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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#ifndef mozilla_layers_CompositorBridgeParent_h
#define mozilla_layers_CompositorBridgeParent_h
// Enable this pref to turn on compositor performance warning.
// This will print warnings if the compositor isn't meeting
// its responsiveness objectives:
// 1) Compose a frame within 15ms of receiving a ScheduleCompositeCall
// 2) Unless a frame was composited within the throttle threshold in
// which the deadline will be 15ms + throttle threshold
#include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t
#include "Layers.h" // for Layer
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h" // for MOZ_ASSERT_HELPER2
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h" // for override
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/Monitor.h" // for Monitor
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" // for RefPtr
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h" // for TimeStamp
#include "mozilla/dom/ipc/IdType.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/Point.h" // for IntSize
#include "mozilla/ipc/ProtocolUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/ipc/SharedMemory.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/CompositorController.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/CompositorOptions.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/CompositorVsyncSchedulerOwner.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/GeckoContentController.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/ISurfaceAllocator.h" // for ShmemAllocator
#include "mozilla/layers/LayersMessages.h" // for TargetConfig
#include "mozilla/layers/MetricsSharingController.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/PCompositorBridgeParent.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/APZTestData.h"
#include "mozilla/webrender/WebRenderTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/widget/CompositorWidget.h"
#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
#include "ThreadSafeRefcountingWithMainThreadDestruction.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/UiCompositorControllerParent.h"
class MessageLoop;
class nsIWidget;
namespace mozilla {
class CancelableRunnable;
namespace gfx {
class DrawTarget;
class GPUProcessManager;
class GPUParent;
} // namespace gfx
namespace ipc {
class Shmem;
} // namespace ipc
namespace layers {
class APZCTreeManager;
class APZCTreeManagerParent;
class APZSampler;
class APZUpdater;
class AsyncCompositionManager;
class AsyncImagePipelineManager;
class Compositor;
class CompositorAnimationStorage;
class CompositorBridgeParent;
class CompositorManagerParent;
class CompositorVsyncScheduler;
class HostLayerManager;
class IAPZCTreeManager;
class LayerTransactionParent;
class PAPZParent;
class CrossProcessCompositorBridgeParent;
class CompositorThreadHolder;
class InProcessCompositorSession;
class WebRenderBridgeParent;
struct ScopedLayerTreeRegistration
ScopedLayerTreeRegistration(APZCTreeManager* aApzctm,
LayersId aLayersId,
Layer* aRoot,
GeckoContentController* aController);
LayersId mLayersId;
class CompositorBridgeParentBase : public PCompositorBridgeParent,
public HostIPCAllocator,
public ShmemAllocator,
public MetricsSharingController
explicit CompositorBridgeParentBase(CompositorManagerParent* aManager);
virtual void ShadowLayersUpdated(LayerTransactionParent* aLayerTree,
const TransactionInfo& aInfo,
bool aHitTestUpdate) = 0;
virtual AsyncCompositionManager* GetCompositionManager(LayerTransactionParent* aLayerTree) { return nullptr; }
virtual void NotifyClearCachedResources(LayerTransactionParent* aLayerTree) { }
virtual void ScheduleComposite(LayerTransactionParent* aLayerTree) { }
virtual bool SetTestSampleTime(const LayersId& aId,
const TimeStamp& aTime) { return true; }
virtual void LeaveTestMode(const LayersId& aId) { }
enum class TransformsToSkip : uint8_t { NoneOfThem = 0, APZ = 1 };
virtual void ApplyAsyncProperties(LayerTransactionParent* aLayerTree,
TransformsToSkip aSkip) = 0;
virtual void SetTestAsyncScrollOffset(const LayersId& aLayersId,
const FrameMetrics::ViewID& aScrollId,
const CSSPoint& aPoint) = 0;
virtual void SetTestAsyncZoom(const LayersId& aLayersId,
const FrameMetrics::ViewID& aScrollId,
const LayerToParentLayerScale& aZoom) = 0;
virtual void FlushApzRepaints(const LayersId& aLayersId) = 0;
virtual void GetAPZTestData(const LayersId& aLayersId,
APZTestData* aOutData) { }
virtual void SetConfirmedTargetAPZC(const LayersId& aLayersId,
const uint64_t& aInputBlockId,
const nsTArray<ScrollableLayerGuid>& aTargets) = 0;
virtual void UpdatePaintTime(LayerTransactionParent* aLayerTree, const TimeDuration& aPaintTime) {}
