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// PrefElement.cpp: implementation of the CPrefElement class.
// This is a class with helper functions for the preferences metadata
// XML.
// XML Conventions:
// Element tags are in CAPS.
// Attribute names are in lower case.
// When writing bools, use lower case "true" and "false".
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "PrefElement.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// Construction/Destruction
CPrefElement::CPrefElement(IXMLDOMElementPtr element)
: CElementNode(element)
// For a newly created node, initialize it's settings.
void CPrefElement::Initialize(CString strPrefName, CString strPrefDesc, CString strPrefType)
SetAttribute("uiname", strPrefName);
SetAttribute("prefname", strPrefName);
SetAttribute("description", strPrefDesc);
SetAttribute("type", strPrefType);
SetAttribute("lockable", "true");
if (strPrefType.CompareNoCase("int") == 0)
else if (strPrefType.CompareNoCase("bool") == 0)
// For a pref node element, returns a string which is used for the tree ctrl
// label.
CString CPrefElement::CreateTreeCtrlLabel()
CString strLabel = GetAttribute("uiname");
CString strValue = GetChildElementValue("VALUE");
if (IsChoose())
strValue = GetSelectedChoiceString();
CString strRetVal;
strRetVal.Format("%s [%s]", strLabel, strValue);
return strRetVal;
// Check to see if the pref element is locked.
BOOL CPrefElement::IsLocked()
CString strVal = GetChildElementValue("LOCKED");
return (strVal.CompareNoCase("true") == 0);
// Lock the pref element.
void CPrefElement::SetLocked(BOOL bLocked)
SetChildElementValue("LOCKED", bLocked? "true": "false");
// Build a list of choices from the element to pass to the edit dialog.
// Returns an array of CStrings. Caller must delete.
CString* CPrefElement::MakeChoiceStringArray()
CString* choices = NULL;
IXMLDOMNodeListPtr choiceNodes = m_element->getElementsByTagName("CHOICE");
if (choiceNodes)
// Create an array of CString pointers.
int numChoices = choiceNodes->length;
choices = new CString[numChoices + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < numChoices; i++)
IXMLDOMElementPtr element = choiceNodes->Getitem(i);
CElementNode elementNode(element);
choices[i] = elementNode.GetAttribute("uiname");
choices[numChoices] = "";
return choices;
// Get the ui name of the selected choice for this pref.
CString CPrefElement::GetSelectedChoiceString()
CString strVal = GetPrefValue();
IXMLDOMNodeListPtr choiceNodes = m_element->getElementsByTagName("CHOICE");
if (choiceNodes)
int numChoices = choiceNodes->length;
for (int i = 0; i < numChoices; i++)
IXMLDOMElementPtr element = choiceNodes->Getitem(i);
CElementNode elementNode(element);
if (strVal.CompareNoCase(elementNode.GetAttribute("value")) == 0)
return elementNode.GetAttribute("uiname");
return "";
CString CPrefElement::GetValueFromChoiceString(CString strChoiceString)
IXMLDOMNodeListPtr choiceNodes = m_element->getElementsByTagName("CHOICE");
if (choiceNodes)
int numChoices = choiceNodes->length;
for (int i = 0; i < numChoices; i++)
IXMLDOMElementPtr element = choiceNodes->Getitem(i);
CElementNode elementNode(element);
if (strChoiceString.CompareNoCase(elementNode.GetAttribute("uiname")) == 0)
return elementNode.GetAttribute("value");
return "";
// Get the ui name of the pref.
CString CPrefElement::GetUIName()
return GetAttribute("uiname");
// Get the value of the pref.
CString CPrefElement::GetPrefValue()
return GetChildElementValue("VALUE");
// Set the value of the pref. For "choose", pass
// the uiname string, and this fuction will convert
// to the correct value.
void CPrefElement::SetPrefValue(CString strValue)
if (IsChoose())
SetChildElementValue("VALUE", GetValueFromChoiceString(strValue));
SetChildElementValue("VALUE", strValue);
// Get the Mozilla name of the pref.
CString CPrefElement::GetPrefName()
return GetAttribute("prefname");
// Get the type of the pref. bool, string, int
CString CPrefElement::GetPrefType()
return GetAttribute("type");
// Get a long description of the pref.
CString CPrefElement::GetPrefDescription()
return GetAttribute("description");
// Return name of installation file.
CString CPrefElement::GetInstallFile()
return GetChildElementValue("INSTALLATIONFILE");
// Set name of installation file.
void CPrefElement::SetInstallFile(CString strInstallFile)
SetChildElementValue("INSTALLATIONFILE", strInstallFile);
// Return name of pref file.
CString CPrefElement::GetPrefFile()
return GetChildElementValue("PREFFILE");
// Set name of pref file.
void CPrefElement::SetPrefFile(CString strPrefFile)
SetChildElementValue("PREFFILE", strPrefFile);
// Return true if this is a chooser type pref.
BOOL CPrefElement::IsChoose()
return ChildExists("CHOICES");
// Return TRUE if the search string exists in any
// of the prefs fields.
BOOL CPrefElement::FindString(CString strFind)
CString str = GetUIName();
if (str.Find(strFind) >= 0)
return TRUE;
str = GetPrefValue();
if (str.Find(strFind) >= 0)
return TRUE;
str = GetPrefName();
if (str.Find(strFind) >= 0)
return TRUE;
str = GetPrefType();
if (str.Find(strFind) >= 0)
return TRUE;
str = GetPrefDescription();
if (str.Find(strFind) >= 0)
return TRUE;
str = GetInstallFile();
if (str.Find(strFind) >= 0)
return TRUE;
str = GetPrefFile();
if (str.Find(strFind) >= 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void CPrefElement::SetSelected(BOOL bSelected)
SetChildElementValue("SELECTED", bSelected?"true":"false");
BOOL CPrefElement::IsSelected()
CString strVal = GetChildElementValue("SELECTED");
return (strVal.CompareNoCase("true") == 0);