
754 строки
31 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* */
"use strict";
var gTestTab;
var gContentAPI;
var gContentWindow;
function getHeartbeatNotification(aId, aChromeWindow = window) {
let notificationBox = aChromeWindow.document.getElementById("high-priority-global-notificationbox");
// UITour.jsm prefixes the notification box ID with "heartbeat-" to prevent collisions.
return notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("heartbeat-" + aId);
* Simulate a click on a rating element in the Heartbeat notification.
* @param aId
* The id of the notification box.
* @param aScore
* The score related to the rating element we want to click on.
function simulateVote(aId, aScore) {
let notification = getHeartbeatNotification(aId);
let ratingContainer = notification.childNodes[0];
ok(ratingContainer, "The notification has a valid rating container.");
let ratingElement = ratingContainer.getElementsByAttribute("data-score", aScore);
ok(ratingElement[0], "The rating container contains the requested rating element.");
* Simulate a click on the learn-more link.
* @param aId
* The id of the notification box.
function clickLearnMore(aId) {
let notification = getHeartbeatNotification(aId);
let learnMoreLabel = notification.childNodes[2];
ok(learnMoreLabel, "The notification has a valid learn more label.");;
* Remove the notification box.
* @param aId
* The id of the notification box to remove.
* @param [aChromeWindow=window]
* The chrome window the notification box is in.
function cleanUpNotification(aId, aChromeWindow = window) {
let notification = getHeartbeatNotification(aId, aChromeWindow);
* Check telemetry payload for proper format and expected content.
* @param aPayload
* The Telemetry payload to verify
* @param aFlowId
* Expected value of the flowId field.
* @param aExpectedFields
* Array of expected fields. No other fields are allowed.
function checkTelemetry(aPayload, aFlowId, aExpectedFields) {
// Basic payload format
is(aPayload.version, 1, "Telemetry ping must have heartbeat version=1");
is(aPayload.flowId, aFlowId, "Flow ID in the Telemetry ping must match");
// Check for superfluous fields
let extraKeys = new Set(Object.keys(aPayload));
// Check for expected fields
for (let field of aExpectedFields) {
ok(field in aPayload, "The payload should have the field '" + field + "'");
if (field.endsWith("TS")) {
let ts = aPayload[field];
ok(Number.isInteger(ts) && ts > 0, "Timestamp '" + field + "' must be a natural number");
is(extraKeys.size, 0, "No unexpected fields in the Telemetry payload");
* Waits for an UITour notification dispatched through |UITour.notify|. This should be
* done with |gContentAPI.observe|. Unfortunately, in e10s, |gContentAPI.observe| doesn't
* allow for multiple calls to the same callback, allowing to catch just the first
* notification.
* @param aEventName
* The notification name to wait for.
* @return {Promise} Resolved with the data that comes with the event.
function promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification(aEventName) {
return ContentTask.spawn(gTestTab.linkedBrowser, aEventName, (aContentEventName) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
addEventListener("mozUITourNotification", function listener(event) {
if (event.detail.event !== aContentEventName) {
removeEventListener("mozUITourNotification", listener, false);
}, false);
* Waits for UITour notifications dispatched through |UITour.notify|. This works like
* |promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification|, but waits for all the passed notifications to
* be received before resolving. If it receives an unaccounted notification, it rejects.
* @param events
* An array of expected notification names to wait for.
* @return {Promise} Resolved with the data that comes with the event. Rejects with the
* name of an undesired notification if received.
function promiseWaitExpectedNotifications(events) {
return ContentTask.spawn(gTestTab.linkedBrowser, events, contentEvents => {
let stillToReceive = contentEvents;
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
addEventListener("mozUITourNotification", function listener(event) {
if (stillToReceive.includes(event.detail.event)) {
// Filter out the received event.
stillToReceive = stillToReceive.filter(x => x !== event.detail.event);
} else {
removeEventListener("mozUITourNotification", listener, false);
// We still need to catch some notifications. Don't do anything.
if (stillToReceive.length > 0) {
// We don't need to listen for other notifications. Resolve the promise.