ShmemAllocator* AsShmemAllocator() override { return this; }
CompositorBridgeParentBase* AsCompositorBridgeParentBase() override { return this; }
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvSyncWithCompositor() override { return IPC_OK(); }
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult Recv__delete__() override { return IPC_OK(); }
virtual void ObserveLayersUpdate(LayersId aLayersId, LayersObserverEpoch aEpoch, bool aActive) = 0;
virtual void DidComposite(LayersId aId, TimeStamp& aCompositeStart, TimeStamp& aCompositeEnd) = 0;
// HostIPCAllocator
base::ProcessId GetChildProcessId() override;
void NotifyNotUsed(PTextureParent* aTexture, uint64_t aTransactionId) override;
void SendAsyncMessage(const InfallibleTArray<AsyncParentMessageData>& aMessage) override;
// ShmemAllocator
bool AllocShmem(size_t aSize,
mozilla::ipc::SharedMemory::SharedMemoryType aType,
mozilla::ipc::Shmem* aShmem) override;
bool AllocUnsafeShmem(size_t aSize,
mozilla::ipc::SharedMemory::SharedMemoryType aType,
mozilla::ipc::Shmem* aShmem) override;
void DeallocShmem(mozilla::ipc::Shmem& aShmem) override;
// MetricsSharingController
NS_IMETHOD_(MozExternalRefCountType) AddRef() override { return HostIPCAllocator::AddRef(); }
NS_IMETHOD_(MozExternalRefCountType) Release() override { return HostIPCAllocator::Release(); }
base::ProcessId RemotePid() override;
bool StartSharingMetrics(mozilla::ipc::SharedMemoryBasic::Handle aHandle,
CrossProcessMutexHandle aMutexHandle,
LayersId aLayersId,
uint32_t aApzcId) override;
bool StopSharingMetrics(FrameMetrics::ViewID aScrollId,
uint32_t aApzcId) override;
virtual bool IsRemote() const {
return false;
virtual void ForceComposeToTarget(gfx::DrawTarget* aTarget, const gfx::IntRect* aRect = nullptr) {
virtual void NotifyMemoryPressure() {}
virtual void AccumulateMemoryReport(wr::MemoryReport*) {}
~CompositorBridgeParentBase() override;
bool mCanSend;
RefPtr<CompositorManagerParent> mCompositorManager;
class CompositorBridgeParent final : public CompositorBridgeParentBase
, public CompositorController
, public CompositorVsyncSchedulerOwner
friend class CompositorThreadHolder;
friend class InProcessCompositorSession;
friend class gfx::GPUProcessManager;
friend class gfx::GPUParent;
NS_IMETHOD_(MozExternalRefCountType) AddRef() override { return CompositorBridgeParentBase::AddRef(); }
NS_IMETHOD_(MozExternalRefCountType) Release() override { return CompositorBridgeParentBase::Release(); }
explicit CompositorBridgeParent(CompositorManagerParent* aManager,
CSSToLayoutDeviceScale aScale,
const TimeDuration& aVsyncRate,
const CompositorOptions& aOptions,
bool aUseExternalSurfaceSize,
const gfx::IntSize& aSurfaceSize);
void InitSameProcess(widget::CompositorWidget* aWidget, const LayersId& aLayerTreeId);
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvInitialize(const LayersId& aRootLayerTreeId) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvGetFrameUniformity(FrameUniformityData* aOutData) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvWillClose() override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvPause() override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvResume() override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNotifyChildCreated(const LayersId& child, CompositorOptions* aOptions) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvMapAndNotifyChildCreated(const LayersId& child, const base::ProcessId& pid, CompositorOptions* aOptions) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNotifyChildRecreated(const LayersId& child, CompositorOptions* aOptions) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvAdoptChild(const LayersId& child) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvMakeSnapshot(const SurfaceDescriptor& aInSnapshot,
const gfx::IntRect& aRect) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvFlushRendering() override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvFlushRenderingAsync() override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvWaitOnTransactionProcessed() override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvForcePresent() override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNotifyRegionInvalidated(const nsIntRegion& aRegion) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvStartFrameTimeRecording(const int32_t& aBufferSize, uint32_t* aOutStartIndex) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvStopFrameTimeRecording(const uint32_t& aStartIndex, InfallibleTArray<float>* intervals) override;
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvCheckContentOnlyTDR(const uint32_t& sequenceNum, bool* isContentOnlyTDR) override { return IPC_OK(); }
// Unused for chrome <-> compositor communication (which this class does).
