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Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода!

Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода, которые могут быть отображены не так, как показано ниже. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы показать скрытые символы.

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const Services = require("Services");
const {angleUtils} = require("devtools/client/shared/css-angle");
const {colorUtils} = require("devtools/shared/css/color");
const {getCSSLexer} = require("devtools/shared/css/lexer");
const EventEmitter = require("devtools/shared/event-emitter");
const {appendText} = require("devtools/client/inspector/shared/utils");
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "ANGLE_TAKING_FUNCTIONS",
"devtools/shared/css/properties-db", true);
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "BASIC_SHAPE_FUNCTIONS",
"devtools/shared/css/properties-db", true);
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "BEZIER_KEYWORDS",
"devtools/shared/css/properties-db", true);
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "COLOR_TAKING_FUNCTIONS",
"devtools/shared/css/properties-db", true);
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "CSS_TYPES",
"devtools/shared/css/properties-db", true);
const STYLE_INSPECTOR_PROPERTIES = "devtools/shared/locales/";
const {LocalizationHelper} = require("devtools/shared/l10n");
const HTML_NS = "";
const FLEXBOX_HIGHLIGHTER_ENABLED_PREF = "devtools.inspector.flexboxHighlighter.enabled";
const CSS_SHAPES_ENABLED_PREF = "devtools.inspector.shapesHighlighter.enabled";
const CSS_SHAPE_OUTSIDE_ENABLED_PREF = "layout.css.shape-outside.enabled";
* This module is used to process text for output by developer tools. This means
* linking JS files with the debugger, CSS files with the style editor, JS
* functions with the debugger, placing color swatches next to colors and
* adding doorhanger previews where possible (images, angles, lengths,
* border radius, cubic-bezier etc.).
* Usage:
* const OutputParser = require("devtools/client/shared/output-parser");
* let parser = new OutputParser(document, supportsType);
* parser.parseCssProperty("color", "red"); // Returns document fragment.
* @param {Document} document Used to create DOM nodes.
* @param {Function} supportsTypes - A function that returns a boolean when asked if a css
* property name supports a given css type.
* The function is executed like supportsType("color", CSS_TYPES.COLOR)
* where CSS_TYPES is defined in devtools/shared/css/properties-db.js
* @param {Function} isValidOnClient - A function that checks if a css property
* name/value combo is valid.
* @param {Function} supportsCssColor4ColorFunction - A function for checking
* the supporting of css-color-4 color function.
function OutputParser(document,
{supportsType, isValidOnClient, supportsCssColor4ColorFunction}) {
this.parsed = [];
this.doc = document;
this.supportsType = supportsType;
this.isValidOnClient = isValidOnClient;
this.colorSwatches = new WeakMap();
this.angleSwatches = new WeakMap();
this._onColorSwatchMouseDown = this._onColorSwatchMouseDown.bind(this);
this._onAngleSwatchMouseDown = this._onAngleSwatchMouseDown.bind(this);
this.cssColor4 = supportsCssColor4ColorFunction();
OutputParser.prototype = {
* Parse a CSS property value given a property name.
* @param {String} name
* CSS Property Name
* @param {String} value
* CSS Property value
* @param {Object} [options]
* Options object. For valid options and default values see
* _mergeOptions().
* @return {DocumentFragment}
* A document fragment containing color swatches etc.
parseCssProperty: function (name, value, options = {}) {
options = this._mergeOptions(options);
options.expectCubicBezier = this.supportsType(name, CSS_TYPES.TIMING_FUNCTION);
options.expectDisplay = name === "display";
options.expectFilter = name === "filter";
options.expectShape = name === "clip-path" ||
(name === "shape-outside"
&& Services.prefs.getBoolPref(CSS_SHAPE_OUTSIDE_ENABLED_PREF));
options.expectFont = name === "font-family";
options.supportsColor = this.supportsType(name, CSS_TYPES.COLOR) ||
this.supportsType(name, CSS_TYPES.GRADIENT);
// The filter property is special in that we want to show the
// swatch even if the value is invalid, because this way the user
// can easily use the editor to fix it.
if (options.expectFilter || this._cssPropertySupportsValue(name, value)) {
return this._parse(value, options);
return this._toDOM();
* Read tokens from |tokenStream| and collect all the (non-comment)
* text. Return the collected texts and variable data (if any).
* Stop when an unmatched closing paren is seen.
* If |stopAtComma| is true, then also stop when a top-level
* (unparenthesized) comma is seen.
* @param {String} text
* The original source text.