removeEventListener("mozUITourNotification", listener, false);
}, false);
function validateTimestamp(eventName, timestamp) {
info("'" + eventName + "' notification received (timestamp " + timestamp.toString() + ").");
ok(Number.isFinite(timestamp), "Timestamp must be a number.");
add_task(function* test_setup() {
yield setup_UITourTest();
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
* Check that the "stars" heartbeat UI correctly shows and closes.
add_UITour_task(function* test_heartbeat_stars_show() {
let flowId = "ui-ratefirefox-" + Math.random();
let engagementURL = "";
// We need to call |gContentAPI.observe| at least once to set a valid |notificationListener|
// in UITour-lib.js, otherwise no message will get propagated.
gContentAPI.observe(() => {});
let receivedExpectedPromise = promiseWaitExpectedNotifications(
["Heartbeat:NotificationOffered", "Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", "Heartbeat:TelemetrySent"]);
// Show the Heartbeat notification and wait for it to be displayed.
let shownPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationOffered");
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("How would you rate Firefox?", "Thank you!", flowId, engagementURL);
// Validate the returned timestamp.
let data = yield shownPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:Offered", data.timestamp);
// Close the heartbeat notification.
let closedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed");
let pingSentPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:TelemetrySent");
data = yield closedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", data.timestamp);
data = yield pingSentPromise;
info("'Heartbeat:TelemetrySent' notification received");
checkTelemetry(data, flowId, ["offeredTS", "closedTS"]);
// This rejects whenever an unexpected notification is received.
yield receivedExpectedPromise;
* Check that the heartbeat UI correctly takes optional icon URL.
add_UITour_task(function* test_heartbeat_take_optional_icon_URL() {
let flowId = "ui-ratefirefox-" + Math.random();
let engagementURL = "";
let iconURL = "chrome://branding/content/icon48.png";
// We need to call |gContentAPI.observe| at least once to set a valid |notificationListener|
// in UITour-lib.js, otherwise no message will get propagated.
gContentAPI.observe(() => {});
let receivedExpectedPromise = promiseWaitExpectedNotifications(
["Heartbeat:NotificationOffered", "Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", "Heartbeat:TelemetrySent"]);
// Show the Heartbeat notification and wait for it to be displayed.
let shownPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationOffered");
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("How would you rate Firefox?", "Thank you!", flowId, engagementURL, null, null, {
// Validate the returned timestamp.
let data = yield shownPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:Offered", data.timestamp);
// Check the icon URL
let notification = getHeartbeatNotification(flowId);
is(notification.image, iconURL, "The optional icon URL is not taken correctly");
// Close the heartbeat notification.
let closedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed");
let pingSentPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:TelemetrySent");
data = yield closedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", data.timestamp);
data = yield pingSentPromise;
info("'Heartbeat:TelemetrySent' notification received");
checkTelemetry(data, flowId, ["offeredTS", "closedTS"]);
// This rejects whenever an unexpected notification is received.
yield receivedExpectedPromise;
* Test that the heartbeat UI correctly works with null engagement URL.
add_UITour_task(function* test_heartbeat_null_engagementURL() {
let flowId = "ui-ratefirefox-" + Math.random();
let originalTabCount = gBrowser.tabs.length;
// We need to call |gContentAPI.observe| at least once to set a valid |notificationListener|
// in UITour-lib.js, otherwise no message will get propagated.
gContentAPI.observe(() => {});
let receivedExpectedPromise = promiseWaitExpectedNotifications(["Heartbeat:NotificationOffered",
"Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", "Heartbeat:Voted", "Heartbeat:TelemetrySent"]);
// Show the Heartbeat notification and wait for it to be displayed.
let shownPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationOffered");
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("How would you rate Firefox?", "Thank you!", flowId, null);
// Validate the returned timestamp.
let data = yield shownPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:Offered", data.timestamp);
// Wait an the Voted, Closed and Telemetry Sent events. They are fired together, so
// wait for them here.
let closedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed");
let votedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:Voted");
let pingSentPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:TelemetrySent");
// The UI was just shown. We can simulate a click on a rating element (i.e., "star").
simulateVote(flowId, 2);
data = yield votedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:Voted", data.timestamp);
// Validate the closing timestamp.
