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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Test for the CSS Font Loading API</title>
<script src=/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js></script>
<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=/tests/SimpleTest/test.css>
<script src=descriptor_database.js></script>
// Map of FontFace descriptor attribute names to @font-face rule descriptor
// names.
var descriptorNames = {
style: "font-style",
weight: "font-weight",
stretch: "font-stretch",
unicodeRange: "unicode-range",
variant: "font-variant",
featureSettings: "font-feature-settings"
// Default values for the FontFace descriptor attributes other than family, as
// Gecko currently serializes them.
var defaultValues = {
style: "normal",
weight: "normal",
stretch: "normal",
unicodeRange: "U+0-10FFFF",
variant: "normal",
featureSettings: "normal"
// Non-default values for the FontFace descriptor attributes other than family
// along with how Gecko currently serializes them. Each value is chosen to be
// different from the default value and also has a different serialized form.
var nonDefaultValues = {
style: ["Italic", "italic"],
weight: ["Bold", "bold"],
stretch: ["Ultra-Condensed", "ultra-condensed"],
unicodeRange: ["U+3??", "U+300-3FF"],
variant: ["Small-Caps", "small-caps"],
featureSettings: ["'dlig' on", "\"dlig\""]
// Invalid values for the FontFace descriptor attributes other than family.
var invalidValues = {
style: "initial",
weight: "bolder",
stretch: "wider",
unicodeRange: "U+1????-2????",
variant: "inherit",
featureSettings: "dlig"
// Invalid font family names.
var invalidFontFamilyNames = [
"", "\"\"", "sans-serif", "A, B", "inherit", "a 1"
// Will hold an ArrayBuffer containing a valid font.
var fontData;
var queue = Promise.resolve();
function is_resolved_with(aPromise, aExpectedValue, aDescription, aTestID) {
// This assumes that all Promise tasks come from the task source.
var handled = false;
return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
aPromise.then(function(aValue) {
if (!handled) {
handled = true;
is(aValue, aExpectedValue, aDescription + " should be resolved with the expected value " + aTestID);
}, function(aError) {
if (!handled) {
handled = true;
ok(false, aDescription + " should be resolved; instead it was rejected with " + aError + " " + aTestID);
Promise.resolve().then(function() {
if (!handled) {
handled = true;
ok(false, aDescription + " should be resolved; instead it is pending " + aTestID);
function is_pending(aPromise, aDescription, aTestID) {
// This assumes that all Promise tasks come from the task source.
var handled = false;
return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
aPromise.then(function(aValue) {
if (!handled) {
handled = true;
ok(false, aDescription + " should be pending; instead it was resolved with " + aValue + " " + aTestID);
}, function(aError) {
if (!handled) {
handled = true;
ok(false, aDescription + " should be pending; instead it was rejected with " + aError + " " + aTestID);
Promise.resolve().then(function() {
if (!handled) {
handled = true;
ok(true, aDescription + " should be pending " + aTestID);
function fetchAsArrayBuffer(aURL) {
var xhr;
return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", aURL);
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(evt) {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status <= 299) {
} else {
aReject(new Error("Error fetching file " + aURL + ", status " + xhr.status));
function setTimeoutZero() {
return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
setTimeout(aResolve, 0);
function awaitRefresh() {
function awaitOneRefresh() {
return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
return awaitOneRefresh().then(awaitOneRefresh);
function runTest() {
queue = queue.then(function() {
// First, initialize fontData.
return fetchAsArrayBuffer("BitPattern.woff")
.then(function(aResult) { fontData = aResult; });
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 1) Some miscellaneous tests for FontFaceSet and FontFace.
ok(window.FontFaceSet, "FontFaceSet interface object should be present (TEST 1)");
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(FontFaceSet.prototype), EventTarget.prototype, "FontFaceSet should inherit from EventTarget (TEST 1)");
ok(document.fonts instanceof FontFaceSet, "document.fonts should be a a FontFaceSet (TEST 1)");
ok(window.FontFace, "FontFace interface object should be present (TEST 1)");
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(FontFace.prototype), Object.prototype, "FontFace should inherit from Object (TEST 1)");
// (TEST 2) Some miscellaneous tests for CSSFontFaceLoadEvent.
ok(window.CSSFontFaceLoadEvent, "CSSFontFaceLoadEvent interface object should be present (TEST 2)");
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(CSSFontFaceLoadEvent.prototype), Event.prototype, "CSSFontFaceLoadEvent should inherit from Event (TEST 2)");
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 3) Test that document.fonts.ready starts out resolved with the
// FontFaceSet.
return is_resolved_with(document.fonts.ready, document.fonts, "initial value of document.fonts", "(TEST 3)");
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 4) Test that document.fonts in this test document starts out with no
// FontFace objects in it.
is(Array.from(document.fonts).length, 0, "initial number of FontFace objects in document.fonts (TEST 4)");
// (TEST 5) Test that document.fonts.status starts off as loaded.
