
358 строки
9.6 KiB

# make-jars [-f] [-v] [-l] [-d <chromeDir>] [-s <srcdir>] < <>
if ($^O ne "cygwin") {
# we'll be pulling in some stuff from the script directory
require FindBin;
import FindBin;
push @INC, $FindBin::Bin;
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Cwd;
use File::stat;
use Time::localtime;
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use IO::File;
require mozLock;
import mozLock;
my $objdir = getcwd;
my $baseFilesDir = ".";
if (defined($::opt_s)) {
$baseFilesDir = $::opt_s;
my $chromeDir = ".";
if (defined($::opt_d)) {
$chromeDir = $::opt_d;
my $verbose = 0;
if (defined($::opt_v)) {
$verbose = 1;
my $fileformat = "jar";
if (defined($::opt_f)) {
($fileformat = $::opt_f) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if ("$fileformat" ne "jar" &&
"$fileformat" ne "flat" &&
"$fileformat" ne "both") {
print "File format specified by -f option must be one of: jar, flat, or both.\n";
my $zipmoveopt = "";
if ("$fileformat" eq "jar") {
$zipmoveopt = "-m";
my $nofilelocks = 0;
if (defined($::opt_l)) {
$nofilelocks = 1;
my $autoreg = 1;
if (defined($::opt_a)) {
$autoreg = 0;
if ($verbose) {
print "make-jars "
. "-v -d $chromeDir "
. ($fileformat ? "-f $fileformat " : "")
. ($nofilelocks ? "-l " : "")
. ($baseFilesDir ? "-s $baseFilesDir " : "")
. "\n";
sub zipErrorCheck($$)
my ($err,$lockfile) = @_;
return if ($err == 0 || $err == 12);
mozUnlock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
die ("Error invoking zip: $err");
sub JarIt
my ($destPath, $jarfile, $args, $overrides) = @_;
my $oldDir = cwd();
if ("$fileformat" eq "flat") {
unlink("../$jarfile.jar") if ( -e "../$jarfile.jar");
return 0;
#print "cd $destPath/$jarfile\n";
my $lockfile = "../$jarfile.lck";
mozLock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
if (!($args eq "")) {
my $cwd = getcwd;
my $err = 0;
#print "zip $zipmoveopt -u ../$jarfile.jar $args\n";
# Handle posix cmdline limits (4096)
while (length($args) > 4000) {
#print "Exceeding POSIX cmdline limit: " . length($args) . "\n";
my $subargs = substr($args, 0, 3999);
my $pos = rindex($subargs, " ");
$subargs = substr($args, 0, $pos);
$args = substr($args, $pos);
#print "zip $zipmoveopt -u ../$jarfile.jar $subargs\n";
#print "Length of subargs: " . length($subargs) . "\n";
system("zip $zipmoveopt -u ../$jarfile.jar $subargs") == 0 or
$err = $? >> 8;
#print "Length of args: " . length($args) . "\n";
#print "zip $zipmoveopt -u ../$jarfile.jar $args\n";
system("zip $zipmoveopt -u ../$jarfile.jar $args") == 0 or
$err = $? >> 8;
if (!($overrides eq "")) {
my $err = 0;
print "+++ overriding $overrides\n";
while (length($args) > 4000) {
#print "Exceeding POSIX cmdline limit: " . length($args) . "\n";
my $subargs = substr($args, 0, 3999);
my $pos = rindex($subargs, " ");
$subargs = substr($args, 0, $pos);
$args = substr($args, $pos);
#print "zip $zipmoveopt ../$jarfile.jar $subargs\n";
#print "Length of subargs: " . length($subargs) . "\n";
system("zip $zipmoveopt ../$jarfile.jar $subargs") == 0 or
$err = $? >> 8;
#print "zip $zipmoveopt ../$jarfile.jar $overrides\n";
system("zip $zipmoveopt ../$jarfile.jar $overrides\n") == 0 or
$err = $? >> 8;
mozUnlock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
#print "cd $oldDir\n";
sub RegIt
my ($chromeDir, $jarFileName, $chromeType, $pkgName) = @_;\
chop($pkgName) if ($pkgName =~ m/\/$/);
#print "RegIt: $chromeDir, $jarFileName, $chromeType, $pkgName\n";
my $line;
if ($fileformat eq "flat") {
$line = "$chromeType,install,url,resource:/chrome/$jarFileName/$chromeType/$pkgName/";
} else {
$line = "$chromeType,install,url,jar:resource:/chrome/$jarFileName.jar!/$chromeType/$pkgName/";
my $installedChromeFile = "$chromeDir/installed-chrome.txt";
my $lockfile = "$installedChromeFile.lck";
mozLock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
my $err = 0;
if (open(FILE, "<$installedChromeFile")) {
while (<FILE>) {
if ($_ =~ $line) {
# line already appears in installed-chrome.txt file
# just update the mod date
close(FILE) or $err = 1;
if ($err) {
mozUnlock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
die "error: can't close $installedChromeFile: $!";
my $now = time;
