
1155 строки
32 KiB

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Winbase.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include "globals.h"
#include "comp.h"
#include "ib.h"
#include "fstream.h"
#include <afxtempl.h>
#include <afxdisp.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "NewDialog.h"
#define MAX_SIZE 1024
int interpret(char *cmd);
CString rootPath;
CString configName;
CString configPath;
CString workspacePath;
CString cdPath;
CString networkPath;
CString tempPath;
CString iniDstPath;
CString iniSrcPath;
CString scriptPath;
CString nscpxpiPath;
CString cdshellPath;
CString outputPath;
CString xpiDstPath;
WIDGET *tempWidget;
char buffer[50000];
XPI xpiList[100];
int xpiLen = -1;
JAR jarList[100];
int jarLen = -1;
// Setup Sections for config.ini
CString Setup0Short = "&Recommended";
CString Setup1Short = "C&ustom";
CString quotes = "\"";
CString spaces = " ";
BOOL prefDoesntExist = TRUE;
COMPONENT Components[100];
int numComponents;
int componentOrder;
CString compString=" ";
int findXPI(CString xpiname, CString filename)
int found = FALSE;
for (int i=0; !found && i<=xpiLen; i++)
//xpiList is an array of structures where each structure contains
//the name of the xpi file and the subpath of the file within.
if (xpiList[i].xpiname == xpiname && xpiList[i].filename == filename)
found = TRUE;
if (!found)
xpiList[xpiLen].xpiname = xpiname;
xpiList[xpiLen].filename = filename;
return found;
int ExtractXPIFile(CString xpiname, CString xpifile)
CString command;
// AfxMessageBox("The xpiname is "+xpiname+" and the file is "+xpifile,MB_OK);
if (findXPI(xpiname, xpifile))
return TRUE;
// Can use -d instead of change CWD???
CString xpiArchive = nscpxpiPath + "\\" + xpiname; //xpiArchive = CCKTool\NSCPXPI
command = quotes +rootPath + "unzip.exe"+ quotes + "-o" + spaces + quotes + xpiArchive + quotes + spaces + quotes + xpifile + quotes;
ExecuteCommand((char *)(LPCTSTR) command, SW_HIDE, INFINITE);
return TRUE;
int ReplaceXPIFiles()
CString command;
CString xpiArchive;
CString xpiArcDest;
// Go through the whole list putting them into the archives
for (int i=0; i<=xpiLen; i++)
// This copy preserves the existing archive if it exists - do we
// need to delete it the first time through?
xpiArchive = nscpxpiPath + "\\" + xpiList[i].xpiname;//nscpxpiPath=CCKTool\NSCPXPI
xpiArcDest = xpiDstPath + "\\" + xpiList[i].xpiname; //xpiDstPath=CCKTool\Configs\ configName\Output\Core
if (!CopyFile(xpiArchive, xpiArcDest, TRUE))
DWORD e = GetLastError();
if ((strcmp(xpiList[i].filename,"bin/defaults/isp/US") == 0) || (strcmp(xpiList[i].filename,"bin/defaults/isp") == 0))
command = quotes + rootPath + "zip.exe" + quotes + "-m " + spaces + quotes +xpiArcDest + quotes + spaces + quotes + xpiList[i].filename + "/*.*" + quotes;
command = quotes + rootPath + "zip.exe" + quotes + "-m " + spaces + quotes +xpiArcDest + quotes + spaces + quotes + xpiList[i].filename + quotes;
ExecuteCommand((char *)(LPCTSTR) command, SW_HIDE, INFINITE);
return TRUE;
int findJAR(CString jarname, CString filename)
int found = FALSE;
for (int i=0; !found && i<=jarLen; i++)
if (jarList[i].jarname == jarname &&
jarList[i].filename == filename)
found = TRUE;
if (!found)
jarList[jarLen].jarname = jarname;
jarList[jarLen].filename = filename;
return found;
int ExtractJARFile(CString xpiname, CString jarname, CString xpifile)
// AfxMessageBox("The xpiname is "+xpiname+" and the jar name is "+jarname+" and the file is "+xpifile,MB_OK);
ExtractXPIFile(xpiname, jarname);
CString command;
//We have to get rid of the bin/chrome/ and hence the delete.
if (findJAR(jarname, xpifile))
return TRUE;
// Can use -d instead of change CWD???