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "initial value of document.fonts.status (TEST 5)");
// (TEST 6) Test initial value of FontFace.status when a url() source is
// used.
is(new FontFace("test", "url(x)").status, "unloaded", "initial value of FontFace.status when a url() source is used (TEST 6)");
// (TEST 7) Test initial value of FontFace.status when an invalid
// ArrayBuffer source is used. Because it has an implicit initial
// load() call, it should either be "loading" if the browser is
// asynchronously parsing the font data, or "error" if it parsed
// it immediately.
var status = new FontFace("test", new ArrayBuffer(0)).status;
ok(status == "loading" || status == "error", "initial value of FontFace.status when an invalid ArrayBuffer source is used (TEST 7)");
// (TEST 8) Test initial value of FontFace.status when a valid ArrayBuffer
// source is used. Because it has an implicit initial load() call, it
// should either be "loading" if the browser is asynchronously parsing the
// font data, or "loaded" if it parsed it immediately.
status = new FontFace("test", fontData).status;
ok(status == "loading" || status == "loaded", "initial value of FontFace.status when a valid ArrayBuffer source is used (TEST 8)");
// (TEST 9) (old test became redundant with TEST 19)
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 10) Test initial value of FontFace.loaded when a valid url()
// source is used.
return is_pending(new FontFace("test", "url(x)").loaded, "initial value of FontFace.loaded when a valid url() source is used", "(TEST 10)");
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 11) (old test became redundant with TEST 21)
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 12) (old test became redundant with TEST 20)
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 13) Test initial values of the descriptor attributes on FontFace
// objects.
var face = new FontFace("test", fontData);
// XXX Spec issue: what values do the descriptor attributes have before the
// constructor's dictionary argument is parsed?
for (var desc in defaultValues) {
is(face[desc], defaultValues[desc], "initial value of FontFace." + desc + " (TEST 13)");
// (TEST 14) Test default values of the FontFaceDescriptors dictionary.
return face.loaded.then(function() {
for (var desc in defaultValues) {
is(face[desc], defaultValues[desc], "default value of FontFace." + desc + " (TEST 14)");
}, function(aError) {
ok(false, "FontFace should have loaded succesfully (TEST 14)");
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 15) Test passing non-default descriptor values to the FontFace
// constructor.
var descriptorTests = Promise.resolve();
Object.keys(nonDefaultValues).forEach(function(aDesc) {
descriptorTests = descriptorTests.then(function() {
var init = {};
init[aDesc] = nonDefaultValues[aDesc][0];
var face = new FontFace("test", fontData, init);
var ok_todo = aDesc == "variant" ? todo : ok;
ok_todo(face[aDesc] == nonDefaultValues[aDesc][1], "specified valid non-default value of FontFace." + aDesc + " immediately after construction (TEST 15)");
return face.loaded.then(function() {
ok_todo(face[aDesc] == nonDefaultValues[aDesc][1], "specified valid non-default value of FontFace." + aDesc + " (TEST 15)");
}, function(aError) {
ok(false, "FontFace should have loaded succesfully (TEST 15)");
return descriptorTests;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 16) Test passing invalid descriptor values to the FontFace
// constructor.
var descriptorTests = Promise.resolve();
Object.keys(invalidValues).forEach(function(aDesc) {
descriptorTests = descriptorTests.then(function() {
var init = {};
init[aDesc] = invalidValues[aDesc];
var face = new FontFace("test", fontData, init);
var ok_todo = aDesc == "variant" ? todo : ok;
ok_todo(face.status == "error", "FontFace should be error immediately after construction with invalid value of FontFace." + aDesc + " (TEST 16)");
return face.loaded.then(function() {
ok_todo(false, "FontFace should not load after invalid value of FontFace." + aDesc + " specified (TEST 16)");
}, function(aError) {
ok(true, "FontFace should not load after invalid value of FontFace." + aDesc + " specified (TEST 16)");
is(, "SyntaxError", "FontFace.loaded with invalid value of FontFace." + aDesc + " should be rejected with a SyntaxError (TEST 16)");
return descriptorTests;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 17) Test passing an invalid font family name to the FontFace
// constructor.
var familyTests = Promise.resolve();
invalidFontFamilyNames.forEach(function(aFamilyName) {
familyTests = familyTests.then(function() {
var face = new FontFace(aFamilyName, fontData);
is(face.status, "error", "FontFace should be error immediately after construction with invalid family name " + aFamilyName + " (TEST 17)");
is(, "", " should be the empty string after construction with invalid family name " + aFamilyName + " (TEST 17)");
return face.loaded.then(function() {
ok(false, "FontFace should not load after invalid family name " + aFamilyName + " specified (TEST 17)");
}, function(aError) {
ok(true, "FontFace should not load after invalid family name " + aFamilyName + " specified (TEST 17)");
is(, "SyntaxError", "FontFace.loaded with invalid family name " + aFamilyName + " should be rejected with a SyntaxError (TEST 17)");
return familyTests;
}).then(function() {
// XXX Disabled this sub-test due to intermittent failures (bug 1076803).
