
819 строки
24 KiB

// ============================================================================
// ¥¥¥ QAP_AssistPP.cp
// ============================================================================
// QA Partner/Macintosh Driver Assistance Hook for
// PowerPlant Class Library applications
// Copyright © 1993-1997 Segue Software, Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
To use this assistance hook with your PowerPlant application, do the following:
1. #include "QAP_Assist.h" in the source file(s) in which you do steps 2 and 3 below.
2. In your main () function, add calls to the QAP_AssistHook before and after your
application's "Run" method, as follows
QAP_AssistHook (kQAPAppToForeground, 0, NULL, 0, 0);
QAP_AssistHook (kQAPAppToBackground, 0, NULL, 0, 0);
3. Sub-class LCommander::PutOnDuty and LCommander::TakeOffDuty (if you havn't already),
and add the following to them:
void CYourApplication::PutOnDuty ()
QAP_AssistHook (kQAPAppToForeground, 0, NULL, 0, 0);
LCommander::PutOnDuty ();
void CYourApplication::TakeOffDuty ()
LCommander::TakeOffDuty ();
QAP_AssistHook (kQAPAppToBackground, 0, NULL, 0, 0);
4. The assist hook now uses RTTI to resolve class id at runtime. Make sure RTTI
is enabled in your compiler preferences. Also, ensure that the LView static
class variable LView::sInFocusView and the instance variable LView::mSubPanes
are visible by tweaking 'LView.h' to declare them public.
5. Add QAP_AssistPP.cp to your project and rebuild.
#include "QAP_Assist.h"
#ifdef QAP_BUILD
#include <string.h>
#include <LButton.h>
#include <LCaption.h>
#include <LCicnButton.h>
#include <LControl.h>
#include <LEditField.h>
#include <LGroupBox.h>
#include <LIconPane.h>
#include <LListBox.h>
#include <LArrayIterator.h> //¥NETSCAPE: was LListIterator.h
#include <LPicture.h>
#include <LPlaceHolder.h>
#include <LStdControl.h>
#include <LTextButton.h>
#include <LTextEditView.h>
#include <LToggleButton.h>
#include <LView.h>
#include <LWindow.h>
#ifndef PARTNER // Segue internal use
# include <LGACheckBox.h>
# include <LGADisclosureTriangle.h>
# include <LGAPopup.h>
# include <LGAIconButtonPopup.h>
# include <LGAIconButton.h>
# include <LGAPushButton.h>
# include <LGATextButton.h>
# include <LGARadioButton.h>
#ifdef PARTNER // Segue internal use
# include "ZButton.h"
#include "CButton.h" //¥NETSCAPE: custom classes
#include "CPatternButtonPopup.h"
#ifndef FALSE //¥NETSCAPE: duh?
#define FALSE 0
// When the driver calls back QAP_AssistHook with the
// 'kQAPGetListContents' selector, it sets a wrong
// LPane* in 'l_handle'. This enables a workaround:
#pragma segment main
static short SetAssistHook (QAPAssistHookUPP assistHookUPP);
static void AddViewItem (LPane * lpanep, PWCINFO wcp, short * sp_count, short s_type, short s_cls, Handle h);
static short GetWindowContents (WindowPtr winp, PWCINFO wcp, short s_max);
static short GetListInfo (LPane * lpanep, PQAPLISTINFO p_buffer); //¥NETSCAPE: added
static short GetListContents (LPane * lpanep, Ptr p_buffer, short s_val); //¥NETSCAPE: added
static short LPaneGetContents (LPane * lpanep, PWCINFO wcp, short * sp_count, short s_max);
static short LPaneGetTextInfo (LPane * lpanep, PTEXTINFO textInfop);
static short LPaneGetCustomItemName (LPane * lpanep, char * cp_buf);
static short LPaneGetCustomItemValue (LPane * lpanep, long * l_value);
// NOTE: assumes that <MacHeaders> is automatically included
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ QAP_AssistHook
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// QAP_AssistHook is the actual assistance hook callback.
// - The kQAPGetListInfo and kQAPGetListContents cases were out-commented.
// - A5 was set/restored on each individual case and the GrafPort was not saved at all.
// We now do that at the beginning and the end of the function. Saving the GrafPort
// is necessary because of LPaneGetContents() => AddViewItem() => LPane::FocusDraw().
pascal short QAP_AssistHook (short s_selector, long l_handle, void * p_buffer, short s_val, long l_inAppA5)
short s_result;
long l_saveA5;
GrafPtr savePort;
// Set my A5 and grafport
if (l_inAppA5 != nil)
l_saveA5 = SetA5 (l_inAppA5); // line order...