// @see CrossProcessCompositorBridgeParent::RecvRequestNotifyAfterRemotePaint
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvRequestNotifyAfterRemotePaint() override { return IPC_OK(); };
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvAllPluginsCaptured() override;
virtual void NotifyMemoryPressure() override;
virtual void AccumulateMemoryReport(wr::MemoryReport*) override;
void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason why) override;
void ShadowLayersUpdated(LayerTransactionParent* aLayerTree,
const TransactionInfo& aInfo,
bool aHitTestUpdate) override;
void ScheduleComposite(LayerTransactionParent* aLayerTree) override;
bool SetTestSampleTime(const LayersId& aId,
const TimeStamp& aTime) override;
void LeaveTestMode(const LayersId& aId) override;
void ApplyAsyncProperties(LayerTransactionParent* aLayerTree,
TransformsToSkip aSkip) override;
CompositorAnimationStorage* GetAnimationStorage();
void SetTestAsyncScrollOffset(const LayersId& aLayersId,
const FrameMetrics::ViewID& aScrollId,
const CSSPoint& aPoint) override;
void SetTestAsyncZoom(const LayersId& aLayersId,
const FrameMetrics::ViewID& aScrollId,
const LayerToParentLayerScale& aZoom) override;
void FlushApzRepaints(const LayersId& aLayersId) override;
void GetAPZTestData(const LayersId& aLayersId,
APZTestData* aOutData) override;
void SetConfirmedTargetAPZC(const LayersId& aLayersId,
const uint64_t& aInputBlockId,
const nsTArray<ScrollableLayerGuid>& aTargets) override;
AsyncCompositionManager* GetCompositionManager(LayerTransactionParent* aLayerTree) override { return mCompositionManager; }
PTextureParent* AllocPTextureParent(const SurfaceDescriptor& aSharedData,
const ReadLockDescriptor& aReadLock,
const LayersBackend& aLayersBackend,
const TextureFlags& aFlags,
const LayersId& aId,
const uint64_t& aSerial,
const wr::MaybeExternalImageId& aExternalImageId) override;
bool DeallocPTextureParent(PTextureParent* actor) override;
bool IsSameProcess() const override;
void NotifyWebRenderError(wr::WebRenderError aError);
void NotifyWebRenderContextPurge();
void NotifyPipelineRendered(const wr::PipelineId& aPipelineId,
const wr::Epoch& aEpoch,
TimeStamp& aCompositeStart,
TimeStamp& aCompositeEnd);
RefPtr<AsyncImagePipelineManager> GetAsyncImagePipelineManager() const;
PCompositorWidgetParent* AllocPCompositorWidgetParent(const CompositorWidgetInitData& aInitData) override;
bool DeallocPCompositorWidgetParent(PCompositorWidgetParent* aActor) override;
void ObserveLayersUpdate(LayersId aLayersId, LayersObserverEpoch aEpoch, bool aActive) override { }
* This forces the is-first-paint flag to true. This is intended to
* be called by the widget code when it loses its viewport information
* (or for whatever reason wants to refresh the viewport information).