* @param {CSSLexer} tokenStream
* The token stream from which to read.
* @param {Object} options
* The options object in use; @see _mergeOptions.
* @param {Boolean} stopAtComma
* If true, stop at a comma.
* @return {Object}
* An object of the form {tokens, functionData, sawComma, sawVariable}.
* |tokens| is a list of the non-comment, non-whitespace tokens
* that were seen. The stopping token (paren or comma) will not
* be included.
* |functionData| is a list of parsed strings and nodes that contain the
* data between the matching parenthesis. The stopping token's text will
* not be included.
* |sawComma| is true if the stop was due to a comma, or false otherwise.
* |sawVariable| is true if a variable was seen while parsing the text.
_parseMatchingParens: function (text, tokenStream, options, stopAtComma) {
let depth = 1;
let functionData = [];
let tokens = [];
let sawVariable = false;
while (depth > 0) {
let token = tokenStream.nextToken();
if (!token) {
if (token.tokenType === "comment") {
if (token.tokenType === "symbol") {
if (stopAtComma && depth === 1 && token.text === ",") {
return { tokens, functionData, sawComma: true, sawVariable };
} else if (token.text === "(") {
} else if (token.text === ")") {
if (depth === 0) {
} else if (token.tokenType === "function" && token.text === "var" &&
options.isVariableInUse) {
sawVariable = true;
let variableNode = this._parseVariable(token, text, tokenStream, options);
} else if (token.tokenType === "function") {
if (token.tokenType !== "function" || token.text !== "var" ||
!options.isVariableInUse) {
functionData.push(text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
if (token.tokenType !== "whitespace") {
return { tokens, functionData, sawComma: false, sawVariable };
* Parse var() use and return a variable node to be added to the output state.
* This will read tokens up to and including the ")" that closes the "var("
* invocation.
* @param {CSSToken} initialToken
* The "var(" token that was already seen.
* @param {String} text
* The original input text.
* @param {CSSLexer} tokenStream
* The token stream from which to read.
* @param {Object} options
* The options object in use; @see _mergeOptions.
* @return {Object}
* A node for the variable, with the appropriate text and
* title. Eg. a span with "var(--var1)" as the textContent
* and a title for --var1 like "--var1 = 10" or
* "--var1 is not set".
_parseVariable: function (initialToken, text, tokenStream, options) {
// Handle the "var(".
let varText = text.substring(initialToken.startOffset,
let variableNode = this._createNode("span", {}, varText);
// Parse the first variable name within the parens of var().
let {tokens, functionData, sawComma, sawVariable} =
this._parseMatchingParens(text, tokenStream, options, true);
let result = sawVariable ? "" : functionData.join("");
// Display options for the first and second argument in the var().
let firstOpts = {};
let secondOpts = {};
let varValue;
// Get the variable value if it is in use.
if (tokens && tokens.length === 1) {
varValue = options.isVariableInUse(tokens[0].text);
// Get the variable name.
let varName = text.substring(tokens[0].startOffset, tokens[0].endOffset);
if (typeof varValue === "string") {
// The variable value is valid, set the variable name's title of the first argument
// in var() to display the variable name and value.
firstOpts["data-variable"] =
STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getFormatStr("rule.variableValue", varName, varValue);
firstOpts.class = options.matchedVariableClass;
secondOpts.class = options.unmatchedVariableClass;
} else {
// The variable name is not valid, mark it unmatched.
firstOpts.class = options.unmatchedVariableClass;
firstOpts["data-variable"] = STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getFormatStr("rule.variableUnset",
variableNode.appendChild(this._createNode("span", firstOpts, result));
// If we saw a ",", then append it and show the remainder using
// the correct highlighting.
if (sawComma) {
// Parse the text up until the close paren, being sure to
// disable the special case for filter.
let subOptions = Object.assign({}, options);
subOptions.expectFilter = false;
let saveParsed = this.parsed;
this.parsed = [];
let rest = this._doParse(text, subOptions, tokenStream, true);
this.parsed = saveParsed;
let span = this._createNode("span", secondOpts);
return variableNode;
/* eslint-disable complexity */
* The workhorse for @see _parse. This parses some CSS text,
* stopping at EOF; or optionally when an umatched close paren is
* seen.
* @param {String} text
* The original input text.
* @param {Object} options
* The options object in use; @see _mergeOptions.
* @param {CSSLexer} tokenStream
* The token stream from which to read
* @param {Boolean} stopAtCloseParen
* If true, stop at an umatched close paren.
