
return reducer(state, action);
store = enhanceStoreWithBroadcaster(store, broadcaster);
// This controller right now acts as the store that's globally
// available, so just copy the Redux API onto it.
Object.keys(store).forEach(name => {
this[name] = store[name];
* Initializes the view.
* @return object
* A promise that is resolved when the debugger finishes startup.
startupDebugger: Task.async(function* () {
if (this._startup) {
yield DebuggerView.initialize(this._target.isWorkerTarget);
this._startup = true;
* Destroys the view and disconnects the debugger client from the server.
* @return object
* A promise that is resolved when the debugger finishes shutdown.
shutdownDebugger: Task.async(function* () {
if (this._shutdown) {
if (this._target.isTabActor) {
this._shutdown = true;
* Initiates remote debugging based on the current target, wiring event
* handlers as necessary.
* @return object
* A promise that is resolved when the debugger finishes connecting.
connect: Task.async(function* () {
let target = this._target;
let { client } = target;
target.on("close", this._onTabDetached);
target.on("navigate", this._onNavigate);
target.on("will-navigate", this._onWillNavigate);
this.client = client;
this.activeThread = this._toolbox.threadClient;
// Disable asm.js so that we can set breakpoints and other things
// on asm.js scripts
yield this.reconfigureThread({ observeAsmJS: true });
yield this.connectThread();
// We need to call this to sync the state of the resume
// button in the toolbar with the state of the thread.
connectThread: function () {
const { newSource, fetchEventListeners } = bindActionCreators(actions, this.dispatch);
// TODO: bug 806775, update the globals list using aPacket.hostAnnotations
// from bug 801084.
// this.client.addListener("newGlobal", ...);
this.activeThread.addListener("newSource", (event, packet) => {
// Make sure the events listeners are up to date.
if (DebuggerView.instrumentsPaneTab == "events-tab") {
if (this._target.isTabActor) {
// Load all of the sources. Note that the server will actually
// emit individual `newSource` notifications, which trigger
// separate actions, so this won't do anything other than force
// the server to traverse sources.
this.dispatch(actions.loadSources()).then(() => {
// If the engine is already paused, update the UI to represent the
// paused state
if (this.activeThread) {
const pausedPacket = this.activeThread.getLastPausePacket();
if (pausedPacket) {
this.StackFrames._onPaused("paused", pausedPacket);
* Disconnects the debugger client and removes event handlers as necessary.
disconnect: function () {
// Return early if the client didn't even have a chance to instantiate.
if (!this.client) {
this._connected = false;
this.client = null;
this.activeThread = null;
_hideUnsupportedFeatures: function () {
if (this.client.mainRoot.traits.noPrettyPrinting) {
if (this.client.mainRoot.traits.noBlackBoxing) {
_onWillNavigate: function (opts = {}) {
// Reset UI.
if (!opts.noUnload) {
// Discard all the cached parsed sources *before* the target
// starts navigating. Sources may be fetched during navigation, in
// which case we don't want to hang on to the old source contents.
// Prevent performing any actions that were scheduled before
// navigation.
_onNavigate: function () {
* Called when the debugged tab is closed.
_onTabDetached: function () {
* Warn if resuming execution produced a wrongOrder error.
_ensureResumptionOrder: function (aResponse) {
if (aResponse.error == "wrongOrder") {
* Detach and reattach to the thread actor with useSourceMaps true, blow
* away old sources and get them again.
reconfigureThread: function (opts) {
const deferred = promise.defer();
aResponse => {
if (aResponse.error) {
if (("useSourceMaps" in opts) || ("autoBlackBox" in opts)) {
// Reset the view and fetch all the sources again.
// Update the stack frame list.
