
1198 строки
33 KiB

/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
* The origin of this IDL file is
interface mixin GPUObjectBase {
attribute USVString? label;
dictionary GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
USVString label;
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUSupportedLimits {
readonly attribute unsigned long maxTextureDimension1D;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxTextureDimension2D;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxTextureDimension3D;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxTextureArrayLayers;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxBindGroups;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxSamplersPerShaderStage;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxUniformBufferBindingSize;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxStorageBufferBindingSize;
readonly attribute unsigned long minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment;
readonly attribute unsigned long minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxVertexBuffers;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxVertexAttributes;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxVertexBufferArrayStride;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxInterStageShaderComponents;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ;
readonly attribute unsigned long maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension;
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUSupportedFeatures {
readonly setlike<DOMString>;
// ****************************************************************************
// ****************************************************************************
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext
interface GPU {
// May reject with DOMException
Promise<GPUAdapter?> requestAdapter(optional GPURequestAdapterOptions options = {});
GPUTextureFormat getPreferredCanvasFormat();
// Add a "webgpu" member to Navigator/Worker that contains the global instance of a "WebGPU"
interface mixin GPUProvider {
[SameObject, Replaceable, Pref="dom.webgpu.enabled", Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext] readonly attribute GPU gpu;
dictionary GPURequestAdapterOptions {
GPUPowerPreference powerPreference;
boolean forceFallbackAdapter = false;
enum GPUPowerPreference {
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUAdapterInfo {
readonly attribute DOMString vendor;
readonly attribute DOMString architecture;
readonly attribute DOMString device;
readonly attribute DOMString description;
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUAdapter {
[SameObject] readonly attribute GPUSupportedFeatures features;
[SameObject] readonly attribute GPUSupportedLimits limits;
readonly attribute boolean isFallbackAdapter;
Promise<GPUDevice> requestDevice(optional GPUDeviceDescriptor descriptor = {});
Promise<GPUAdapterInfo> requestAdapterInfo(optional sequence<DOMString> unmaskHints = []);
dictionary GPUDeviceDescriptor {
sequence<GPUFeatureName> requiredFeatures = [];
record<DOMString, GPUSize64> requiredLimits;
enum GPUFeatureName {
// Device
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUDevice: EventTarget {
[SameObject] readonly attribute GPUSupportedFeatures features;
[SameObject] readonly attribute GPUSupportedLimits limits;
// Overriding the name to avoid collision with `class Queue` in gcc
[SameObject, BinaryName="getQueue"] readonly attribute GPUQueue queue;
undefined destroy();
[NewObject, Throws]
GPUBuffer createBuffer(GPUBufferDescriptor descriptor);
GPUTexture createTexture(GPUTextureDescriptor descriptor);
GPUSampler createSampler(optional GPUSamplerDescriptor descriptor = {});
GPUBindGroupLayout createBindGroupLayout(GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor descriptor);
GPUPipelineLayout createPipelineLayout(GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor descriptor);
GPUBindGroup createBindGroup(GPUBindGroupDescriptor descriptor);
GPUShaderModule createShaderModule(GPUShaderModuleDescriptor descriptor);
GPUComputePipeline createComputePipeline(GPUComputePipelineDescriptor descriptor);
GPURenderPipeline createRenderPipeline(GPURenderPipelineDescriptor descriptor);