// (TEST 18) Test passing valid url() source strings to the FontFace
// constructor.
var srcTests = Promise.resolve();
gCSSFontFaceDescriptors.src.values.forEach(function(aSrc) {
srcTests = srcTests.then(function() {
var face = new FontFace("test", aSrc);
return face.load().then(function() {
ok(true, "FontFace should load with valid url() src " + aSrc + " (TEST 18)");
}, function(aError) {
is(, "NetworkError", "FontFace had NetworkError when loading with valid url() src " + aSrc + " (TEST 18)");
return srcTests;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 19) Test passing invalid url() source strings to the FontFace
// constructor.
var srcTests = Promise.resolve();
gCSSFontFaceDescriptors.src.invalid_values.forEach(function(aSrc) {
srcTests = srcTests.then(function() {
var face = new FontFace("test", aSrc);
is(face.status, "error", "FontFace.status should be \"error\" when constructed with an invalid url() src " + aSrc + " (TEST 19");
return face.loaded.then(function() {
ok(false, "FontFace should not load with invalid url() src " + aSrc + " (TEST 19)");
}, function(aError) {
is(, "SyntaxError", "FontFace.ready should have been rejected with a SyntaxError when constructed with an invalid url() src " + aSrc + " (TEST 19)");
return srcTests;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 20) Test that the status of a FontFace constructed with a valid
// ArrayBuffer source eventually becomes "loaded".
var face = new FontFace("test", fontData);
return face.loaded.then(function(aFace) {
is(face.status, "loaded", "status of FontFace constructed with a valid ArrayBuffer source should eventually be \"loaded\" (TEST 20)");
is(face, aFace, "FontFace.loaded was resolved with the FontFace object once loaded (TEST 20)");
}, function(aError) {
ok(false, "FontFace constructed with a valid ArrayBuffer should eventually load (TEST 20)");
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 21) Test that the status of a FontFace constructed with an invalid
// ArrayBuffer source eventually becomes "error".
var face = new FontFace("test", new ArrayBuffer(0));
return face.loaded.then(function() {
ok(false, "FontFace constructed with an invalid ArrayBuffer should not load (TEST 21)");
}, function(aError) {
is(, "SyntaxError", "loaded of FontFace constructed with an invalid ArrayBuffer source should be rejected with TypeError (TEST 21)");
is(face.status, "error", "status of FontFace constructed with an invalid ArrayBuffer source should eventually be \"error\" (TEST 21)");
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 22) Test assigning non-default descriptor values on the FontFace.
var descriptorTests = Promise.resolve();
Object.keys(nonDefaultValues).forEach(function(aDesc) {
descriptorTests = descriptorTests.then(function() {
var face = new FontFace("test", fontData);
return face.loaded.then(function() {
var ok_todo = aDesc == "variant" ? todo : ok;
face[aDesc] = nonDefaultValues[aDesc][0];
ok_todo(face[aDesc] == nonDefaultValues[aDesc][1], "assigned valid non-default value to FontFace." + aDesc + " (TEST 22) ");
}, function(aError) {
ok(false, "FontFace should have loaded succesfully (TEST 22)");
return descriptorTests;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 23) Test assigning invalid descriptor values on the FontFace.
var descriptorTests = Promise.resolve();
Object.keys(invalidValues).forEach(function(aDesc) {
descriptorTests = descriptorTests.then(function() {
var face = new FontFace("test", fontData);
return face.loaded.then(function() {
var ok_todo = aDesc == "variant" ? todo : ok;
var exceptionName = "";
try {
face[aDesc] = invalidValues[aDesc];
} catch (ex) {
exceptionName =;
ok_todo(exceptionName == "SyntaxError", "assigning invalid value to FontFace." + aDesc + " should throw a SyntaxError (TEST 23)");
}, function(aError) {
ok(false, "FontFace should have loaded succesfully (TEST 23)");
return descriptorTests;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 24) Test that the status of a FontFace with a non-existing url()
// source is set to "loading" right after load() is called, that its .loaded
// Promise is returned, and that the Promise is eventually rejected with a
// NetworkError and its status is set to "error".
