
3084 строки
112 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "ContentEventHandler.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h"
#include "mozilla/ContentIterator.h"
#include "mozilla/EditorUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/IMEStateManager.h"
#include "mozilla/PresShell.h"
#include "mozilla/RangeUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/TextComposition.h"
#include "mozilla/TextEvents.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLBRElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLUnknownElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Selection.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Text.h"
#include "nsCaret.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "nsCopySupport.h"
#include "nsElementTable.h"
#include "nsFocusManager.h"
#include "nsFontMetrics.h"
#include "nsFrameSelection.h"
#include "nsIFrame.h"
#include "nsIObjectFrame.h"
#include "nsLayoutUtils.h"
#include "nsPresContext.h"
#include "nsQueryObject.h"
#include "nsRange.h"
#include "nsTextFragment.h"
#include "nsTextFrame.h"
#include "nsView.h"
#include "mozilla/ViewportUtils.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace mozilla {
using namespace dom;
using namespace widget;
/* ContentEventHandler::RawRange */
void ContentEventHandler::RawRange::AssertStartIsBeforeOrEqualToEnd() {
NodePosition::OffsetFilter::kValidOrInvalidOffsets))) <=
nsresult ContentEventHandler::RawRange::SetStart(
const RawRangeBoundary& aStart) {
nsINode* newRoot = RangeUtils::ComputeRootNode(aStart.Container());
if (!newRoot) {
if (!aStart.IsSetAndValid()) {
// Collapse if not positioned yet, or if positioned in another document.
if (!IsPositioned() || newRoot != mRoot) {
mRoot = newRoot;
mStart = mEnd = aStart;
return NS_OK;
mStart = aStart;
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::RawRange::SetEnd(const RawRangeBoundary& aEnd) {
nsINode* newRoot = RangeUtils::ComputeRootNode(aEnd.Container());
if (!newRoot) {
if (!aEnd.IsSetAndValid()) {
// Collapse if not positioned yet, or if positioned in another document.
if (!IsPositioned() || newRoot != mRoot) {
mRoot = newRoot;
mStart = mEnd = aEnd;
return NS_OK;
mEnd = aEnd;
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::RawRange::SetEndAfter(nsINode* aEndContainer) {
return SetEnd(RangeUtils::GetRawRangeBoundaryAfter(aEndContainer));
void ContentEventHandler::RawRange::SetStartAndEnd(const nsRange* aRange) {
DebugOnly<nsresult> rv =
SetStartAndEnd(aRange->StartRef().AsRaw(), aRange->EndRef().AsRaw());
MOZ_ASSERT(!aRange->IsPositioned() || NS_SUCCEEDED(rv));
nsresult ContentEventHandler::RawRange::SetStartAndEnd(
const RawRangeBoundary& aStart, const RawRangeBoundary& aEnd) {
nsINode* newStartRoot = RangeUtils::ComputeRootNode(aStart.Container());
if (!newStartRoot) {
if (!aStart.IsSetAndValid()) {
if (aStart.Container() == aEnd.Container()) {
if (!aEnd.IsSetAndValid()) {
MOZ_ASSERT(*aStart.Offset(RawRangeBoundary::OffsetFilter::kValidOffsets) <=
mRoot = newStartRoot;
mStart = aStart;
mEnd = aEnd;
return NS_OK;
nsINode* newEndRoot = RangeUtils::ComputeRootNode(aEnd.Container());
if (!newEndRoot) {
if (!aEnd.IsSetAndValid()) {
// If they have different root, this should be collapsed at the end point.
if (newStartRoot != newEndRoot) {
mRoot = newEndRoot;
mStart = mEnd = aEnd;
return NS_OK;
// Otherwise, set the range as specified.
mRoot = newStartRoot;
mStart = aStart;
mEnd = aEnd;
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::RawRange::SelectNodeContents(
nsINode* aNodeToSelectContents) {
nsINode* newRoot = RangeUtils::ComputeRootNode(aNodeToSelectContents);
if (!newRoot) {
mRoot = newRoot;
mStart = RawRangeBoundary(aNodeToSelectContents, nullptr);
mEnd = RawRangeBoundary(aNodeToSelectContents,
return NS_OK;
/* ContentEventHandler */
// ContentEventHandler *creates* ranges as following rules:
// 1. Start of range:
// 1.1. Cases: [textNode or text[Node or textNode[
// When text node is start of a range, start node is the text node and
// start offset is any number between 0 and the length of the text.
// 1.2. Case: [<element>:
// When start of an element node is start of a range, start node is
// parent of the element and start offset is the element's index in the
// parent.
// 1.3. Case: <element/>[
// When after an empty element node is start of a range, start node is
// parent of the element and start offset is the element's index in the
// parent + 1.
// 1.4. Case: <element>[
// When start of a non-empty element is start of a range, start node is
// the element and start offset is 0.
// 1.5. Case: <root>[
// When start of a range is 0 and there are no nodes causing text,
// start node is the root node and start offset is 0.
// 1.6. Case: [</root>
// When start of a range is out of bounds, start node is the root node
// and start offset is number of the children.
// 2. End of range:
// 2.1. Cases: ]textNode or text]Node or textNode]
// When a text node is end of a range, end node is the text node and
// end offset is any number between 0 and the length of the text.
// 2.2. Case: ]<element>
// When before an element node (meaning before the open tag of the
// element) is end of a range, end node is previous node causing text.
// Note that this case shouldn't be handled directly. If rule 2.1 and
// 2.3 are handled correctly, the loop with ContentIterator shouldn't
// reach the element node since the loop should've finished already at
// handling the last node which caused some text.
// 2.3. Case: <element>]
// When a line break is caused before a non-empty element node and it's
// end of a range, end node is the element and end offset is 0.
// (i.e., including open tag of the element)
// 2.4. Cases: <element/>]
// When after an empty element node is end of a range, end node is
// parent of the element node and end offset is the element's index in
// the parent + 1. (i.e., including close tag of the element or empty
// element)
// 2.5. Case: ]</root>
// When end of a range is out of bounds, end node is the root node and
// end offset is number of the children.
// ContentEventHandler *treats* ranges as following additional rules:
// 1. When the start node is an element node which doesn't have children,
// it includes a line break caused before itself (i.e., includes its open
// tag). For example, if start position is { <br>, 0 }, the line break
// caused by <br> should be included into the flatten text.
// 2. When the end node is an element node which doesn't have children,
// it includes the end (i.e., includes its close tag except empty element).
// Although, currently, any close tags don't cause line break, this also
// includes its open tag. For example, if end position is { <br>, 0 }, the
// line break caused by the <br> should be included into the flatten text.
ContentEventHandler::ContentEventHandler(nsPresContext* aPresContext)
: mDocument(aPresContext->Document()) {}
nsresult ContentEventHandler::InitBasic(bool aRequireFlush) {
if (aRequireFlush) {
// If text frame which has overflowing selection underline is dirty,
// we need to flush the pending reflow here.
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::InitRootContent(Selection* aNormalSelection) {
// Root content should be computed with normal selection because normal
// selection is typically has at least one range but the other selections
// not so. If there is a range, computing its root is easy, but if
// there are no ranges, we need to use ancestor limit instead.
MOZ_ASSERT(aNormalSelection->Type() == SelectionType::eNormal);
if (!aNormalSelection->RangeCount()) {
// If there is no selection range, we should compute the selection root
// from ancestor limiter or root content of the document.
mRootContent = aNormalSelection->GetAncestorLimiter();
if (!mRootContent) {
mRootContent = mDocument->GetRootElement();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!mRootContent)) {
return NS_OK;
RefPtr<const nsRange> range(aNormalSelection->GetRangeAt(0));
if (NS_WARN_IF(!range)) {
// If there is a selection, we should retrieve the selection root from
// the range since when the window is inactivated, the ancestor limiter
// of selection was cleared by blur event handler of EditorBase but the
// selection range still keeps storing the nodes. If the active element of
// the deactive window is <input> or <textarea>, we can compute the
// selection root from them.
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> startNode = range->GetStartContainer();
nsINode* endNode = range->GetEndContainer();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!startNode) || NS_WARN_IF(!endNode)) {
// See bug 537041 comment 5, the range could have removed node.
if (NS_WARN_IF(startNode->GetComposedDoc() != mDocument)) {
NS_ASSERTION(startNode->GetComposedDoc() == endNode->GetComposedDoc(),
"firstNormalSelectionRange crosses the document boundary");
RefPtr<PresShell> presShell = mDocument->GetPresShell();
mRootContent = startNode->GetSelectionRootContent(presShell);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!mRootContent)) {
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::InitCommon(SelectionType aSelectionType,
bool aRequireFlush) {
if (mSelection && mSelection->Type() == aSelectionType) {
return NS_OK;
mSelection = nullptr;
mRootContent = nullptr;
nsresult rv = InitBasic(aRequireFlush);
RefPtr<nsFrameSelection> frameSel;
if (PresShell* presShell = mDocument->GetPresShell()) {
frameSel = presShell->GetLastFocusedFrameSelection();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!frameSel)) {
mSelection = frameSel->GetSelection(aSelectionType);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!mSelection)) {
RefPtr<Selection> normalSelection;
if (mSelection->Type() == SelectionType::eNormal) {
normalSelection = mSelection;
} else {
normalSelection = frameSel->GetSelection(SelectionType::eNormal);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!normalSelection)) {
rv = InitRootContent(normalSelection);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
if (mSelection->RangeCount()) {
return NS_OK;
// Even if there are no selection ranges, it's usual case if aSelectionType
// is a special selection.
if (aSelectionType != SelectionType::eNormal) {
return NS_OK;
// But otherwise, we need to assume that there is a selection range at the
// beginning of the root content if aSelectionType is eNormal.
rv = mFirstSelectedRawRange.CollapseTo(RawRangeBoundary(mRootContent, 0u));
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::Init(WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
NS_ASSERTION(aEvent, "aEvent must not be null");
MOZ_ASSERT(aEvent->mMessage == eQuerySelectedText ||
aEvent->mInput.mSelectionType == SelectionType::eNormal);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!aEvent->mInput.IsValidOffset()) ||
NS_WARN_IF(!aEvent->mInput.IsValidEventMessage(aEvent->mMessage))) {
// Note that we should ignore WidgetQueryContentEvent::Input::mSelectionType
// if the event isn't eQuerySelectedText.
