
657 строки
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#include <iostream.h>
#include "nsStringIO.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsSharedString.h"
#include "nsFragmentedString.h"
#include "nsReadableUtils.h"
#include "nsSlidingString.h"
#include "nsStdStringWrapper.h"
typedef nsString nsStdString;
typedef nsCString nsStdCString;
template <class CharT>
literal_hello( CharT* )
literal_hello( char* )
return basic_nsLiteralString<char>("Hello");
literal_hello( PRUnichar* )
return basic_nsLiteralString<PRUnichar>(L"Hello");
static PRUnichar constant_unicode[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', PRUnichar() };
return basic_nsLiteralString<PRUnichar>(constant_unicode);
template <class T>
struct string_class_traits
struct string_class_traits<PRUnichar>
typedef PRUnichar* pointer;
typedef nsString implementation_t;
static basic_nsLiteralString<PRUnichar> literal_hello() { return ::literal_hello(pointer()); }
struct string_class_traits<char>
typedef char* pointer;
typedef nsCString implementation_t;
static basic_nsLiteralString<char> literal_hello() { return ::literal_hello(pointer()); }
CallCMid( nsAWritableCString& aResult, const nsAReadableCString& aSource, PRUint32 aStartPos, PRUint32 aLengthToCopy )
aSource.Mid(aResult, aStartPos, aLengthToCopy);
template <class CharT>
test_multifragment_iterators( const basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>& aString )
...this tests a problem that was present in |nsPromiseConcatenation| where,
because it originally stored some iteration state in the object itself, rather than
in the fragment, the iterators could get confused if used out of sequence.
This test should be run on any multi-fragment implementation to verify that it
does not have the same bug. Make sure the first fragment is only one character long.
typedef typename basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>::const_iterator ConstIterator;
int tests_failed = 0;
ConstIterator iter1 = aString.BeginReading();
ConstIterator iter2 = aString.BeginReading();
++iter2; ++iter2;
ConstIterator iter3 = aString.EndReading();
++iter1; ++iter1;
if ( iter1 != iter2 )
cout << "FAILED in |test_multifragment_iterators|" << endl;
return tests_failed;
template <class CharT>
test_Vidur_functions( const basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>& aString )
char* char_copy = ToNewCString(aString);
PRUnichar* PRUnichar_copy = ToNewUnicode(aString);
return 0;
template <class CharT>
test_readable_hello( const basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>& aReadable )
int tests_failed = 0;
if ( aReadable.Length() != 5 )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: |Length()| --> " << aReadable.Length() << endl;
if ( aReadable.First() != CharT('H') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: |First()| --> '" << aReadable.First() << "'" << endl;
if ( aReadable.Last() != CharT('o') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: |Last()| --> '" << aReadable.Last() << "'" << endl;
if ( aReadable[3] != CharT('l') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: |operator[]| --> '" << aReadable[3] << "'" << endl;
if ( aReadable.CountChar( CharT('l') ) != 2 )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: |CountChar('l')| --> " << aReadable.CountChar(CharT('l')) << endl;
basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>::const_iterator iter = aReadable.BeginReading();
if ( *iter != CharT('H') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: didn't start out pointing to the right thing, or else couldn't be dereferenced. --> '" << *iter << "'" << endl;
if ( *iter != CharT('e') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: iterator couldn't be incremented, or else couldn't be dereferenced. --> '" << *iter << "'" << endl;
iter = aReadable.EndReading();
if ( *iter != CharT('o') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: iterator couldn't be set to |EndReading()|, or else couldn't be decremented, or else couldn't be dereferenced. --> '" << *iter << "'" << endl;
basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>::const_iterator iter1 = aReadable.BeginReading().advance(3);
if ( *iter1 != CharT('l') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: iterator couldn't be set to |BeginReading()+=n|, or else couldn't be dereferenced. --> '" << *iter1 << "'" << endl;
basic_nsAReadableString<CharT>::const_iterator iter2 = aReadable.EndReading().advance(-2);
if ( *iter2 != CharT('l') )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: iterator couldn't be set to |EndReading()-=n|, or else couldn't be dereferenced. --> '" << *iter2 << "'" << endl;
if ( iter1 != iter2 )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: iterator comparison with !=." << endl;
if ( !(iter1 == iter2) )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: iterator comparison with ==." << endl;
typedef CharT* CharT_ptr;
if ( aReadable != literal_hello(CharT_ptr()) )
cout << "FAILED |test_readable_hello|: comparison with \"Hello\"" << endl;
tests_failed += test_multifragment_iterators(aReadable);
// tests_failed += test_deprecated_GetBufferGetUnicode(aReadable);
return tests_failed;
template <class CharT>
test_SetLength( basic_nsAWritableString<CharT>& aWritable )
int tests_failed = 0;
string_class_traits<CharT>::implementation_t oldValue(aWritable);
size_t oldLength = aWritable.Length();
if ( oldValue != Substring(aWritable, 0, oldLength) )
cout << "FAILED growing a string in |test_SetLength|, saving the value didn't work." << endl;
size_t newLength = 2*(oldLength+1);
if ( aWritable.Length() != newLength )
cout << "FAILED growing a string in |test_SetLength|, length is wrong." << endl;
if ( oldValue != Substring(aWritable, 0, oldLength) )
cout << "FAILED growing a string in |test_SetLength|, contents damaged after growing." << endl;
if ( aWritable.Length() != oldLength )
cout << "FAILED shrinking a string in |test_SetLength|." << endl;
if ( oldValue != Substring(aWritable, 0, oldLength) )
cout << "FAILED growing a string in |test_SetLength|, contents damaged after shrinking." << endl;
return tests_failed;
template <class CharT>
test_insert( basic_nsAWritableString<CharT>& aWritable )
int tests_failed = 0;
string_class_traits<CharT>::implementation_t oldValue(aWritable);
if ( oldValue != aWritable )
cout << "FAILED saving the old string value in |test_insert|." << endl;
string_class_traits<CharT>::implementation_t insertable( string_class_traits<CharT>::literal_hello() );
aWritable.Insert(insertable, 0);
if ( aWritable != (insertable + oldValue) )
cout << "FAILED in |test_insert|." << endl;
aWritable = oldValue;
return tests_failed;
template <class CharT>
test_cut( basic_nsAWritableString<CharT>& aWritable )
int tests_failed = 0;
aWritable.Cut(0, aWritable.Length()+5);
return tests_failed;
template <class CharT>
test_self_assign( basic_nsAWritableString<CharT>& aWritable )
int tests_failed = 0;
string_class_traits<CharT>::implementation_t oldValue(aWritable);
aWritable = aWritable;
if ( aWritable != oldValue )
cout << "FAILED self assignment." << endl;
aWritable = oldValue;
return tests_failed;
template <class CharT>
test_self_append( basic_nsAWritableString<CharT>& aWritable )
int tests_failed = 0;
string_class_traits<CharT>::implementation_t oldValue(aWritable);
aWritable += aWritable;
if ( aWritable != oldValue + oldValue )
cout << "FAILED self append." << endl;
aWritable = oldValue;
return tests_failed;
template <class CharT>
test_self_insert( basic_nsAWritableString<CharT>& aWritable )
int tests_failed = 0;
string_class_traits<CharT>::implementation_t oldValue(aWritable);
aWritable.Insert(aWritable, 0);
if ( aWritable != oldValue + oldValue )
cout << "FAILED self insert." << endl;
aWritable = oldValue;
return tests_failed;
template <class CharT>
test_self_replace( basic_nsAWritableString<CharT>& aWritable )
int tests_failed = 0;
string_class_traits<CharT>::implementation_t oldValue(aWritable);
aWritable.Replace(0, 0, aWritable);
if ( aWritable != oldValue + oldValue )
cout << "FAILED self insert." << endl;
aWritable = oldValue;
return tests_failed;
template <class CharT>
test_writable( basic_nsAWritableString<CharT>& aWritable )
int tests_failed = 0;
// ...