var face = new FontFace("test", "url(x)");
var result = face.load();
is(face.status, "loading", "FontFace.status should be \"loading\" right after load() is called (TEST 24)");
is(result, face.loaded, "FontFace.load() should return the .loaded Promise (TEST 24)");
return result.then(function() {
ok(false, "FontFace with a non-existing url() source should not load (TEST 24)");
}, function(aError) {
is(, "NetworkError", "FontFace with a non-existing url() source should result in its .loaded Promise being rejected with a NetworkError (TEST 24)");
is(face.status, "error", "FontFace with a non-existing url() source should result in its .status being set to \"error\" (TEST 24)");
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 25) Test simple manipulation of the FontFaceSet.
var face, face2, all;
face = new FontFace("test", "url(x)");
face2 = new FontFace("test2", "url(x)");
ok(!document.fonts.has(face), "newly created FontFace should not be in document.fonts (TEST 25)");
ok(document.fonts.has(face), "should be able to add a FontFace to document.fonts (TEST 25)");
ok(document.fonts.has(face), "should be able to repeatedly add a FontFace to document.fonts (TEST 25)");
ok(document.fonts.delete(face), "FontFaceSet.delete should return true when it succeeds (TEST 25)");
ok(!document.fonts.has(face), "FontFace should be gone from document.fonts after delete is called (TEST 25)");
ok(!document.fonts.delete(face), "FontFaceSet.delete should return false when it fails (TEST 25)");
ok(document.fonts.has(face2), "should be able to add a second FontFace to document.fonts (TEST 25)");
ok(!document.fonts.has(face) && !document.fonts.has(face2), "FontFaces should be gone from document.fonts after clear is called (TEST 25)");
all = Array.from(document.fonts);
is(all[0], face, "FontFaces should be returned in the same order as insertion (TEST 25)");
is(all[1], face2, "FontFaces should be returned in the same order as insertion (TEST 25)");
all = Array.from(document.fonts);
is(all[0], face, "FontFaces should be not be reordered when a duplicate entry is added (TEST 25)");
is(all[1], face2, "FontFaces should be not be reordered when a duplicate entry is added (TEST 25)");
return document.fonts.ready;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 26) Test that FontFaceSet.ready is replaced, .status is set to
// "loading", and a loading event is dispatched when a loading FontFace is
// added to it.
var awaitEvents = new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
var onloadingTriggered = false, loadingDispatched = false;
function check() {
if (onloadingTriggered && loadingDispatched) {
document.fonts.onloading = null;
document.fonts.removeEventListener("loading", listener);
var listener = function(aEvent) {
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(aEvent), Event.prototype, "loading event should be a plain Event object (TEST 26)");
loadingDispatched = true;
document.fonts.addEventListener("loading", listener);
document.fonts.onloading = function(aEvent) {
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(aEvent), Event.prototype, "loading event should be a plain Event object (TEST 26)");
onloadingTriggered = true;
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "FontFaceSet.status initially (TEST 26)");
var oldReady = document.fonts.ready;
var face = new FontFace("test", "url(neverending_font_load.sjs)");
var newReady = document.fonts.ready;
isnot(newReady, oldReady, "FontFaceSet.ready should be replaced when a loading FontFace is added to it (TEST 26)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loading", "FontFaceSet.status should be set to \"loading\" when a loading FontFace is added to it (TEST 26)");
return awaitEvents
.then(function() {
return is_pending(newReady, "FontFaceSet.ready should be replaced with a fresh pending Promise when a loading FontFace is added to it", "(TEST 26)");
.then(function() {
return document.fonts.ready;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 27) Test that FontFaceSet.ready is resolved, .status is set to
// "loaded", and a loadingdone event (but no loadingerror event) is
// dispatched when the only loading FontFace in it is removed.