utime($now, $now, $installedChromeFile) or $err = 1;
mozUnlock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
if ($err) {
die "couldn't touch $installedChromeFile";
print "+++ updating chrome $installedChromeFile\n+++\t$line\n";
close(FILE) or $err = 1;
if ($err) {
mozUnlock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
die "error: can't close $installedChromeFile: $!";
mozUnlock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
my $dir = $installedChromeFile;
if ("$dir" =~ /([\w\d.\-\\\/\+]+)[\\\/]([\w\d.\-]+)/) {
$dir = $1;
mkpath($dir, 0, 0755);
mozLock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
$err = 0;
open(FILE, ">>$installedChromeFile") or $err = 1;
if ($err) {
mozUnlock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
die "can't open $installedChromeFile: $!";
print FILE "$line\n";
close(FILE) or $err = 1;
mozUnlock($lockfile) if (!$nofilelocks);
if ($err) {
die "error: can't close $installedChromeFile: $!";
print "+++ adding chrome $installedChromeFile\n+++\t$line\n";
sub EnsureFileInDir
my ($destPath, $srcPath, $destFile, $srcFile, $override) = @_;
#print "EnsureFileInDir($destPath, $srcPath, $destFile, $srcFile, $override)\n";
my $src = $srcFile;
if (defined($src)) {
if (! -e $src ) {
$src = "$srcPath/$srcFile";
else {
$src = "$srcPath/$destFile";
# check for the complete jar path in the dest dir
if (!-e $src) {
#else check for just the file name in the dest dir
my $dir = "";
my $file;
if ($destFile =~ /([\w\d.\-\_\\\/\+]+)[\\\/]([\w\d.\-\_]+)/) {
$dir = $1;
$file = $2;
else {
die "file not found: $srcPath/$destFile";
$src = "$srcPath/$file";
if (!-e $src) {
die "file not found: $srcPath/$destFile";
$srcPath = $src;
$destPath = "$destPath/$destFile";
my $srcStat = stat($srcPath);
my $srcMtime = $srcStat ? $srcStat->mtime : 0;
my $destStat = stat($destPath);
my $destMtime = $destStat ? $destStat->mtime : 0;
#print "destMtime = $destMtime, srcMtime = $srcMtime\n";
if (!-e $destPath || $destMtime < $srcMtime || $override) {
#print "copying $destPath, from $srcPath\n";
my $dir = "";
my $file;
if ($destPath =~ /([\w\d.\-\_\\\/\+]+)[\\\/]([\w\d.\-\_]+)/) {
$dir = $1;
$file = $2;
else {
$file = $destPath;
if ($srcPath) {
$file = $srcPath;
if (!-e $file) {
die "error: file '$file' doesn't exist";
if (!-e $dir) {
mkpath($dir, 0, 0775) || die "can't mkpath $dir: $!";
unlink $destPath; # in case we had a symlink on unix
copy($file, $destPath) || die "copy($file, $destPath) failed: $!";
# fix the mod date so we don't jar everything (is this faster than just jarring everything?)
my $mtime = stat($file)->mtime || die $!;
my $atime = stat($file)->atime;
$atime = $mtime if !defined($atime);
utime($atime, $mtime, $destPath);
return 1;
return 0;
while (<STDIN>) {
if (/^([\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+).jar\:\s*$/) {
my $jarfile = $1;
my $args = "";
my $overrides = "";
my $cwd = cwd();
print "+++ making chrome $cwd => $chromeDir/$jarfile.jar\n";
while (<STDIN>) {
if (/^\s+([\w\d.\-\_\\\/\+]+)\s*(\([\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+\))?$\s*/) {
my $dest = $1;
my $srcPath = defined($2) ? substr($2, 1, -1) : $2;
EnsureFileInDir("$chromeDir/$jarfile", $baseFilesDir, $dest, $srcPath, 0);
$args = "$args$dest ";
if ($autoreg && $dest =~ /([\w\d.\-\_\+]+)\/([\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+)contents.rdf/)
my $chrome_type = $1;
my $pkg_name = $2;
RegIt($chromeDir, $jarfile, $chrome_type, $pkg_name);
} elsif (/^\+\s+([\w\d.\-\_\\\/\+]+)\s*(\([\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+\))?$\s*/) {
my $dest = $1;
my $srcPath = defined($2) ? substr($2, 1, -1) : $2;
EnsureFileInDir("$chromeDir/$jarfile", $baseFilesDir, $dest, $srcPath, 1);
$overrides = "$overrides$dest ";
if ($autoreg && $dest =~ /([\w\d.\-\_\+]+)\/([\w\d.\-\_\\\/]+)contents.rdf/)
my $chrome_type = $1;
my $pkg_name = $2;
RegIt($chromeDir, $jarfile, $chrome_type, $pkg_name);
} elsif (/^\s*$/) {
# end with blank line
} else {
JarIt($chromeDir, $jarfile, $args, $overrides);
goto start;
JarIt($chromeDir, $jarfile, $args, $overrides);
} elsif (/^\s*\#.*$/) {
# skip comments
} elsif (/^\s*$/) {
# skip blank lines
} else {
die "bad jar rule head at: $_";