SelectionType selectionType = aEvent->mMessage == eQuerySelectedText
? aEvent->mInput.mSelectionType
: SelectionType::eNormal;
if (NS_WARN_IF(selectionType == SelectionType::eNone)) {
nsresult rv = InitCommon(selectionType, aEvent->NeedsToFlushLayout());
// Be aware, WidgetQueryContentEvent::mInput::mOffset should be made absolute
// offset before sending it to ContentEventHandler because querying selection
// every time may be expensive. So, if the caller caches selection, it
// should initialize the event with the cached value.
if (aEvent->mInput.mRelativeToInsertionPoint) {
MOZ_ASSERT(selectionType == SelectionType::eNormal);
RefPtr<TextComposition> composition =
if (composition) {
uint32_t compositionStart = composition->NativeOffsetOfStartComposition();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!aEvent->mInput.MakeOffsetAbsolute(compositionStart))) {
} else {
LineBreakType lineBreakType = GetLineBreakType(aEvent);
uint32_t selectionStart = 0;
rv = GetStartOffset(mFirstSelectedRawRange, &selectionStart,
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
if (NS_WARN_IF(!aEvent->mInput.MakeOffsetAbsolute(selectionStart))) {
aEvent->mSucceeded = false;
aEvent->mReply.mContentsRoot = mRootContent.get();
aEvent->mReply.mHasSelection = !mSelection->IsCollapsed();
nsRect r;
nsIFrame* frame = nsCaret::GetGeometry(mSelection, &r);
if (!frame) {
frame = mRootContent->GetPrimaryFrame();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!frame)) {
aEvent->mReply.mFocusedWidget = frame->GetNearestWidget();
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::Init(WidgetSelectionEvent* aEvent) {
NS_ASSERTION(aEvent, "aEvent must not be null");
nsresult rv = InitCommon();
aEvent->mSucceeded = false;
return NS_OK;
nsIContent* ContentEventHandler::GetFocusedContent() {
nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window = mDocument->GetWindow();
nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> focusedWindow;
return nsFocusManager::GetFocusedDescendant(
window, nsFocusManager::eIncludeAllDescendants,
bool ContentEventHandler::IsPlugin(nsIContent* aContent) {
return aContent &&
aContent->GetDesiredIMEState().mEnabled == IMEState::PLUGIN;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::QueryContentRect(
nsIContent* aContent, WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aContent, "aContent must not be null");
nsIFrame* frame = aContent->GetPrimaryFrame();
// get rect for first frame
nsRect resultRect(nsPoint(0, 0), frame->GetRect().Size());
nsresult rv = ConvertToRootRelativeOffset(frame, resultRect);
nsPresContext* presContext = frame->PresContext();
// account for any additional frames
while ((frame = frame->GetNextContinuation())) {
nsRect frameRect(nsPoint(0, 0), frame->GetRect().Size());
rv = ConvertToRootRelativeOffset(frame, frameRect);
resultRect.UnionRect(resultRect, frameRect);
aEvent->mReply.mRect = LayoutDeviceIntRect::FromAppUnitsToOutside(
resultRect, presContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel());
// Returning empty rect may cause native IME confused, let's make sure to
// return non-empty rect.
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
// Editor places a padding <br> element under its root content if the editor
// doesn't have any text. This happens even for single line editors.
// When we get text content and when we change the selection,
// we don't want to include the padding <br> elements at the end.
static bool IsContentBR(nsIContent* aContent) {
HTMLBRElement* brElement = HTMLBRElement::FromNode(aContent);
return brElement && !brElement->IsPaddingForEmptyLastLine() &&
static bool IsPaddingBR(nsIContent* aContent) {
return aContent->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::br) && !IsContentBR(aContent);
static void ConvertToNativeNewlines(nsString& aString) {
#if defined(XP_WIN)
aString.ReplaceSubstring(u"\n"_ns, u"\r\n"_ns);
static void AppendString(nsString& aString, Text* aText) {
uint32_t oldXPLength = aString.Length();
if (aText->HasFlag(NS_MAYBE_MASKED)) {
EditorUtils::MaskString(aString, aText, oldXPLength, 0);
static void AppendSubString(nsString& aString, Text* aText, uint32_t aXPOffset,
uint32_t aXPLength) {
uint32_t oldXPLength = aString.Length();
aText->TextFragment().AppendTo(aString, static_cast<int32_t>(aXPOffset),
if (aText->HasFlag(NS_MAYBE_MASKED)) {
EditorUtils::MaskString(aString, aText, oldXPLength, aXPOffset);
#if defined(XP_WIN)
static uint32_t CountNewlinesInXPLength(Text* aText, uint32_t aXPLength) {
const nsTextFragment* text = &aText->TextFragment();
// For automated tests, we should abort on debug build.
MOZ_ASSERT(aXPLength == UINT32_MAX || aXPLength <= text->GetLength(),
"aXPLength is out-of-bounds");
const uint32_t length = std::min(aXPLength, text->GetLength());
uint32_t newlines = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (text->CharAt(i) == '\n') {
return newlines;
static uint32_t CountNewlinesInNativeLength(Text* aText,
uint32_t aNativeLength) {
const nsTextFragment* text = &aText->TextFragment();
// For automated tests, we should abort on debug build.
(aNativeLength == UINT32_MAX || aNativeLength <= text->GetLength() * 2),
"aNativeLength is unexpected value");
const uint32_t xpLength = text->GetLength();
uint32_t newlines = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0, nativeOffset = 0;
i < xpLength && nativeOffset < aNativeLength; ++i, ++nativeOffset) {
// For automated tests, we should abort on debug build.
MOZ_ASSERT(i < text->GetLength(), "i is out-of-bounds");
if (text->CharAt(i) == '\n') {
return newlines;
/* static */
uint32_t ContentEventHandler::GetNativeTextLength(nsIContent* aContent,
uint32_t aStartOffset,
uint32_t aEndOffset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aEndOffset >= aStartOffset,
"aEndOffset must be equals or larger than aStartOffset");
if (NS_WARN_IF(!aContent->IsText())) {
return 0;
if (aStartOffset == aEndOffset) {
return 0;
return GetTextLength(aContent->AsText(), LINE_BREAK_TYPE_NATIVE, aEndOffset) -
GetTextLength(aContent->AsText(), LINE_BREAK_TYPE_NATIVE,
/* static */
uint32_t ContentEventHandler::GetNativeTextLength(nsIContent* aContent,
uint32_t aMaxLength) {
if (NS_WARN_IF(!aContent->IsText())) {
return 0;
return GetTextLength(aContent->AsText(), LINE_BREAK_TYPE_NATIVE, aMaxLength);
/* static */
uint32_t ContentEventHandler::GetNativeTextLengthBefore(nsIContent* aContent,
nsINode* aRootNode) {
if (NS_WARN_IF(aContent->IsText())) {
return 0;
return ShouldBreakLineBefore(aContent, aRootNode)
: 0;
/* static inline */
uint32_t ContentEventHandler::GetBRLength(LineBreakType aLineBreakType) {
#if defined(XP_WIN)
// Length of \r\n
return (aLineBreakType == LINE_BREAK_TYPE_NATIVE) ? 2 : 1;
return 1;
/* static */
uint32_t ContentEventHandler::GetTextLength(nsIContent* aContent,
LineBreakType aLineBreakType,
uint32_t aMaxLength) {
uint32_t textLengthDifference =
#if defined(XP_WIN)
// On Windows, the length of a native newline ("\r\n") is twice the length
// of the XP newline ("\n"), so XP length is equal to the length of the
// native offset plus the number of newlines encountered in the string.
? CountNewlinesInXPLength(aContent->AsText(), aMaxLength)
: 0;
// On other platforms, the native and XP newlines are the same.
const nsTextFragment* text = aContent->GetText();
if (!text) {
return 0;
uint32_t length = std::min(text->GetLength(), aMaxLength);
return length + textLengthDifference;
static uint32_t ConvertToXPOffset(nsIContent* aContent,
uint32_t aNativeOffset) {
#if defined(XP_WIN)
// On Windows, the length of a native newline ("\r\n") is twice the length of
// the XP newline ("\n"), so XP offset is equal to the length of the native
// offset minus the number of newlines encountered in the string.
return aNativeOffset -
CountNewlinesInNativeLength(aContent->AsText(), aNativeOffset);
// On other platforms, the native and XP newlines are the same.
return aNativeOffset;
/* static */
bool ContentEventHandler::ShouldBreakLineBefore(nsIContent* aContent,
nsINode* aRootNode) {
// We don't need to append linebreak at the start of the root element.
if (aContent == aRootNode) {
return false;
// If it's not an HTML element (including other markup language's elements),
// we shouldn't insert like break before that for now. Becoming this is a
// problem must be edge case. E.g., when ContentEventHandler is used with
// MathML or SVG elements.
if (!aContent->IsHTMLElement()) {
return false;
// If the element is <br>, we need to check if the <br> is caused by web
// content. Otherwise, i.e., it's caused by internal reason of Gecko,
// it shouldn't be exposed as a line break to flatten text.
if (aContent->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::br)) {
return IsContentBR(aContent);
// Note that ideally, we should refer the style of the primary frame of
// aContent for deciding if it's an inline. However, it's difficult
// IMEContentObserver to notify IME of text change caused by style change.
// Therefore, currently, we should check only from the tag for now.
if (aContent->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(
nsGkAtoms::a, nsGkAtoms::abbr, nsGkAtoms::acronym, nsGkAtoms::b,
nsGkAtoms::bdi, nsGkAtoms::bdo, nsGkAtoms::big, nsGkAtoms::cite,
nsGkAtoms::code, nsGkAtoms::data, nsGkAtoms::del, nsGkAtoms::dfn,
nsGkAtoms::em, nsGkAtoms::font, nsGkAtoms::i, nsGkAtoms::ins,
nsGkAtoms::kbd, nsGkAtoms::mark, nsGkAtoms::s, nsGkAtoms::samp,
nsGkAtoms::small, nsGkAtoms::span, nsGkAtoms::strike,
nsGkAtoms::strong, nsGkAtoms::sub, nsGkAtoms::sup, nsGkAtoms::time,
nsGkAtoms::tt, nsGkAtoms::u, nsGkAtoms::var)) {
return false;
// If the element is unknown element, we shouldn't insert line breaks before
// it since unknown elements should be ignored.
RefPtr<HTMLUnknownElement> unknownHTMLElement = do_QueryObject(aContent);
return !unknownHTMLElement;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::GenerateFlatTextContent(
nsIContent* aContent, nsString& aString, LineBreakType aLineBreakType) {
RawRange rawRange;
nsresult rv = rawRange.SelectNodeContents(aContent);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
return GenerateFlatTextContent(rawRange, aString, aLineBreakType);
nsresult ContentEventHandler::GenerateFlatTextContent(
const RawRange& aRawRange, nsString& aString,
LineBreakType aLineBreakType) {
if (aRawRange.Collapsed()) {
return NS_OK;
nsINode* startNode = aRawRange.GetStartContainer();
nsINode* endNode = aRawRange.GetEndContainer();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!startNode) || NS_WARN_IF(!endNode)) {
if (startNode == endNode && startNode->IsText()) {
AppendSubString(aString, startNode->AsText(), aRawRange.StartOffset(),
aRawRange.EndOffset() - aRawRange.StartOffset());
return NS_OK;
PreContentIterator preOrderIter;
nsresult rv =
preOrderIter.Init(aRawRange.Start().AsRaw(), aRawRange.End().AsRaw());
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
for (; !preOrderIter.IsDone(); preOrderIter.Next()) {
nsINode* node = preOrderIter.GetCurrentNode();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!node)) {
if (!node->IsContent()) {
if (node->IsText()) {
if (node == startNode) {
AppendSubString(aString, node->AsText(), aRawRange.StartOffset(),
node->AsText()->TextLength() - aRawRange.StartOffset());
} else if (node == endNode) {
AppendSubString(aString, node->AsText(), 0, aRawRange.EndOffset());
} else {
AppendString(aString, node->AsText());
} else if (ShouldBreakLineBefore(node->AsContent(), mRootContent)) {
if (aLineBreakType == LINE_BREAK_TYPE_NATIVE) {
return NS_OK;
static FontRange* AppendFontRange(nsTArray<FontRange>& aFontRanges,
uint32_t aBaseOffset) {
FontRange* fontRange = aFontRanges.AppendElement();
fontRange->mStartOffset = aBaseOffset;
return fontRange;
/* static */
uint32_t ContentEventHandler::GetTextLengthInRange(
nsIContent* aContent, uint32_t aXPStartOffset, uint32_t aXPEndOffset,
LineBreakType aLineBreakType) {
return aLineBreakType == LINE_BREAK_TYPE_NATIVE
? GetNativeTextLength(aContent, aXPStartOffset, aXPEndOffset)
: aXPEndOffset - aXPStartOffset;
/* static */
void ContentEventHandler::AppendFontRanges(FontRangeArray& aFontRanges,
nsIContent* aContent,
uint32_t aBaseOffset,
uint32_t aXPStartOffset,
uint32_t aXPEndOffset,
LineBreakType aLineBreakType) {
nsIFrame* frame = aContent->GetPrimaryFrame();
if (!frame) {
// It is a non-rendered content, create an empty range for it.