var awaitEvents = new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
var onloadingdoneTriggered = false, loadingdoneDispatched = false;
var onloadingerrorTriggered = false, loadingerrorDispatched = false;
function check() {
document.fonts.onloadingdone = null;
document.fonts.onloadingerror = null;
document.fonts.removeEventListener("loadingdone", doneListener);
document.fonts.removeEventListener("loadingerror", errorListener);
var doneListener = function(aEvent) {
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(aEvent), CSSFontFaceLoadEvent.prototype, "loadingdone event should be a CSSFontFaceLoadEvent object (TEST 27)");
is(aEvent.fontfaces.length, 0, "the CSSFontFaceLoadEvent should have an empty fontfaces array (TEST 27)");
loadingdoneDispatched = true;
document.fonts.addEventListener("loadingdone", doneListener);
document.fonts.onloadingdone = function(aEvent) {
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(aEvent), CSSFontFaceLoadEvent.prototype, "loadingdone event should be a CSSFontFaceLoadEvent object (TEST 27)");
is(aEvent.fontfaces.length, 0, "the CSSFontFaceLoadEvent should have an empty fontfaces array (TEST 27)");
onloadingdoneTriggered = true;
var errorListener = function(aEvent) {
loadingerrorDispatched = true;
document.fonts.addEventListener("loadingerror", errorListener);
document.fonts.onloadingerror = function(aEvent) {
onloadingdoneTriggered = true;
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "FontFaceSet.status should be \"loaded\" initially (TEST 27)");
var f = new FontFace("test", "url(neverending_font_load.sjs)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loading", "FontFaceSet.status should be \"loading\" when a loading FontFace is in it (TEST 27)");
return awaitEvents
.then(function() {
return is_resolved_with(document.fonts.ready, document.fonts, "FontFaceSet.ready when the FontFaceSet is cleared", "(TEST 27)");
.then(function() {
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "FontFaceSet.status should be set to \"loaded\" when it is cleared (TEST 27)");
return document.fonts.ready;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 28) Test that FontFaceSet.ready is replaced, .status is set to
// "loading", and a loading event is dispatched when a FontFace in it
// starts loading.
var awaitEvents = new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
var onloadingTriggered = false, loadingDispatched = false;
function check() {
if (onloadingTriggered && loadingDispatched) {
document.fonts.onloading = null;
document.fonts.removeEventListener("loading", listener);
var listener = function(aEvent) {
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(aEvent), Event.prototype, "loading event should be a plain Event object (TEST 28)");
loadingDispatched = true;
document.fonts.addEventListener("loading", listener);
document.fonts.onloading = function(aEvent) {
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(aEvent), Event.prototype, "loading event should be a plain Event object (TEST 28)");
onloadingTriggered = true;
var oldReady = document.fonts.ready;
var face = new FontFace("test", "url(neverending_font_load.sjs)");
var newReady = document.fonts.ready;
isnot(newReady, oldReady, "FontFaceSet.ready should be replaced when its only FontFace starts loading (TEST 28)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loading", "FontFaceSet.status should be set to \"loading\" when its only FontFace starts loading (TEST 28)");
return awaitEvents
.then(function() {
return is_pending(newReady, "FontFaceSet.ready when the FontFaceSet's only FontFace starts loading", "(TEST 28)");
.then(function() {
return document.fonts.ready;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 29) Test that a loadingdone and a loadingerror event is dispatched
// when a FontFace that eventually becomes status "error" is added to the
// FontFaceSet.
var face;
var awaitEvents = new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
var onloadingdoneTriggered = false, loadingdoneDispatched = false;
var onloadingerrorTriggered = false, loadingerrorDispatched = false;
function check() {
if (onloadingdoneTriggered && loadingdoneDispatched &&
onloadingerrorTriggered && loadingerrorDispatched) {
document.fonts.onloadingdone = null;
document.fonts.onloadingerror = null;
document.fonts.removeEventListener("loadingdone", doneListener);
document.fonts.removeEventListener("loadingerror", errorListener);
var doneListener = function(aEvent) {
loadingdoneDispatched = true;
document.fonts.addEventListener("loadingdone", doneListener);
document.fonts.onloadingdone = function(aEvent) {
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(aEvent), CSSFontFaceLoadEvent.prototype, "loadingdone event should be a CSSFontFaceLoadEvent object (TEST 29)");
is(aEvent.fontfaces.length, 0, "the CSSFontFaceLoadEvent should have an empty fontfaces array (TEST 29)");
onloadingdoneTriggered = true;
var errorListener = function(aEvent) {
is(Object.getPrototypeOf(aEvent), CSSFontFaceLoadEvent.prototype, "loadingerror event should be a CSSFontFaceLoadEvent object (TEST 29)");
is(aEvent.fontfaces[0], face, "the CSSFontFaceLoadEvent should have a fontfaces array with the FontFace in it (TEST 29)");
loadingerrorDispatched = true;
document.fonts.addEventListener("loadingerror", errorListener);
document.fonts.onloadingerror = function(aEvent) {
onloadingerrorTriggered = true;
face = new FontFace("test", "url(x)");
is(face.status, "loading", "FontFace should have status \"loading\" (TEST 29)");
return face.loaded
.then(function() {
ok(false, "the FontFace should not load (TEST 29)");
}, function(aError) {
is(face.status, "error", "FontFace should have status \"error\" (TEST 29)");
return awaitEvents;
.then(function() {
return document.fonts.ready;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 30) Test that a loadingdone event is dispatched when a FontFace
// that eventually becomes status "loaded" is added to the FontFaceSet.