::GetPort(&savePort); // ...does matter
/* Dispatch to the appropiate function and return the result. */
switch (s_selector)
case kQAPAppToForeground:
s_result = SetAssistHook (NewQAPAssistHook (QAP_AssistHook));
case kQAPAppToBackground:
s_result = SetAssistHook (NULL);
case kQAPGetWindowContents:
s_result = GetWindowContents ((WindowPtr) l_handle, (PWCINFO) p_buffer, s_val);
case kQAPGetCustomItemName:
LPaneGetCustomItemName ((LPane *) l_handle, (char *) p_buffer);
case kQAPGetCustomItemValue:
LPaneGetCustomItemValue ((LPane *) l_handle, (long *) p_buffer);
case kQAPGetTextInfo:
s_result = LPaneGetTextInfo ((LPane *) l_handle, (PTEXTINFO) p_buffer);
case kQAPGetListInfo:
// PowerPlant LListBox uses the Mac Toolbox ListManager, so QAP gets
// the information it needs from the ListHandle. If you use custom
// ListBoxes, this selector would be called to retrieve information about the ListBox.
s_result = GetListInfo ((LPane *) l_handle, (PQAPLISTINFO) p_buffer);
case kQAPGetListContents:
// PowerPlant LListBox uses the Mac Toolbox ListManager, so QAP gets
// the information it needs from the ListHandle. If you use custom
// ListBoxes, this selector would be called to retrieve the contents the ListBox.
s_result = GetListContents ((LPane *) l_handle, (Ptr) p_buffer, s_val);
s_result = 0;
// restore A5 and grafport
if (l_inAppA5 != nil)
::SetPort(savePort); // line order...
l_saveA5 = SetA5 (l_saveA5); // ...does matter
return s_result;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ SetAssistHook
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetAssistHook makes the appropriate PBControl call to the QA Partner driver to install
// the assistance hook callback
static short SetAssistHook (QAPAssistHookUPP assistHookUPP)
CntrlParam cp;
OSErr osErr;
if ((osErr = OpenDriver (QAP_DRIVER_NAME, &cp.ioCRefNum)) != 0)
return osErr;
cp.ioNamePtr = NULL;
cp.ioVRefNum = 0;
* (QAPAssistHookUPP *) & cp.csParam[0] = assistHookUPP;
* (long *) & cp.csParam[2] = (long) SetCurrentA5 ();
if ((osErr = PBControlSync ((ParmBlkPtr) & cp)) != 0)
return osErr;
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ AddViewItem
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AddViewItem adds a given item to the window contents list.
static void AddViewItem (LPane * lpanep, PWCINFO wcp, short * sp_count, short s_type, short s_cls, char * cp_name, Handle h)
wcp += * sp_count;
++ * sp_count;
wcp->type = s_type;
wcp->cls = s_cls;
wcp->handle = h;
if (cp_name)
strncpy (wcp->str, cp_name, MAC_NAME_SIZE-1);
if (lpanep)
lpanep->FocusDraw ();
lpanep->CalcPortFrameRect (wcp->rect);
wcp->flags = (lpanep->IsEnabled () ? 0 : WCF_DISABLED);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ GetWindowContents
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetWindowContents is called by the assistance hook to fill in the
// window contents structures for all the relevant views in a given window.
static short GetWindowContents (WindowPtr winp, PWCINFO wcp, short s_max)
LWindow * lwindowp;
short s_count = 0;
LView * lviewp_saveFocus;
lviewp_saveFocus = LView::GetInFocusView(); //¥NETSCAPE: was LView::sInFocusView;
lwindowp = LWindow::FetchWindowObject (winp);
if (lwindowp != nil)
LPaneGetContents (lwindowp, wcp, & s_count, s_max);
// The following call tells the QAP Agent that the list provided is incomplete.
// The Agent will go ahead and perform its usual traversal of toolbox data structures.
// If you do not want to perform this search, comment this line out.