AppendFontRange(aFontRanges, aBaseOffset);
uint32_t baseOffset = aBaseOffset;
#ifdef DEBUG
nsTextFrame* text = do_QueryFrame(frame);
MOZ_ASSERT(text, "Not a text frame");
auto* curr = static_cast<nsTextFrame*>(frame);
while (curr) {
uint32_t frameXPStart = std::max(
static_cast<uint32_t>(curr->GetContentOffset()), aXPStartOffset);
uint32_t frameXPEnd =
std::min(static_cast<uint32_t>(curr->GetContentEnd()), aXPEndOffset);
if (frameXPStart >= frameXPEnd) {
curr = curr->GetNextContinuation();
gfxSkipCharsIterator iter = curr->EnsureTextRun(nsTextFrame::eInflated);
gfxTextRun* textRun = curr->GetTextRun(nsTextFrame::eInflated);
nsTextFrame* next = nullptr;
if (frameXPEnd < aXPEndOffset) {
next = curr->GetNextContinuation();
while (next && next->GetTextRun(nsTextFrame::eInflated) == textRun) {
frameXPEnd = std::min(static_cast<uint32_t>(next->GetContentEnd()),
next =
frameXPEnd < aXPEndOffset ? next->GetNextContinuation() : nullptr;
gfxTextRun::Range skipRange(iter.ConvertOriginalToSkipped(frameXPStart),
gfxTextRun::GlyphRunIterator runIter(textRun, skipRange);
uint32_t lastXPEndOffset = frameXPStart;
while (runIter.NextRun()) {
gfxFont* font = runIter.GetGlyphRun()->mFont.get();
uint32_t startXPOffset =
// It is possible that the first glyph run has exceeded the frame,
// because the whole frame is filled by skipped chars.
if (startXPOffset >= frameXPEnd) {
if (startXPOffset > lastXPEndOffset) {
// Create range for skipped leading chars.
AppendFontRange(aFontRanges, baseOffset);
baseOffset += GetTextLengthInRange(aContent, lastXPEndOffset,
startXPOffset, aLineBreakType);
FontRange* fontRange = AppendFontRange(aFontRanges, baseOffset);
fontRange->mFontSize = font->GetAdjustedSize() *
// The converted original offset may exceed the range,
// hence we need to clamp it.
uint32_t endXPOffset =
endXPOffset = std::min(frameXPEnd, endXPOffset);
baseOffset += GetTextLengthInRange(aContent, startXPOffset, endXPOffset,
lastXPEndOffset = endXPOffset;
if (lastXPEndOffset < frameXPEnd) {
// Create range for skipped trailing chars. It also handles case
// that the whole frame contains only skipped chars.
AppendFontRange(aFontRanges, baseOffset);
baseOffset += GetTextLengthInRange(aContent, lastXPEndOffset, frameXPEnd,
curr = next;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::GenerateFlatFontRanges(
const RawRange& aRawRange, FontRangeArray& aFontRanges, uint32_t& aLength,
LineBreakType aLineBreakType) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aFontRanges.IsEmpty(), "aRanges must be empty array");
if (aRawRange.Collapsed()) {
return NS_OK;
nsINode* startNode = aRawRange.GetStartContainer();
nsINode* endNode = aRawRange.GetEndContainer();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!startNode) || NS_WARN_IF(!endNode)) {
// baseOffset is the flattened offset of each content node.
int32_t baseOffset = 0;
PreContentIterator preOrderIter;
nsresult rv =
preOrderIter.Init(aRawRange.Start().AsRaw(), aRawRange.End().AsRaw());
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
for (; !preOrderIter.IsDone(); preOrderIter.Next()) {
nsINode* node = preOrderIter.GetCurrentNode();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!node)) {
if (!node->IsContent()) {
nsIContent* content = node->AsContent();
if (content->IsText()) {
uint32_t startOffset = content != startNode ? 0 : aRawRange.StartOffset();
uint32_t endOffset =
content != endNode ? content->TextLength() : aRawRange.EndOffset();
AppendFontRanges(aFontRanges, content, baseOffset, startOffset, endOffset,
baseOffset +=
GetTextLengthInRange(content, startOffset, endOffset, aLineBreakType);
} else if (ShouldBreakLineBefore(content, mRootContent)) {
if (aFontRanges.IsEmpty()) {
MOZ_ASSERT(baseOffset == 0);
FontRange* fontRange = AppendFontRange(aFontRanges, baseOffset);
nsIFrame* frame = content->GetPrimaryFrame();
if (frame) {
const nsFont& font = frame->GetParent()->StyleFont()->mFont;
const FontFamilyList& fontList = font.fontlist;
const FontFamilyName& fontName =
fontList.IsEmpty() ? FontFamilyName(fontList.GetDefaultFontType())
: fontList.GetFontlist()->mNames[0];
nsAutoCString name;
fontName.AppendToString(name, false);
AppendUTF8toUTF16(name, fontRange->mFontName);
fontRange->mFontSize = frame->PresContext()->CSSPixelsToDevPixels(
font.size.ToCSSPixels() *
baseOffset += GetBRLength(aLineBreakType);
aLength = baseOffset;
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::ExpandToClusterBoundary(nsIContent* aContent,
bool aForward,
uint32_t* aXPOffset) {
// XXX This method assumes that the frame boundaries must be cluster
// boundaries. It's false, but no problem now, maybe.
if (!aContent->IsText() || *aXPOffset == 0 ||
*aXPOffset == aContent->TextLength()) {
return NS_OK;
NS_ASSERTION(*aXPOffset <= aContent->TextLength(), "offset is out of range.");
int32_t offsetInFrame;
CaretAssociationHint hint =
nsIFrame* frame = nsFrameSelection::GetFrameForNodeOffset(
aContent, int32_t(*aXPOffset), hint, &offsetInFrame);
if (frame) {
int32_t startOffset, endOffset;
nsresult rv = frame->GetOffsets(startOffset, endOffset);
if (*aXPOffset == static_cast<uint32_t>(startOffset) ||
*aXPOffset == static_cast<uint32_t>(endOffset)) {
return NS_OK;
if (!frame->IsTextFrame()) {
nsTextFrame* textFrame = static_cast<nsTextFrame*>(frame);
int32_t newOffsetInFrame = *aXPOffset - startOffset;
newOffsetInFrame += aForward ? -1 : 1;
// PeekOffsetCharacter() should respect cluster but ignore user-select
// style. If it returns "FOUND", we should use the result. Otherwise,
// we shouldn't use the result because the offset was moved to reversed
// direction.
nsTextFrame::PeekOffsetCharacterOptions options;
options.mRespectClusters = true;
options.mIgnoreUserStyleAll = true;
if (textFrame->PeekOffsetCharacter(aForward, &newOffsetInFrame, options) ==
nsIFrame::FOUND) {
*aXPOffset = startOffset + newOffsetInFrame;
return NS_OK;
// If the frame isn't available, we only can check surrogate pair...
const nsTextFragment* text = &aContent->AsText()->TextFragment();
if (text->IsLowSurrogateFollowingHighSurrogateAt(*aXPOffset)) {
*aXPOffset += aForward ? 1 : -1;
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::SetRawRangeFromFlatTextOffset(
RawRange* aRawRange, uint32_t aOffset, uint32_t aLength,
LineBreakType aLineBreakType, bool aExpandToClusterBoundaries,
uint32_t* aNewOffset, nsIContent** aLastTextNode) {
if (aNewOffset) {
*aNewOffset = aOffset;
if (aLastTextNode) {
*aLastTextNode = nullptr;
// Special case like <br contenteditable>
if (!mRootContent->HasChildren()) {
nsresult rv = aRawRange->CollapseTo(RawRangeBoundary(mRootContent, 0u));
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
PreContentIterator preOrderIter;
nsresult rv = preOrderIter.Init(mRootContent);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
uint32_t offset = 0;
uint32_t endOffset = aOffset + aLength;
bool startSet = false;
for (; !preOrderIter.IsDone(); preOrderIter.Next()) {
nsINode* node = preOrderIter.GetCurrentNode();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!node)) {
// FYI: mRootContent shouldn't cause any text. So, we can skip it simply.
if (node == mRootContent || !node->IsContent()) {
nsIContent* content = node->AsContent();
if (aLastTextNode && content->IsText()) {
NS_ADDREF(*aLastTextNode = content);
uint32_t textLength = content->IsText()
? GetTextLength(content, aLineBreakType)
: (ShouldBreakLineBefore(content, mRootContent)
? GetBRLength(aLineBreakType)
: 0);
if (!textLength) {
// When the start offset is in between accumulated offset and the last
// offset of the node, the node is the start node of the range.
if (!startSet && aOffset <= offset + textLength) {
nsINode* startNode = nullptr;
int32_t startNodeOffset = -1;
if (content->IsText()) {
// Rule #1.1: [textNode or text[Node or textNode[
uint32_t xpOffset = aOffset - offset;
if (aLineBreakType == LINE_BREAK_TYPE_NATIVE) {
xpOffset = ConvertToXPOffset(content, xpOffset);
if (aExpandToClusterBoundaries) {
uint32_t oldXPOffset = xpOffset;
rv = ExpandToClusterBoundary(content, false, &xpOffset);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
if (aNewOffset) {
// This is correct since a cluster shouldn't include line break.
*aNewOffset -= (oldXPOffset - xpOffset);
startNode = content;
startNodeOffset = static_cast<int32_t>(xpOffset);
} else if (aOffset < offset + textLength) {
// Rule #1.2 [<element>
startNode = content->GetParent();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!startNode)) {
startNodeOffset = startNode->ComputeIndexOf(content);
if (NS_WARN_IF(startNodeOffset == -1)) {
// The content is being removed from the parent!
} else if (!content->HasChildren()) {
// Rule #1.3: <element/>[
startNode = content->GetParent();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!startNode)) {
startNodeOffset = startNode->ComputeIndexOf(content) + 1;
if (NS_WARN_IF(startNodeOffset == 0)) {
// The content is being removed from the parent!
} else {
// Rule #1.4: <element>[
startNode = content;
startNodeOffset = 0;
NS_ASSERTION(startNode, "startNode must not be nullptr");
NS_ASSERTION(startNodeOffset >= 0,
"startNodeOffset must not be negative");
rv = aRawRange->SetStart(startNode,
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
startSet = true;
if (!aLength) {
rv = aRawRange->SetEnd(startNode,
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
return NS_OK;
// When the end offset is in the content, the node is the end node of the
// range.
if (endOffset <= offset + textLength) {
MOZ_ASSERT(startSet, "The start of the range should've been set already");
if (content->IsText()) {
// Rule #2.1: ]textNode or text]Node or textNode]
uint32_t xpOffset = endOffset - offset;
if (aLineBreakType == LINE_BREAK_TYPE_NATIVE) {
uint32_t xpOffsetCurrent = ConvertToXPOffset(content, xpOffset);
if (xpOffset && GetBRLength(aLineBreakType) > 1) {
MOZ_ASSERT(GetBRLength(aLineBreakType) == 2);
uint32_t xpOffsetPre = ConvertToXPOffset(content, xpOffset - 1);
// If previous character's XP offset is same as current character's,
// it means that the end offset is between \r and \n. So, the
// range end should be after the \n.
if (xpOffsetPre == xpOffsetCurrent) {
xpOffset = xpOffsetCurrent + 1;
} else {
xpOffset = xpOffsetCurrent;
if (aExpandToClusterBoundaries) {
rv = ExpandToClusterBoundary(content, true, &xpOffset);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
NS_ASSERTION(xpOffset <= INT32_MAX, "The end node offset is too large");
rv = aRawRange->SetEnd(content, xpOffset);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
return NS_OK;
if (endOffset == offset) {
// Rule #2.2: ]<element>
// NOTE: Please don't crash on release builds because it must be
// overreaction but we shouldn't allow this bug when some
// automated tests find this.