if (this.activeThread.paused) {
return deferred.promise;
waitForSourcesLoaded: function () {
const deferred = promise.defer();
type: services.WAIT_UNTIL,
predicate: action => (action.type === constants.LOAD_SOURCES &&
action.status === "done"),
run: deferred.resolve
return deferred.promise;
waitForSourceShown: function (name) {
const deferred = promise.defer();
window.on(EVENTS.SOURCE_SHOWN, function onShown(_, source) {
if (source.url.includes(name)) {, onShown);
return deferred.promise;
_startup: false,
_shutdown: false,
_connected: false,
client: null,
activeThread: null
function Workers() {
this._workerForms = Object.create(null);
this._onWorkerListChanged = this._onWorkerListChanged.bind(this);
this._onWorkerSelect = this._onWorkerSelect.bind(this);
Workers.prototype = {
get _tabClient() {
return DebuggerController._target.activeTab;
connect: function () {
if (!Prefs.workersEnabled) {
this._tabClient.addListener("workerListChanged", this._onWorkerListChanged);
disconnect: function () {
this._tabClient.removeListener("workerListChanged", this._onWorkerListChanged);
_updateWorkerList: function () {
if (!this._tabClient.listWorkers) {
this._tabClient.listWorkers((response) => {
let workerForms = Object.create(null);
for (let worker of response.workers) {
workerForms[] = worker;
for (let workerActor in this._workerForms) {
if (!(workerActor in workerForms)) {
delete this._workerForms[workerActor];
for (let workerActor in workerForms) {
if (!(workerActor in this._workerForms)) {
let workerForm = workerForms[workerActor];
this._workerForms[workerActor] = workerForm;
_onWorkerListChanged: function () {
_onWorkerSelect: function (workerForm) {
DebuggerController.client.attachWorker(, (response, workerClient) => {
let toolbox = gDevTools.showToolbox(TargetFactory.forWorker(workerClient),
"jsdebugger", Toolbox.HostType.WINDOW);
window.emit(EVENTS.WORKER_SELECTED, toolbox);
* ThreadState keeps the UI up to date with the state of the
* thread (paused/attached/etc.).
function ThreadState() {
this._update = this._update.bind(this);
this.interruptedByResumeButton = false;
ThreadState.prototype = {
get activeThread() {
return DebuggerController.activeThread;
* Connect to the current thread client.
connect: function () {
dumpn("ThreadState is connecting...");
this.activeThread.addListener("paused", this._update);
this.activeThread.addListener("resumed", this._update);
* Disconnect from the client.
disconnect: function () {
if (!this.activeThread) {
dumpn("ThreadState is disconnecting...");
this.activeThread.removeListener("paused", this._update);
this.activeThread.removeListener("resumed", this._update);
* Handles any initialization on a tab navigation event issued by the client.
handleTabNavigation: function () {
if (!this.activeThread) {
dumpn("Handling tab navigation in the ThreadState");
* Update the UI after a thread state change.
_update: function (aEvent, aPacket) {
if (aEvent == "paused") {
if (aPacket.why.type == "interrupted" &&
this.interruptedByResumeButton) {
// Interrupt requests suppressed by default, but if this is an
// explicit interrupt by the pause button we want to emit it.
gTarget.emit("thread-paused", aPacket);
} else if (aPacket.why.type == "breakpointConditionThrown" && aPacket.why.message) {
let where = aPacket.frame.where;
let aLocation = {
line: where.line,
column: where.column,
actor: where.source ? : null
this.interruptedByResumeButton = false;
aPacket ? aPacket.frame : false
* Keeps the stack frame list up-to-date, using the thread client's
* stack frame cache.
function StackFrames() {
this._onPaused = this._onPaused.bind(this);
this._onResumed = this._onResumed.bind(this);
this._onFrames = this._onFrames.bind(this);
this._onFramesCleared = this._onFramesCleared.bind(this);
this._onBlackBoxChange = this._onBlackBoxChange.bind(this);
this._onPrettyPrintChange = this._onPrettyPrintChange.bind(this);
this._afterFramesCleared = this._afterFramesCleared.bind(this);
this.evaluate = this.evaluate.bind(this);
StackFrames.prototype = {
get activeThread() {
return DebuggerController.activeThread;
currentFrameDepth: -1,
_currentFrameDescription: FRAME_TYPE.NORMAL,
_syncedWatchExpressions: null,
_currentWatchExpressions: null,
_currentBreakpointLocation: null,
_currentEvaluation: null,
_currentException: null,
_currentReturnedValue: null,
* Connect to the current thread client.
connect: function () {
dumpn("StackFrames is connecting...");
this.activeThread.addListener("paused", this._onPaused);
this.activeThread.addListener("resumed", this._onResumed);
this.activeThread.addListener("framesadded", this._onFrames);
this.activeThread.addListener("framescleared", this._onFramesCleared);
this.activeThread.addListener("blackboxchange", this._onBlackBoxChange);
this.activeThread.addListener("prettyprintchange", this._onPrettyPrintChange);
* Disconnect from the client.
disconnect: function () {
if (!this.activeThread) {
dumpn("StackFrames is disconnecting...");
this.activeThread.removeListener("paused", this._onPaused);
this.activeThread.removeListener("resumed", this._onResumed);
this.activeThread.removeListener("framesadded", this._onFrames);
this.activeThread.removeListener("framescleared", this._onFramesCleared);
this.activeThread.removeListener("blackboxchange", this._onBlackBoxChange);
this.activeThread.removeListener("prettyprintchange", this._onPrettyPrintChange);
* Handles any initialization on a tab navigation event issued by the client.
handleTabNavigation: function () {
dumpn("Handling tab navigation in the StackFrames");
// Nothing to do here yet.