* The information refresh happens because the compositor will call
* SetFirstPaintViewport on the next frame of composition.
void ForceIsFirstPaint();
static void SetShadowProperties(Layer* aLayer);
void NotifyChildCreated(LayersId aChild);
void AsyncRender();
// Can be called from any thread
void ScheduleRenderOnCompositorThread() override;
void SchedulePauseOnCompositorThread();
void InvalidateOnCompositorThread();
* Returns true if a surface was obtained and the resume succeeded; false
* otherwise.
bool ScheduleResumeOnCompositorThread();
bool ScheduleResumeOnCompositorThread(int width, int height);
void ScheduleComposition();
void NotifyShadowTreeTransaction(LayersId aId, bool aIsFirstPaint,
const FocusTarget& aFocusTarget,
bool aScheduleComposite, uint32_t aPaintSequenceNumber,
bool aIsRepeatTransaction, bool aHitTestUpdate);
void UpdatePaintTime(LayerTransactionParent* aLayerTree,
const TimeDuration& aPaintTime) override;
* Check rotation info and schedule a rendering task if needed.
* Only can be called from compositor thread.
void ScheduleRotationOnCompositorThread(const TargetConfig& aTargetConfig, bool aIsFirstPaint);
* Returns the unique layer tree identifier that corresponds to the root
* tree of this compositor.
LayersId RootLayerTreeId();
* Notify local and remote layer trees connected to this compositor that
* the compositor's local device is being reset. All layers must be
* invalidated to clear any cached TextureSources.
* This must be called on the compositor thread.
void InvalidateRemoteLayers();
* Returns a pointer to the CompositorBridgeParent corresponding to the given ID.
static CompositorBridgeParent* GetCompositorBridgeParent(uint64_t id);
* Notify the compositor for the given layer tree that vsync has occurred.
static void NotifyVsync(const TimeStamp& aTimeStamp, const LayersId& aLayersId);
* Set aController as the pan/zoom callback for the subtree referred
* to by aLayersId.
* Must run on content main thread.
static void SetControllerForLayerTree(LayersId aLayersId,
GeckoContentController* aController);
struct LayerTreeState {
RefPtr<Layer> mRoot;
RefPtr<GeckoContentController> mController;
APZCTreeManagerParent* mApzcTreeManagerParent;
RefPtr<CompositorBridgeParent> mParent;
HostLayerManager* mLayerManager;
RefPtr<WebRenderBridgeParent> mWrBridge;
// Pointer to the CrossProcessCompositorBridgeParent. Used by APZCs to share
// their FrameMetrics with the corresponding child process that holds
// the PCompositorBridgeChild
CrossProcessCompositorBridgeParent* mCrossProcessParent;
TargetConfig mTargetConfig;
LayerTransactionParent* mLayerTree;
nsTArray<PluginWindowData> mPluginData;
bool mUpdatedPluginDataAvailable;
CompositorController* GetCompositorController() const;
MetricsSharingController* CrossProcessSharingController() const;
MetricsSharingController* InProcessSharingController() const;
RefPtr<UiCompositorControllerParent> mUiControllerParent;
* Lookup the indirect shadow tree for |aId| and return it if it
* exists. Otherwise null is returned. This must only be called on
* the compositor thread.
static LayerTreeState* GetIndirectShadowTree(LayersId aId);
* Lookup the indirect shadow tree for |aId|, call the function object and
* return true if found. If not found, return false.
static bool CallWithIndirectShadowTree(
LayersId aId,
const std::function<void(LayerTreeState&)>& aFunc);
* Given the layers id for a content process, get the APZCTreeManagerParent
* for the corresponding *root* layers id. That is, the APZCTreeManagerParent,
* if one is found, will always be connected to the parent process rather
* than a content process. Note that unless the compositor process is
* separated this is expected to return null, because if the compositor is
* living in the gecko parent process then there is no APZCTreeManagerParent
* for the parent process.
static APZCTreeManagerParent* GetApzcTreeManagerParentForRoot(
LayersId aContentLayersId);
* Same as the GetApzcTreeManagerParentForRoot function, but returns
* the GeckoContentController for the parent process.
static GeckoContentController* GetGeckoContentControllerForRoot(
LayersId aContentLayersId);
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK)
* Calculates and requests the main thread update plugin positioning, clip,
* and visibility via ipc.
bool UpdatePluginWindowState(LayersId aId);
* Plugin visibility helpers for the apz (main thread) and compositor
* thread.
void ScheduleShowAllPluginWindows() override;
void ScheduleHideAllPluginWindows() override;
void ShowAllPluginWindows();
void HideAllPluginWindows();
void ScheduleShowAllPluginWindows() override {}
void ScheduleHideAllPluginWindows() override {}
* Main thread response for a plugin visibility request made by the
* compositor thread.