"This case should've already been handled at "
"the last node which caused some text");
if (content->HasChildren() &&
ShouldBreakLineBefore(content, mRootContent)) {
// Rule #2.3: </element>]
rv = aRawRange->SetEnd(content, 0);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
return NS_OK;
// Rule #2.4: <element/>]
nsINode* endNode = content->GetParent();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!endNode)) {
int32_t indexInParent = endNode->ComputeIndexOf(content);
if (NS_WARN_IF(indexInParent == -1)) {
// The content is being removed from the parent!
rv = aRawRange->SetEnd(endNode, indexInParent + 1);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
return NS_OK;
offset += textLength;
if (!startSet) {
if (!offset) {
// Rule #1.5: <root>[</root>
// When there are no nodes causing text, the start of the DOM range
// should be start of the root node since clicking on such editor (e.g.,
// <div contenteditable><span></span></div>) sets caret to the start of
// the editor (i.e., before <span> in the example).
rv = aRawRange->SetStart(mRootContent, 0);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
if (!aLength) {
rv = aRawRange->SetEnd(mRootContent, 0);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
return NS_OK;
} else {
// Rule #1.5: [</root>
rv = aRawRange->SetStart(mRootContent, mRootContent->GetChildCount());
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
if (aNewOffset) {
*aNewOffset = offset;
// Rule #2.5: ]</root>
rv = aRawRange->SetEnd(mRootContent, mRootContent->GetChildCount());
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
return NS_OK;
/* static */
LineBreakType ContentEventHandler::GetLineBreakType(
WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
return GetLineBreakType(aEvent->mUseNativeLineBreak);
/* static */
LineBreakType ContentEventHandler::GetLineBreakType(
WidgetSelectionEvent* aEvent) {
return GetLineBreakType(aEvent->mUseNativeLineBreak);
/* static */
LineBreakType ContentEventHandler::GetLineBreakType(bool aUseNativeLineBreak) {
nsresult ContentEventHandler::HandleQueryContentEvent(
WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
switch (aEvent->mMessage) {
case eQuerySelectedText:
return OnQuerySelectedText(aEvent);
case eQueryTextContent:
return OnQueryTextContent(aEvent);
case eQueryCaretRect:
return OnQueryCaretRect(aEvent);
case eQueryTextRect:
return OnQueryTextRect(aEvent);
case eQueryTextRectArray:
return OnQueryTextRectArray(aEvent);
case eQueryEditorRect:
return OnQueryEditorRect(aEvent);
case eQueryContentState:
return OnQueryContentState(aEvent);
case eQuerySelectionAsTransferable:
return OnQuerySelectionAsTransferable(aEvent);
case eQueryCharacterAtPoint:
return OnQueryCharacterAtPoint(aEvent);
case eQueryDOMWidgetHittest:
return OnQueryDOMWidgetHittest(aEvent);
return NS_OK;
// Similar to nsFrameSelection::GetFrameForNodeOffset,
// but this is more flexible for OnQueryTextRect to use
static nsresult GetFrameForTextRect(nsINode* aNode, int32_t aNodeOffset,
bool aHint, nsIFrame** aReturnFrame) {
nsIFrame* frame = aNode->AsContent()->GetPrimaryFrame();
int32_t childNodeOffset = 0;
return frame->GetChildFrameContainingOffset(aNodeOffset, aHint,
&childNodeOffset, aReturnFrame);
nsresult ContentEventHandler::OnQuerySelectedText(
WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
nsresult rv = Init(aEvent);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
if (!mFirstSelectedRawRange.IsPositioned()) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aEvent->mInput.mSelectionType != SelectionType::eNormal);
MOZ_ASSERT(aEvent->mReply.mOffset == WidgetQueryContentEvent::NOT_FOUND);
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
nsINode* const startNode = mFirstSelectedRawRange.GetStartContainer();
nsINode* const endNode = mFirstSelectedRawRange.GetEndContainer();
// Make sure the selection is within the root content range.
if (!startNode->IsInclusiveDescendantOf(mRootContent) ||
!endNode->IsInclusiveDescendantOf(mRootContent)) {
"The reply string must be empty");
LineBreakType lineBreakType = GetLineBreakType(aEvent);
rv = GetStartOffset(mFirstSelectedRawRange, &aEvent->mReply.mOffset,
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> anchorNode, focusNode;
int32_t anchorOffset = 0, focusOffset = 0;
if (mSelection->RangeCount()) {
// If there is only one selection range, the anchor/focus node and offset
// are the information of the range. Therefore, we have the direction
// information.
if (mSelection->RangeCount() == 1) {
anchorNode = mSelection->GetAnchorNode();
focusNode = mSelection->GetFocusNode();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!anchorNode) || NS_WARN_IF(!focusNode)) {
anchorOffset = static_cast<int32_t>(mSelection->AnchorOffset());
focusOffset = static_cast<int32_t>(mSelection->FocusOffset());
if (NS_WARN_IF(anchorOffset < 0) || NS_WARN_IF(focusOffset < 0)) {
// The selection's points should always be comparable, independent of the
// selection (see nsISelectionController.idl).
int16_t compare = *nsContentUtils::ComparePoints(anchorNode, anchorOffset,
focusNode, focusOffset);
aEvent->mReply.mReversed = compare > 0;
// However, if there are 2 or more selection ranges, we have no information
// of that.
else {
aEvent->mReply.mReversed = false;
if (!mFirstSelectedRawRange.Collapsed()) {
rv = GenerateFlatTextContent(mFirstSelectedRawRange,
aEvent->mReply.mString, lineBreakType);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
} else {
} else {
"When mSelection doesn't have selection, "
"mFirstSelectedRawRange must be "
anchorNode = focusNode = mFirstSelectedRawRange.GetStartContainer();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!anchorNode)) {
anchorOffset = focusOffset =
if (NS_WARN_IF(anchorOffset < 0)) {
aEvent->mReply.mReversed = false;
nsIFrame* frame = nullptr;
rv = GetFrameForTextRect(focusNode, focusOffset, true, &frame);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && frame) {
aEvent->mReply.mWritingMode = frame->GetWritingMode();
} else {
aEvent->mReply.mWritingMode = WritingMode();
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::OnQueryTextContent(
WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
nsresult rv = Init(aEvent);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
"The reply string must be empty");
LineBreakType lineBreakType = GetLineBreakType(aEvent);
RawRange rawRange;
rv = SetRawRangeFromFlatTextOffset(&rawRange, aEvent->mInput.mOffset,
aEvent->mInput.mLength, lineBreakType,
false, &aEvent->mReply.mOffset);
rv = GenerateFlatTextContent(rawRange, aEvent->mReply.mString, lineBreakType);
if (aEvent->mWithFontRanges) {
uint32_t fontRangeLength;
rv = GenerateFlatFontRanges(rawRange, aEvent->mReply.mFontRanges,
fontRangeLength, lineBreakType);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
MOZ_ASSERT(fontRangeLength == aEvent->mReply.mString.Length(),
"Font ranges doesn't match the string");
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
void ContentEventHandler::EnsureNonEmptyRect(nsRect& aRect) const {
// See the comment in ContentEventHandler.h why this doesn't set them to
// one device pixel.
aRect.height = std::max(1, aRect.height);
aRect.width = std::max(1, aRect.width);
void ContentEventHandler::EnsureNonEmptyRect(LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect) const {
aRect.height = std::max(1, aRect.height);
aRect.width = std::max(1, aRect.width);
const RawRange& aRawRange) {
NodePosition nodePosition;
PreContentIterator preOrderIter;
nsresult rv =
preOrderIter.Init(aRawRange.Start().AsRaw(), aRawRange.End().AsRaw());
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return FrameAndNodeOffset();
for (; !preOrderIter.IsDone(); preOrderIter.Next()) {
nsINode* node = preOrderIter.GetCurrentNode();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!node)) {
if (!node->IsContent()) {
if (node->IsText()) {
// If the range starts at the end of a text node, we need to find
// next node which causes text.
int32_t offsetInNode =
node == aRawRange.GetStartContainer() ? aRawRange.StartOffset() : 0;
if (static_cast<uint32_t>(offsetInNode) < node->Length()) {
nodePosition = {node, offsetInNode};
// If the element node causes a line break before it, it's the first
// node causing text.
if (ShouldBreakLineBefore(node->AsContent(), mRootContent) ||
IsPaddingBR(node->AsContent())) {
nodePosition = {node, 0};
if (!nodePosition.IsSetAndValid()) {
return FrameAndNodeOffset();
nsIFrame* firstFrame = nullptr;
*nodePosition.Offset(NodePosition::OffsetFilter::kValidOffsets), true,
return FrameAndNodeOffset(
ContentEventHandler::GetLastFrameInRangeForTextRect(const RawRange& aRawRange) {
NodePosition nodePosition;
PreContentIterator preOrderIter;
nsresult rv =
preOrderIter.Init(aRawRange.Start().AsRaw(), aRawRange.End().AsRaw());
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return FrameAndNodeOffset();
const RangeBoundary& endPoint = aRawRange.End();
// If the end point is start of a text node or specified by its parent and
// index, the node shouldn't be included into the range. For example,
// with this case, |<p>abc[<br>]def</p>|, the range ends at 3rd children of
// <p> (see the range creation rules, "2.4. Cases: <element/>]"). This causes
// following frames:
// +----+-----+
// | abc|[<br>|
// +----+-----+
// +----+
// |]def|
// +----+
// So, if this method includes the 2nd text frame's rect to its result, the
// caller will return too tall rect which includes 2 lines in this case isn't
// expected by native IME (e.g., popup of IME will be positioned at bottom
// of "d" instead of right-bottom of "c"). Therefore, this method shouldn't
// include the last frame when its content isn't really in aRawRange.
nsINode* nextNodeOfRangeEnd = nullptr;
if (endPoint.Container()->IsText()) {
// Don't set nextNodeOfRangeEnd to the start node of aRawRange because if
// the container of the end is same as start node of the range, the text
// node shouldn't be next of range end even if the offset is 0. This
// could occur with empty text node.
if (endPoint.IsStartOfContainer() &&
aRawRange.GetStartContainer() != endPoint.Container()) {
nextNodeOfRangeEnd = endPoint.Container();
} else if (endPoint.IsSetAndValid()) {
nextNodeOfRangeEnd = endPoint.GetChildAtOffset();
for (preOrderIter.Last(); !preOrderIter.IsDone(); preOrderIter.Prev()) {
nsINode* node = preOrderIter.GetCurrentNode();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!node)) {
if (!node->IsContent() || node == nextNodeOfRangeEnd) {
if (node->IsText()) {
CheckedInt<int32_t> offset;
if (node == aRawRange.GetEndContainer()) {
offset = aRawRange.EndOffset();
} else {
offset = node->Length();
nodePosition = {node, offset.value()};
// If the text node is empty or the last node of the range but the index
// is 0, we should store current position but continue looking for
// previous node (If there are no nodes before it, we should use current
// node position for returning its frame).
if (*nodePosition.Offset(NodePosition::OffsetFilter::kValidOffsets) ==
0) {
if (ShouldBreakLineBefore(node->AsContent(), mRootContent) ||
IsPaddingBR(node->AsContent())) {
nodePosition = {node, 0};
if (!nodePosition.IsSet()) {
return FrameAndNodeOffset();
nsIFrame* lastFrame = nullptr;
*nodePosition.Offset(NodePosition::OffsetFilter::kValidOffsets), true,
if (!lastFrame) {
return FrameAndNodeOffset();
// If the last frame is a text frame, we need to check if the range actually
// includes at least one character in the range. Therefore, if it's not a
// text frame, we need to do nothing anymore.
if (!lastFrame->IsTextFrame()) {
return FrameAndNodeOffset(
int32_t start, end;
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(lastFrame->GetOffsets(start, end)))) {
return FrameAndNodeOffset();
// If the start offset in the node is same as the computed offset in the
// node and it's not 0, the frame shouldn't be added to the text rect. So,
// this should return previous text frame and its last offset if there is
// at least one text frame.
if (*nodePosition.Offset(NodePosition::OffsetFilter::kValidOffsets) &&
*nodePosition.Offset(NodePosition::OffsetFilter::kValidOffsets) ==
static_cast<uint32_t>(start)) {
const CheckedInt<int32_t> newNodePositionOffset{
*nodePosition.Offset(NodePosition::OffsetFilter::kValidOffsets) - 1};
nodePosition = {nodePosition.Container(), newNodePositionOffset.value()};
*nodePosition.Offset(NodePosition::OffsetFilter::kValidOffsets), true,
if (NS_WARN_IF(!lastFrame)) {
return FrameAndNodeOffset();
return FrameAndNodeOffset(
ContentEventHandler::GetLineBreakerRectBefore(nsIFrame* aFrame) {
// Note that this method should be called only with an element's frame whose
// open tag causes a line break or moz-<br> for computing empty last line's
// rect.