Promise<GPUComputePipeline> createComputePipelineAsync(GPUComputePipelineDescriptor descriptor);
Promise<GPURenderPipeline> createRenderPipelineAsync(GPURenderPipelineDescriptor descriptor);
GPUCommandEncoder createCommandEncoder(optional GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor descriptor = {});
GPURenderBundleEncoder createRenderBundleEncoder(GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor descriptor);
//GPUQuerySet createQuerySet(GPUQuerySetDescriptor descriptor);
GPUDevice includes GPUObjectBase;
// Buffer
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUBuffer {
Promise<undefined> mapAsync(GPUMapModeFlags mode, optional GPUSize64 offset = 0, optional GPUSize64 size);
[NewObject, Throws]
ArrayBuffer getMappedRange(optional GPUSize64 offset = 0, optional GPUSize64 size);
undefined unmap();
undefined destroy();
GPUBuffer includes GPUObjectBase;
dictionary GPUBufferDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
required GPUSize64 size;
required GPUBufferUsageFlags usage;
boolean mappedAtCreation = false;
typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUBufferUsageFlags;
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUBufferUsage {
const GPUBufferUsageFlags MAP_READ = 0x0001;
const GPUBufferUsageFlags MAP_WRITE = 0x0002;
const GPUBufferUsageFlags COPY_SRC = 0x0004;
const GPUBufferUsageFlags COPY_DST = 0x0008;
const GPUBufferUsageFlags INDEX = 0x0010;
const GPUBufferUsageFlags VERTEX = 0x0020;
const GPUBufferUsageFlags UNIFORM = 0x0040;
const GPUBufferUsageFlags STORAGE = 0x0080;
const GPUBufferUsageFlags INDIRECT = 0x0100;
const GPUBufferUsageFlags QUERY_RESOLVE = 0x0200;
typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUMapModeFlags;
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUMapMode
const GPUMapModeFlags READ = 0x0001;
const GPUMapModeFlags WRITE = 0x0002;
typedef sequence<any> GPUMappedBuffer;
// Texture
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUTexture {
GPUTextureView createView(optional GPUTextureViewDescriptor descriptor = {});
undefined destroy();
GPUTexture includes GPUObjectBase;
dictionary GPUTextureDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
required GPUExtent3D size;
GPUIntegerCoordinate mipLevelCount = 1;
GPUSize32 sampleCount = 1;
GPUTextureDimension dimension = "2d";
required GPUTextureFormat format;
required GPUTextureUsageFlags usage;
enum GPUTextureDimension {
typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUTextureUsageFlags;
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUTextureUsage {
const GPUTextureUsageFlags COPY_SRC = 0x01;
const GPUTextureUsageFlags COPY_DST = 0x02;
const GPUTextureUsageFlags TEXTURE_BINDING = 0x04;
const GPUTextureUsageFlags STORAGE_BINDING = 0x08;
const GPUTextureUsageFlags RENDER_ATTACHMENT = 0x10;
enum GPUTextureComponentType {
// Texture view
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUTextureView {
GPUTextureView includes GPUObjectBase;
dictionary GPUTextureViewDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
GPUTextureFormat format;
GPUTextureViewDimension dimension;
GPUTextureAspect aspect = "all";
GPUIntegerCoordinate baseMipLevel = 0;
GPUIntegerCoordinate mipLevelCount;
GPUIntegerCoordinate baseArrayLayer = 0;
GPUIntegerCoordinate arrayLayerCount;
enum GPUTextureViewDimension {
enum GPUTextureAspect {
enum GPUTextureFormat {
// 8-bit formats
// 16-bit formats
// 32-bit formats
// Packed 32-bit formats
// 64-bit formats
// 128-bit formats
// Depth and stencil formats
//"stencil8", //TODO
// BC compressed formats usable if "texture-compression-bc" is both
// supported by the device/user agent and enabled in requestDevice.
// "depth24unorm-stencil8" feature
// "depth32float-stencil8" feature
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUSampler {
GPUSampler includes GPUObjectBase;
dictionary GPUSamplerDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
GPUAddressMode addressModeU = "clamp-to-edge";
GPUAddressMode addressModeV = "clamp-to-edge";
GPUAddressMode addressModeW = "clamp-to-edge";
GPUFilterMode magFilter = "nearest";
GPUFilterMode minFilter = "nearest";
GPUFilterMode mipmapFilter = "nearest";
float lodMinClamp = 0;
float lodMaxClamp = 1000.0; // TODO: What should this be?
