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<title>Scripting Java</title>
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Scripting Java</h1></center>
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<p>It's possible to use Rhino just for scripting Java. You don't have to
write any additional Java code; just use the existing Rhino shell and then
make calls into Java.
Rhino Shell</h2>
The Rhino shell allows you to run scripts from files or interactively at
a command line.
<p>If you download the zip file for rhino, it will contain a single JAR
file, <tt>js.jar</tt>. If you add the JAR file to your class path, you
can start the Rhino shell using the command
<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; java</pre>
or if you have Java 2 (JDK 1.2 or greater), you can avoid changing your classpath
and simply use the command
<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; java -jar js.jar</pre>
Unfortunately the <tt>-jar</tt> option to <tt>java</tt> will overwrite
your existing classpath. The shell's interactive mode is a good way to
begin exploring Rhino.
<p><i>Note: Earlier versions of Rhino have two JAR files, js.jar and jstools.jar,
and don't support the -jar option. Both JAR files must be added to the
class path to start the shell</i>.
<p>You can execute a JavaScript file by putting the file name as an argument
to the shell class:
<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; java myScript.js</pre>
There are a number of options for evaluating scripts using the shell. See
the <a href="">command description</a>
for more information.
LiveConnect: Communicating with Java from JavaScript</h2>
If you are planning to script Java using Rhino, you'll want to use LiveConnect,
which allows you to create Java classes and call Java methods from within
JavaScript. For example, here's a log from an interactive session. If you
type it in, you'll see a window with a button filling it.
<p><img SRC="scriptjavaframe.jpg" height=100 width=200>
<br><i><font size=-1>A Java frame created from the Rhino shell.</font></i></center>
<pre>$ java
js> importPackage(java.awt);
js> frame = new Frame("JavaScript")
js> frame.setSize(new Dimension(200,100))
js> button = new Button("OK")
js> frame.add(button)
js> quit()
If you wish to load classes from JavaScript that aren't in the <tt>java</tt>
package, you'll need to prefix the package name with "<tt>Packages.</tt>".
For example:
<pre>$ java
js> cx =
js> cx.evaluateString(this, "3+2", null, 0, null)
js> quit()
Accessing JavaBean Properties</h2>
Java classes can define JavaBean properties using getter and setter methods.
For example, the following class defines two properties:
<p><tt>public class Me {</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; public int getAge() { return age; }</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; public void setAge(int anAge) { age = anAge;
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; public String getSex() { return "male"; }</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; private int age;</tt>
<p>The two properties defined are <i>age</i> and <i>sex</i>. The <i>sex</i>
property is read-only: it has no setter.
<p>Using Rhino we can access the bean properties as if they where JavaScript
properties. We can also continue to call the methods that define the property.
<p><tt>js> me = new Packages.Me();</tt>
<br><tt>js> me.getSex()</tt>
<br><tt>js> me.age = 33;</tt>
<br><tt>js> me.age</tt>
<br><tt>js> me.getAge()</tt>
<p>Since the <i>sex</i> property is read-only, we are not allowed to write
to it.
<p><i>Note: JavaBean reflection is not available in versions of Rhino before
Importing Java Classes and Packages</h2>
Above we saw the use of the <tt>importPackage</tt> function to import all
the classes from a particular Java package. There is also <tt>importClass</tt>,
which imports a single class:
<pre>$ java
js> importClass(
js> cx = Context.enter()
js> cx.evaluateString(this, "3+2", null, 0, null)
js> quit()
Extending Java Classes and Implementing Java Interfaces with JavaScript</h2>
Starting from the example above of creating a Java frame using JavaScript,
we can add a listener for the button. Once we call <tt>addActionListener</tt>
we can then click on the button to get the current date printed out:
<pre>$ java
js> importPackage(java.awt);
js> frame = new Frame("JavaScript")
js> button = new Button("OK")
js> frame.setSize(new Dimension(200,100))
js> frame.add(button)
js> function printDate() { print(new Date()) }
js> printDate()
Wed Mar 15 15:42:20 GMT-0800 (PST) 2000
js> o = { actionPerformed: printDate }
[object Object]
js> o.actionPerformed()
Wed Mar 15 15:42:39 GMT-0800 (PST) 2000
js> buttonListener = java.awt.event.ActionListener(o)
js>&nbsp; button.addActionListener(buttonListener)
js> Wed Mar 15 15:43:05 GMT-0800 (PST) 2000
Wed Mar 15 15:43:05 GMT-0800 (PST) 2000
Wed Mar 15 15:43:08 GMT-0800 (PST) 2000
When we type <tt>buttonListener = java.awt.event.ActionListener(o)</tt>,
Rhino actually creates a new Java class that implements <tt>ActionListener</tt>
and forwards calls from that class to the JavaScript object. So when you
click on the button, the <tt>printDate</tt> method is called.
Starting from the release 1.5R5 Rhino allows to pass JavaScript functions directly to Java methods if the corresponding argument is Java interface and it either has the single method or all its methods has the same number of arguments and corresponding arguments has the same types. It allows to pass <tt>printDate</tt> directly to <tt>addActionListener</tt> and simplifies example:
<pre>$ java
js> importPackage(java.awt);
js> frame = new Frame("JavaScript")
js> button = new Button("OK")
js> frame.setSize(new Dimension(200,100))
js> frame.add(button)
js> function printDate() { print(new Date()) }
js> printDate()
Mon Oct 27 2003 10:35:44 GMT+0100 (CET)
js> button.addActionListener(printDate)
js> Mon Oct 27 2003 10:36:09 GMT+0100 (CET)
Mon Oct 27 2003 10:36:10 GMT+0100 (CET)
JavaAdapter constructor</h2>
Another way to create a JavaAdapter is to call the JavaAdapter constructor
explicitly. Using the JavaAdapter constructor gives you additional features
that cannot be had by "constructing" a Java interface as was done above.
<p>Instead of writing
<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; buttonListener = java.awt.event.ActionListener(o)</pre>
above we can also write
<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; buttonListener = new JavaAdapter(java.awt.event.ActionListener, o)</pre>
which is equivalent. If we also wanted to extend class <tt>Foo</tt>, while
also implementing <tt>java.lang.Runnable</tt>, we would write
<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; buttonListener = new JavaAdapter(Packages.Foo,&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; java.awt.event.ActionListener,
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; java.lang.Runnable, o)</pre>
In general the syntax is
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <tt>new JavaAdapter(</tt><i>java-class</i>, [<i>java-class</i>,
...] <i>javascript-object</i><tt>)</tt>
<p>where at most one <i>java-class</i> is a Java class and the remaining
are interfaces. The result will be a Java adapter that extends any specified
Java class, implements the Java interfaces, and forwards any calls to the
methods of the <i>javascript-object</i>.
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