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvRemotePluginsReady() override;
* Used by the profiler to denote when a vsync occured
static void PostInsertVsyncProfilerMarker(mozilla::TimeStamp aVsyncTimestamp);
widget::CompositorWidget* GetWidget() { return mWidget; }
virtual void ForceComposeToTarget(gfx::DrawTarget* aTarget, const gfx::IntRect* aRect = nullptr) override;
PAPZCTreeManagerParent* AllocPAPZCTreeManagerParent(const LayersId& aLayersId) override;
bool DeallocPAPZCTreeManagerParent(PAPZCTreeManagerParent* aActor) override;
// Helper method so that we don't have to expose mApzcTreeManager to
// CrossProcessCompositorBridgeParent.
void AllocateAPZCTreeManagerParent(const MonitorAutoLock& aProofOfLayerTreeStateLock,
const LayersId& aLayersId,
LayerTreeState& aLayerTreeStateToUpdate);
PAPZParent* AllocPAPZParent(const LayersId& aLayersId) override;
bool DeallocPAPZParent(PAPZParent* aActor) override;
AndroidDynamicToolbarAnimator* GetAndroidDynamicToolbarAnimator();
RefPtr<APZSampler> GetAPZSampler();
RefPtr<APZUpdater> GetAPZUpdater();
CompositorOptions GetOptions() const {
return mOptions;
TimeDuration GetVsyncInterval() const override {
// the variable is called "rate" but really it's an interval
return mVsyncRate;
PWebRenderBridgeParent* AllocPWebRenderBridgeParent(const wr::PipelineId& aPipelineId,
const LayoutDeviceIntSize& aSize) override;
bool DeallocPWebRenderBridgeParent(PWebRenderBridgeParent* aActor) override;
RefPtr<WebRenderBridgeParent> GetWebRenderBridgeParent() const;
Maybe<TimeStamp> GetTestingTimeStamp() const;
static CompositorBridgeParent* GetCompositorBridgeParentFromLayersId(const LayersId& aLayersId);
static RefPtr<CompositorBridgeParent> GetCompositorBridgeParentFromWindowId(const wr::WindowId& aWindowId);
* This returns a reference to the IAPZCTreeManager "controller subinterface"
* to which pan/zoom-related events can be sent. The controller subinterface
* doesn't expose any sampler-thread APZCTreeManager methods.
static already_AddRefed<IAPZCTreeManager> GetAPZCTreeManager(LayersId aLayersId);
gfx::IntSize GetEGLSurfaceSize() {
return mEGLSurfaceSize;
#endif // defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
WebRenderBridgeParent* GetWrBridge() { return mWrBridge; }
void Initialize();
* Called during destruction in order to release resources as early as possible.
void StopAndClearResources();
* Release compositor-thread resources referred to by |aID|.
* Must run on the content main thread.
static void DeallocateLayerTreeId(LayersId aId);
// Protected destructor, to discourage deletion outside of Release():
virtual ~CompositorBridgeParent();
void DeferredDestroy();
PLayerTransactionParent* AllocPLayerTransactionParent(
const nsTArray<LayersBackend>& aBackendHints,
const LayersId& aId) override;
bool DeallocPLayerTransactionParent(PLayerTransactionParent* aLayers) override;
virtual void ScheduleTask(already_AddRefed<CancelableRunnable>, int);
void SetEGLSurfaceSize(int width, int height);
void InitializeLayerManager(const nsTArray<LayersBackend>& aBackendHints);
void PauseComposition();
void ResumeComposition();
void ResumeCompositionAndResize(int width, int height);
void Invalidate();
void ForceComposition();
void CancelCurrentCompositeTask();
// CompositorVsyncSchedulerOwner
bool IsPendingComposite() override;
void FinishPendingComposite() override;
void CompositeToTarget(gfx::DrawTarget* aTarget, const gfx::IntRect* aRect = nullptr) override;
bool InitializeAdvancedLayers(const nsTArray<LayersBackend>& aBackendHints,
TextureFactoryIdentifier* aOutIdentifier);
RefPtr<Compositor> NewCompositor(const nsTArray<LayersBackend>& aBackendHints);
* Add a compositor to the global compositor map.