GPUCompareFunction compare;
[Clamp] unsigned short maxAnisotropy = 1;
// Sampler
enum GPUAddressMode {
enum GPUFilterMode {
enum GPUCompareFunction {
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUBindGroupLayout {
GPUBindGroupLayout includes GPUObjectBase;
dictionary GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
required sequence<GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry> entries;
dictionary GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry {
required GPUIndex32 binding;
required GPUShaderStageFlags visibility;
GPUBufferBindingLayout buffer;
GPUSamplerBindingLayout sampler;
GPUTextureBindingLayout texture;
GPUStorageTextureBindingLayout storageTexture;
typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUShaderStageFlags;
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUShaderStage {
const GPUShaderStageFlags VERTEX = 1;
const GPUShaderStageFlags FRAGMENT = 2;
const GPUShaderStageFlags COMPUTE = 4;
enum GPUBufferBindingType {
dictionary GPUBufferBindingLayout {
GPUBufferBindingType type = "uniform";
boolean hasDynamicOffset = false;
GPUSize64 minBindingSize = 0;
enum GPUSamplerBindingType {
dictionary GPUSamplerBindingLayout {
GPUSamplerBindingType type = "filtering";
enum GPUTextureSampleType {
dictionary GPUTextureBindingLayout {
GPUTextureSampleType sampleType = "float";
GPUTextureViewDimension viewDimension = "2d";
boolean multisampled = false;
enum GPUStorageTextureAccess {
dictionary GPUStorageTextureBindingLayout {
GPUStorageTextureAccess access = "write-only";
required GPUTextureFormat format;
GPUTextureViewDimension viewDimension = "2d";
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUBindGroup {
GPUBindGroup includes GPUObjectBase;
dictionary GPUBindGroupDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
required GPUBindGroupLayout layout;
required sequence<GPUBindGroupEntry> entries;
typedef (GPUSampler or GPUTextureView or GPUBufferBinding) GPUBindingResource;
dictionary GPUBindGroupEntry {
required GPUIndex32 binding;
required GPUBindingResource resource;
dictionary GPUBufferBinding {
required GPUBuffer buffer;
GPUSize64 offset = 0;
GPUSize64 size;
// PipelineLayout
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUPipelineLayout {
GPUPipelineLayout includes GPUObjectBase;
dictionary GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
required sequence<GPUBindGroupLayout> bindGroupLayouts;
// ShaderModule
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUShaderModule {
Promise<GPUCompilationInfo> compilationInfo();
GPUShaderModule includes GPUObjectBase;
dictionary GPUShaderModuleDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
// UTF8String is not observably different from USVString
required UTF8String code;
object sourceMap;
enum GPUCompilationMessageType {
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUCompilationMessage {
readonly attribute DOMString message;
readonly attribute GPUCompilationMessageType type;
readonly attribute unsigned long long lineNum;
readonly attribute unsigned long long linePos;
readonly attribute unsigned long long offset;
readonly attribute unsigned long long length;
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUCompilationInfo {
[Cached, Frozen, Pure]
readonly attribute sequence<GPUCompilationMessage> messages;
enum GPUAutoLayoutMode {
dictionary GPUPipelineDescriptorBase : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
required (GPUPipelineLayout or GPUAutoLayoutMode) layout;
interface mixin GPUPipelineBase {
GPUBindGroupLayout getBindGroupLayout(unsigned long index);
dictionary GPUProgrammableStage {
required GPUShaderModule module;
required USVString entryPoint;
//TODO: Serializable
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUComputePipeline {
GPUComputePipeline includes GPUObjectBase;
GPUComputePipeline includes GPUPipelineBase;
// ComputePipeline
dictionary GPUComputePipelineDescriptor : GPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
required GPUProgrammableStage compute;
//TODO: Serializable
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPURenderPipeline {
GPURenderPipeline includes GPUObjectBase;
GPURenderPipeline includes GPUPipelineBase;
dictionary GPURenderPipelineDescriptor : GPUPipelineDescriptorBase {