* @return {DocumentFragment}
* A document fragment.
_doParse: function (text, options, tokenStream, stopAtCloseParen) {
let parenDepth = stopAtCloseParen ? 1 : 0;
let outerMostFunctionTakesColor = false;
let fontFamilyNameParts = [];
let colorOK = function () {
return options.supportsColor ||
(options.expectFilter && parenDepth === 1 &&
let angleOK = function (angle) {
return (new angleUtils.CssAngle(angle)).valid;
let spaceNeeded = false;
let done = false;
while (!done) {
let token = tokenStream.nextToken();
if (!token) {
if (options.expectFont && fontFamilyNameParts.length !== 0) {
this._appendFontFamily(fontFamilyNameParts.join(""), options);
if (token.tokenType === "comment") {
// This doesn't change spaceNeeded, because we didn't emit
// anything to the output.
switch (token.tokenType) {
case "function": {
if (COLOR_TAKING_FUNCTIONS.includes(token.text) ||
ANGLE_TAKING_FUNCTIONS.includes(token.text)) {
// The function can accept a color or an angle argument, and we know
// it isn't special in some other way. So, we let it
// through to the ordinary parsing loop so that the value
// can be handled in a single place.
if (parenDepth === 0) {
outerMostFunctionTakesColor = COLOR_TAKING_FUNCTIONS.includes(
} else if (token.text === "var" && options.isVariableInUse) {
let variableNode = this._parseVariable(token, text, tokenStream, options);
} else {
let {functionData, sawVariable} = this._parseMatchingParens(text, tokenStream,
let functionName = text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
if (sawVariable) {
// If function contains variable, we need to add both strings
// and nodes.
for (let data of functionData) {
if (typeof data === "string") {
} else if (data) {
} else {
// If no variable in function, join the text together and add
// to DOM accordingly.
let functionText = functionName + functionData.join("") + ")";
if (options.expectCubicBezier && token.text === "cubic-bezier") {
this._appendCubicBezier(functionText, options);
} else if (colorOK() &&
colorUtils.isValidCSSColor(functionText, this.cssColor4)) {
this._appendColor(functionText, options);
} else if (options.expectShape &&
Services.prefs.getBoolPref(CSS_SHAPES_ENABLED_PREF) &&
BASIC_SHAPE_FUNCTIONS.includes(token.text)) {
this._appendShape(functionText, options);
} else {
case "ident":
if (options.expectCubicBezier &&
BEZIER_KEYWORDS.includes(token.text)) {
this._appendCubicBezier(token.text, options);
} else if (this._isDisplayFlex(text, token, options) &&
this._appendHighlighterToggle(token.text, options.flexClass);
} else if (this._isDisplayGrid(text, token, options)) {
this._appendHighlighterToggle(token.text, options.gridClass);
} else if (colorOK() &&
colorUtils.isValidCSSColor(token.text, this.cssColor4)) {
this._appendColor(token.text, options);
} else if (angleOK(token.text)) {
this._appendAngle(token.text, options);
} else if (options.expectFont) {
} else {
case "id":
case "hash": {
let original = text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
if (colorOK() && colorUtils.isValidCSSColor(original, this.cssColor4)) {
if (spaceNeeded) {
// Insert a space to prevent token pasting when a #xxx
// color is changed to something like rgb(...).
this._appendTextNode(" ");
this._appendColor(original, options);
} else {
case "dimension":
let value = text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
if (angleOK(value)) {
this._appendAngle(value, options);
} else {
case "url":
case "bad_url":
this._appendURL(text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset),
token.text, options);
case "string":
if (options.expectFont) {
fontFamilyNameParts.push(text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
} else {
text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
case "whitespace":
if (options.expectFont) {
fontFamilyNameParts.push(" ");
} else {
text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
case "symbol":
if (token.text === "(") {
} else if (token.text === ")") {
if (stopAtCloseParen && parenDepth === 0) {
done = true;
if (parenDepth === 0) {
outerMostFunctionTakesColor = false;
} else if (token.text === "," &&
options.expectFont && fontFamilyNameParts.length !== 0) {
this._appendFontFamily(fontFamilyNameParts.join(""), options);
fontFamilyNameParts = [];
// falls through
text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
// If this token might possibly introduce token pasting when
// color-cycling, require a space.
spaceNeeded = (token.tokenType === "ident" || token.tokenType === "at" ||
token.tokenType === "id" || token.tokenType === "hash" ||
token.tokenType === "number" || token.tokenType === "dimension" ||
token.tokenType === "percentage" || token.tokenType === "dimension");
let result = this._toDOM();
if (options.expectFilter && !options.filterSwatch) {
result = this._wrapFilter(text, options, result);
return result;
/* eslint-enable complexity */
* Parse a string.