data = yield closedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", data.timestamp);
is(gBrowser.tabs.length, originalTabCount, "No engagement tab should be opened.");
// Validate the data we send out.
data = yield pingSentPromise;
info("'Heartbeat:TelemetrySent' notification received.");
checkTelemetry(data, flowId, ["offeredTS", "votedTS", "closedTS", "score"]);
is(data.score, 2, "Checking Telemetry payload.score");
// This rejects whenever an unexpected notification is received.
yield receivedExpectedPromise;
* Test that the heartbeat UI correctly works with an invalid, but non null, engagement URL.
add_UITour_task(function* test_heartbeat_invalid_engagement_URL() {
let flowId = "ui-ratefirefox-" + Math.random();
let originalTabCount = gBrowser.tabs.length;
let invalidEngagementURL = "invalidEngagement";
// We need to call |gContentAPI.observe| at least once to set a valid |notificationListener|
// in UITour-lib.js, otherwise no message will get propagated.
gContentAPI.observe(() => {});
let receivedExpectedPromise = promiseWaitExpectedNotifications(["Heartbeat:NotificationOffered",
"Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", "Heartbeat:Voted", "Heartbeat:TelemetrySent"]);
// Show the Heartbeat notification and wait for it to be displayed.
let shownPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationOffered");
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("How would you rate Firefox?", "Thank you!", flowId, invalidEngagementURL);
// Validate the returned timestamp.
let data = yield shownPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:Offered", data.timestamp);
// Wait an the Voted, Closed and Telemetry Sent events. They are fired together, so
// wait for them here.
let closedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed");
let votedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:Voted");
let pingSentPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:TelemetrySent");
// The UI was just shown. We can simulate a click on a rating element (i.e., "star").
simulateVote(flowId, 2);
data = yield votedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:Voted", data.timestamp);
// Validate the closing timestamp.
data = yield closedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", data.timestamp);
is(gBrowser.tabs.length, originalTabCount, "No engagement tab should be opened.");
// Validate the data we send out.
data = yield pingSentPromise;
info("'Heartbeat:TelemetrySent' notification received.");
checkTelemetry(data, flowId, ["offeredTS", "votedTS", "closedTS", "score"]);
is(data.score, 2, "Checking Telemetry payload.score");
// This rejects whenever an unexpected notification is received.
yield receivedExpectedPromise;
* Test that the score is correctly reported.
add_UITour_task(function* test_heartbeat_stars_vote() {
const expectedScore = 4;
let originalTabCount = gBrowser.tabs.length;
let flowId = "ui-ratefirefox-" + Math.random();
// We need to call |gContentAPI.observe| at least once to set a valid |notificationListener|
// in UITour-lib.js, otherwise no message will get propagated.
gContentAPI.observe(() => {});
let receivedExpectedPromise = promiseWaitExpectedNotifications(["Heartbeat:NotificationOffered",
"Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", "Heartbeat:Voted", "Heartbeat:TelemetrySent"]);
// Show the Heartbeat notification and wait for it to be displayed.
let shownPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationOffered");
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("How would you rate Firefox?", "Thank you!", flowId, null);
// Validate the returned timestamp.
let data = yield shownPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:Offered", data.timestamp);
// Wait an the Voted, Closed and Telemetry Sent events. They are fired together, so
// wait for them here.
let closedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed");
let votedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:Voted");
let pingSentPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:TelemetrySent");
// The UI was just shown. We can simulate a click on a rating element (i.e., "star").
simulateVote(flowId, expectedScore);
data = yield votedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:Voted", data.timestamp);
is(data.score, expectedScore, "Should report a score of " + expectedScore);
// Validate the closing timestamp and vote.
data = yield closedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", data.timestamp);
is(gBrowser.tabs.length, originalTabCount, "No engagement tab should be opened.");
// Validate the data we send out.
data = yield pingSentPromise;
info("'Heartbeat:TelemetrySent' notification received.");
checkTelemetry(data, flowId, ["offeredTS", "votedTS", "closedTS", "score"]);
is(data.score, expectedScore, "Checking Telemetry payload.score");
// This rejects whenever an unexpected notification is received.