required GPUVertexState vertex;
GPUPrimitiveState primitive = {};
GPUDepthStencilState depthStencil;
GPUMultisampleState multisample = {};
GPUFragmentState fragment;
dictionary GPUPrimitiveState {
GPUPrimitiveTopology topology = "triangle-list";
GPUIndexFormat stripIndexFormat;
GPUFrontFace frontFace = "ccw";
GPUCullMode cullMode = "none";
// Enable depth clamping (requires "depth-clamping" feature)
boolean clampDepth = false;
enum GPUPrimitiveTopology {
enum GPUFrontFace {
enum GPUCullMode {
dictionary GPUMultisampleState {
GPUSize32 count = 1;
GPUSampleMask mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
boolean alphaToCoverageEnabled = false;
dictionary GPUFragmentState: GPUProgrammableStage {
required sequence<GPUColorTargetState> targets;
dictionary GPUColorTargetState {
required GPUTextureFormat format;
GPUBlendState blend;
GPUColorWriteFlags writeMask = 0xF; // GPUColorWrite.ALL
dictionary GPUBlendState {
required GPUBlendComponent color;
required GPUBlendComponent alpha;
typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUColorWriteFlags;
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUColorWrite {
const GPUColorWriteFlags RED = 0x1;
const GPUColorWriteFlags GREEN = 0x2;
const GPUColorWriteFlags BLUE = 0x4;
const GPUColorWriteFlags ALPHA = 0x8;
const GPUColorWriteFlags ALL = 0xF;
dictionary GPUBlendComponent {
GPUBlendFactor srcFactor = "one";
GPUBlendFactor dstFactor = "zero";
GPUBlendOperation operation = "add";
enum GPUBlendFactor {
enum GPUBlendOperation {
dictionary GPUDepthStencilState {
required GPUTextureFormat format;
boolean depthWriteEnabled = false;
GPUCompareFunction depthCompare = "always";
GPUStencilFaceState stencilFront = {};
GPUStencilFaceState stencilBack = {};
GPUStencilValue stencilReadMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
GPUStencilValue stencilWriteMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
GPUDepthBias depthBias = 0;
float depthBiasSlopeScale = 0;
float depthBiasClamp = 0;
dictionary GPUStencilFaceState {
GPUCompareFunction compare = "always";
GPUStencilOperation failOp = "keep";
GPUStencilOperation depthFailOp = "keep";
GPUStencilOperation passOp = "keep";
enum GPUStencilOperation {
enum GPUIndexFormat {
enum GPUVertexFormat {
enum GPUVertexStepMode {
dictionary GPUVertexState: GPUProgrammableStage {
sequence<GPUVertexBufferLayout?> buffers = [];
dictionary GPUVertexBufferLayout {
required GPUSize64 arrayStride;
GPUVertexStepMode stepMode = "vertex";
required sequence<GPUVertexAttribute> attributes;
dictionary GPUVertexAttribute {
required GPUVertexFormat format;
required GPUSize64 offset;
required GPUIndex32 shaderLocation;
dictionary GPUImageDataLayout {
GPUSize64 offset = 0;
required GPUSize32 bytesPerRow;
GPUSize32 rowsPerImage = 0;
dictionary GPUImageCopyBuffer : GPUImageDataLayout {
required GPUBuffer buffer;
dictionary GPUImageCopyExternalImage {
required (ImageBitmap or HTMLCanvasElement or OffscreenCanvas) source;
GPUOrigin2D origin = {};
boolean flipY = false;
dictionary GPUImageCopyTexture {
required GPUTexture texture;
GPUIntegerCoordinate mipLevel = 0;
GPUOrigin3D origin;
GPUTextureAspect aspect = "all";
dictionary GPUImageCopyTextureTagged : GPUImageCopyTexture {
//GPUPredefinedColorSpace colorSpace = "srgb"; //TODO
boolean premultipliedAlpha = false;
dictionary GPUImageBitmapCopyView {
//required ImageBitmap imageBitmap; //TODO
GPUOrigin2D origin;
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUCommandBuffer {
GPUCommandBuffer includes GPUObjectBase;
// Command Buffer
dictionary GPUCommandBufferDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUCommandEncoder {
GPUComputePassEncoder beginComputePass(optional GPUComputePassDescriptor descriptor = {});
GPURenderPassEncoder beginRenderPass(GPURenderPassDescriptor descriptor);
undefined copyBufferToBuffer(
GPUBuffer source,
GPUSize64 sourceOffset,
GPUBuffer destination,
GPUSize64 destinationOffset,
GPUSize64 size);
undefined copyBufferToTexture(
GPUImageCopyBuffer source,
GPUImageCopyTexture destination,
GPUExtent3D copySize);
undefined copyTextureToBuffer(
GPUImageCopyTexture source,
GPUImageCopyBuffer destination,
GPUExtent3D copySize);
undefined copyTextureToTexture(
GPUImageCopyTexture source,