* @param {String} text
* Text to parse.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Options object. For valid options and default values see
* _mergeOptions().
* @return {DocumentFragment}
* A document fragment.
_parse: function (text, options = {}) {
text = text.trim();
this.parsed.length = 0;
let tokenStream = getCSSLexer(text);
return this._doParse(text, options, tokenStream, false);
* Returns true if it's a "display: [inline-]flex" token.
* @param {String} text
* The parsed text.
* @param {Object} token
* The parsed token.
* @param {Object} options
* The options given to _parse.
_isDisplayFlex: function (text, token, options) {
return options.expectDisplay &&
(token.text === "flex" || token.text === "inline-flex");
* Returns true if it's a "display: [inline-]grid" token.
* @param {String} text
* The parsed text.
* @param {Object} token
* The parsed token.
* @param {Object} options
* The options given to _parse.
_isDisplayGrid: function (text, token, options) {
return options.expectDisplay &&
(token.text === "grid" || token.text === "inline-grid");
* Append a cubic-bezier timing function value to the output
* @param {String} bezier
* The cubic-bezier timing function
* @param {Object} options
* Options object. For valid options and default values see
* _mergeOptions()
_appendCubicBezier: function (bezier, options) {
let container = this._createNode("span", {
"data-bezier": bezier
if (options.bezierSwatchClass) {
let swatch = this._createNode("span", {
class: options.bezierSwatchClass
let value = this._createNode("span", {
class: options.bezierClass
}, bezier);
* Append a Flexbox|Grid highlighter toggle icon next to the value in a
* "display: [inline-]flex" or "display: [inline-]grid" declaration.
* @param {String} text
* The text value to append
* @param {String} className
* The class name for the toggle span
_appendHighlighterToggle: function (text, className) {
let container = this._createNode("span", {});
let toggle = this._createNode("span", {
class: className
let value = this._createNode("span", {});
value.textContent = text;
* Append a CSS shapes highlighter toggle next to the value, and parse the value
* into spans, each containing a point that can be hovered over.
* @param {String} shape
* The shape text value to append
* @param {Object} options
* Options object. For valid options and default values see
* _mergeOptions()
_appendShape: function (shape, options) {
const shapeTypes = [{
prefix: "polygon(",
coordParser: this._addPolygonPointNodes.bind(this)
}, {
prefix: "circle(",
coordParser: this._addCirclePointNodes.bind(this)
}, {
prefix: "ellipse(",
coordParser: this._addEllipsePointNodes.bind(this)
}, {
prefix: "inset(",
coordParser: this._addInsetPointNodes.bind(this)
let container = this._createNode("span", {});
let toggle = this._createNode("span", {
class: options.shapeSwatchClass
for (let { prefix, coordParser } of shapeTypes) {
if (shape.includes(prefix)) {
let coordsBegin = prefix.length;
let coordsEnd = shape.lastIndexOf(")");
let valContainer = this._createNode("span", {
class: options.shapeClass
appendText(valContainer, shape.substring(0, coordsBegin));
let coordsString = shape.substring(coordsBegin, coordsEnd);
valContainer = coordParser(coordsString, valContainer);
appendText(valContainer, shape.substring(coordsEnd));
* Parse the given polygon coordinates and create a span for each coordinate pair,
* adding it to the given container node.
* @param {String} coords
* The string of coordinate pairs.
* @param {Node} container
* The node to which spans containing points are added.
* @returns {Node} The container to which spans have been added.
_addPolygonPointNodes: function (coords, container) {
let tokenStream = getCSSLexer(coords);
let token = tokenStream.nextToken();
let coord = "";
let i = 0;
let depth = 0;
let isXCoord = true;
let fillRule = false;
let coordNode = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": `${i}`,
while (token) {
if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ",") {
// Comma separating coordinate pairs; add coordNode to container and reset vars
if (!isXCoord) {
// Y coord not added to coordNode yet
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": `${i}`,
"data-pair": (isXCoord) ? "x" : "y"
}, coord);
coord = "";
isXCoord = !isXCoord;
if (fillRule) {
// If the last text added was a fill-rule, do not increment i.
fillRule = false;
} else {
appendText(container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
coord = "";
depth = 0;
isXCoord = true;
coordNode = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": `${i}`,
} else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "(") {
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
} else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ")") {
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
} else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && coord === "") {
// Whitespace at beginning of coord; add to container
appendText(container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
} else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && depth === 0) {
// Whitespace signifying end of coord
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": `${i}`,
"data-pair": (isXCoord) ? "x" : "y"
}, coord);
appendText(coordNode, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
coord = "";
isXCoord = !isXCoord;
} else if ((token.tokenType === "number" || token.tokenType === "dimension" ||
token.tokenType === "percentage" || token.tokenType === "function")) {
if (isXCoord && coord && depth === 0) {
// Whitespace is not necessary between x/y coords.