yield receivedExpectedPromise;
* Test that the engagement page is correctly opened when voting.
add_UITour_task(function* test_heartbeat_engagement_tab() {
let engagementURL = "";
let flowId = "ui-ratefirefox-" + Math.random();
let originalTabCount = gBrowser.tabs.length;
const expectedTabCount = originalTabCount + 1;
// We need to call |gContentAPI.observe| at least once to set a valid |notificationListener|
// in UITour-lib.js, otherwise no message will get propagated.
gContentAPI.observe(() => {});
let receivedExpectedPromise = promiseWaitExpectedNotifications(["Heartbeat:NotificationOffered",
"Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", "Heartbeat:Voted", "Heartbeat:TelemetrySent"]);
// Show the Heartbeat notification and wait for it to be displayed.
let shownPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationOffered");
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("How would you rate Firefox?", "Thank you!", flowId, engagementURL);
// Validate the returned timestamp.
let data = yield shownPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:Offered", data.timestamp);
// Wait an the Voted, Closed and Telemetry Sent events. They are fired together, so
// wait for them here.
let closedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed");
let votedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:Voted");
let pingSentPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:TelemetrySent");
// The UI was just shown. We can simulate a click on a rating element (i.e., "star").
simulateVote(flowId, 1);
data = yield votedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:Voted", data.timestamp);
// Validate the closing timestamp, vote and make sure the engagement page was opened.
data = yield closedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", data.timestamp);
is(gBrowser.tabs.length, expectedTabCount, "Engagement URL should open in a new tab.");
// Validate the data we send out.
data = yield pingSentPromise;
info("'Heartbeat:TelemetrySent' notification received.");
checkTelemetry(data, flowId, ["offeredTS", "votedTS", "closedTS", "score"]);
is(data.score, 1, "Checking Telemetry payload.score");
// This rejects whenever an unexpected notification is received.
yield receivedExpectedPromise;
* Test that the engagement button opens the engagement URL.
add_UITour_task(function* test_heartbeat_engagement_button() {
let engagementURL = "";
let flowId = "ui-engagewithfirefox-" + Math.random();
let originalTabCount = gBrowser.tabs.length;
const expectedTabCount = originalTabCount + 1;
// We need to call |gContentAPI.observe| at least once to set a valid |notificationListener|
// in UITour-lib.js, otherwise no message will get propagated.
gContentAPI.observe(() => {});
let receivedExpectedPromise = promiseWaitExpectedNotifications(["Heartbeat:NotificationOffered",
"Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", "Heartbeat:Engaged", "Heartbeat:TelemetrySent"]);
// Show the Heartbeat notification and wait for it to be displayed.
let shownPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationOffered");
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("Do you want to engage with us?", "Thank you!", flowId, engagementURL, null, null, {
engagementButtonLabel: "Engage Me",
let data = yield shownPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:Offered", data.timestamp);
// Wait an the Engaged, Closed and Telemetry Sent events. They are fired together, so
// wait for them here.
let closedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed");
let engagedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:Engaged");
let pingSentPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:TelemetrySent");
// Simulate user engagement.
let notification = getHeartbeatNotification(flowId);
is(notification.querySelectorAll(".star-x").length, 0, "No stars should be present");
// The UI was just shown. We can simulate a click on the engagement button.
let engagementButton = notification.querySelector(".notification-button");
is(engagementButton.label, "Engage Me", "Check engagement button text");
data = yield engagedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:Engaged", data.timestamp);
// Validate the closing timestamp, vote and make sure the engagement page was opened.
data = yield closedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", data.timestamp);
is(gBrowser.tabs.length, expectedTabCount, "Engagement URL should open in a new tab.");
// Validate the data we send out.
data = yield pingSentPromise;
info("'Heartbeat:TelemetrySent' notification received.");
checkTelemetry(data, flowId, ["offeredTS", "engagedTS", "closedTS"]);
// This rejects whenever an unexpected notification is received.
yield receivedExpectedPromise;
* Test that the learn more link is displayed and that the page is correctly opened when
* clicking on it.