GPUImageCopyTexture destination,
GPUExtent3D copySize);
undefined copyImageBitmapToTexture(
GPUImageBitmapCopyView source,
GPUImageCopyTexture destination,
GPUExtent3D copySize);
undefined pushDebugGroup(USVString groupLabel);
undefined popDebugGroup();
undefined insertDebugMarker(USVString markerLabel);
GPUCommandBuffer finish(optional GPUCommandBufferDescriptor descriptor = {});
GPUCommandEncoder includes GPUObjectBase;
dictionary GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
interface mixin GPUProgrammablePassEncoder {
undefined setBindGroup(GPUIndex32 index, GPUBindGroup bindGroup,
optional sequence<GPUBufferDynamicOffset> dynamicOffsets = []);
undefined pushDebugGroup(USVString groupLabel);
undefined popDebugGroup();
undefined insertDebugMarker(USVString markerLabel);
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUComputePassEncoder {
undefined setPipeline(GPUComputePipeline pipeline);
undefined dispatchWorkgroups(GPUSize32 x, optional GPUSize32 y = 1, optional GPUSize32 z = 1);
undefined dispatchWorkgroupsIndirect(GPUBuffer indirectBuffer, GPUSize64 indirectOffset);
undefined end();
GPUComputePassEncoder includes GPUObjectBase;
GPUComputePassEncoder includes GPUProgrammablePassEncoder;
dictionary GPUComputePassDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
interface mixin GPURenderEncoderBase {
undefined setPipeline(GPURenderPipeline pipeline);
undefined setIndexBuffer(GPUBuffer buffer, GPUIndexFormat indexFormat, optional GPUSize64 offset = 0, optional GPUSize64 size = 0);
undefined setVertexBuffer(GPUIndex32 slot, GPUBuffer buffer, optional GPUSize64 offset = 0, optional GPUSize64 size = 0);
undefined draw(GPUSize32 vertexCount,
optional GPUSize32 instanceCount = 1,
optional GPUSize32 firstVertex = 0,
optional GPUSize32 firstInstance = 0);
undefined drawIndexed(GPUSize32 indexCount,
optional GPUSize32 instanceCount = 1,
optional GPUSize32 firstIndex = 0,
optional GPUSignedOffset32 baseVertex = 0,
optional GPUSize32 firstInstance = 0);
undefined drawIndirect(GPUBuffer indirectBuffer, GPUSize64 indirectOffset);
undefined drawIndexedIndirect(GPUBuffer indirectBuffer, GPUSize64 indirectOffset);
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPURenderPassEncoder {
undefined setViewport(float x, float y,
float width, float height,
float minDepth, float maxDepth);
undefined setScissorRect(GPUIntegerCoordinate x, GPUIntegerCoordinate y,
GPUIntegerCoordinate width, GPUIntegerCoordinate height);
undefined setBlendConstant(GPUColor color);
undefined setStencilReference(GPUStencilValue reference);
//undefined beginOcclusionQuery(GPUSize32 queryIndex);
//undefined endOcclusionQuery();
//undefined beginPipelineStatisticsQuery(GPUQuerySet querySet, GPUSize32 queryIndex);
//undefined endPipelineStatisticsQuery();
//undefined writeTimestamp(GPUQuerySet querySet, GPUSize32 queryIndex);
undefined executeBundles(sequence<GPURenderBundle> bundles);
undefined end();
GPURenderPassEncoder includes GPUObjectBase;
GPURenderPassEncoder includes GPUProgrammablePassEncoder;
GPURenderPassEncoder includes GPURenderEncoderBase;
dictionary GPURenderPassDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
required sequence<GPURenderPassColorAttachment> colorAttachments;
GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachment depthStencilAttachment;
GPUQuerySet occlusionQuerySet;
dictionary GPURenderPassColorAttachment {
required GPUTextureView view;
GPUTextureView resolveTarget;
GPUColor clearValue;
required GPULoadOp loadOp;
required GPUStoreOp storeOp;
dictionary GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachment {
required GPUTextureView view;
float depthClearValue;
GPULoadOp depthLoadOp;
GPUStoreOp depthStoreOp;
boolean depthReadOnly = false;
GPUStencilValue stencilClearValue = 0;
GPULoadOp stencilLoadOp;
GPUStoreOp stencilStoreOp;
boolean stencilReadOnly = false;
enum GPULoadOp {
enum GPUStoreOp {
dictionary GPURenderPassLayout: GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
required sequence<GPUTextureFormat> colorFormats;
GPUTextureFormat depthStencilFormat;
GPUSize32 sampleCount = 1;
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPURenderBundle {
GPURenderBundle includes GPUObjectBase;