* Handler for the thread client's paused notification.
* @param string aEvent
* The name of the notification ("paused" in this case).
* @param object aPacket
* The response packet.
_onPaused: function (aEvent, aPacket) {
switch (aPacket.why.type) {
// If paused by a breakpoint, store the breakpoint location.
case "breakpoint":
this._currentBreakpointLocation = aPacket.frame.where;
case "breakpointConditionThrown":
this._currentBreakpointLocation = aPacket.frame.where;
this._conditionThrowMessage = aPacket.why.message;
// If paused by a client evaluation, store the evaluated value.
case "clientEvaluated":
this._currentEvaluation = aPacket.why.frameFinished;
// If paused by an exception, store the exception value.
case "exception":
this._currentException = aPacket.why.exception;
// If paused while stepping out of a frame, store the returned value or
// thrown exception.
case "resumeLimit":
if (!aPacket.why.frameFinished) {
} else if (aPacket.why.frameFinished.throw) {
this._currentException = aPacket.why.frameFinished.throw;
} else if (aPacket.why.frameFinished.return) {
this._currentReturnedValue = aPacket.why.frameFinished.return;
// If paused by an explicit interrupt, which are generated by the slow
// script dialog and internal events such as setting breakpoints, ignore
// the event to avoid UI flicker.
case "interrupted":
if (!aPacket.why.onNext) {
// Focus the editor, but don't steal focus from the split console.
if (!DebuggerController._toolbox.isSplitConsoleFocused()) {
* Handler for the thread client's resumed notification.
_onResumed: function () {
// Prepare the watch expression evaluation string for the next pause.
if (this._currentFrameDescription != FRAME_TYPE.WATCH_EXPRESSIONS_EVAL) {
this._currentWatchExpressions = this._syncedWatchExpressions;
* Handler for the thread client's framesadded notification.
_onFrames: Task.async(function* () {
// Ignore useless notifications.
if (!this.activeThread || !this.activeThread.cachedFrames.length) {
if (this._currentFrameDescription != FRAME_TYPE.NORMAL &&
this._currentFrameDescription != FRAME_TYPE.PUBLIC_CLIENT_EVAL) {
// TODO: remove all of this deprecated code: Bug 990137.
yield this._handleConditionalBreakpoint();
// TODO: handle all of this server-side: Bug 832470, comment 14.
yield this._handleWatchExpressions();
// Make sure the debugger view panes are visible, then refill the frames.
// No additional processing is necessary for this stack frame.
if (this._currentFrameDescription != FRAME_TYPE.NORMAL) {
this._currentFrameDescription = FRAME_TYPE.NORMAL;
* Fill the StackFrames view with the frames we have in the cache, compressing
* frames which have black boxed sources into single frames.
_refillFrames: function () {
// Make sure all the previous stackframes are removed before re-adding them.
for (let frame of this.activeThread.cachedFrames) {
let { depth, source, where: { line, column } } = frame;
let isBlackBoxed = source ? this.activeThread.source(source).isBlackBoxed : false;
DebuggerView.StackFrames.addFrame(frame, line, column, depth, isBlackBoxed);
DebuggerView.StackFrames.selectedDepth = Math.max(this.currentFrameDepth, 0);
DebuggerView.StackFrames.dirty = this.activeThread.moreFrames;
* Handler for the thread client's framescleared notification.
_onFramesCleared: function () {
switch (this._currentFrameDescription) {
this._currentEvaluation = null;
this._currentException = null;
this._currentReturnedValue = null;
this._currentBreakpointLocation = null;
this._currentWatchExpressions = null;
// After each frame step (in, over, out), framescleared is fired, which
// forces the UI to be emptied and rebuilt on framesadded. Most of the times
// this is not necessary, and will result in a brief redraw flicker.
// To avoid it, invalidate the UI only after a short time if necessary.
setNamedTimeout("frames-cleared", FRAME_STEP_CLEAR_DELAY, this._afterFramesCleared);
* Handler for the debugger's blackboxchange notification.