add_UITour_task(function* test_heartbeat_learnmore() {
let dummyURL = "";
let flowId = "ui-ratefirefox-" + Math.random();
let originalTabCount = gBrowser.tabs.length;
const expectedTabCount = originalTabCount + 1;
// We need to call |gContentAPI.observe| at least once to set a valid |notificationListener|
// in UITour-lib.js, otherwise no message will get propagated.
gContentAPI.observe(() => {});
let receivedExpectedPromise = promiseWaitExpectedNotifications(["Heartbeat:NotificationOffered",
"Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", "Heartbeat:LearnMore", "Heartbeat:TelemetrySent"]);
// Show the Heartbeat notification and wait for it to be displayed.
let shownPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationOffered");
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("How would you rate Firefox?", "Thank you!", flowId, dummyURL,
"What is this?", dummyURL);
let data = yield shownPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:Offered", data.timestamp);
// Wait an the LearnMore, Closed and Telemetry Sent events. They are fired together, so
// wait for them here.
let closedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed");
let learnMorePromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:LearnMore");
let pingSentPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:TelemetrySent");
// The UI was just shown. Simulate a click on the learn more link.
data = yield learnMorePromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:LearnMore", data.timestamp);
// The notification was closed.
data = yield closedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", data.timestamp);
is(gBrowser.tabs.length, expectedTabCount, "Learn more URL should open in a new tab.");
// Validate the data we send out.
data = yield pingSentPromise;
info("'Heartbeat:TelemetrySent' notification received.");
checkTelemetry(data, flowId, ["offeredTS", "learnMoreTS", "closedTS"]);
// This rejects whenever an unexpected notification is received.
yield receivedExpectedPromise;
add_UITour_task(function* test_invalidEngagementButtonLabel() {
let engagementURL = "";
let flowId = "invalidEngagementButtonLabel-" + Math.random();
let eventPromise = promisePageEvent();
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("Do you want to engage with us?", "Thank you!", flowId, engagementURL,
null, null, {
engagementButtonLabel: 42,
yield eventPromise;
"Invalid engagementButtonLabel should prevent init");
add_UITour_task(function* test_privateWindowsOnly_noneOpen() {
let engagementURL = "";
let flowId = "privateWindowsOnly_noneOpen-" + Math.random();
let eventPromise = promisePageEvent();
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("Do you want to engage with us?", "Thank you!", flowId, engagementURL,
null, null, {
engagementButtonLabel: "Yes!",
privateWindowsOnly: true,
yield eventPromise;
"If there are no private windows opened, tour init should be prevented");
add_UITour_task(function* test_privateWindowsOnly_notMostRecent() {
let engagementURL = "";
let flowId = "notMostRecent-" + Math.random();
let privateWin = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({ private: true });
let mostRecentWin = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
let eventPromise = promisePageEvent();
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("Do you want to engage with us?", "Thank you!", flowId, engagementURL,
null, null, {
engagementButtonLabel: "Yes!",
privateWindowsOnly: true,
yield eventPromise;
is(getHeartbeatNotification(flowId, window), null,
"Heartbeat shouldn't appear in the default window");
is(!!getHeartbeatNotification(flowId, privateWin), true,
"Heartbeat should appear in the most recent private window");
is(getHeartbeatNotification(flowId, mostRecentWin), null,
"Heartbeat shouldn't appear in the most recent non-private window");
yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(mostRecentWin);
yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(privateWin);
add_UITour_task(function* test_privateWindowsOnly() {
let engagementURL = "";
let learnMoreURL = "";
let flowId = "ui-privateWindowsOnly-" + Math.random();
let privateWin = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({ private: true });
yield new Promise((resolve) => {
gContentAPI.observe(function(aEventName, aData) {
info(aEventName + " notification received: " + JSON.stringify(aData, null, 2));
ok(false, "No heartbeat notifications should arrive for privateWindowsOnly");
}, resolve);
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("Do you want to engage with us?", "Thank you!", flowId, engagementURL,
"Learn More", learnMoreURL, {
engagementButtonLabel: "Yes!",
privateWindowsOnly: true,
yield promisePageEvent();