CString jarArchive = tempPath + "\\bin\\chrome\\" + jarname;
command = quotes +rootPath + "unzip.exe"+ quotes + "-o" + spaces + quotes + jarArchive + quotes + spaces + quotes + xpifile + quotes;
ExecuteCommand((char *)(LPCTSTR) command, SW_HIDE, INFINITE);
return TRUE;
int ReplaceJARFiles()
CString command;
CString jarArchive;
// Go through the whole list putting them into the archives
for (int i=0; i<=jarLen; i++)
// This copy preserves the existing archive if it exists - do we
// need to delete it the first time through?
jarArchive = tempPath + "\\bin\\chrome\\" + jarList[i].jarname;
command = quotes + rootPath + "zip.exe" + quotes + "-m " + spaces + quotes +jarArchive + quotes + spaces + quotes + jarList[i].filename + quotes;
ExecuteCommand((char *)(LPCTSTR) command, SW_HIDE, INFINITE);
return TRUE;
int ReplaceINIFile()
CString command1,command2,commandReadme;
CString zipName("");
CString exeName("N6Setup.exe");
CString copyb = "copy /b ";
char olddir[1024];
GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(olddir), olddir);
if(SetCurrentDirectory((char *)(LPCTSTR) xpiDstPath) == FALSE)
return FALSE;
CString Src = nscpxpiPath + "\\" +zipName;
CString Dst = xpiDstPath + "\\" + zipName;
if (!CopyFile(Src, Dst, FALSE))
DWORD e = GetLastError();
// command = quotes + rootPath + "nszip.exe " + quotes + spaces + exeName + spaces + "config.ini";
command1 = quotes + rootPath + "zip.exe" + quotes + "-m " + spaces + zipName + spaces + "config.ini";
ExecuteCommand((char *)(LPCTSTR) command1, SW_SHOW, INFINITE);
// Copy the Readme file to the core directory and insert it inside the**********
CString readmePath = GetGlobal("ReadMeFile");
CString replaceReadme = xpiDstPath + "\\Readme.txt";
if (!CopyFile(readmePath, replaceReadme, FALSE))
DWORD e = GetLastError();
commandReadme = quotes + rootPath + "zip.exe" + quotes + "-m " + spaces + zipName + spaces + "Readme.txt";
ExecuteCommand((char *)(LPCTSTR) commandReadme, SW_SHOW, INFINITE);
// Finished copying readme and inserting into the zip**********
command2 = copyb + quotes + rootPath + "unzipsfx.exe" + quotes + " + N6Setup.exe";
// copy /b letters.exe
CString copycat = "copycat.bat";
ofstream cc(copycat);
cc << command2 <<"\necho off \ncls\n";
CString command3 ="copycat.bat";
ExecuteCommand((char *)(LPCTSTR) command3, SW_SHOW, INFINITE);
CString unzipN6 = quotes +rootPath + "unzip.exe"+ quotes + "-o" + spaces + quotes + zipName + quotes;
ExecuteCommand((char *)(LPCTSTR) unzipN6, SW_SHOW, INFINITE);
return TRUE;
void ModifyPref(char *buffer, CString entity, CString newvalue)
CString buf(buffer);
int i = buf.Find(entity);
if (i == -1) return;
i = buf.Find('"', i+1);
if (i == -1) return;
i = buf.Find('"', i+1);
if (i == -1) return;
int j = buf.Find('"', i);
if (j == -1) return;
buf.Delete(i, j-i+1);
buf.Insert(i, newvalue);
strcpy(buffer, (char *)(LPCTSTR) buf);
prefDoesntExist = FALSE;
int ModifyProperties(CString xpifile, CString entity, CString newvalue)
int rv = TRUE;
CString propFile = xpifile;
CString tempFile = xpifile + ".temp";
char properties[400];
ofstream tf(tempFile);
rv = FALSE;
cout <<"Cannot open: "<<tempFile<<"\n";
return rv;
tf<< entity <<"="<<newvalue <<"\n";
ifstream pf(propFile);
if (!pf)
rv = FALSE;
cout <<"Cannot open: "<<propFile<<"\n";
return rv;
while (!pf.eof())
tf <<properties<<"\n";
rename(tempFile, xpifile);
return rv;
void AddPref(CString xpifile, CString entity, CString newvalue)
int rv = TRUE;
CString prefFile = xpifile;
CString tempFile = xpifile + ".temp";
char properties[400];
ofstream tf(tempFile);