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": `${i}`,
"data-pair": "x"
}, coord);
isXCoord = false;
coord = "";
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
if (token.tokenType === "function") {
} else if (token.tokenType === "ident" &&
(token.text === "nonzero" || token.text === "evenodd")) {
// A fill-rule (nonzero or evenodd).
appendText(container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
fillRule = true;
} else {
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
token = tokenStream.nextToken();
// Add coords if any are left over
if (coord) {
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": `${i}`,
"data-pair": (isXCoord) ? "x" : "y"
}, coord);
return container;
* Parse the given circle coordinates and populate the given container appropriately
* with a separate span for the center point.
* @param {String} coords
* The circle definition.
* @param {Node} container
* The node to which the definition is added.
* @returns {Node} The container to which the definition has been added.
_addCirclePointNodes: function (coords, container) {
let tokenStream = getCSSLexer(coords);
let token = tokenStream.nextToken();
let depth = 0;
let coord = "";
let point = "radius";
let centerNode = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": "center"
while (token) {
if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "(") {
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
} else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ")") {
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
} else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && coord === "") {
// Whitespace at beginning of coord; add to container
appendText(container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
} else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && point === "radius" && depth === 0) {
// Whitespace signifying end of radius
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": "radius"
}, coord);
appendText(container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
point = "cx";
coord = "";
depth = 0;
} else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && depth === 0) {
// Whitespace signifying end of cx/cy
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": "center",
"data-pair": (point === "cx") ? "x" : "y"
}, coord);
appendText(centerNode, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
point = (point === "cx") ? "cy" : "cx";
coord = "";
depth = 0;
} else if (token.tokenType === "ident" && token.text === "at") {
// "at"; Add radius to container if not already done so
if (point === "radius" && coord) {
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": "radius"
}, coord);
appendText(container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
point = "cx";
coord = "";
depth = 0;
} else if ((token.tokenType === "number" || token.tokenType === "dimension" ||
token.tokenType === "percentage" || token.tokenType === "function")) {
if (point === "cx" && coord && depth === 0) {
// Center coords don't require whitespace between x/y. So if current point is
// cx, we have the cx coord, and depth is 0, then this token is actually cy.
// Add cx to centerNode and set point to cy.
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": "center",
"data-pair": "x"
}, coord);
point = "cy";
coord = "";
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
if (token.tokenType === "function") {
} else {
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
token = tokenStream.nextToken();
// Add coords if any are left over.
if (coord) {
if (point === "radius") {
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": "radius"
}, coord);
} else {
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": "center",
"data-pair": (point === "cx") ? "x" : "y"
}, coord);
if (centerNode.textContent) {
return container;
* Parse the given ellipse coordinates and populate the given container appropriately
* with a separate span for each point
* @param {String} coords
* The ellipse definition.
* @param {Node} container
* The node to which the definition is added.
* @returns {Node} The container to which the definition has been added.
_addEllipsePointNodes: function (coords, container) {
let tokenStream = getCSSLexer(coords);
let token = tokenStream.nextToken();
let depth = 0;
let coord = "";
let point = "rx";
let centerNode = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": "center"
while (token) {
if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "(") {
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
} else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ")") {
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
} else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && coord === "") {
// Whitespace at beginning of coord; add to container
appendText(container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
} else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && depth === 0) {
if (point === "rx" || point === "ry") {
// Whitespace signifying end of rx/ry
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": point,
}, coord);
appendText(container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
point = (point === "rx") ? "ry" : "cx";
coord = "";
depth = 0;
} else {
// Whitespace signifying end of cx/cy
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": "center",
"data-pair": (point === "cx") ? "x" : "y"
}, coord);
appendText(centerNode, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
point = (point === "cx") ? "cy" : "cx";
coord = "";
depth = 0;
} else if (token.tokenType === "ident" && token.text === "at") {
// "at"; Add radius to container if not already done so
if (point === "ry" && coord) {
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": "ry"
}, coord);
appendText(container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
point = "cx";
coord = "";
depth = 0;
} else if ((token.tokenType === "number" || token.tokenType === "dimension" ||
token.tokenType === "percentage" || token.tokenType === "function")) {
if (point === "rx" && coord && depth === 0) {
// Radius coords don't require whitespace between x/y.