dictionary GPURenderBundleDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPURenderBundleEncoder {
GPURenderBundle finish(optional GPURenderBundleDescriptor descriptor = {});
GPURenderBundleEncoder includes GPUObjectBase;
GPURenderBundleEncoder includes GPUProgrammablePassEncoder;
GPURenderBundleEncoder includes GPURenderEncoderBase;
dictionary GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor : GPURenderPassLayout {
boolean depthReadOnly = false;
boolean stencilReadOnly = false;
//TODO: use [AllowShared] on BufferSource
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUQueue {
undefined submit(sequence<GPUCommandBuffer> buffers);
//Promise<undefined> onSubmittedWorkDone();
undefined writeBuffer(
GPUBuffer buffer,
GPUSize64 bufferOffset,
BufferSource data,
optional GPUSize64 dataOffset = 0,
optional GPUSize64 size);
undefined writeTexture(
GPUImageCopyTexture destination,
BufferSource data,
GPUImageDataLayout dataLayout,
GPUExtent3D size);
undefined copyExternalImageToTexture(
GPUImageCopyExternalImage source,
GPUImageCopyTextureTagged destination,
GPUExtent3D copySize);
GPUQueue includes GPUObjectBase;
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUQuerySet {
undefined destroy();
GPUQuerySet includes GPUObjectBase;
dictionary GPUQuerySetDescriptor : GPUObjectDescriptorBase {
required GPUQueryType type;
required GPUSize32 count;
sequence<GPUPipelineStatisticName> pipelineStatistics = [];
enum GPUPipelineStatisticName {
enum GPUQueryType {
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUCanvasContext {
readonly attribute (HTMLCanvasElement or OffscreenCanvas) canvas;
// Calling configure() a second time invalidates the previous one,
// and all of the textures it's produced.
undefined configure(GPUCanvasConfiguration descriptor);
undefined unconfigure();
GPUTexture getCurrentTexture();
enum GPUCanvasCompositingAlphaMode {
dictionary GPUCanvasConfiguration {
required GPUDevice device;
required GPUTextureFormat format;
GPUTextureUsageFlags usage = 0x10; //GPUTextureUsage.OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT
//GPUPredefinedColorSpace colorSpace = "srgb"; //TODO
GPUCanvasCompositingAlphaMode compositingAlphaMode = "opaque";
enum GPUDeviceLostReason {
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUDeviceLostInfo {
readonly attribute any reason; // GPUDeviceLostReason or undefined
readonly attribute DOMString message;
partial interface GPUDevice {
readonly attribute Promise<GPUDeviceLostInfo> lost;
undefined pushErrorScope(GPUErrorFilter filter);
Promise<GPUError?> popErrorScope();
[Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */)]
attribute EventHandler onuncapturederror;
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUOutOfMemoryError {
Exposed=(Window /* ,DedicatedWorker */), SecureContext]
interface GPUValidationError {
constructor(DOMString message);
readonly attribute DOMString message;
typedef (GPUOutOfMemoryError or GPUValidationError) GPUError;
enum GPUErrorFilter {
typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUBufferDynamicOffset;
typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUStencilValue;
typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUSampleMask;
typedef [EnforceRange] long GPUDepthBias;
typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long long GPUSize64;
typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUIntegerCoordinate;
typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUIndex32;
typedef [EnforceRange] unsigned long GPUSize32;
typedef [EnforceRange] long GPUSignedOffset32;
dictionary GPUColorDict {
required double r;
required double g;
required double b;
required double a;
typedef (sequence<double> or GPUColorDict) GPUColor;
dictionary GPUOrigin2DDict {
GPUIntegerCoordinate x = 0;
GPUIntegerCoordinate y = 0;
typedef (sequence<GPUIntegerCoordinate> or GPUOrigin2DDict) GPUOrigin2D;
dictionary GPUOrigin3DDict {
GPUIntegerCoordinate x = 0;
GPUIntegerCoordinate y = 0;
GPUIntegerCoordinate z = 0;
typedef (sequence<GPUIntegerCoordinate> or GPUOrigin3DDict) GPUOrigin3D;
dictionary GPUExtent3DDict {
required GPUIntegerCoordinate width;
GPUIntegerCoordinate height = 1;
GPUIntegerCoordinate depthOrArrayLayers = 1;
typedef (sequence<GPUIntegerCoordinate> or GPUExtent3DDict) GPUExtent3D;