MOZ_ASSERT(ShouldBreakLineBefore(aFrame->GetContent(), mRootContent) ||
nsIFrame* frameForFontMetrics = aFrame;
// If it's not a <br> frame, this method computes the line breaker's rect
// outside the frame. Therefore, we need to compute with parent frame's
// font metrics in such case.
if (!aFrame->IsBrFrame() && aFrame->GetParent()) {
frameForFontMetrics = aFrame->GetParent();
// Note that <br> element's rect is decided with line-height but we need
// a rect only with font height. Additionally, <br> frame's width and
// height are 0 in quirks mode if it's not an empty line. So, we cannot
// use frame rect information even if it's a <br> frame.
FrameRelativeRect result(aFrame);
RefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fontMetrics =
if (NS_WARN_IF(!fontMetrics)) {
return FrameRelativeRect();
const WritingMode kWritingMode = frameForFontMetrics->GetWritingMode();
nscoord baseline = aFrame->GetCaretBaseline();
if (kWritingMode.IsVertical()) {
if (kWritingMode.IsLineInverted()) {
result.mRect.x = baseline - fontMetrics->MaxDescent();
} else {
result.mRect.x = baseline - fontMetrics->MaxAscent();
result.mRect.width = fontMetrics->MaxHeight();
} else {
result.mRect.y = baseline - fontMetrics->MaxAscent();
result.mRect.height = fontMetrics->MaxHeight();
// If aFrame isn't a <br> frame, caret should be at outside of it because
// the line break is before its open tag. For example, case of
// |<div><p>some text</p></div>|, caret is before <p> element and in <div>
// element, the caret should be left of top-left corner of <p> element like:
// +-<div>------------------- <div>'s border box
// | I +-<p>----------------- <p>'s border box
// | I |
// | I |
// | |
// ^- caret
// However, this is a hack for unusual scenario. This hack shouldn't be
// used as far as possible.
if (!aFrame->IsBrFrame()) {
if (kWritingMode.IsVertical()) {
if (kWritingMode.IsLineInverted()) {
// above of top-left corner of aFrame.
result.mRect.x = 0;
} else {
// above of top-right corner of aFrame.
result.mRect.x = aFrame->GetRect().XMost() - result.mRect.width;
result.mRect.y = -aFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
} else {
// left of top-left corner of aFrame.
result.mRect.x = -aFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
result.mRect.y = 0;
return result;
ContentEventHandler::GuessLineBreakerRectAfter(nsIContent* aTextContent) {
// aTextContent should be a text node.
FrameRelativeRect result;
int32_t length = static_cast<int32_t>(aTextContent->Length());
if (NS_WARN_IF(length < 0)) {
return result;
// Get the last nsTextFrame which is caused by aTextContent. Note that
// a text node can cause multiple text frames, e.g., the text is too long
// and wrapped by its parent block or the text has line breakers and its
// white-space property respects the line breakers (e.g., |pre|).
nsIFrame* lastTextFrame = nullptr;
nsresult rv = GetFrameForTextRect(aTextContent, length, true, &lastTextFrame);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv)) || NS_WARN_IF(!lastTextFrame)) {
return result;
const nsRect kLastTextFrameRect = lastTextFrame->GetRect();
if (lastTextFrame->GetWritingMode().IsVertical()) {
// Below of the last text frame.
result.mRect.SetRect(0, kLastTextFrameRect.height, kLastTextFrameRect.width,
} else {
// Right of the last text frame (not bidi-aware).
result.mRect.SetRect(kLastTextFrameRect.width, 0, 0,
result.mBaseFrame = lastTextFrame;
return result;
ContentEventHandler::GuessFirstCaretRectIn(nsIFrame* aFrame) {
const WritingMode kWritingMode = aFrame->GetWritingMode();
nsPresContext* presContext = aFrame->PresContext();
// Computes the font height, but if it's not available, we should use
// default font size of Firefox. The default font size in default settings
// is 16px.
RefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fontMetrics =
const nscoord kMaxHeight = fontMetrics
? fontMetrics->MaxHeight()
: 16 * presContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
nsRect caretRect;
const nsRect kContentRect = aFrame->GetContentRect() - aFrame->GetPosition();
caretRect.y = kContentRect.y;
if (!kWritingMode.IsVertical()) {
if (kWritingMode.IsBidiLTR()) {
caretRect.x = kContentRect.x;
} else {
// Move 1px left for the space of caret itself.
const nscoord kOnePixel = presContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
caretRect.x = kContentRect.XMost() - kOnePixel;
caretRect.height = kMaxHeight;
// However, don't add kOnePixel here because it may cause 2px width at
// aligning the edge to device pixels.
caretRect.width = 1;
} else {
if (kWritingMode.IsVerticalLR()) {
caretRect.x = kContentRect.x;
} else {
caretRect.x = kContentRect.XMost() - kMaxHeight;
caretRect.width = kMaxHeight;
// Don't add app units for a device pixel because it may cause 2px height
// at aligning the edge to device pixels.
caretRect.height = 1;
return FrameRelativeRect(caretRect, aFrame);
nsresult ContentEventHandler::OnQueryTextRectArray(
WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
nsresult rv = Init(aEvent);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
LineBreakType lineBreakType = GetLineBreakType(aEvent);
const uint32_t kBRLength = GetBRLength(lineBreakType);
bool isVertical = false;
LayoutDeviceIntRect rect;
uint32_t offset = aEvent->mInput.mOffset;
const uint32_t kEndOffset = offset + aEvent->mInput.mLength;
bool wasLineBreaker = false;
// lastCharRect stores the last charRect value (see below for the detail of
// charRect).
nsRect lastCharRect;
// lastFrame is base frame of lastCharRect.
nsIFrame* lastFrame = nullptr;
while (offset < kEndOffset) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> lastTextContent;
RawRange rawRange;
rv =
SetRawRangeFromFlatTextOffset(&rawRange, offset, 1, lineBreakType, true,
nullptr, getter_AddRefs(lastTextContent));
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
// If the range is collapsed, offset has already reached the end of the
// contents.
if (rawRange.Collapsed()) {
// Get the first frame which causes some text after the offset.
FrameAndNodeOffset firstFrame = GetFirstFrameInRangeForTextRect(rawRange);
// If GetFirstFrameInRangeForTextRect() does not return valid frame, that
// means that there are no visible frames having text or the offset reached
// the end of contents.
if (!firstFrame.IsValid()) {
nsAutoString allText;
rv = GenerateFlatTextContent(mRootContent, allText, lineBreakType);
// If the offset doesn't reach the end of contents yet but there is no
// frames for the node, that means that current offset's node is hidden
// by CSS or something. Ideally, we should handle it with the last
// visible text node's last character's rect, but it's not usual cases
// in actual web services. Therefore, currently, we should make this
// case fail.
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv)) || offset < allText.Length()) {
// Otherwise, we should append caret rect at the end of the contents
// later.
nsIContent* firstContent = firstFrame.mFrame->GetContent();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!firstContent)) {
bool startsBetweenLineBreaker = false;
nsAutoString chars;
// XXX not bidi-aware this class...
isVertical = firstFrame->GetWritingMode().IsVertical();
nsIFrame* baseFrame = firstFrame;
// charRect should have each character rect or line breaker rect relative
// to the base frame.
AutoTArray<nsRect, 16> charRects;
// If the first frame is a text frame, the result should be computed with
// the frame's API.
if (firstFrame->IsTextFrame()) {
rv = firstFrame->GetCharacterRectsInRange(firstFrame.mOffsetInNode,
kEndOffset - offset, charRects);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv)) || NS_WARN_IF(charRects.IsEmpty())) {
return rv;
// Assign the characters whose rects are computed by the call of
// nsTextFrame::GetCharacterRectsInRange().
AppendSubString(chars, firstContent->AsText(), firstFrame.mOffsetInNode,
if (NS_WARN_IF(chars.Length() != charRects.Length())) {
if (kBRLength > 1 && chars[0] == '\n' &&
offset == aEvent->mInput.mOffset && offset) {
// If start of range starting from previous offset of query range is
// same as the start of query range, the query range starts from
// between a line breaker (i.e., the range starts between "\r" and
// "\n").
RawRange rawRangeToPrevOffset;
rv = SetRawRangeFromFlatTextOffset(&rawRangeToPrevOffset,
aEvent->mInput.mOffset - 1, 1,
lineBreakType, true, nullptr);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
startsBetweenLineBreaker =
rawRange.GetStartContainer() ==
rawRangeToPrevOffset.GetStartContainer() &&
rawRange.StartOffset() == rawRangeToPrevOffset.StartOffset();
// Other contents should cause a line breaker rect before it.
// Note that moz-<br> element does not cause any text, however,
// it represents empty line at the last of current block. Therefore,
// we need to compute its rect too.
else if (ShouldBreakLineBefore(firstContent, mRootContent) ||
IsPaddingBR(firstContent)) {
nsRect brRect;
// If the frame is not a <br> frame, we need to compute the caret rect
// with last character's rect before firstContent if there is.
// For example, if caret is after "c" of |<p>abc</p><p>def</p>|, IME may
// query a line breaker's rect after "c". Then, if we compute it only
// with the 2nd <p>'s block frame, the result will be:
// +-<p>--------------------------------+
// |abc |
// +------------------------------------+
// I+-<p>--------------------------------+
// |def |
// +------------------------------------+
// However, users expect popup windows of IME should be positioned at
// right-bottom of "c" like this:
// +-<p>--------------------------------+
// |abcI |
// +------------------------------------+
// +-<p>--------------------------------+
// |def |
// +------------------------------------+
// Therefore, if the first frame isn't a <br> frame and there is a text
// node before the first node in the queried range, we should compute the
// first rect with the previous character's rect.
