
167 строки
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is TransforMiiX XSLT processor.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is The MITRE Corporation.
* Portions created by MITRE are Copyright (C) 1999 The MITRE Corporation.
* Portions created by Keith Visco as a Non MITRE employee,
* (C) 1999 Keith Visco. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Keith Visco,
* -- original author.
* Nathan Pride,
* -- fixed document base when stylesheet is specified,
* it was defaulting to the XML document.
* Olivier Gerardin,
* -- redirect non-data output (banner, errors) to stderr
* -- read XML from stdin when -i is omitted
* -- accept '-' to specify stdin/stdout on command line
#include "XSLTProcessor.h"
#include "CommandLineUtils.h"
//- Prototypes -/
* Prints the command line help screen to the console
void printHelp();
* prints the command line usage information to the console
void printUsage();
* The TransforMiiX command line interface
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (!txInit())
return 1;
XSLTProcessor xsltProcessor;
//-- add ErrorObserver
SimpleErrorObserver seo;
//-- available flags
StringList flags;
flags.add(new String("i")); // XML input
flags.add(new String("s")); // XSL input
flags.add(new String("o")); // Output filename
flags.add(new String("h")); // help
flags.add(new String("q")); // quiet
NamedMap options;
CommandLineUtils::getOptions(options, argc, argv, flags);
if (!options.get("q")) {
String copyright("(C) 1999 The MITRE Corporation, Keith Visco, and contributors");
cerr << xsltProcessor.getAppName() << " ";
cerr << xsltProcessor.getAppVersion() << endl;
cerr << copyright << endl;
//-- print banner line
PRInt32 fillSize = copyright.length() + 1;
String fill;
fill.setLength(fillSize, '-');
cerr << fill << endl << endl;
if (options.get("h")) {
return 0;
String* xmlFilename = (String*)options.get("i");
String* xsltFilename = (String*)options.get("s");
String* outFilename = (String*)options.get("o");
//-- open XML file
istream* xmlInput = &cin;
if (xmlFilename && ! xmlFilename->isEqual("-")) {
char* chars = new char[xmlFilename->length()+1];
xmlInput = new ifstream(xmlFilename->toCharArray(chars), ios::in);
delete chars;
//-- handle output stream
ostream* resultOutput = &cout;
ofstream resultFileStream;
if ( outFilename && ! outFilename->isEqual("-")) {
char* chars = new char[outFilename->length()+1];>toCharArray(chars), ios::out);
delete chars;
if ( !resultFileStream ) {
cerr << "error opening output file: " << *xmlFilename << endl;
return -1;
resultOutput = &resultFileStream;
//-- process
String documentBase;
if ( !xsltFilename ) {
if (!xmlFilename) {
cerr << "you must specify XSLT file with -s option if XML is read from standard input" << endl;
return -1;
xsltProcessor.process(*xmlInput, *xmlFilename, *resultOutput);
else {
//-- open XSLT file
char* chars = new char[xsltFilename->length()+1];
ifstream xsltInput(xsltFilename->toCharArray(chars), ios::in);
delete chars;
xsltProcessor.process(*xmlInput, *xmlFilename, xsltInput, *xsltFilename, *resultOutput);
if (xmlInput != &cin)
delete xmlInput;
return 0;
} //-- main
void printHelp() {
cerr << "transfrmx [-h] [-i xml-file] [-s xslt-file] [-o output-file]" << endl << endl;
cerr << "Options:";
cerr << endl << endl;
cerr << "\t-i specify XML file to process (default: read from stdin)" << endl;
cerr << "\t-s specify XSLT file to use for processing (default: use stylesheet" << endl
<< "\t\tspecified in XML file)" << endl;
cerr << "\t-o specify output file (default: write to stdout)" << endl;
cerr << "\t-h this help screen" << endl;
cerr << endl;
cerr << "You may use '-' in place of xml-file or output-file to explicitly specify" << endl;
cerr << "respectively the standard input and standard output." << endl;
cerr << "If the XML is read from stdin, then the -s option is mandatory." << endl;
cerr << endl;
void printUsage() {
cerr << "transfrmx [-h] [-i xml-file] [-s xslt-file] [-o output-file]" << endl << endl;
cerr << "For more infomation use the -h flag"<<endl;
} //-- printUsage