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": "rx",
}, coord);
point = "ry";
coord = "";
if (point === "cx" && coord && depth === 0) {
// Center coords don't require whitespace between x/y.
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": "center",
"data-pair": "x"
}, coord);
point = "cy";
coord = "";
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
if (token.tokenType === "function") {
} else {
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
token = tokenStream.nextToken();
// Add coords if any are left over.
if (coord) {
if (point === "rx" || point === "ry") {
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": point
}, coord);
} else {
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
"data-point": "center",
"data-pair": (point === "cx") ? "x" : "y"
}, coord);
if (centerNode.textContent) {
return container;
* Parse the given inset coordinates and populate the given container appropriately.
* @param {String} coords
* The inset definition.
* @param {Node} container
* The node to which the definition is added.
* @returns {Node} The container to which the definition has been added.
_addInsetPointNodes: function (coords, container) {
const insetPoints = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"];
let tokenStream = getCSSLexer(coords);
let token = tokenStream.nextToken();
let depth = 0;
let coord = "";
let i = 0;
let round = false;
// nodes is an array containing all the coordinate spans. otherText is an array of
// arrays, each containing the text that should be inserted into container before
// the node with the same index. i.e. all elements of otherText[i] is inserted
// into container before nodes[i].
let nodes = [];
let otherText = [[]];
while (token) {
if (round) {
// Everything that comes after "round" should just be plain text
otherText[i].push(coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
} else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "(") {
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
} else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ")") {
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
} else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && coord === "") {
// Whitespace at beginning of coord; add to container
otherText[i].push(coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
} else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && depth === 0) {
// Whitespace signifying end of coord; create node and push to nodes
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point"
}, coord);
coord = "";
otherText[i] = [coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset)];
depth = 0;
} else if ((token.tokenType === "number" || token.tokenType === "dimension" ||
token.tokenType === "percentage" || token.tokenType === "function")) {
if (coord && depth === 0) {
// Inset coords don't require whitespace between each coord.
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
}, coord);
coord = "";
otherText[i] = [];
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
if (token.tokenType === "function") {
} else if (token.tokenType === "ident" && token.text === "round") {
if (coord && depth === 0) {
// Whitespace is not necessary before "round"; create a new node for the coord
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
}, coord);
coord = "";
otherText[i] = [];
round = true;
otherText[i].push(coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset));
} else {
coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
token = tokenStream.nextToken();
// Take care of any leftover text
if (coord) {
if (round) {
} else {
let node = this._createNode("span", {
class: "ruleview-shape-point",
}, coord);
// insetPoints contains the 4 different possible inset points in the order they are
// defined. By taking the modulo of the index in insetPoints with the number of nodes,
// we can get which node represents each point (e.g. if there is only 1 node, it
// represents all 4 points). The exception is "left" when there are 3 nodes. In that
// case, it is nodes[1] that represents the left point rather than nodes[0].
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
let point = insetPoints[j];
let nodeIndex = (point === "left" && nodes.length === 3) ? 1 : j % nodes.length;
nodes.forEach((node, j, array) => {
for (let text of otherText[j]) {
appendText(container, text);
// Add text that comes after the last node, if any exists
if (otherText[nodes.length]) {
for (let text of otherText[nodes.length]) {
appendText(container, text);
return container;
* Append a angle value to the output
* @param {String} angle
* angle to append
* @param {Object} options
* Options object. For valid options and default values see
* _mergeOptions()
_appendAngle: function (angle, options) {
let angleObj = new angleUtils.CssAngle(angle);
let container = this._createNode("span", {
"data-angle": angle
if (options.angleSwatchClass) {
let swatch = this._createNode("span", {
class: options.angleSwatchClass
this.angleSwatches.set(swatch, angleObj);
swatch.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onAngleSwatchMouseDown);
// Add click listener to stop event propagation when shift key is pressed
// in order to prevent the value input to be focused.
// Bug 711942 will add a tooltip to edit angle values and we should
// be able to move this listener to Tooltip.js when it'll be implemented.
swatch.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
if (event.shiftKey) {
let value = this._createNode("span", {
class: options.angleClass
}, angle);
* Check if a CSS property supports a specific value.