AddViewItem (0, wcp, & s_count, WT_INCOMPLETE, 0, NULL, 0);
if (lviewp_saveFocus)
lviewp_saveFocus->FocusDraw ();
return s_count;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ GetListInfo //¥NETSCAPE: added
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static short GetListInfo (LPane * lpanep, PQAPLISTINFO p_buffer)
lpanep = (LPane *)(((long*)lpanep)[4]);
CQAPartnerTableMixin* qaTable = dynamic_cast <CQAPartnerTableMixin*> (lpanep);
if (qaTable != NULL)
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ GetListContents //¥NETSCAPE: added
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static short GetListContents (LPane * lpanep, Ptr p_buffer, short s_val)
lpanep = (LPane *)(((long*)lpanep)[4]);
CQAPartnerTableMixin* qaTable = dynamic_cast <CQAPartnerTableMixin*> (lpanep);
if (qaTable != NULL)
return (qaTable->QapGetListContents(p_buffer, s_val));
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ LPaneGetContents
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LPaneGetContents is called by GetWindowContents
// and recursively by itself to fill in some window contents structures
// for a given LPane.
static short LPaneGetContents (LPane * lpanep, PWCINFO wcp, short * sp_count, short s_max)
LView * lviewp;
LEditField * leditFieldp;
LListBox * llistBoxp;
LStdControl * lstdControlp;
LTextEditView * LTextEditViewp;
PaneIDT id;
Str255 str;
char str_name[MAC_NAME_SIZE];
if (* sp_count == s_max)
return 0;
if ((llistBoxp = dynamic_cast <LListBox*> (lpanep)) != NULL)
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_LIST_BOX, 0, NULL, (Handle) llistBoxp->GetMacListH ());
// Adjust bounding rect to exclude the scrollbars.
Rect r_adjusted = wcp [*sp_count-1].rect;
if ((** llistBoxp->GetMacListH ()).vScroll != NULL)
r_adjusted.right -= 15;
if ((** llistBoxp->GetMacListH ()).hScroll != NULL)
r_adjusted.bottom -= 15;
wcp [*sp_count-1].rect = r_adjusted;
goto Done;
if ((lstdControlp = dynamic_cast <LStdControl*> (lpanep)) != NULL)
((LCaption *) lpanep)->GetDescriptor (str);
p2cstr (str);
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_CONTROL, 0, (char *) str, (Handle) lstdControlp->GetMacControl ());
goto Done;
if ((leditFieldp = dynamic_cast <LEditField*> (lpanep)) != NULL)
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_TEXT_FIELD, 0, NULL, (Handle) leditFieldp->GetMacTEH ());
goto Done;
if ((LTextEditViewp = dynamic_cast <LTextEditView*> (lpanep)) != NULL)
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_TEXT_FIELD, 0, NULL, (Handle) LTextEditViewp->GetMacTEH ());
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <LGroupBox*> (lpanep) != NULL)
((LGroupBox *) lpanep)->GetDescriptor (str);
p2cstr (str);
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_STATIC_TEXT, (char *) str, (Handle) lpanep);
// Change bounding rect to textbox frame. To do this, you need to change the access modifier of
// LGroupBox::CalcTextBoxFrame() from protected to public.
// ((LGroupBox *) lpanep)->CalcTextBoxFrame (wcp [*sp_count-1].rect);
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <LCaption*> (lpanep) != NULL)
((LCaption *) lpanep)->GetDescriptor (str);
p2cstr (str);
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_STATIC_TEXT, (char *) str, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
#ifdef PARTNER
if (dynamic_cast <ZButton*> (lpanep) != NULL)
// For in-house use, call the ZButton method
((ZButton *) lpanep)->GetCDescriptor (str_name);
if (strcmp (str_name, "") == 0)
id = lpanep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) str_name = id;
str_name[4] = 0;
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_PUSH_BUTTON, str_name, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if ((dynamic_cast <LButton*> (lpanep) != NULL) ||
(dynamic_cast <LCicnButton*> (lpanep) != NULL))
// Return the pane id as control name
id = lpanep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) str_name = id;
str_name[4] = 0;
// Modify or override this to return window class WC_PUSH_BUTTON,
// WC_CHECK_BOX or WC_RADIO_BUTTON as appropriate for your use of LButton.
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_PUSH_BUTTON, str_name, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <LTextButton*> (lpanep) != NULL)
((LCaption *) lpanep)->GetDescriptor (str);
p2cstr (str);
// According to doc, LTextButton's default behaviour is that of a radio button.
// If this is not your case, change window class below as appropriate.
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_RADIO_BUTTON, (char *) str, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <LToggleButton*> (lpanep) != NULL)
// Return the pane id as control name
id = lpanep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) str_name = id;
str_name[4] = 0;
// LToggleButton is essentially a fancy check box.