_onBlackBoxChange: function () {
if (this.activeThread.state == "paused") {
// Hack to avoid selecting the topmost frame after blackboxing a source.
this.currentFrameDepth = NaN;
* Handler for the debugger's prettyprintchange notification.
_onPrettyPrintChange: function () {
if (this.activeThread.state != "paused") {
// Makes sure the selected source remains selected
// after the fillFrames is called.
const source = DebuggerView.Sources.selectedValue;
this.activeThread.fillFrames(CALL_STACK_PAGE_SIZE, () => {
DebuggerView.Sources.selectedValue = source;
* Called soon after the thread client's framescleared notification.
_afterFramesCleared: function () {
// Ignore useless notifications.
if (this.activeThread.cachedFrames.length) {
* Marks the stack frame at the specified depth as selected and updates the
* properties view with the stack frame's data.
* @param number aDepth
* The depth of the frame in the stack.
selectFrame: function (aDepth) {
// Make sure the frame at the specified depth exists first.
let frame = this.activeThread.cachedFrames[this.currentFrameDepth = aDepth];
if (!frame) {
// Check if the frame does not represent the evaluation of debuggee code.
let { environment, where, source } = frame;
if (!environment) {
// Don't change the editor's location if the execution was paused by a
// public client evaluation. This is useful for adding overlays on
// top of the editor, like a variable inspection popup.
let isClientEval = this._currentFrameDescription == FRAME_TYPE.PUBLIC_CLIENT_EVAL;
let isPopupShown = DebuggerView.VariableBubble.contentsShown();
if (!isClientEval && !isPopupShown) {
// Move the editor's caret to the proper url and line.
DebuggerView.setEditorLocation(, where.line);
} else {
// Highlight the line where the execution is paused in the editor.
DebuggerView.setEditorLocation(, where.line, { noCaret: true });
// Highlight the breakpoint at the line and column if it exists.
// Don't display the watch expressions textbox inputs in the pane.
// Start recording any added variables or properties in any scope and
// clear existing scopes to create each one dynamically.
// If watch expressions evaluation results are available, create a scope
// to contain all the values.
if (this._syncedWatchExpressions && aDepth == 0) {
let label = L10N.getStr("watchExpressionsScopeLabel");
let scope = DebuggerView.Variables.addScope(label,
// Customize the scope for holding watch expressions evaluations.
scope.descriptorTooltip = false;
scope.contextMenuId = "debuggerWatchExpressionsContextMenu";
scope.separatorStr = L10N.getStr("watchExpressionsSeparatorLabel2");
scope.switch = DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.switchExpression;
scope.delete = DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.deleteExpression;
// The evaluation hasn't thrown, so fetch and add the returned results.
this._fetchWatchExpressions(scope, this._currentEvaluation.return);
// The watch expressions scope is always automatically expanded.
do {
// Create a scope to contain all the inspected variables in the
// current environment.
let label = StackFrameUtils.getScopeLabel(environment);
let scope = DebuggerView.Variables.addScope(label);
let innermost = environment == frame.environment;
// Handle special additions to the innermost scope.
if (innermost) {
this._insertScopeFrameReferences(scope, frame);
// Handle the expansion of the scope, lazily populating it with the
// variables in the current environment.
DebuggerView.Variables.controller.addExpander(scope, environment);
// The innermost scope is always automatically expanded, because it
// contains the variables in the current stack frame which are likely to
// be inspected. The previously expanded scopes are also reexpanded here.
if (innermost || DebuggerView.Variables.wasExpanded(scope)) {
} while ((environment = environment.parent));
// Signal that scope environments have been shown.
* Loads more stack frames from the debugger server cache.
addMoreFrames: function () {
this.activeThread.cachedFrames.length + CALL_STACK_PAGE_SIZE);
* Evaluate an expression in the context of the selected frame.
* @param string aExpression
* The expression to evaluate.
* @param object aOptions [optional]
* Additional options for this client evaluation:
* - depth: the frame depth used for evaluation, 0 being the topmost.
* - meta: some meta-description for what this evaluation represents.