rv = FALSE;
cout <<"Cannot open: "<<tempFile<<"\n";
tf<< "pref("<< entity <<", \""<< newvalue <<"\");\n";
ifstream pf(prefFile);
if (!pf)
rv = FALSE;
cout <<"Cannot open: "<<prefFile<<"\n";
while (!pf.eof())
tf <<properties<<"\n";
rename(tempFile, xpifile);
int ModifyJS(CString xpifile, CString entity, CString newvalue)
CString newfile = xpifile + ".new";
int rv = TRUE;
char *fgetsrv;
// Read in DTD file and make substitutions
FILE *srcf = fopen(xpifile, "r");
FILE *dstf = fopen(newfile, "w");
CString apost = '"';
if (!srcf)
rv = FALSE;
int done = FALSE;
while (!done)
fgetsrv = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), srcf);
done = feof(srcf);
if (!done)
if (!fgetsrv || ferror(srcf))
rv = FALSE;
ModifyPref(buffer, entity, newvalue);
fputs(buffer, dstf);
rename(newfile, xpifile);
if (prefDoesntExist)
return TRUE;
void ModifyEntity(char *buffer, CString entity, CString newvalue)
CString buf(buffer);
entity = entity + " "; // Ensure we don't get false matches
int i = buf.Find(entity);
if (i == -1) return;
i = buf.Find('"', i+1);
if (i == -1) return;
int j = buf.Find('"', i);
if (j == -1) return;
buf.Delete(i, j-i+1);
buf.Insert(i, newvalue);
strcpy(buffer, (char *)(LPCTSTR) buf);
int ModifyDTD(CString xpifile, CString entity, CString newvalue)
CString newfile = xpifile + ".new";
int rv = TRUE;
char *fgetsrv;
// Read in DTD file and make substitutions
FILE *srcf = fopen(xpifile, "r");
FILE *dstf = fopen(newfile, "w");
if (!srcf)
rv = FALSE;
int done = FALSE;
while (!done)
fgetsrv = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), srcf);
done = feof(srcf);
if (!done)
if (!fgetsrv || ferror(srcf))
rv = FALSE;
ModifyEntity(buffer, entity, newvalue);
fputs(buffer, dstf);
rename(newfile, xpifile);
return TRUE;
int interpret(char *cmd)
char *cmdname = strtok(cmd, "(");
if (strcmp(cmdname, "configure") == 0)
char temp[1024];
char *section = strtok(NULL, ",)");
char *key = strtok(NULL, ",)");
char *value = strtok(NULL, ",)");
char *newvalue = value;
if (value[0] == '%')
char *t = strchr(value, '%');
//Post Beta - we have to figure a way to handle these cases - right now returning FALSE
//causes the other commands to not be carried through- changing return FALSE to TRUE
if (!t)
return TRUE;//*** Changed FALSE to TRUE
*t = '\0';
newvalue = (char *)(LPCTSTR) GetGlobal(value);
if (!section || !key || !newvalue)
return TRUE;//***Changed FALSE to TRUE
if (!CopyFile(iniSrcPath, iniDstPath, TRUE))
DWORD e = GetLastError();
if (strcmp(key, "Program Folder Name") == 0)
if (strcmp(newvalue, "") == 0)
strcpy(temp, "Netscape 6");
strcpy(temp, "Netscape 6 by ");
strcat(temp, newvalue);
newvalue = temp;
WritePrivateProfileString(section, key, newvalue, iniDstPath);
else if (strcmp(cmdname, "replaceXPI") == 0)
char *xpiname = strtok(NULL, ",)");
char *jname = strtok(NULL, ",)");
char *xpifile = strtok(NULL, ",)");
char *value = strtok(NULL, ",)");
char *newvalue = value;
CString jarname = jname;
if (value[0] == '%')
char *t = strchr(value, '%');
if (!t)
return TRUE;//*** Changed FALSE to TRUE
*t = '\0';
newvalue = (char *)(LPCTSTR) GetGlobal(value);
if (!xpiname || !xpifile || !newvalue)
return TRUE;//*** Changed FALSE to TRUE
/*Post Beta -This is a hack to prevent the last page from staying up there endlessly;
We check to see if the filename is null and if it is so we return true
so that the return value isnt made FALSE */
CString filename = newvalue;
if (filename.IsEmpty())
return TRUE;
//check to see if it is a jar and then do accordingly
if (jarname.CompareNoCase("no.jar")==0)