typedef CharT* CharT_ptr;
aWritable = literal_hello(CharT_ptr());
if ( aWritable != literal_hello(CharT_ptr()) )
cout << "FAILED assignment and/or comparison in |test_writable|." << endl;
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(aWritable);
tests_failed += test_SetLength(aWritable);
tests_failed += test_insert(aWritable);
tests_failed += test_cut(aWritable);
tests_failed += test_self_assign(aWritable);
tests_failed += test_self_append(aWritable);
tests_failed += test_self_insert(aWritable);
tests_failed += test_self_replace(aWritable);
return tests_failed;
typedef void* void_ptr;
int tests_failed = 0;
cout << "String unit tests. Compiled " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ << endl;
#if 0
nsFragmentedCString fs0;
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(fs0);
tests_failed += test_writable(fs0);
NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(literal, "Hello");
PRUnichar* buffer = ToNewUnicode(literal);
nsSlidingString ss0(buffer, buffer+5, buffer+6);
// ss0.AppendBuffer(buffer, buffer+5, buffer+6);
nsReadingIterator<PRUnichar> ri0;
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(ss0);
nsSlidingSubstring ss1(ss0);
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(ss1);
buffer = ToNewUnicode(literal);
ss0.AppendBuffer(buffer, buffer+5, buffer+6);
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(ss0);
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(ss1);
nsReadingIterator<PRUnichar> ri1;
nsSlidingSubstring ss2(ss0, ri0, ri1);
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(ss2);
nsLiteralCString s0("Patrick Beard made me write this: \"This is just a test\"\n");
const char* raw_string = "He also made me write this.\n";
nsFileCharSink<char> output(stdout);
copy_string(raw_string, raw_string+nsCharTraits<char>::length(raw_string), output);
nsLiteralCString s1("This ", 5), s2("is ", 3), s3("a ", 2), s4("test\n", 5);
nsLiteralCString s5( "This is " "a " "test" );
print_string(nsLiteralCString("The value of the string |x| is \"") + Substring(s0, 0, s0.Length()-1) + NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("\". Hope you liked it."));
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Hello"));
nsLiteralCString s1("Hello");
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s1);
nsString s3( NS_LITERAL_STRING("Hello") );
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s3);
tests_failed += test_writable(s3);
nsCString s4("Hello");
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s4);
tests_failed += test_writable(s4);
nsStdString s5( NS_LITERAL_STRING("Hello") );
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s5);
tests_failed += test_writable(s5);
nsStdCString s6("Hello");
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s6);
tests_failed += test_writable(s6);
nsLiteralString s7(NS_LITERAL_STRING("He"));
nsString s8(NS_LITERAL_STRING("l"));
nsStdString s9(NS_LITERAL_STRING("lo"));
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s7+s8+s9);
nsString s13( s7 + s8 + s9 );
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s13);
nsStdString s14( s7 + s8 + s9 );
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s14);
nsSharedString* s15 = new_nsSharedString( s7 + s8 + s9 );
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(*s15);
// cout << "Here's a string: \""; print_string(*s15) << "\"" << endl;
nsCString s10("He");
nsLiteralCString s11("l");
nsStdCString s12("lo");
tests_failed += test_readable_hello(s10+s11+s12);
const char *foo = "this is a really long string";
nsCString origString;
nsCString string2;
nsCString string3;
origString = foo;
string2 = Substring(origString, 0, 5);
string3 = Substring(origString, 6, origString.Length() - 6);
nsLiteralCString s13("He");
nsCAutoString s14("l");
nsLiteralCString s15("lo");
s14.Assign(s13 + s14 + s15);
if ( int failures = test_readable_hello(s14) )
tests_failed += failures;
cout << "FAILED to keep a promise." << endl;
nsLiteralCString str1("Hello");
nsStdCString str2("Hello");
nsLiteralCString str3("Hello there");
if ( str1 != str2 )
cout << "string comparison using != failed" << endl;
if ( !(str3 > str2) )
cout << "string comparison using > failed" << endl;
if ( !(str2 < str3) )
cout << "string comparison using < failed" << endl;
if ( str1 != "Hello" )
cout << "string comparison using == failed" << endl;
#if 0
nsStdCString extracted_middle("XXXXXXXXXX");
CallCMid(extracted_middle, part1+part2a+part2b, 1, 3);
cout << "The result of mid was \"" << extracted_middle << "\"" << endl;
nsLiteralCString middle_answer("ell");
if ( middle_answer != extracted_middle )
cout << "mid FAILED on nsConcatString" << endl;
// |nsStdStringWrapper|, i.e., |nsStdCString|
nsStdCString extracted_middle;
CallCMid(extracted_middle, part1+part2a+part2b, 1, 3);
cout << "The result of mid was \"" << extracted_middle << "\"" << endl;
nsLiteralCString middle_answer("ell");
if ( middle_answer != extracted_middle )
cout << "mid FAILED on nsStdCString" << endl;
nsStdCString leftString;
source.Left(leftString, 9);
// cout << static_cast<nsAReadableCString>(leftString) << endl;
tests_failed += test_multifragment_iterators(part1+part2a+part2b);
cout << "End of string unit tests." << endl;
if ( !tests_failed )
cout << "OK, all tests passed." << endl;
cout << "FAILED one or more tests." << endl;
return 0;