// If we already compute a character's rect in the queried range, we can
// compute it with the cached last character's rect. (However, don't
// use this path if it's a <br> frame because trusting <br> frame's rect
// is better than guessing the rect from the previous character.)
if (!firstFrame->IsBrFrame() && aEvent->mInput.mOffset != offset) {
baseFrame = lastFrame;
brRect = lastCharRect;
if (!wasLineBreaker) {
if (isVertical) {
// Right of the last character.
brRect.y = brRect.YMost() + 1;
brRect.height = 1;
} else {
// Under the last character.
brRect.x = brRect.XMost() + 1;
brRect.width = 1;
// If it's not a <br> frame and it's the first character rect at the
// queried range, we need to the previous character of the start of
// the queried range if there is a text node.
else if (!firstFrame->IsBrFrame() && lastTextContent) {
FrameRelativeRect brRectRelativeToLastTextFrame =
if (NS_WARN_IF(!brRectRelativeToLastTextFrame.IsValid())) {
// Look for the last text frame for lastTextContent.
nsIFrame* primaryFrame = lastTextContent->GetPrimaryFrame();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!primaryFrame)) {
baseFrame = primaryFrame->LastContinuation();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!baseFrame)) {
brRect = brRectRelativeToLastTextFrame.RectRelativeTo(baseFrame);
// Otherwise, we need to compute the line breaker's rect only with the
// first frame's rect. But this may be unexpected. For example,
// |<div contenteditable>[<p>]abc</p></div>|. In this case, caret is
// before "a", therefore, users expect the rect left of "a". However,
// we don't have enough information about the next character here and
// this isn't usual case (e.g., IME typically tries to query the rect
// of "a" or caret rect for computing its popup position). Therefore,
// we shouldn't do more complicated hack here unless we'll get some bug
// reports actually.
else {
FrameRelativeRect relativeBRRect = GetLineBreakerRectBefore(firstFrame);
brRect = relativeBRRect.RectRelativeTo(firstFrame);
if (kBRLength > 1 && offset == aEvent->mInput.mOffset && offset) {
// If the first frame for the previous offset of the query range and
// the first frame for the start of query range are same, that means
// the start offset is between the first line breaker (i.e., the range
// starts between "\r" and "\n").
rv =
SetRawRangeFromFlatTextOffset(&rawRange, aEvent->mInput.mOffset - 1,
1, lineBreakType, true, nullptr);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
FrameAndNodeOffset frameForPrevious =
startsBetweenLineBreaker = frameForPrevious.mFrame == firstFrame.mFrame;
} else {
"The frame is neither a text frame nor a frame whose content "
"causes a line break");
for (size_t i = 0; i < charRects.Length() && offset < kEndOffset; i++) {
nsRect charRect = charRects[i];
// Store lastCharRect before applying CSS transform because it may be
// used for computing a line breaker rect. Then, the computed line
// breaker rect will be applied CSS transform again. Therefore,
// the value of lastCharRect should be raw rect value relative to the
// base frame.
lastCharRect = charRect;
lastFrame = baseFrame;
rv = ConvertToRootRelativeOffset(baseFrame, charRect);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
nsPresContext* presContext = baseFrame->PresContext();
rect = LayoutDeviceIntRect::FromAppUnitsToOutside(
charRect, presContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel());
if (nsPresContext* rootContext =
presContext->GetInProcessRootContentDocumentPresContext()) {
rect = RoundedOut(ViewportUtils::DocumentRelativeLayoutToVisual(
rect, rootContext->PresShell()));
// Returning empty rect may cause native IME confused, let's make sure to
// return non-empty rect.
// If it's not a line breaker or the line breaker length is same as
// XP line breaker's, we need to do nothing for current character.
wasLineBreaker = chars[i] == '\n';
if (!wasLineBreaker || kBRLength == 1) {
MOZ_ASSERT(kBRLength == 2);
// If it's already reached the end of query range, we don't need to do
// anymore.
if (offset == kEndOffset) {
// If the query range starts from between a line breaker, i.e., it starts
// between "\r" and "\n", the appended rect was for the "\n". Therefore,
// we don't need to append same rect anymore for current "\r\n".
if (startsBetweenLineBreaker) {
// The appended rect was for "\r" of "\r\n". Therefore, we need to
// append same rect for "\n" too because querying rect of "\r" and "\n"
// should return same rect. E.g., IME may query previous character's
// rect of first character of a line.
// If the query range is longer than actual content length, we should append
// caret rect at the end of the content as the last character rect because
// native IME may want to query character rect at the end of contents for
// deciding the position of a popup window (e.g., suggest window for next
// word). Note that when this method hasn't appended character rects, it
// means that the offset is too large or the query range is collapsed.
if (offset < kEndOffset || aEvent->mReply.mRectArray.IsEmpty()) {
// If we've already retrieved some character rects before current offset,
// we can guess the last rect from the last character's rect unless it's a
// line breaker. (If it's a line breaker, the caret rect is in next line.)
if (!aEvent->mReply.mRectArray.IsEmpty() && !wasLineBreaker) {
rect = aEvent->mReply.mRectArray.LastElement();
if (isVertical) {
rect.y = rect.YMost() + 1;
rect.height = 1;
} else {
rect.x = rect.XMost() + 1;
rect.width = 1;
} else {
// Note that don't use eQueryCaretRect here because if caret is at the
// end of the content, it returns actual caret rect instead of computing
// the rect itself. It means that the result depends on caret position.
// So, we shouldn't use it for consistency result in automated tests.
WidgetQueryContentEvent queryTextRect(eQueryTextRect, *aEvent);
WidgetQueryContentEvent::Options options(*aEvent);
queryTextRect.InitForQueryTextRect(offset, 1, options);
rv = OnQueryTextRect(&queryTextRect);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
if (NS_WARN_IF(!queryTextRect.mSucceeded)) {
if (queryTextRect.mReply.mWritingMode.IsVertical()) {
queryTextRect.mReply.mRect.height = 1;
} else {
queryTextRect.mReply.mRect.width = 1;
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::OnQueryTextRect(WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
nsresult rv = Init(aEvent);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
// If mLength is 0 (this may be caused by bug of native IME), we should
// redirect this event to OnQueryCaretRect().
if (!aEvent->mInput.mLength) {
return OnQueryCaretRect(aEvent);
LineBreakType lineBreakType = GetLineBreakType(aEvent);
RawRange rawRange;
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> lastTextContent;
rv = SetRawRangeFromFlatTextOffset(
&rawRange, aEvent->mInput.mOffset, aEvent->mInput.mLength, lineBreakType,
true, &aEvent->mReply.mOffset, getter_AddRefs(lastTextContent));
rv = GenerateFlatTextContent(rawRange, aEvent->mReply.mString, lineBreakType);
// used to iterate over all contents and their frames
PostContentIterator postOrderIter;
rv = postOrderIter.Init(rawRange.Start().AsRaw(), rawRange.End().AsRaw());
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
// Get the first frame which causes some text after the offset.
FrameAndNodeOffset firstFrame = GetFirstFrameInRangeForTextRect(rawRange);
// If GetFirstFrameInRangeForTextRect() does not return valid frame, that
// means that there are no visible frames having text or the offset reached
// the end of contents.
if (!firstFrame.IsValid()) {
nsAutoString allText;
rv = GenerateFlatTextContent(mRootContent, allText, lineBreakType);
// If the offset doesn't reach the end of contents but there is no frames
// for the node, that means that current offset's node is hidden by CSS or
// something. Ideally, we should handle it with the last visible text
// node's last character's rect, but it's not usual cases in actual web
// services. Therefore, currently, we should make this case fail.
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv)) ||
static_cast<uint32_t>(aEvent->mInput.mOffset) < allText.Length()) {
// Look for the last frame which should be included text rects.
rv = rawRange.SelectNodeContents(mRootContent);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
nsRect rect;
FrameAndNodeOffset lastFrame = GetLastFrameInRangeForTextRect(rawRange);
// If there is at least one frame which can be used for computing a rect
// for a character or a line breaker, we should use it for guessing the
// caret rect at the end of the contents.
nsPresContext* presContext;
if (lastFrame) {
presContext = lastFrame->PresContext();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!lastFrame->GetContent())) {
FrameRelativeRect relativeRect;
// If there is a <br> frame at the end, it represents an empty line at
// the end with moz-<br> or content <br> in a block level element.
if (lastFrame->IsBrFrame()) {
relativeRect = GetLineBreakerRectBefore(lastFrame);
// If there is a text frame at the end, use its information.
else if (lastFrame->IsTextFrame()) {
relativeRect = GuessLineBreakerRectAfter(lastFrame->GetContent());
// If there is an empty frame which is neither a text frame nor a <br>
// frame at the end, guess caret rect in it.
else {
relativeRect = GuessFirstCaretRectIn(lastFrame);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!relativeRect.IsValid())) {
rect = relativeRect.RectRelativeTo(lastFrame);
rv = ConvertToRootRelativeOffset(lastFrame, rect);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
aEvent->mReply.mWritingMode = lastFrame->GetWritingMode();
// Otherwise, if there are no contents in mRootContent, guess caret rect in
// its frame (with its font height and content box).
else {
nsIFrame* rootContentFrame = mRootContent->GetPrimaryFrame();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!rootContentFrame)) {
presContext = rootContentFrame->PresContext();
FrameRelativeRect relativeRect = GuessFirstCaretRectIn(rootContentFrame);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!relativeRect.IsValid())) {
rect = relativeRect.RectRelativeTo(rootContentFrame);
rv = ConvertToRootRelativeOffset(rootContentFrame, rect);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
aEvent->mReply.mWritingMode = rootContentFrame->GetWritingMode();
aEvent->mReply.mRect = LayoutDeviceIntRect::FromAppUnitsToOutside(
rect, presContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel());
if (nsPresContext* rootContext =
presContext->GetInProcessRootContentDocumentPresContext()) {
aEvent->mReply.mRect =
aEvent->mReply.mRect, rootContext->PresShell()));
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
nsRect rect, frameRect;
nsPoint ptOffset;
// If the first frame is a text frame, the result should be computed with
// the frame's rect but not including the rect before start point of the
// queried range.
if (firstFrame->IsTextFrame()) {
rect.SetRect(nsPoint(0, 0), firstFrame->GetRect().Size());
rv = ConvertToRootRelativeOffset(firstFrame, rect);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
frameRect = rect;
// Exclude the rect before start point of the queried range.
firstFrame->GetPointFromOffset(firstFrame.mOffsetInNode, &ptOffset);
if (firstFrame->GetWritingMode().IsVertical()) {
rect.y += ptOffset.y;
rect.height -= ptOffset.y;
} else {
rect.x += ptOffset.x;
rect.width -= ptOffset.x;
// If first frame causes a line breaker but it's not a <br> frame, we cannot
// compute proper rect only with the frame because typically caret is at
// right of the last character of it. For example, if caret is after "c" of
// |<p>abc</p><p>def</p>|, IME may query a line breaker's rect after "c".
// Then, if we compute it only with the 2nd <p>'s block frame, the result
// will be:
// +-<p>--------------------------------+
// |abc |
// +------------------------------------+
// I+-<p>--------------------------------+
// |def |
// +------------------------------------+
// However, users expect popup windows of IME should be positioned at
// right-bottom of "c" like this:
// +-<p>--------------------------------+
// |abcI |
// +------------------------------------+
// +-<p>--------------------------------+
// |def |
// +------------------------------------+
// Therefore, if the first frame isn't a <br> frame and there is a text
// node before the first node in the queried range, we should compute the
// first rect with the previous character's rect.
else if (!firstFrame->IsBrFrame() && lastTextContent) {
FrameRelativeRect brRectAfterLastChar =
if (NS_WARN_IF(!brRectAfterLastChar.IsValid())) {
rect = brRectAfterLastChar.mRect;
rv = ConvertToRootRelativeOffset(brRectAfterLastChar.mBaseFrame, rect);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
frameRect = rect;
// Otherwise, we need to compute the line breaker's rect only with the
// first frame's rect. But this may be unexpected. For example,
// |<div contenteditable>[<p>]abc</p></div>|. In this case, caret is before
// "a", therefore, users expect the rect left of "a". However, we don't
// have enough information about the next character here and this isn't
// usual case (e.g., IME typically tries to query the rect of "a" or caret
// rect for computing its popup position). Therefore, we shouldn't do
// more complicated hack here unless we'll get some bug reports actually.
else {
FrameRelativeRect relativeRect = GetLineBreakerRectBefore(firstFrame);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!relativeRect.IsValid())) {
rect = relativeRect.RectRelativeTo(firstFrame);
rv = ConvertToRootRelativeOffset(firstFrame, rect);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
frameRect = rect;
// UnionRect() requires non-empty rect. So, let's make sure to get non-emtpy
// rect from the first frame.