* @return object
* A promise that is resolved when the evaluation finishes,
* or rejected if there was no stack frame available or some
* other error occurred.
evaluate: function (aExpression, aOptions = {}) {
let depth = "depth" in aOptions ? aOptions.depth : this.currentFrameDepth;
let frame = this.activeThread.cachedFrames[depth];
if (frame == null) {
return promise.reject(new Error("No stack frame available."));
let deferred = promise.defer();
this.activeThread.addOneTimeListener("paused", (aEvent, aPacket) => {
let { type, frameFinished } = aPacket.why;
if (type == "clientEvaluated") {
} else {
deferred.reject(new Error("Active thread paused unexpectedly."));
let meta = "meta" in aOptions ? aOptions.meta : FRAME_TYPE.PUBLIC_CLIENT_EVAL;
this._currentFrameDescription = meta;
this.activeThread.eval(, aExpression);
return deferred.promise;
* Add nodes for special frame references in the innermost scope.
* @param Scope aScope
* The scope where the references will be placed into.
* @param object aFrame
* The frame to get some references from.
_insertScopeFrameReferences: function (aScope, aFrame) {
// Add any thrown exception.
if (this._currentException) {
let excRef = aScope.addItem("<exception>", { value: this._currentException },
{ internalItem: true });
DebuggerView.Variables.controller.addExpander(excRef, this._currentException);
// Add any returned value.
if (this._currentReturnedValue) {
let retRef = aScope.addItem("<return>",
{ value: this._currentReturnedValue },
{ internalItem: true });
DebuggerView.Variables.controller.addExpander(retRef, this._currentReturnedValue);
// Add "this".
if (aFrame.this) {
let thisRef = aScope.addItem("this", { value: aFrame.this });
DebuggerView.Variables.controller.addExpander(thisRef, aFrame.this);
* Handles conditional breakpoints when the debugger pauses and the
* stackframes are received.
* We moved conditional breakpoint handling to the server, but
* need to support it in the client for a while until most of the
* server code in production is updated with it.
* TODO: remove all of this deprecated code: Bug 990137.
* @return object
* A promise that is resolved after a potential breakpoint's
* conditional expression is evaluated. If there's no breakpoint
* where the debugger is paused, the promise is resolved immediately.
_handleConditionalBreakpoint: Task.async(function* () {
if (gClient.mainRoot.traits.conditionalBreakpoints) {
let breakLocation = this._currentBreakpointLocation;
if (!breakLocation) {
let bp = queries.getBreakpoint(DebuggerController.getState(), {
line: breakLocation.line
let conditionalExpression = bp.condition;
if (!conditionalExpression) {
// Evaluating the current breakpoint's conditional expression will
// cause the stack frames to be cleared and active thread to pause,
// sending a 'clientEvaluated' packed and adding the frames again.
let evaluationOptions = { depth: 0, meta: FRAME_TYPE.CONDITIONAL_BREAKPOINT_EVAL };
yield this.evaluate(conditionalExpression, evaluationOptions);
this._currentFrameDescription = FRAME_TYPE.NORMAL;
// If the breakpoint's conditional expression evaluation is falsy
// and there is no exception, automatically resume execution.
if (!this._currentEvaluation.throw &&
VariablesView.isFalsy({ value: this._currentEvaluation.return })) {
* Handles watch expressions when the debugger pauses and the stackframes
* are received.
* @return object
* A promise that is resolved after the potential watch expressions
* are evaluated. If there are no watch expressions where the debugger
* is paused, the promise is resolved immediately.
_handleWatchExpressions: Task.async(function* () {
// Ignore useless notifications.
if (!this.activeThread || !this.activeThread.cachedFrames.length) {
let watchExpressions = this._currentWatchExpressions;
if (!watchExpressions) {
// Evaluation causes the stack frames to be cleared and active thread to
// pause, sending a 'clientEvaluated' packet and adding the frames again.
let evaluationOptions = { depth: 0, meta: FRAME_TYPE.WATCH_EXPRESSIONS_EVAL };
yield this.evaluate(watchExpressions, evaluationOptions);
this._currentFrameDescription = FRAME_TYPE.NORMAL;
// If an error was thrown during the evaluation of the watch expressions
// or the evaluation was terminated from the slow script dialog, then at
// least one expression evaluation could not be performed. So remove the
// most recent watch expression and try again.
if (this._currentEvaluation.throw || this._currentEvaluation.terminated) {
yield DebuggerController.StackFrames.syncWatchExpressions();
* Adds the watch expressions evaluation results to a scope in the view.
* @param Scope aScope
* The scope where the watch expressions will be placed into.
* @param object aExp
* The grip of the evaluation results.
