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/* -*- Mode: Objective-C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#import "MOXWebAreaAccessible.h"
#import "MOXSearchInfo.h"
#include "nsCocoaUtils.h"
#include "DocAccessibleParent.h"
using namespace mozilla::a11y;
@implementation MOXRootGroup
- (id)initWithParent:(MOXWebAreaAccessible*)parent {
// The parent is always a MOXWebAreaAccessible
mParent = parent;
return [super init];
- (NSString*)moxRole {
return NSAccessibilityGroupRole;
- (NSString*)moxRoleDescription {
if ([[self moxSubrole] isEqualToString:@"AXLandmarkApplication"]) {
return utils::LocalizedString(u"application"_ns);
return NSAccessibilityRoleDescription(NSAccessibilityGroupRole, nil);
- (id<mozAccessible>)moxParent {
return mParent;
- (NSArray*)moxChildren {
// Reparent the children of the web area here.
return [mParent rootGroupChildren];
- (NSString*)moxIdentifier {
// This is mostly for testing purposes to assert that this is the generated
// root group.
return @"root-group";
- (NSString*)moxSubrole {
// Steal the subrole internally mapped to the web area.
return [mParent moxSubrole];
- (id)moxHitTest:(NSPoint)point {
return [mParent moxHitTest:point];
- (NSValue*)moxPosition {
return [mParent moxPosition];
- (NSValue*)moxSize {
return [mParent moxSize];
- (NSArray*)moxUIElementsForSearchPredicate:(NSDictionary*)searchPredicate {
MOXSearchInfo* search =
[[MOXSearchInfo alloc] initWithParameters:searchPredicate andRoot:self];
return [search performSearch];
- (NSNumber*)moxUIElementCountForSearchPredicate:
(NSDictionary*)searchPredicate {
return [NSNumber
numberWithDouble:[[self moxUIElementsForSearchPredicate:searchPredicate]
- (BOOL)disableChild:(id)child {
return NO;
- (void)expire {
mParent = nil;
[super expire];
- (BOOL)isExpired {
MOZ_ASSERT((mParent == nil) == mIsExpired);
return [super isExpired];
@implementation MOXWebAreaAccessible
- (NSString*)moxRole {
// The OS role is AXWebArea regardless of the gecko role
// If the web area has a role of APPLICATION, its root group will
// reflect that in a subrole/description.
return @"AXWebArea";
- (NSString*)moxRoleDescription {
// The role description is "HTML Content" regardless of the gecko role
return utils::LocalizedString(u"htmlContent"_ns);
- (NSURL*)moxURL {
if ([self isExpired]) {
return nil;
nsAutoString url;
if (mGeckoAccessible.IsAccessible()) {
DocAccessible* acc = mGeckoAccessible.AsAccessible()->AsDoc();
} else {
ProxyAccessible* proxy = mGeckoAccessible.AsProxy();
if (url.IsEmpty()) {
return nil;
return [NSURL URLWithString:nsCocoaUtils::ToNSString(url)];
- (NSNumber*)moxLoaded {
if ([self isExpired]) {
return nil;
// We are loaded if we aren't busy or stale
return @([self stateWithMask:(states::BUSY & states::STALE)] == 0);
// overrides
- (NSNumber*)moxLoadingProgress {
if ([self isExpired]) {
return nil;
if ([self stateWithMask:states::STALE] != 0) {
// We expose stale state until the document is ready (DOM is loaded and tree
// is constructed) so we indicate load hasn't started while this state is
// present.
return @0.0;
if ([self stateWithMask:states::BUSY] != 0) {
// We expose state busy until the document and all its subdocuments are
// completely loaded, so we indicate partial loading here
return @0.5;
// if we are not busy and not stale, we are loaded
return @1.0;
- (NSArray*)moxLinkUIElements {
NSDictionary* searchPredicate = @{
@"AXSearchKey" : @"AXLinkSearchKey",
@"AXImmediateDescendantsOnly" : @NO,
@"AXResultsLimit" : @(-1),
@"AXDirection" : @"AXDirectionNext",
return [self moxUIElementsForSearchPredicate:searchPredicate];
- (void)handleAccessibleEvent:(uint32_t)eventType {
switch (eventType) {
[self moxPostNotification:
if ((mGeckoAccessible.IsProxy() && mGeckoAccessible.AsProxy()->IsDoc() &&
mGeckoAccessible.AsProxy()->AsDoc()->IsTopLevel()) ||
(mGeckoAccessible.IsAccessible() &&
!mGeckoAccessible.AsAccessible()->IsRoot() &&
->IsRoot())) {
// we fire an AXLoadComplete event on top-level documents only
[self moxPostNotification:@"AXLoadComplete"];
} else {
// otherwise the doc belongs to an iframe (IsTopLevelInContentProcess)
// and we fire AXLayoutComplete instead
[self moxPostNotification:@"AXLayoutComplete"];
[super handleAccessibleEvent:eventType];
- (NSArray*)rootGroupChildren {
// This method is meant to expose the doc's children to the root group.
return [super moxChildren];
- (NSArray*)moxUnignoredChildren {
if (id rootGroup = [self rootGroup]) {
return @[ [self rootGroup] ];
// There is no root group, expose the children here directly.
return [super moxUnignoredChildren];
- (BOOL)moxBlockSelector:(SEL)selector {
if (selector == @selector(moxSubrole)) {
// Never expose a subrole for a web area.
return YES;
if (selector == @selector(moxElementBusy)) {
// Don't confuse aria-busy with a document's busy state.
return YES;
return [super moxBlockSelector:selector];
- (void)moxPostNotification:(NSString*)notification {
if (![notification isEqualToString:@"AXElementBusyChanged"]) {
// Suppress AXElementBusyChanged since it uses gecko's BUSY state
// to tell VoiceOver about aria-busy changes. We use that state
// differently in documents.
[super moxPostNotification:notification];
- (id)rootGroup {
NSArray* children = [super moxUnignoredChildren];
if (mRole != roles::APPLICATION && [children count] == 1 &&
[[[children firstObject] moxUnignoredChildren] count] != 0) {
// We only need a root group if our document:
// (1) has multiple children, or
// (2) a one child that is a leaf, or
// (3) has a role of APPLICATION
return nil;
if (!mRootGroup) {
mRootGroup = [[MOXRootGroup alloc] initWithParent:self];
return mRootGroup;
- (void)expire {
[mRootGroup expire];
[super expire];
- (void)dealloc {
// This object can only be dealoced after the gecko accessible wrapper
// reference is released, and that happens after expire is called.
MOZ_ASSERT([self isExpired]);
[mRootGroup release];
[super dealloc];