// Get the last frame which causes some text in the range.
FrameAndNodeOffset lastFrame = GetLastFrameInRangeForTextRect(rawRange);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!lastFrame.IsValid())) {
// iterate over all covered frames
for (nsIFrame* frame = firstFrame; frame != lastFrame;) {
frame = frame->GetNextContinuation();
if (!frame) {
do {
nsINode* node = postOrderIter.GetCurrentNode();
if (!node) {
if (!node->IsContent()) {
nsIFrame* primaryFrame = node->AsContent()->GetPrimaryFrame();
// The node may be hidden by CSS.
if (!primaryFrame) {
// We should take only text frame's rect and br frame's rect. We can
// always use frame rect of text frame and GetLineBreakerRectBefore()
// can return exactly correct rect only for <br> frame for now. On the
// other hand, GetLineBreakRectBefore() returns guessed caret rect for
// the other frames. We shouldn't include such odd rect to the result.
if (primaryFrame->IsTextFrame() || primaryFrame->IsBrFrame()) {
frame = primaryFrame;
} while (!frame && !postOrderIter.IsDone());
if (!frame) {
if (frame->IsTextFrame()) {
frameRect.SetRect(nsPoint(0, 0), frame->GetRect().Size());
} else {
FrameRelativeRect relativeRect = GetLineBreakerRectBefore(frame);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!relativeRect.IsValid())) {
frameRect = relativeRect.RectRelativeTo(frame);
rv = ConvertToRootRelativeOffset(frame, frameRect);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
// UnionRect() requires non-empty rect. So, let's make sure to get
// non-emtpy rect from the frame.
if (frame != lastFrame) {
// not last frame, so just add rect to previous result
rect.UnionRect(rect, frameRect);
// Get the ending frame rect.
// FYI: If first frame and last frame are same, frameRect is already set
// to the rect excluding the text before the query range.
if (firstFrame.mFrame != lastFrame.mFrame) {
frameRect.SetRect(nsPoint(0, 0), lastFrame->GetRect().Size());
rv = ConvertToRootRelativeOffset(lastFrame, frameRect);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
// Shrink the last frame for cutting off the text after the query range.
if (lastFrame->IsTextFrame()) {
lastFrame->GetPointFromOffset(lastFrame.mOffsetInNode, &ptOffset);
if (lastFrame->GetWritingMode().IsVertical()) {
frameRect.height -= lastFrame->GetRect().height - ptOffset.y;
} else {
frameRect.width -= lastFrame->GetRect().width - ptOffset.x;
// UnionRect() requires non-empty rect. So, let's make sure to get
// non-empty rect from the last frame.
if (firstFrame.mFrame == lastFrame.mFrame) {
rect.IntersectRect(rect, frameRect);
} else {
rect.UnionRect(rect, frameRect);
nsPresContext* presContext = lastFrame->PresContext();
aEvent->mReply.mRect = LayoutDeviceIntRect::FromAppUnitsToOutside(
rect, presContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel());
if (nsPresContext* rootContext =
presContext->GetInProcessRootContentDocumentPresContext()) {
aEvent->mReply.mRect =
aEvent->mReply.mRect, rootContext->PresShell()));
// Returning empty rect may cause native IME confused, let's make sure to
// return non-empty rect.
aEvent->mReply.mWritingMode = lastFrame->GetWritingMode();
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::OnQueryEditorRect(
WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
nsresult rv = Init(aEvent);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
nsIContent* focusedContent = GetFocusedContent();
rv = QueryContentRect(
IsPlugin(focusedContent) ? focusedContent : mRootContent.get(), aEvent);
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::OnQueryCaretRect(
WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
nsresult rv = Init(aEvent);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
// When the selection is collapsed and the queried offset is current caret
// position, we should return the "real" caret rect.
if (mSelection->IsCollapsed()) {
nsRect caretRect;
nsIFrame* caretFrame = nsCaret::GetGeometry(mSelection, &caretRect);
if (caretFrame) {
uint32_t offset;
rv = GetStartOffset(mFirstSelectedRawRange, &offset,
if (offset == aEvent->mInput.mOffset) {
rv = ConvertToRootRelativeOffset(caretFrame, caretRect);
nsPresContext* presContext = caretFrame->PresContext();
aEvent->mReply.mRect = LayoutDeviceIntRect::FromAppUnitsToOutside(
caretRect, presContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel());
if (nsPresContext* rootContext =
presContext->GetInProcessRootContentDocumentPresContext()) {
aEvent->mReply.mRect =
aEvent->mReply.mRect, rootContext->PresShell()));
// Returning empty rect may cause native IME confused, let's make sure
// to return non-empty rect.
aEvent->mReply.mWritingMode = caretFrame->GetWritingMode();
aEvent->mReply.mOffset = aEvent->mInput.mOffset;
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
// Otherwise, we should guess the caret rect from the character's rect.
WidgetQueryContentEvent queryTextRectEvent(eQueryTextRect, *aEvent);
WidgetQueryContentEvent::Options options(*aEvent);
queryTextRectEvent.InitForQueryTextRect(aEvent->mInput.mOffset, 1, options);
rv = OnQueryTextRect(&queryTextRectEvent);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv)) || NS_WARN_IF(!queryTextRectEvent.mSucceeded)) {
aEvent->mReply = queryTextRectEvent.mReply;
if (aEvent->GetWritingMode().IsVertical()) {
aEvent->mReply.mRect.height = 1;
} else {
aEvent->mReply.mRect.width = 1;
// Returning empty rect may cause native IME confused, let's make sure to
// return non-empty rect.
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::OnQueryContentState(
WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
nsresult rv = Init(aEvent);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::OnQuerySelectionAsTransferable(
WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
nsresult rv = Init(aEvent);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
if (!aEvent->mReply.mHasSelection) {
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
aEvent->mReply.mTransferable = nullptr;
return NS_OK;
rv = nsCopySupport::GetTransferableForSelection(
mSelection, mDocument, getter_AddRefs(aEvent->mReply.mTransferable));
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::OnQueryCharacterAtPoint(
WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
nsresult rv = Init(aEvent);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
aEvent->mReply.mOffset = aEvent->mReply.mTentativeCaretOffset =
PresShell* presShell = mDocument->GetPresShell();
nsIFrame* rootFrame = presShell->GetRootFrame();
nsIWidget* rootWidget = rootFrame->GetNearestWidget();
// The root frame's widget might be different, e.g., the event was fired on
// a popup but the rootFrame is the document root.
if (rootWidget != aEvent->mWidget) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aEvent->mWidget, "The event must have the widget");
nsView* view = nsView::GetViewFor(aEvent->mWidget);
rootFrame = view->GetFrame();
rootWidget = rootFrame->GetNearestWidget();
WidgetQueryContentEvent eventOnRoot(true, eQueryCharacterAtPoint, rootWidget);
eventOnRoot.mUseNativeLineBreak = aEvent->mUseNativeLineBreak;
eventOnRoot.mRefPoint = aEvent->mRefPoint;
if (rootWidget != aEvent->mWidget) {
eventOnRoot.mRefPoint += aEvent->mWidget->WidgetToScreenOffset() -
nsPoint ptInRoot = nsLayoutUtils::GetEventCoordinatesRelativeTo(
&eventOnRoot, RelativeTo{rootFrame});
nsIFrame* targetFrame =
nsLayoutUtils::GetFrameForPoint(RelativeTo{rootFrame}, ptInRoot);
if (!targetFrame || !targetFrame->GetContent() ||
!targetFrame->GetContent()->IsInclusiveDescendantOf(mRootContent)) {
// There is no character at the point.
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
nsPoint ptInTarget = ptInRoot + rootFrame->GetOffsetToCrossDoc(targetFrame);
int32_t rootAPD = rootFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
int32_t targetAPD = targetFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
ptInTarget = ptInTarget.ScaleToOtherAppUnits(rootAPD, targetAPD);
nsIFrame::ContentOffsets tentativeCaretOffsets =
if (!tentativeCaretOffsets.content ||
!tentativeCaretOffsets.content->IsInclusiveDescendantOf(mRootContent)) {
// There is no character nor tentative caret point at the point.
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
rv = GetFlatTextLengthInRange(
NodePosition(mRootContent, 0), NodePosition(tentativeCaretOffsets),
mRootContent, &aEvent->mReply.mTentativeCaretOffset,
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
if (!targetFrame->IsTextFrame()) {
// There is no character at the point but there is tentative caret point.
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
MOZ_ASSERT(aEvent->mReply.mTentativeCaretOffset !=
"The point is inside a character bounding box. Why tentative "
"caret point "
"hasn't been found?");
nsTextFrame* textframe = static_cast<nsTextFrame*>(targetFrame);
nsIFrame::ContentOffsets contentOffsets =
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(contentOffsets.content, NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
uint32_t offset;
rv = GetFlatTextLengthInRange(NodePosition(mRootContent, 0),
NodePosition(contentOffsets), mRootContent,
&offset, GetLineBreakType(aEvent));
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
WidgetQueryContentEvent textRect(true, eQueryTextRect, aEvent->mWidget);
WidgetQueryContentEvent::Options options(*aEvent);
textRect.InitForQueryTextRect(offset, 1, options);
rv = OnQueryTextRect(&textRect);
// currently, we don't need to get the actual text.
aEvent->mReply.mOffset = offset;
aEvent->mReply.mRect = textRect.mReply.mRect;
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::OnQueryDOMWidgetHittest(
WidgetQueryContentEvent* aEvent) {
NS_ASSERTION(aEvent, "aEvent must not be null");
nsresult rv = InitBasic();
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
aEvent->mSucceeded = false;
aEvent->mReply.mWidgetIsHit = false;
PresShell* presShell = mDocument->GetPresShell();
nsIFrame* docFrame = presShell->GetRootFrame();
LayoutDeviceIntPoint eventLoc =
aEvent->mRefPoint + aEvent->mWidget->WidgetToScreenOffset();
CSSIntRect docFrameRect = docFrame->GetScreenRect();
CSSIntPoint eventLocCSS(
docFrame->PresContext()->DevPixelsToIntCSSPixels(eventLoc.x) -
docFrame->PresContext()->DevPixelsToIntCSSPixels(eventLoc.y) -
Element* contentUnderMouse = mDocument->ElementFromPointHelper(
eventLocCSS.x, eventLocCSS.y, false, false, ViewportType::Visual);
if (contentUnderMouse) {
nsIWidget* targetWidget = nullptr;
nsIFrame* targetFrame = contentUnderMouse->GetPrimaryFrame();
nsIObjectFrame* pluginFrame = do_QueryFrame(targetFrame);
if (pluginFrame) {
targetWidget = pluginFrame->GetWidget();
} else if (targetFrame) {
targetWidget = targetFrame->GetNearestWidget();
if (aEvent->mWidget == targetWidget) {
aEvent->mReply.mWidgetIsHit = true;
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
/* static */
nsresult ContentEventHandler::GetFlatTextLengthInRange(
const NodePosition& aStartPosition, const NodePosition& aEndPosition,
nsIContent* aRootContent, uint32_t* aLength, LineBreakType aLineBreakType,
bool aIsRemovingNode /* = false */) {
if (NS_WARN_IF(!aRootContent) || NS_WARN_IF(!aStartPosition.IsSet()) ||
NS_WARN_IF(!aEndPosition.IsSet()) || NS_WARN_IF(!aLength)) {
if (aStartPosition == aEndPosition) {
*aLength = 0;
return NS_OK;
PreContentIterator preOrderIter;
// Working with ContentIterator, we may need to adjust the end position for
// including it forcibly.
