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Executable File

# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is code.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
# Netscape Communications Corporation.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1996-2003
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# Contributor(s):
# Mark Smith <>
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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# utc -- Perl 5 script that reads someone's directory entry and tries
# to go Up The Chain to get their manager's entry (based on the
# "manager" attribute).
# Requires: LDAPP (PerlLDAP)
# Usage: utc <searchstring>
use lib '/usr/local/packages/nsperl553/lib/nsPerl5.005_03/lib/site';
use Mozilla::LDAP::Conn;
# LDAP server information
$ldapbase = "dc=example,dc=com";
$ldaphost = "";
$ldapport = "389";
# constants
$unknown = "???";
$separator = "\n";
$doRecurse = 1;
$noRecurse = 0;
$fillString = " ";
$attrManager = "manager";
@attrlist = ( "cn", "uid", "mail", "departmentnumber", "telephonenumber",
"roomnumber", "postaladdress", "ou", "title", "displayname",
"description", "labeleduri", $attrManager );
# Start of main:
# extract base part of this script's name and report usage errors
($progname) = $0 =~ /([^\/]+)$/;
usage( $progname ) if ($#ARGV == -1);
# open an anonymous connection to the LDAP server
$ldap = new Mozilla::LDAP::Conn( $ldaphost, $ldapport );
die "Unable to connect to server at ldap://$ldaphost:$ldapport\n" unless $ldap;
while ($#ARGV >= 0) {
$query = shift @ARGV;
utc( $ldap, $query );
# clean up
# End of main.
# Start of usage.
# Display program usage instructions.
local( $prog )= @_;
print " usage: $prog querystring...\n";
print "example: $prog jimb\n";
exit 1;
# End of usage.
# Start of utc:
# given an LDAP connection and a query string, find a user and
# then traverse "up the chain"
utc {
local( $ldap, $query ) = @_;
local( $entry, $i, @entrydns );
# form filter using query string
if ( $query =~ /^.*=.*/ ) {
$filter = $query;
} else {
$filter = "(&(objectClass=person)(|(sn=$query)(cn=$query)(uid=$query)))";
# search it
$entry = $ldap->search( $ldapbase, "subtree", $filter, 0, @attrlist );
# display results
if ( $entry ) {
$count = 0;
while ( $entry ) {
@entrydns[count] = $entry->{"dn"};
$entry = $ldap->nextEntry;
if ( $count > 1 ) {
print $count, " entries matched '$query'\n";
} else {
print "One entry matched '$query'\n";
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i ) {
readEntry( $ldap, @entrydns[i], $doRecurse, 1 );
} else {
print "No entries matched '$query'\n";
# End of utc.
# Start of readEntry:
# given a DN, read and display one LDAP entry
readEntry {
local( $ldap, $dn, $recurse, $depth ) = @_;
local( $entry, $managerDN );
$entry = $ldap->search( $dn, "base", "objectclass=*", 0, @attrlist );
if ( $entry ) {
displayEntry( $entry, $depth );
if ( $recurse eq $doRecurse && $entry->{$attrManager} ) {
$managerDN = $entry->{$attrManager}[0];
# stop if a person is their own manager (!)
if ( $managerDN ne $dn ) {
readEntry( $ldap, $entry->{$attrManager}[0],
$recurse, $depth + 1 );
# End of readEntry.
# Start of displayEntry:
displayEntry {
local( $entry, $depth ) = @_;
local( $value );
local( @attrs );
@attrs = ( "displayName", "cn" );
printf( "%*sLogin name: %-8s In real life: %s\n",
$depth, $fillString,
getSimpleValue( $entry, "uid" ),
getFirstValue( $entry, *attrs ));
printf( "%*sE-Mail: %-32s Phone: %s\n",
$depth, $fillString,
getSimpleValue( $entry, "mail" ),
getSimpleValue( $entry, "telephonenumber" ));
@attrs = ( "ou", "departmentnumber" );
printf( "%*sDepartment: %-32s Room: %s\n",
$depth, $fillString,
getFirstValue( $entry, *attrs ),
getSimpleValue( $entry, "roomnumber" ));
$value = getSimpleValue( $entry, "postaladdress" );
if ( $value ne $unknown ) {
printf( "%*sAddress: %s\n",
$depth, $fillString,
$value );
$value = getSimpleValue( $entry, "title" );
if ( $value ne $unknown ) {
printf( "%*sTitle: %s\n",
$depth, $fillString,
$value );
$value = getSimpleValue( $entry, "description" );
if ( $value ne $unknown ) {
printf( "%*sDescription: %s\n",
$depth, $fillString,
$value );
displayAllValues( $entry, "labeleduri", "URL: ", $depth );
printf( "%*sManager: %s\n",
$depth, $fillString,
getSimpleValue( $entry, "manager" ));
print $separator;
# End of displayEntry.
# Start of displayAllValues:
displayAllValues {
local( $entry, $attr, $prefix, $indent ) = @_;
local( $value );
if ( $entry->{$attr} ) {
foreach $value (@{$entry->{$attr}}) {
printf( "%*s%s%s\n", $indent, $fillString,
$prefix, $value );
# End of displayAllValues.
# Start of getSimpleValue:
getSimpleValue {
local( $entry, $attr ) = @_;
local( $value );
if ( $entry->{$attr} ) {
$value = $entry->{$attr}[0];
} else {
$value = $unknown;
# End of getSimpleValue.
# Start of getFirstValue:
getFirstValue {
local( $entry, *attrs ) = @_;
local( $a );
local( $value );
$value = $unknown;
foreach $a (@attrs) {
$value = getSimpleValue( $entry, $a );
last if ( $value ne $unknown );
# End of getFirstValue.