* @param {String} name
* CSS Property name to check
* @param {String} value
* CSS Property value to check
_cssPropertySupportsValue: function (name, value) {
return this.isValidOnClient(name, value, this.doc);
* Tests if a given colorObject output by CssColor is valid for parsing.
* Valid means it's really a color, not any of the CssColor SPECIAL_VALUES
* except transparent
_isValidColor: function (colorObj) {
return colorObj.valid &&
(!colorObj.specialValue || colorObj.specialValue === "transparent");
* Append a color to the output.
* @param {String} color
* Color to append
* @param {Object} [options]
* Options object. For valid options and default values see
* _mergeOptions().
_appendColor: function (color, options = {}) {
let colorObj = new colorUtils.CssColor(color, this.cssColor4);
if (this._isValidColor(colorObj)) {
let container = this._createNode("span", {
"data-color": color
if (options.colorSwatchClass) {
let swatch = this._createNode("span", {
class: options.colorSwatchClass,
style: "background-color:" + color
this.colorSwatches.set(swatch, colorObj);
swatch.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onColorSwatchMouseDown);
if (options.defaultColorType) {
color = colorObj.toString();
container.dataset.color = color;
let value = this._createNode("span", {
class: options.colorClass
}, color);
} else {
* Wrap some existing nodes in a filter editor.
* @param {String} filters
* The full text of the "filter" property.
* @param {object} options
* The options object passed to parseCssProperty().
* @param {object} nodes
* Nodes created by _toDOM().
* @returns {object}
* A new node that supplies a filter swatch and that wraps |nodes|.
_wrapFilter: function (filters, options, nodes) {
let container = this._createNode("span", {
"data-filters": filters
if (options.filterSwatchClass) {
let swatch = this._createNode("span", {
class: options.filterSwatchClass
let value = this._createNode("span", {
class: options.filterClass
return container;
_onColorSwatchMouseDown: function (event) {
if (!event.shiftKey) {
// Prevent click event to be fired to not show the tooltip
let swatch =;
let color = this.colorSwatches.get(swatch);
let val = color.nextColorUnit();
swatch.nextElementSibling.textContent = val;
swatch.emit("unit-change", val);
_onAngleSwatchMouseDown: function (event) {
if (!event.shiftKey) {
let swatch =;
let angle = this.angleSwatches.get(swatch);
let val = angle.nextAngleUnit();
swatch.nextElementSibling.textContent = val;
swatch.emit("unit-change", val);
* A helper function that sanitizes a possibly-unterminated URL.
_sanitizeURL: function (url) {
// Re-lex the URL and add any needed termination characters.
let urlTokenizer = getCSSLexer(url);
// Just read until EOF; there will only be a single token.
while (urlTokenizer.nextToken()) {
// Nothing.
return urlTokenizer.performEOFFixup(url, true);
* Append a URL to the output.
* @param {String} match
* Complete match that may include "url(xxx)"
* @param {String} url
* Actual URL
* @param {Object} [options]
* Options object. For valid options and default values see
* _mergeOptions().
_appendURL: function (match, url, options) {
if (options.urlClass) {
// Sanitize the URL. Note that if we modify the URL, we just
// leave the termination characters. This isn't strictly
// "as-authored", but it makes a bit more sense.
match = this._sanitizeURL(match);
// This regexp matches a URL token. It puts the "url(", any
// leading whitespace, and any opening quote into |leader|; the
// URL text itself into |body|, and any trailing quote, trailing
// whitespace, and the ")" into |trailer|. We considered adding
// functionality for this to CSSLexer, in some way, but this
// seemed simpler on the whole.
let [, leader, , body, trailer] =
/^(url\([ \t\r\n\f]*(["']?))(.*?)(\2[ \t\r\n\f]*\))$/i.exec(match);
let href = url;
if (options.baseURI) {
try {
href = new URL(url, options.baseURI).href;
} catch (e) {
// Ignore.
this._appendNode("a", {
target: "_blank",
class: options.urlClass,
href: href
}, body);
} else {
* Append a font family to the output.
* @param {String} fontFamily
* Font family to append
* @param {Object} options
* Options object. For valid options and default values see
* _mergeOptions().