ExtractXPIFile(xpiname, xpifile);
ExtractJARFile(xpiname, jarname, xpifile);
if (!CopyFile(newvalue, xpifile, FALSE))
DWORD e = GetLastError();
return TRUE;//*** Changed FALSE to TRUE
// If the string in script.ib matches "addrdfFile" perform this code
// This code decompresses the xpi files to which the rdf files must be
// added and copies the rdf files (mailaccount.rdf and newsaccount.rdf)
// from the Temp directory to the resulting directory after decompression
else if (strcmp(cmdname, "addrdfFile") == 0)
char *xpiname = strtok(NULL, ",)"); // xpi file name
char *jname = strtok(NULL, ",)"); // jar name within xpi file
char *xpifile = strtok(NULL, ",)"); // directory path within jar file
char *value2 = strtok(NULL, ",)"); // name of rdf file to be added
char *value = strtok(NULL, ",)"); // variable which specifies the path of the Temp dir
char *newvalue = value;
CString jarname = jname;
if (value[0] == '%')
char *t = strchr(value, '%');
if (!t)
return TRUE;//*** Changed FALSE to TRUE
*t = '\0';
newvalue = (char *)(LPCTSTR) GetGlobal(value);
if (!xpiname || !xpifile || !newvalue)
return TRUE;//*** Changed FALSE to TRUE
CString command;
if (strcmp(value2,"newsaccount.rdf") != 0)
if (findXPI(xpiname, xpifile))
return TRUE;
// nscpxpipath = \CCKTool\NSCPXPI
CString xpiArchive = nscpxpiPath + "\\" + xpiname;
// decompressing the directory path within the XPI file
command = quotes +rootPath + "unzip.exe"+ quotes + "-o" + spaces + quotes + xpiArchive + quotes + spaces + quotes + xpifile + "/*.*" + quotes;
ExecuteCommand((char *)(LPCTSTR) command, SW_HIDE, INFINITE);
CString xpifile1 = xpifile;
CString tempval=value2;
CString newxpifile = xpifile1 + "/" + tempval;
// copy rdf file from Temp directory
if (!CopyFile(newvalue, newxpifile, FALSE))
DWORD e = GetLastError();
return TRUE;//*** Changed FALSE to TRUE
else if ((strcmp(cmdname, "modifyDTD") == 0) ||
(strcmp(cmdname, "modifyJS") == 0) ||
(strcmp(cmdname, "modifyProperties") == 0))
char *xpiname = strtok(NULL, ",)");
char *jname = strtok(NULL, ",)");
char *xpifile = strtok(NULL, ",)");
char *entity = strtok(NULL, ",)");
char *value = strtok(NULL, ",)");
char *newvalue = value;
CString jarname = jname;
if (value[0] == '%')
char *t = strchr(value, '%');
if (!t)
return TRUE;//*** Changed FALSE to TRUE
*t = '\0';
newvalue = (char *)(LPCTSTR) GetGlobal(value);
if (!xpiname || !xpifile || !entity || !newvalue)
return TRUE;//*** Changed FALSE to TRUE
//check to see if it is a jar and then do accordingly
if (jarname.CompareNoCase("no.jar")==0)
ExtractXPIFile(xpiname, xpifile);
ExtractJARFile(xpiname, jarname, xpifile);
if(strcmp(cmdname, "modifyJS") == 0)
else if (strcmp(cmdname, "modifyProperties") == 0)
// If the browser window's title bar text field is empty,
// the default browser value is displayed
if ((strcmp(entity,"mainWindow.titlemodifier") == 0) &&
(strcmp(newvalue,"") == 0))
newvalue = "&brandShortName;";
ModifyDTD(xpifile, entity, newvalue);
else if (strcmp(cmdname, "wrapXPI") == 0)
return FALSE;//*** We have to handle this condition better.
return TRUE;
void init_components()
int i;
WIDGET *w = findWidget("SelectedComponents");
BuildComponentList(Components, compString, numComponents, iniSrcPath,0);
// Turn off components that aren't selected
for (i=0; i<numComponents; i++)
if ((strstr(w->value, Components[i].name) == NULL))
if (!(Components[i].selected && Components[i].invisible))
Components[i].selected = FALSE;
if (Components[i].additional)
Components[i].selected = TRUE;
/*Post Beta - we will use the DISABLED key.