_fetchWatchExpressions: function (aScope, aExp) {
// Fetch the expressions only once.
if (aScope._fetched) {
aScope._fetched = true;
// Add nodes for every watch expression in scope.
this.activeThread.pauseGrip(aExp).getPrototypeAndProperties(aResponse => {
let ownProperties = aResponse.ownProperties;
let totalExpressions = DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.itemCount;
for (let i = 0; i < totalExpressions; i++) {
let name = DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.getString(i);
let expVal = ownProperties[i].value;
let expRef = aScope.addItem(name, ownProperties[i]);
DebuggerView.Variables.controller.addExpander(expRef, expVal);
// Revert some of the custom watch expressions scope presentation flags,
// so that they don't propagate to child items.
expRef.switch = null;
expRef.delete = null;
expRef.descriptorTooltip = true;
expRef.separatorStr = L10N.getStr("variablesSeparatorLabel");
// Signal that watch expressions have been fetched.
* Updates a list of watch expressions to evaluate on each pause.
* TODO: handle all of this server-side: Bug 832470, comment 14.
syncWatchExpressions: function () {
let list = DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.getAllStrings();
// Sanity check all watch expressions before syncing them. To avoid
// having the whole watch expressions array throw because of a single
// faulty expression, simply convert it to a string describing the error.
// There's no other information necessary to be offered in such cases.
let sanitizedExpressions = => {
// Reflect.parse throws when it encounters a syntax error.
try {
return aString; // Watch expression can be executed safely.
} catch (e) {
return "\"" + + ": " + e.message + "\""; // Syntax error.
if (!sanitizedExpressions.length) {
this._currentWatchExpressions = null;
this._syncedWatchExpressions = null;
} else {
this._syncedWatchExpressions =
this._currentWatchExpressions = "[" + =>
"eval(\"" +
"try {" +
// Make sure all quotes are escaped in the expression's syntax,
// and add a newline after the statement to avoid comments
// breaking the code integrity inside the eval block.
aString.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/"/g, "\\$&") + "\" + " + "'\\n'" + " + \"" +
"} catch (e) {" +
" + ': ' + e.message;" + // TODO: Bug 812765, 812764.
"}" +
).join(",") +
this.currentFrameDepth = -1;
return this._onFrames();
* Shortcuts for accessing various debugger preferences.
var Prefs = new PrefsHelper("devtools", {
workersAndSourcesWidth: ["Int", "debugger.ui.panes-workers-and-sources-width"],
instrumentsWidth: ["Int", "debugger.ui.panes-instruments-width"],
panesVisibleOnStartup: ["Bool", "debugger.ui.panes-visible-on-startup"],
variablesSortingEnabled: ["Bool", "debugger.ui.variables-sorting-enabled"],
variablesOnlyEnumVisible: ["Bool", "debugger.ui.variables-only-enum-visible"],
variablesSearchboxVisible: ["Bool", "debugger.ui.variables-searchbox-visible"],
pauseOnExceptions: ["Bool", "debugger.pause-on-exceptions"],
ignoreCaughtExceptions: ["Bool", "debugger.ignore-caught-exceptions"],
sourceMapsEnabled: ["Bool", "debugger.source-maps-enabled"],
prettyPrintEnabled: ["Bool", "debugger.pretty-print-enabled"],
autoPrettyPrint: ["Bool", ""],
workersEnabled: ["Bool", "debugger.workers"],
editorTabSize: ["Int", "editor.tabsize"],
autoBlackBox: ["Bool", ""],
promiseDebuggerEnabled: ["Bool", "debugger.promise"]
* Convenient way of emitting events from the panel window.
* Preliminary setup for the DebuggerController object.
DebuggerController.Parser = new Parser();
DebuggerController.Workers = new Workers();
DebuggerController.ThreadState = new ThreadState();
DebuggerController.StackFrames = new StackFrames();
* Export some properties to the global scope for easier access.
Object.defineProperties(window, {
"gTarget": {
get: function () {
return DebuggerController._target;
configurable: true
"gHostType": {
get: function () {
return DebuggerView._hostType;
configurable: true
"gClient": {
get: function () {
return DebuggerController.client;
configurable: true
"gThreadClient": {
get: function () {
return DebuggerController.activeThread;
configurable: true
"gCallStackPageSize": {
get: function () {
configurable: true
* Helper method for debugging.
* @param string
function dumpn(str) {
if (wantLogging) {
dump("DBG-FRONTEND: " + str + "\n");
var wantLogging = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log");