static void AddCompositor(CompositorBridgeParent* compositor, uint64_t* id);
* Remove a compositor from the global compositor map.
static CompositorBridgeParent* RemoveCompositor(uint64_t id);
* Creates the global compositor map.
static void Setup();
* Remaning cleanups after the compositore thread is gone.
static void FinishShutdown();
* Return true if current state allows compositing, that is
* finishing a layers transaction.
bool CanComposite();
void DidComposite(LayersId aId, TimeStamp& aCompositeStart, TimeStamp& aCompositeEnd) override;
void DidComposite(TimeStamp& aCompositeStart, TimeStamp& aCompositeEnd);
void NotifyDidComposite(TransactionId aTransactionId, TimeStamp& aCompositeStart, TimeStamp& aCompositeEnd);
// The indirect layer tree lock must be held before calling this function.
// Callback should take (LayerTreeState* aState, const LayersId& aLayersId)
template <typename Lambda>
inline void ForEachIndirectLayerTree(const Lambda& aCallback);
RefPtr<HostLayerManager> mLayerManager;
RefPtr<Compositor> mCompositor;
RefPtr<AsyncCompositionManager> mCompositionManager;
RefPtr<AsyncImagePipelineManager> mAsyncImageManager;
RefPtr<WebRenderBridgeParent> mWrBridge;
widget::CompositorWidget* mWidget;
Maybe<TimeStamp> mTestTime;
CSSToLayoutDeviceScale mScale;
TimeDuration mVsyncRate;
TransactionId mPendingTransaction;
TimeStamp mRefreshStartTime;
TimeStamp mTxnStartTime;
TimeStamp mFwdTime;
bool mPaused;
bool mUseExternalSurfaceSize;
gfx::IntSize mEGLSurfaceSize;
CompositorOptions mOptions;
mozilla::Monitor mPauseCompositionMonitor;
mozilla::Monitor mResumeCompositionMonitor;
uint64_t mCompositorBridgeID;
LayersId mRootLayerTreeID;
bool mOverrideComposeReadiness;
RefPtr<CancelableRunnable> mForceCompositionTask;
RefPtr<APZCTreeManager> mApzcTreeManager;
RefPtr<APZSampler> mApzSampler;
RefPtr<APZUpdater> mApzUpdater;
RefPtr<CompositorVsyncScheduler> mCompositorScheduler;
// This makes sure the compositorParent is not destroyed before receiving
// confirmation that the channel is closed.
// mSelfRef is cleared in DeferredDestroy which is scheduled by ActorDestroy.
RefPtr<CompositorBridgeParent> mSelfRef;
RefPtr<CompositorAnimationStorage> mAnimationStorage;
TimeDuration mPaintTime;
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK)
// cached plugin data used to reduce the number of updates we request.
LayersId mLastPluginUpdateLayerTreeId;
nsIntPoint mPluginsLayerOffset;
nsIntRegion mPluginsLayerVisibleRegion;
nsTArray<PluginWindowData> mCachedPluginData;
// Time until which we will block composition to wait for plugin updates.
TimeStamp mWaitForPluginsUntil;
// Indicates that we have actually blocked a composition waiting for plugins.
bool mHaveBlockedForPlugins = false;
// indicates if plugin window visibility and metric updates are currently
// being defered due to a scroll operation.
bool mDeferPluginWindows;
// indicates if the plugin windows were hidden, and need to be made
// visible again even if their geometry has not changed.
bool mPluginWindowsHidden;
} // namespace layers
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // mozilla_layers_CompositorBridgeParent_h