Now this is implemented the round about way here.
We have to take only the components that are chosen and mark the rest as disabled
Disabled doesnt work now - so what we are doing is re writing every key in the sections
besides that we are also deleting the keys in the setup types 2&3 so that we have only two
as per request of mktg.
void invisible()
CString Setup0Long = "Program will be installed with the most common options";
CString Setup1Long = "You may choose the options you want to install. Recommended for advanced users.";
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type0", NULL, "", iniDstPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type1", NULL, "", iniDstPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type0","Description Short",(LPCTSTR)Setup0Short,iniDstPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type0","Description Long", (LPCTSTR)Setup0Long,iniDstPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type1","Description Short",(LPCTSTR)Setup1Short,iniDstPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type1","Description Long", (LPCTSTR)Setup1Long,iniDstPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type2",NULL," ",iniDstPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type3",NULL," ",iniDstPath);
CString Cee;
tempWidget = findWidget("SelectedComponents");
CString component;
for (int i=0; i<numComponents; i++)
if (Components[i].selected)
component = Components[i].compname;
Cee.Format("C%d", componentOrder);
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type0",(LPCTSTR)Cee,(LPCTSTR)component, iniDstPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type1",(LPCTSTR)Cee,(LPCTSTR)component, iniDstPath);
if (Components[i].additional && !(Components[i].launchapp) && !(Components[i].invisible))
WritePrivateProfileString(Components[i].compname, "Attributes", "SELECTED|ADDITIONAL", iniDstPath);
WritePrivateProfileString(Components[i].compname, "Attributes", "INVISIBLE", iniDstPath);
void AddThirdParty()
CString tpCompPath1 = GetGlobal("CustomComponent1");
CString tpCompPath2 = GetGlobal("CustomComponent137");
CString tpComp1 = GetGlobal("CustomComponent2");
CString tpComp2 = GetGlobal("CustomComponent23");
CString tpCompSize1 = GetGlobal("ComponentSize");
CString tpCompSize2 = GetGlobal("ModuleSize");
CString componentName;
CString cName;
CString compSDesc = "Description Short=";
CString compLDesc = "Description Long=";
CString compArchive = "Archive=";
CString compISize = "Install Size Archive=";
CString compAttrib = "Attributes=SELECTED|LAUNCHAPP";
int archiveLen = tpCompPath1.GetLength();
int findLen = tpCompPath1.ReverseFind('\\');
CString Archive1 = tpCompPath1.Right(archiveLen - findLen -1);
archiveLen = tpCompPath2.GetLength();
findLen = tpCompPath2.ReverseFind('\\');
CString Archive2 = tpCompPath2.Right(archiveLen - findLen -1);
CString tempstr;
char *cBuffer1 = new char [MAX_SIZE];
char *p = cBuffer1;
strcpy(p,LPCTSTR(compSDesc + tpComp1));
tempstr = compSDesc + tpComp1;
p += (tempstr.GetLength() +1);
strcpy(p,LPCTSTR(compLDesc + tpComp1));
tempstr = compLDesc + tpComp1;
p += (tempstr.GetLength() +1);
strcpy(p,LPCTSTR(compArchive + Archive1));
tempstr = compArchive + Archive1;
p += (tempstr.GetLength() +1);
strcpy(p,LPCTSTR(compISize + tpCompSize1));
tempstr = compISize + tpCompSize1;
p += (tempstr.GetLength() +1);
p += (compAttrib.GetLength() +1);
*p = 0;
char *cBuffer2 = new char [MAX_SIZE];
char *q = cBuffer2;
strcpy(q,LPCTSTR(compSDesc + tpComp2));
tempstr = compSDesc + tpComp2;
q += (tempstr.GetLength() +1);
strcpy(q,LPCTSTR(compLDesc + tpComp2));
tempstr = compLDesc + tpComp2;
q += (tempstr.GetLength() +1);
strcpy(q,LPCTSTR(compArchive + Archive2));
tempstr = compArchive + Archive2;
q += (tempstr.GetLength() +1);
strcpy(q,LPCTSTR(compISize + tpCompSize2));
tempstr = compISize + tpCompSize2;
q += (tempstr.GetLength() +1);
q += (compAttrib.GetLength() +1);
*q = 0;
char cBuffer1[MAX_SIZE][MAX_SIZE]={LPCTSTR(compSDesc + tpComp1),LPCTSTR(compLDesc + tpComp1),
LPCTSTR(compArchive + Archive1),LPCTSTR(compISize + tpCompSize1),