ok(isTourBrowser(gBrowser.selectedBrowser), "UITour should have been init for the browser");
let notification = getHeartbeatNotification(flowId, privateWin);
is(notification.querySelectorAll(".star-x").length, 0, "No stars should be present");
info("Test the learn more link.");
let learnMoreLink = notification.querySelector(".text-link");
is(learnMoreLink.value, "Learn More", "Check learn more label");
let learnMoreTabPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab(privateWin.gBrowser, null);;
let learnMoreTab = yield learnMoreTabPromise;
is(, "", "Check learn more site opened");
ok(PrivateBrowsingUtils.isBrowserPrivate(learnMoreTab.linkedBrowser), "Ensure the learn more tab is private");
yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(learnMoreTab);
info("Test the engagement button's new tab.");
let engagementButton = notification.querySelector(".notification-button");
is(engagementButton.label, "Yes!", "Check engagement button text");
let engagementTabPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab(privateWin.gBrowser, null);
let engagementTab = yield engagementTabPromise;
is(, "", "Check enagement site opened");
ok(PrivateBrowsingUtils.isBrowserPrivate(engagementTab.linkedBrowser), "Ensure the engagement tab is private");
yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(engagementTab);
yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(privateWin);
* Test that the survey closes itself after a while and submits Telemetry
add_UITour_task(function* test_telemetry_surveyExpired() {
let flowId = "survey-expired-" + Math.random();
let engagementURL = "";
let surveyDuration = 1; // 1 second (pref is in seconds)
Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.uitour.surveyDuration", surveyDuration);
// We need to call |gContentAPI.observe| at least once to set a valid |notificationListener|
// in UITour-lib.js, otherwise no message will get propagated.
gContentAPI.observe(() => {});
let receivedExpectedPromise = promiseWaitExpectedNotifications(["Heartbeat:NotificationOffered",
"Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", "Heartbeat:SurveyExpired", "Heartbeat:TelemetrySent"]);
// Show the Heartbeat notification and wait for it to be displayed.
let shownPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationOffered");
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("How would you rate Firefox?", "Thank you!", flowId, engagementURL);
let expiredPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:SurveyExpired");
let closedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed");
let pingPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:TelemetrySent");
yield Promise.all([shownPromise, expiredPromise, closedPromise]);
// Validate the ping data.
let data = yield pingPromise;
checkTelemetry(data, flowId, ["offeredTS", "expiredTS", "closedTS"]);
// This rejects whenever an unexpected notification is received.
yield receivedExpectedPromise;
* Check that certain whitelisted experiment parameters get reflected in the
* Telemetry ping
add_UITour_task(function* test_telemetry_params() {
let flowId = "telemetry-params-" + Math.random();
let engagementURL = "";
let extraParams = {
"surveyId": "foo",
"surveyVersion": 1.5,
"testing": true,
"notWhitelisted": 123,
let expectedFields = ["surveyId", "surveyVersion", "testing"];
// We need to call |gContentAPI.observe| at least once to set a valid |notificationListener|
// in UITour-lib.js, otherwise no message will get propagated.
gContentAPI.observe(() => {});
let receivedExpectedPromise = promiseWaitExpectedNotifications(
["Heartbeat:NotificationOffered", "Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", "Heartbeat:TelemetrySent"]);
// Show the Heartbeat notification and wait for it to be displayed.
let shownPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationOffered");
gContentAPI.showHeartbeat("How would you rate Firefox?", "Thank you!",
flowId, engagementURL, null, null, extraParams);
yield shownPromise;
let closedPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed");
let pingPromise = promiseWaitHeartbeatNotification("Heartbeat:TelemetrySent");
// The notification was closed.
let data = yield closedPromise;
validateTimestamp("Heartbeat:NotificationClosed", data.timestamp);
// Validate the data we send out.
data = yield pingPromise;
info("'Heartbeat:TelemetrySent' notification received.");
checkTelemetry(data, flowId, ["offeredTS", "closedTS"].concat(expectedFields));
for (let param of expectedFields) {
is(data[param], extraParams[param],
"Whitelisted experiment configs should be copied into Telemetry pings");
// This rejects whenever an unexpected notification is received.
yield receivedExpectedPromise;