NodePosition endPosition(aEndPosition);
// This may be called for retrieving the text of removed nodes. Even in this
// case, the node thinks it's still in the tree because UnbindFromTree() will
// be called after here. However, the node was already removed from the
// array of children of its parent. So, be careful to handle this case.
if (aIsRemovingNode) {
DebugOnly<nsIContent*> parent = aStartPosition.Container()->GetParent();
parent && parent->ComputeIndexOf(aStartPosition.Container()) == -1,
"At removing the node, the node shouldn't be in the array of children "
"of its parent");
MOZ_ASSERT(aStartPosition.Container() == endPosition.Container(),
"At removing the node, start and end node should be same");
NodePosition::OffsetFilter::kValidOrInvalidOffsets) == 0,
"When the node is being removed, the start offset should be 0");
NodePosition::OffsetFilter::kValidOrInvalidOffsets)) ==
"When the node is being removed, the end offset should be child count");
nsresult rv = preOrderIter.Init(aStartPosition.Container());
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
} else {
RawRange prevRawRange;
nsresult rv = prevRawRange.SetStart(aStartPosition.AsRaw());
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
// When the end position is immediately after non-root element's open tag,
// we need to include a line break caused by the open tag.
if (endPosition.Container() != aRootContent &&
endPosition.IsImmediatelyAfterOpenTag()) {
if (endPosition.Container()->HasChildren()) {
// When the end node has some children, move the end position to before
// the open tag of its first child.
nsINode* firstChild = endPosition.Container()->GetFirstChild();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!firstChild)) {
endPosition = NodePositionBefore(firstChild, 0);
} else {
// When the end node is empty, move the end position after the node.
nsIContent* parentContent = endPosition.Container()->GetParent();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!parentContent)) {
int32_t indexInParent =
if (NS_WARN_IF(indexInParent < 0)) {
endPosition = NodePositionBefore(parentContent, indexInParent + 1);
if (endPosition.IsSetAndValid()) {
// Offset is within node's length; set end of range to that offset
rv = prevRawRange.SetEnd(endPosition.AsRaw());
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
rv = preOrderIter.Init(prevRawRange.Start().AsRaw(),
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
} else if (endPosition.Container() != aRootContent) {
// Offset is past node's length; set end of range to end of node
rv = prevRawRange.SetEndAfter(endPosition.Container());
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
rv = preOrderIter.Init(prevRawRange.Start().AsRaw(),
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
} else {
// Offset is past the root node; set end of range to end of root node
rv = preOrderIter.Init(aRootContent);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
*aLength = 0;
for (; !preOrderIter.IsDone(); preOrderIter.Next()) {
nsINode* node = preOrderIter.GetCurrentNode();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!node)) {
if (!node->IsContent()) {
nsIContent* content = node->AsContent();
if (node->IsText()) {
// Note: our range always starts from offset 0
if (node == endPosition.Container()) {
// NOTE: We should have an offset here, as endPosition.Container() is a
// nsINode::eTEXT, which always has an offset.
*aLength += GetTextLength(
content, aLineBreakType,
} else {
*aLength += GetTextLength(content, aLineBreakType);
} else if (ShouldBreakLineBefore(content, aRootContent)) {
// If the start position is start of this node but doesn't include the
// open tag, don't append the line break length.
if (node == aStartPosition.Container() &&
!aStartPosition.IsBeforeOpenTag()) {
// If the end position is before the open tag, don't append the line
// break length.
if (node == endPosition.Container() && endPosition.IsBeforeOpenTag()) {
*aLength += GetBRLength(aLineBreakType);
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::GetStartOffset(const RawRange& aRawRange,
uint32_t* aOffset,
LineBreakType aLineBreakType) {
// To match the "no skip start" hack in ContentIterator::Init, when range
// offset is 0 and the range node is not a container, we have to assume the
// range _includes_ the node, which means the start offset should _not_
// include the node.
// For example, for this content: <br>abc, and range (<br>, 0)-("abc", 1), the
// range includes the linebreak from <br>, so the start offset should _not_
// include <br>, and the start offset should be 0.
// However, for this content: <p/>abc, and range (<p>, 0)-("abc", 1), the
// range does _not_ include the linebreak from <p> because <p> is a container,
// so the start offset _should_ include <p>, and the start offset should be 1.
nsINode* startNode = aRawRange.GetStartContainer();
bool startIsContainer = true;
if (startNode->IsHTMLElement()) {
nsAtom* name = startNode->NodeInfo()->NameAtom();
startIsContainer =
const NodePosition& startPos =
startIsContainer ? NodePosition(startNode, aRawRange.StartOffset())
: NodePositionBefore(startNode, aRawRange.StartOffset());
return GetFlatTextLengthInRange(NodePosition(mRootContent, 0), startPos,
mRootContent, aOffset, aLineBreakType);
nsresult ContentEventHandler::AdjustCollapsedRangeMaybeIntoTextNode(
RawRange& aRawRange) {
if (!aRawRange.Collapsed()) {
const RangeBoundary& startPoint = aRawRange.Start();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!startPoint.IsSet())) {
// If the node does not have children like a text node, we don't need to
// modify aRawRange.
if (!startPoint.Container()->HasChildren()) {
return NS_OK;
// If the container is not a text node but it has a text node at the offset,
// we should adjust the range into the text node.
// NOTE: This is emulating similar situation of EditorBase.
if (startPoint.IsStartOfContainer()) {
// If the range is the start of the container, adjusted the range to the
// start of the first child.
if (!startPoint.Container()->GetFirstChild()->IsText()) {
return NS_OK;
nsresult rv = aRawRange.CollapseTo(
RawRangeBoundary(startPoint.Container()->GetFirstChild(), 0u));
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
return NS_OK;
if (!startPoint.IsSetAndValid()) {
return NS_OK;
// If start of the range is next to a child node, adjust the range to the
// end of the previous child (i.e., startPoint.Ref()).
if (!startPoint.Ref()->IsText()) {
return NS_OK;
nsresult rv = aRawRange.CollapseTo(
RawRangeBoundary(startPoint.Ref(), startPoint.Ref()->Length()));
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
return NS_OK;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::ConvertToRootRelativeOffset(nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsRect& aRect) {
NS_ASSERTION(aFrame, "aFrame must not be null");
nsPresContext* thisPC = aFrame->PresContext();
nsPresContext* rootPC = thisPC->GetRootPresContext();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!rootPC)) {
nsIFrame* rootFrame = rootPC->PresShell()->GetRootFrame();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!rootFrame)) {
aRect = nsLayoutUtils::TransformFrameRectToAncestor(aFrame, aRect, rootFrame);
// TransformFrameRectToAncestor returned the rect in the ancestor's appUnits,
// but we want it in aFrame's units (in case of different full-zoom factors),
// so convert back.
aRect = aRect.ScaleToOtherAppUnitsRoundOut(rootPC->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(),
return NS_OK;
static void AdjustRangeForSelection(nsIContent* aRoot, nsINode** aNode,
int32_t* aNodeOffset) {
nsINode* node = *aNode;
int32_t nodeOffset = *aNodeOffset;
if (aRoot == node || NS_WARN_IF(!node->GetParent()) || !node->IsText()) {
// When the offset is at the end of the text node, set it to after the
// text node, to make sure the caret is drawn on a new line when the last
// character of the text node is '\n' in <textarea>.
int32_t textLength = static_cast<int32_t>(node->AsContent()->TextLength());
MOZ_ASSERT(nodeOffset <= textLength, "Offset is past length of text node");
if (nodeOffset != textLength) {
nsIContent* aRootParent = aRoot->GetParent();
if (NS_WARN_IF(!aRootParent)) {
// If the root node is not an anonymous div of <textarea>, we don't need to
// do this hack. If you did this, ContentEventHandler couldn't distinguish
// if the range includes open tag of the next node in some cases, e.g.,
// textNode]<p></p> vs. textNode<p>]</p>
if (!aRootParent->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::textarea)) {
*aNode = node->GetParent();
MOZ_ASSERT((*aNode)->ComputeIndexOf(node) != -1);
*aNodeOffset = (*aNode)->ComputeIndexOf(node) + 1;
nsresult ContentEventHandler::OnSelectionEvent(WidgetSelectionEvent* aEvent) {
aEvent->mSucceeded = false;
// Get selection to manipulate
// XXX why do we need to get them from ISM? This method should work fine
// without ISM.
RefPtr<Selection> sel;
nsresult rv = IMEStateManager::GetFocusSelectionAndRoot(
getter_AddRefs(sel), getter_AddRefs(mRootContent));
mSelection = sel;
} else {
rv = Init(aEvent);
// Get range from offset and length
RawRange rawRange;
rv = SetRawRangeFromFlatTextOffset(&rawRange, aEvent->mOffset,
aEvent->mLength, GetLineBreakType(aEvent),
nsINode* startNode = rawRange.GetStartContainer();
nsINode* endNode = rawRange.GetEndContainer();
int32_t startNodeOffset = rawRange.StartOffset();
int32_t endNodeOffset = rawRange.EndOffset();
AdjustRangeForSelection(mRootContent, &startNode, &startNodeOffset);
AdjustRangeForSelection(mRootContent, &endNode, &endNodeOffset);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!startNode) || NS_WARN_IF(!endNode) ||
NS_WARN_IF(startNodeOffset < 0) || NS_WARN_IF(endNodeOffset < 0)) {
if (aEvent->mReversed) {
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> startNodeStrong(startNode);
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> endNodeStrong(endNode);
ErrorResult error;
->SetBaseAndExtentInLimiter(*endNodeStrong, endNodeOffset,
*startNodeStrong, startNodeOffset, error);
if (NS_WARN_IF(error.Failed())) {
return error.StealNSResult();
} else {
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> startNodeStrong(startNode);
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> endNodeStrong(endNode);
ErrorResult error;
->SetBaseAndExtentInLimiter(*startNodeStrong, startNodeOffset,
*endNodeStrong, endNodeOffset, error);
if (NS_WARN_IF(error.Failed())) {
return error.StealNSResult();
// `ContentEventHandler` is a `MOZ_STACK_CLASS`, so `mSelection` is known to
// be alive.
ScrollAxis(), ScrollAxis(), 0);
aEvent->mSucceeded = true;
return NS_OK;
nsRect ContentEventHandler::FrameRelativeRect::RectRelativeTo(
nsIFrame* aDestFrame) const {
if (!mBaseFrame || NS_WARN_IF(!aDestFrame)) {
return nsRect();
if (NS_WARN_IF(aDestFrame->PresContext() != mBaseFrame->PresContext())) {
return nsRect();
if (aDestFrame == mBaseFrame) {
return mRect;
nsIFrame* rootFrame = mBaseFrame->PresShell()->GetRootFrame();
nsRect baseFrameRectInRootFrame = nsLayoutUtils::TransformFrameRectToAncestor(
mBaseFrame, nsRect(), rootFrame);
nsRect destFrameRectInRootFrame = nsLayoutUtils::TransformFrameRectToAncestor(
aDestFrame, nsRect(), rootFrame);
nsPoint difference =
destFrameRectInRootFrame.TopLeft() - baseFrameRectInRootFrame.TopLeft();
return mRect - difference;
} // namespace mozilla