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_CHECK_BOX, str_name, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <LIconPane*> (lpanep) != NULL)
// Return the pane id as control name
id = lpanep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) str_name = id;
str_name[4] = 0;
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_ICON, str_name, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <LPlaceHolder*> (lpanep) != NULL)
// Return the pane id as control name
id = lpanep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) str_name = id;
str_name[4] = 0;
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_CUSTOM, str_name, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
#ifndef PARTNER
if (dynamic_cast <LGACheckbox *> (lpanep) != NULL)
((LGACheckbox *) lpanep)->GetDescriptor (str);
p2cstr (str);
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_CHECK_BOX, (char *) str, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <LGADisclosureTriangle *> (lpanep) != NULL)
// Return the pane id as control name
id = lpanep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) str_name = id;
str_name[4] = 0;
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_CHECK_BOX, str_name /*¥NETSCAPE: was NULL*/, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <LGAPopup *> (lpanep) != NULL)
((LGAPopup *) lpanep)->GetDescriptor (str);
p2cstr (str);
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_POPUP_LIST, (char *) str, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <LGAIconButtonPopup *> (lpanep) != NULL)
// Return the pane id as control name
id = lpanep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) str_name = id;
str_name[4] = 0;
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_POPUP_LIST, str_name /*¥NETSCAPE: was NULL*/, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <LGAIconButton *> (lpanep) != NULL)
// Return the pane id as control name
id = lpanep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) str_name = id;
str_name[4] = 0;
switch (((LGAIconButton *) lpanep)->GetControlMode ())
case controlMode_Button:
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_PUSH_BUTTON, (char *) str_name /*¥NETSCAPE: was str*/, (Handle) lpanep);
case controlMode_RadioButton:
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_RADIO_BUTTON, (char *) str_name /*¥NETSCAPE: was str*/, (Handle) lpanep);
case controlMode_Switch:
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_CHECK_BOX, (char *) str_name /*¥NETSCAPE: was str*/, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if ((dynamic_cast <LGAPushButton *> (lpanep) != NULL) ||
(dynamic_cast <LGATextButton *> (lpanep) != NULL))
((LGAPopup *) lpanep)->GetDescriptor (str);
p2cstr (str);
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_PUSH_BUTTON, (char *) str, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <LGARadioButton *> (lpanep) != NULL)
((LGAPopup *) lpanep)->GetDescriptor (str);
p2cstr (str);
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_RADIO_BUTTON, (char *) str, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <LPicture*> (lpanep) != NULL)
// Return the pane id as control name
id = lpanep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) str_name = id;
str_name[4] = 0;
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_PICTURE, str_name, (Handle) lpanep);
// LPicture is subclassed from LView, and can have subViews. Don't exit.
//¥ NETSCAPE --- begin
if (dynamic_cast <CPatternButtonPopup *> (lpanep) != NULL)
// Return the pane id as control name
id = lpanep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) str_name = id;
str_name[4] = 0;
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_POPUP_LIST, str_name, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <CButton*> (lpanep) != NULL)
((CButton *)lpanep)->GetDescriptor(str);
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_PUSH_BUTTON, (char *) str, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
short s_type = WC_PUSH_BUTTON;
if (((CButton *)lpanep)->IsBehaviourRadio())
if (((CButton *)lpanep)->IsBehaviourToggle())
s_type = WC_CHECK_BOX;
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, s_type, (char *) str, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
if (dynamic_cast <CQAPartnerTableMixin*> (lpanep) != NULL)
id = lpanep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) str_name = id;
str_name[4] = 0;
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_LIST_BOX, (char *) str_name, (Handle) lpanep);
goto Done;
//¥ NETSCAPE --- end
//¥ NETSCAPE: below is the generic LView handler - put your custom types above
if ((lviewp = dynamic_cast <LView*> (lpanep)) != NULL)
LArrayIterator iterator (lviewp->GetSubPanes (), LArrayIterator::from_Start);
LPane * lpanep_sub;
while (iterator.Next (& lpanep_sub))
if (lpanep_sub->IsVisible ())
LPaneGetContents (lpanep_sub, wcp, sp_count, s_max);
if (* sp_count == s_max)
goto Done;
The following is a catch-all which will return any other LPane as a CustomWin, including
"cosmetic" LPanes with no functionality. If you don't want this to happen,
comment the next four lines out.