var face;
var awaitEvents = new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
var onloadingdoneTriggered = false, loadingdoneDispatched = false;
function check() {
if (onloadingdoneTriggered && loadingdoneDispatched) {
document.fonts.onloadingdone = null;
document.fonts.removeEventListener("loadingdone", doneListener);
var doneListener = function(aEvent) {
loadingdoneDispatched = true;
document.fonts.addEventListener("loadingdone", doneListener);
document.fonts.onloadingdone = function(aEvent) {
is(aEvent.fontfaces[0], face, "the CSSFontFaceLoadEvent should have a fontfaces array with the FontFace in it (TEST 30)");
onloadingdoneTriggered = true;
face = new FontFace("test", "url(BitPattern.woff?test30)");
is(face.status, "loading", "FontFace should have status \"loading\" (TEST 30)");
return face.loaded
.then(function() {
is(face.status, "loaded", "FontFace should have status \"loaded\" (TEST 30)");
return awaitEvents;
.then(function() {
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 31) Test that a loadingdone event is dispatched when a FontFace
// with status "unloaded" is added to the FontFaceSet and load() is called
// on it.
var face;
var awaitEvents = new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
var onloadingdoneTriggered = false, loadingdoneDispatched = false;
function check() {
if (onloadingdoneTriggered && loadingdoneDispatched) {
document.fonts.onloadingdone = null;
document.fonts.removeEventListener("loadingdone", doneListener);
var doneListener = function(aEvent) {
loadingdoneDispatched = true;
document.fonts.addEventListener("loadingdone", doneListener);
document.fonts.onloadingdone = function(aEvent) {
is(aEvent.fontfaces[0], face, "the CSSFontFaceLoadEvent should have a fontfaces array with the FontFace in it (TEST 31)");
onloadingdoneTriggered = true;
face = new FontFace("test", "url(BitPattern.woff?test31)");
is(face.status, "unloaded", "FontFace should have status \"unloaded\" (TEST 31)");
return face.load()
.then(function() {
return awaitEvents;
.then(function() {
is(face.status, "loaded", "FontFace should have status \"loaded\" (TEST 31)");
return document.fonts.ready;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 32) Test that pending restyles prevent document.fonts.status
// from becoming loaded.
var face = new FontFace("test", "url(neverending_font_load.sjs)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loading", "FontFaceSet.status after adding a loading FontFace (TEST 32)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "FontFaceSet.status after clearing (TEST 32)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loading", "FontFaceSet.status after adding a loading FontFace again (TEST 32)");
var div = document.querySelector("div"); = "blue";
is(document.fonts.status, "loading", "FontFaceSet.status after clearing but when there is a pending restyle (TEST 32)");
return awaitRefresh() // wait for a refresh driver tick
.then(function() {
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "FontFaceSet.status after clearing and the restyle has been flushed (TEST 32)");
return document.fonts.ready;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 33) Test that CSS-connected FontFace objects are created
// for @font-face rules in the document.
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should initially be loaded (TEST 33)");
var style = document.querySelector("style");
var ruleText = "@font-face { font-family: something; src: url(x); ";
Object.keys(nonDefaultValues).forEach(function(aDesc) {
ruleText += descriptorNames[aDesc] + ": " + nonDefaultValues[aDesc][0] + "; ";
ruleText += "}";
style.textContent = ruleText;
var rule = style.sheet.cssRules[0];
var all = Array.from(document.fonts);
is(all.length, 1, "document.fonts should contain one FontFace (TEST 33)");
var face = all[0];
is(, "\"something\"", "FontFace should have correct family value (TEST 33)");
Object.keys(nonDefaultValues).forEach(function(aDesc) {
var ok_todo = aDesc == "variant" ? todo : ok;
ok_todo(face[aDesc] == nonDefaultValues[aDesc][1], "FontFace should have correct " + aDesc + " value (TEST 33)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should still be loaded (TEST 33)");
is(face.status, "unloaded", "FontFace.status should be unloaded (TEST 33)");
ok(document.fonts.has(face), "CSS-connected FontFace should not be removed from document.fonts when clear is called (TEST 33)");
var exceptionName = "";
try {
} catch (ex) {
exceptionName =;
ok(exceptionName == "InvalidModificationError", "attempting to remove CSS-connected FontFace from document.fonts should throw an InvalidModificationError (TEST 33)");
ok(document.fonts.has(face), "CSS-connected FontFace should not be removed from document.fonts when delete is called (TEST 33)");
style.textContent = "";
ok(!document.fonts.has(face), "CSS-connected FontFace should be removed from document.fonts once the rule has been removed (TEST 33)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should still be loaded after rule is removed (TEST 33)");
is(face.status, "unloaded", "FontFace.status should still be unloaded after rule is removed (TEST 33)");
ok(document.fonts.has(face), "previously CSS-connected FontFace should be able to be added to document.fonts (TEST 33)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should still be loaded after now disconnected FontFace is added (TEST 33)");
is(face.status, "unloaded", "FontFace.status should still be unloaded after now disconnected FontFace is added (TEST 33)");
ok(!document.fonts.has(face), "previously CSS-connected FontFace should be able to be removed from document.fonts (TEST 33)");
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 34) Test that descriptor getters for unspecified descriptors on
// CSS-connected FontFace objects return their default values.