_appendFontFamily: function (fontFamily, options) {
let spanContents = fontFamily;
let quoteChar = null;
let trailingWhitespace = false;
// Before appending the actual font-family span, we need to trim
// down the actual contents by removing any whitespace before and
// after, and any quotation characters in the passed string. Any
// such characters are preserved in the actual output, but just
// not inside the span element.
if (spanContents[0] === " ") {
this._appendTextNode(" ");
spanContents = spanContents.slice(1);
if (spanContents[spanContents.length - 1] === " ") {
spanContents = spanContents.slice(0, -1);
trailingWhitespace = true;
if (spanContents[0] === "'" || spanContents[0] === "\"") {
quoteChar = spanContents[0];
if (quoteChar) {
spanContents = spanContents.slice(1, -1);
this._appendNode("span", {
class: options.fontFamilyClass
}, spanContents);
if (quoteChar) {
if (trailingWhitespace) {
this._appendTextNode(" ");
* Create a node.
* @param {String} tagName
* Tag type e.g. "div"
* @param {Object} attributes
* e.g. {class: "someClass", style: "cursor:pointer"};
* @param {String} [value]
* If a value is included it will be appended as a text node inside
* the tag. This is useful e.g. for span tags.
* @return {Node} Newly created Node.
_createNode: function (tagName, attributes, value = "") {
let node = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, tagName);
let attrs = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attributes);
for (let attr of attrs) {
if (attributes[attr]) {
node.setAttribute(attr, attributes[attr]);
if (value) {
let textNode = this.doc.createTextNode(value);
return node;
* Append a node to the output.
* @param {String} tagName
* Tag type e.g. "div"
* @param {Object} attributes
* e.g. {class: "someClass", style: "cursor:pointer"};
* @param {String} [value]
* If a value is included it will be appended as a text node inside
* the tag. This is useful e.g. for span tags.
_appendNode: function (tagName, attributes, value = "") {
let node = this._createNode(tagName, attributes, value);
* Append a text node to the output. If the previously output item was a text
* node then we append the text to that node.
* @param {String} text
* Text to append
_appendTextNode: function (text) {
let lastItem = this.parsed[this.parsed.length - 1];
if (typeof lastItem === "string") {
this.parsed[this.parsed.length - 1] = lastItem + text;
} else {
* Take all output and append it into a single DocumentFragment.
* @return {DocumentFragment}
* Document Fragment
_toDOM: function () {
let frag = this.doc.createDocumentFragment();
for (let item of this.parsed) {
if (typeof item === "string") {
} else {
this.parsed.length = 0;
return frag;
* Merges options objects. Default values are set here.
* @param {Object} overrides
* The option values to override e.g. _mergeOptions({colors: false})
* Valid options are:
* - defaultColorType: true // Convert colors to the default type
* // selected in the options panel.
* - angleClass: "" // The class to use for the angle value
* // that follows the swatch.
* - angleSwatchClass: "" // The class to use for angle swatches.
* - bezierClass: "" // The class to use for the bezier value
* // that follows the swatch.
* - bezierSwatchClass: "" // The class to use for bezier swatches.
* - colorClass: "" // The class to use for the color value
* // that follows the swatch.
* - colorSwatchClass: "" // The class to use for color swatches.
* - filterSwatch: false // A special case for parsing a
* // "filter" property, causing the
* // parser to skip the call to
* // _wrapFilter. Used only for
* // previewing with the filter swatch.
* - flexClass: "" // The class to use for the flex icon.
* - gridClass: "" // The class to use for the grid icon.
* - shapeClass: "" // The class to use for the shape value
* // that follows the swatch.
* - shapeSwatchClass: "" // The class to use for the shape swatch.
* - supportsColor: false // Does the CSS property support colors?
* - urlClass: "" // The class to be used for url() links.
* - fontFamilyClass: "" // The class to be used for font families.
* - baseURI: undefined // A string used to resolve
* // relative links.
* - isVariableInUse // A function taking a single
* // argument, the name of a variable.
* // This should return the variable's
* // value, if it is in use; or null.
* - unmatchedVariableClass: ""
* // The class to use for a component
* // of a "var(...)" that is not in
* // use.
* @return {Object}
* Overridden options object
_mergeOptions: function (overrides) {
let defaults = {
defaultColorType: true,
angleClass: "",
angleSwatchClass: "",
bezierClass: "",
bezierSwatchClass: "",
colorClass: "",
colorSwatchClass: "",
filterSwatch: false,
flexClass: "",
gridClass: "",
shapeClass: "",
shapeSwatchClass: "",
supportsColor: false,
urlClass: "",
fontFamilyClass: "",
baseURI: undefined,
isVariableInUse: null,
unmatchedVariableClass: null,
for (let item in overrides) {
defaults[item] = overrides[item];
return defaults;
module.exports = OutputParser;