id = lpanep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) str_name = id;
str_name[4] = 0;
AddViewItem (lpanep, wcp, sp_count, WT_ASSIST_ITEM, WC_CUSTOM, str_name, (Handle) lpanep);
return * sp_count;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ LPaneGetTextInfo
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static short LPaneGetTextInfo (LPane * lpanep, PTEXTINFO textInfop)
LCaption * lcaptionp;
LGroupBox * lgroupBoxp;
memset (textInfop, 0, sizeof (TEXTINFO));
if ((lcaptionp = dynamic_cast <LCaption*> (lpanep)) != NULL)
lcaptionp->GetDescriptor ((unsigned char *) textInfop->buf);
textInfop->hTE = NULL;
textInfop->hasFocus = FALSE;
textInfop->len = textInfop->buf[0];
textInfop->handle = NULL;
textInfop->state = FALSE;
textInfop->ptr = (char *) & textInfop->buf[1];
if ((lgroupBoxp = dynamic_cast <LGroupBox*> (lpanep)) != NULL)
lgroupBoxp->GetDescriptor ((unsigned char *) textInfop->buf);
textInfop->hTE = NULL;
textInfop->hasFocus = FALSE;
textInfop->len = textInfop->buf[0];
textInfop->handle = NULL;
textInfop->state = FALSE;
textInfop->ptr = (char *) & textInfop->buf[1];
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ LPaneGetCustomItemName
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If you want the assist hook to return the name of a GUI object, to
// be used as the tag, make sure this function returns what you
// Name must be a NULL terminated c-string, shorter than 256 characters.
static short LPaneGetCustomItemName (LPane * lpanep, char * cp_buf)
* cp_buf = 0;
// For classes without obvious descriptor, by default we use the 4 character PaneID for tag.
// Change this if you want to return a different descriptor.
LButton * lbuttonp;
LCicnButton * lcicnButtonp;
LTextButton * ltextButtonp;
LToggleButton * ltoggleButtonp;
LPicture * lpicturep;
LIconPane * liconPanep;
PaneIDT id;
if ((lbuttonp = dynamic_cast <LButton *> (lpanep)) != NULL)
id = lbuttonp->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) cp_buf = id;
cp_buf[4] = 0;
goto Done;
if ((lcicnButtonp = dynamic_cast <LCicnButton *> (lpanep)) != NULL)
id = lbuttonp->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) cp_buf = id;
cp_buf[4] = 0;
goto Done;
if ((ltextButtonp = dynamic_cast <LTextButton *> (lpanep)) != NULL)
ltextButtonp->GetDescriptor ((unsigned char *) cp_buf);
p2cstr ((StringPtr) cp_buf);
goto Done;
if ((ltoggleButtonp = dynamic_cast <LToggleButton *> (lpanep)) != NULL)
id = ltoggleButtonp->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) cp_buf = id;
cp_buf[4] = 0;
goto Done;
if ((lpicturep = dynamic_cast <LPicture *> (lpanep)) != NULL)
id = lpicturep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) cp_buf = id;
cp_buf[4] = 0;
goto Done;
if ((liconPanep = dynamic_cast <LIconPane *> (lpanep)) != NULL)
id = liconPanep->GetPaneID ();
* (long *) cp_buf = id;
cp_buf[4] = 0;
goto Done;
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ LPaneGetCustomItemValue
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static short LPaneGetCustomItemValue (LPane * lpanep, long * l_value)
* l_value = 0;
LControl * lcontrolp;
if ((lcontrolp = dynamic_cast <LControl *> (lpanep)) != NULL)
* l_value = lcontrolp->GetValue ();
goto Done;
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ CQAPartnerTableMixin //¥NETSCAPE: added
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CQAPartnerTableMixin::CQAPartnerTableMixin(LTableView * inTable)
: mTableView(inTable)
short CQAPartnerTableMixin::QapGetListContents(Ptr pBuf, short index)
STableCell sTblCell;
short count = 0;
Ptr pLimit;
if (pBuf == NULL || mTableView == NULL)
return 0;
pLimit = pBuf + *(long *)pBuf;
TableIndexT outRows, outCols;
mTableView->GetTableSize(outRows, outCols);
switch (index)
mTableView->IndexToCell(1, sTblCell);
if (mTableView->IsValidCell(sTblCell))
if ((pBuf = QapAddCellToBuf(pBuf, pLimit, sTblCell)) != NULL)
count ++;
sTblCell.SetCell(sTblCell.row, outCols);
while (mTableView->GetNextCell(sTblCell));
sTblCell = mTableView->GetFirstSelectedCell();
if (mTableView->IsValidCell(sTblCell))
if ((pBuf = QapAddCellToBuf(pBuf, pLimit, sTblCell)) != NULL)
count ++;
sTblCell.SetCell(sTblCell.row, outCols);
while (mTableView->GetNextSelectedCell(sTblCell));
sTblCell.row = index + 1;
sTblCell.col = 1;
if (mTableView->IsValidCell(sTblCell))
if ((pBuf = QapAddCellToBuf(pBuf, pLimit, sTblCell)) != NULL)
count ++;
return count;
#endif // QAP_BUILD