var style = document.querySelector("style");
var ruleText = "@font-face { font-family: something; src: url(x); }";
style.textContent = ruleText;
var all = Array.from(document.fonts);
var face = all[0];
Object.keys(defaultValues).forEach(function(aDesc) {
is(face[aDesc], defaultValues[aDesc], "FontFace should return default value for " + aDesc + " (TEST 34)");
style.textContent = "";
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 35) Test that no loadingdone event is dispatched when a FontFace
// with "loaded" status is added to a "loaded" FontFaceSet.
var gotLoadingDone = false;
document.fonts.onloadingdone = function(aEvent) {
gotLoadingDone = true;
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loaded\" (TEST 35)");
var face = new FontFace("test", fontData);
return face.loaded
.then(function() {
is(face.status, "loaded", "FontFace should have status \"loaded\" (TEST 35)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should still have status \"loaded\" (TEST 35)");
return document.fonts.ready;
.then(function() {
ok(!gotLoadingDone, "loadingdone event should not be dispatched (TEST 35)");
document.fonts.onloadingdone = null;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 36) Test that no loadingdone or loadingerror event is dispatched
// when a FontFace with "error" status is added to a "loaded" FontFaceSet.
var gotLoadingDone = false, gotLoadingError = false;
document.fonts.onloadingdone = function(aEvent) {
gotLoadingDone = true;
document.fonts.onloadingerror = function(aEvent) {
gotLoadingError = true;
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loaded\" (TEST 36)");
var face = new FontFace("test", new ArrayBuffer(0));
return face.loaded
.then(function() {
ok(false, "FontFace should not have loaded (TEST 36)");
}, function() {
is(face.status, "error", "FontFace should have status \"error\" (TEST 36)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should still have status \"loaded\" (TEST 36)");
return document.fonts.ready;
.then(function() {
ok(!gotLoadingDone, "loadingdone event should not be dispatched (TEST 36)");
ok(!gotLoadingError, "loadingerror event should not be dispatched (TEST 36)");
document.fonts.onloadingdone = null;
document.fonts.onloadingerror = null;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 37) Test that a FontFace only has one loadingdone event dispatched
// at the FontFaceSet containing it.
var events = [], face, face2;
document.fonts.onloadingdone = function(e) {
document.fonts.onloadingerror = function(e) {
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loaded\" (TEST 37)");
face = new FontFace("test", "url(BitPattern.woff?test37a)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loading", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loading\" after first font added (TEST 37)");
return document.fonts.ready
.then(function() {
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loaded\" after first font loaded (TEST 37)");
is(face.status, "loaded", "first FontFace should have status \"loaded\" (TEST 37)");
face2 = new FontFace("test2", "url(BitPattern.woff?test37b)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loading", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loading\" after second font added (TEST 37)");
return document.fonts.ready;
}).then(function() {
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loaded\" after second font loaded (TEST 37)");
is(face2.status, "loaded", "second FontFace should have status \"loaded\" (TEST 37)");
is(events.length, 2, "should receive two events (TEST 37)");
is(events[0].type, "loadingdone", "first event should be \"loadingdone\" (TEST 37)");
is(events[0].fontfaces.length, 1, "first event should have 1 FontFace (TEST 37)");
is(events[0].fontfaces[0], face, "first event should have the first FontFace");
is(events[1].type, "loadingdone", "second event should be \"loadingdone\" (TEST 37)");
is(events[1].fontfaces.length, 1, "second event should only have 1 FontFace (TEST 37)");
is(events[1].fontfaces[0], face2, "second event should have the second FontFace (TEST 37)");
document.fonts.onloadingdone = null;
document.fonts.onloadingerror = null;
return document.fonts.ready;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 38) Test that a FontFace only has one loadingerror event dispatched
// at the FontFaceSet containing it.
var events = [], face, face2;
document.fonts.onloadingdone = function(e) {
document.fonts.onloadingerror = function(e) {
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loaded\" (TEST 38)");
face = new FontFace("test", "url(x)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loading", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loading\" after first font added (TEST 38)");
return document.fonts.ready
.then(function() {
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loaded\" after first font failed to load (TEST 38)");
is(face.status, "error", "first FontFace should have status \"error\" (TEST 38)");
face2 = new FontFace("test2", "url(x)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loading", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loading\" after second font added (TEST 38)");
return document.fonts.ready;
}).then(function() {
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loaded\" after second font failed to load (TEST 38)");
is(face2.status, "error", "second FontFace should have status \"error\" (TEST 38)");
is(events.length, 4, "should receive four events (TEST 38)");
is(events[0].type, "loadingdone", "first event should be \"loadingdone\" (TEST 38)");
is(events[0].fontfaces.length, 0, "first event should have no FontFaces (TEST 38)");
is(events[1].type, "loadingerror", "second event should be \"loadingerror\" (TEST 38)");
is(events[1].fontfaces.length, 1, "second event should have 1 FontFace (TEST 38)");
is(events[1].fontfaces[0], face, "second event should have the first FontFace");
is(events[2].type, "loadingdone", "third event should be \"loadingdone\" (TEST 38)");
is(events[2].fontfaces.length, 0, "third event should have no FontFaces (TEST 38)");
is(events[3].type, "loadingerror", "third event should be \"loadingerror\" (TEST 38)");
is(events[3].fontfaces.length, 1, "third event should only have 1 FontFace (TEST 38)");
is(events[3].fontfaces[0], face2, "third event should have the second FontFace");
document.fonts.onloadingdone = null;
document.fonts.onloadingerror = null;
return document.fonts.ready;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST 39) Test that a FontFace for an @font-face rule only has one
// loadingdone event dispatched at the FontFaceSet containing it.
var style = document.querySelector("style");
var ruleText = "@font-face { font-family: test; src: url(BitPattern.woff?test39a); } " +
"@font-face { font-family: test2; src: url(BitPattern.woff?test39b); }";
style.textContent = ruleText;
var all = Array.from(document.fonts);
var events = [];
document.fonts.onloadingdone = function(e) {
document.fonts.onloadingerror = function(e) {
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loaded\" (TEST 39)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loading", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loading\" after first font loading (TEST 39)");
return document.fonts.ready
.then(function() {
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loaded\" after first font loaded (TEST 39)");
is(all[0].status, "loaded", "first FontFace should have status \"loaded\" (TEST 39)");
is(all[1].status, "unloaded", "second FontFace should have status \"unloaded\" (TEST 39)");
is(document.fonts.status, "loading", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loading\" after second font loading (TEST 39)");
return document.fonts.ready;
}).then(function() {
is(document.fonts.status, "loaded", "document.fonts.status should have status \"loaded\" after second font loaded (TEST 39)");
is(all[1].status, "loaded", "second FontFace should have status \"loaded\" (TEST 39)");
is(events.length, 2, "should receive two events (TEST 39)");
is(events[0].type, "loadingdone", "first event should be \"loadingdone\" (TEST 39)");
is(events[0].fontfaces.length, 1, "first event should have 1 FontFace (TEST 39)");
is(events[0].fontfaces[0], all[0], "first event should have the first FontFace");
is(events[1].type, "loadingdone", "second event should be \"loadingdone\" (TEST 39)");
is(events[1].fontfaces.length, 1, "second event should only have 1 FontFace (TEST 39)");
is(events[1].fontfaces[0], all[1], "second event should have the second FontFace (TEST 39)");
document.fonts.onloadingdone = null;
document.fonts.onloadingerror = null;
return document.fonts.ready;
}).then(function() {
// (TEST LAST) Test that a pending style sheet load prevents
// document.fonts.status from being set to "loaded".
// First, add a FontFace to document.fonts that will load soon.
var face = new FontFace("test", "url(BitPattern.woff?testlast)");
// Next, add a style sheet reference.
var link = document.createElement("link");
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.href = "neverending_stylesheet_load.sjs";
link.type = "text/css";
return setTimeoutZero() // wait for the style sheet to start loading
.then(function() {
is(document.fonts.status, "loading", "FontFaceSet.status when the FontFaceSet has been cleared of loading FontFaces but there is a pending style sheet load (TEST LAST)");
// XXX Removing the <link> element won't cancel the load of the
// style sheet, so we can't do that to test that
// document.fonts.ready is resolved once there are no more
// loading style sheets.
// NOTE: It is important that this style sheet test comes last in the file,
// as the neverending style sheet load will interfere with subsequent
// sub-tests.
}).then(function() {
// End of the tests.
}, function(aError) {
// Something failed.
ok(false, "Something failed: " + aError);
if (SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("layout.css.font-loading-api.enabled")) {
} else {
ok(true, "CSS Font Loading API is not enabled.");