char *cBuffer2[]={LPCTSTR(compSDesc + tpComp2),LPCTSTR(compLDesc + tpComp2),
LPCTSTR(compArchive + Archive2),LPCTSTR(compISize + tpCompSize2),
CString firstSix = tpCompPath1.Left(6);
if ((firstSix.CompareNoCase("Please") != 0) && !(tpCompPath1.IsEmpty()))
componentName.Format("Component %s", (compString));
cName.Format("C%d", componentOrder);
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type0", cName, componentName, iniDstPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type1", cName, componentName, iniDstPath);
WritePrivateProfileSection(componentName, cBuffer1, iniDstPath);
CopyFile(tpCompPath1, xpiDstPath + "\\" + Archive1, FALSE);
DWORD e1 = GetLastError();
firstSix = tpCompPath2.Left(6);
if ((firstSix.CompareNoCase("Please") != 0) && !(tpCompPath2.IsEmpty()))
componentName.Format("Component %s", (compString));
cName.Format("C%d", componentOrder);
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type0", cName, componentName, iniDstPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Setup Type1", cName, componentName, iniDstPath);
WritePrivateProfileSection(componentName, cBuffer2, iniDstPath);
CopyFile(tpCompPath2, xpiDstPath + "\\" + Archive2, FALSE);
DWORD e2 = GetLastError();
delete [] cBuffer1;
delete [] cBuffer2;
HRESULT CreateShortcut(const CString Target, const CString Arguments, const CString
LinkFileName, const CString WorkingDir, bool IsFolder)
// Initialize OLE libraries
if (!AfxOleInit())
return FALSE;
CString Desktop=getenv("USERPROFILE");
Desktop += "\\Desktop\\";
CString Link = Desktop + LinkFileName;
if (!IsFolder)
IShellLink* psl;
hres = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink,
(LPVOID*) &psl);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres))
IPersistFile* ppf;
hres = psl->QueryInterface( IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID *) &ppf);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres))
CString Temp = Link;
if (Temp.Find(".lnk")==-1)
Link += ".lnk"; // Important !!!
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, Link, -1, wsz,MAX_PATH);
hres = ppf->Save(wsz, TRUE);
hres = _mkdir(Link);
return hres;
BOOL GetRegistryKey( HKEY key, char *subkey, char *retdata )
long retval;
HKEY hkey;
retval = RegOpenKeyEx(key, subkey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey);
if(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS)
long datasize = MAX_SIZE;
char data[MAX_SIZE];
return retval;
CString GetBrowser(void)
char key[MAX_SIZE + MAX_SIZE];
CString retflag = "";
/* get the .htm regkey and lookup the program */
if(GetRegistryKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".htm",key) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
if(GetRegistryKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,key,key) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
char *pos;
pos = strstr(key,"\"%1\"");
if(pos == NULL) /* if no quotes */
/* now check for %1, without the quotes */
pos = strstr(key,"%1");
if(pos == NULL) /* if no parameter */
pos = key+lstrlen(key)-1;
*pos = '\0'; /* remove the parameter */
*pos = '\0'; /* remove the parameter */
retflag = key;
return retflag;
void EraseDirectory(CString sPath)
CFileFind finder;
CString sFullPath = sPath + "\\*.*";
BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(sFullPath);
while (bWorking)
bWorking = finder.FindNextFile();
if (finder.IsDots()) continue;
if (finder.IsDirectory())
CString dirPath = finder.GetFilePath();
_unlink( finder.GetFilePath() );
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
int StartIB(CString parms, WIDGET *curWidget)
char *fgetsrv;
int rv = TRUE;
char olddir[1024];
componentOrder =0;
rootPath = GetGlobal("Root");
configName = GetGlobal("CustomizationList");
configPath = rootPath + "Configs\\" + configName;
outputPath = configPath + "\\Output";
cdPath = configPath + "\\Output\\Core";
cdshellPath = configPath + "\\Output\\Shell";
networkPath = configPath + "\\Network";
tempPath = configPath + "\\Temp";
iniDstPath = cdPath + "\\config.ini";
scriptPath = rootPath + "\\script.ib";
workspacePath = configPath + "\\Workspace";
xpiDstPath = cdPath;
if (SearchPath(workspacePath, "NSCPXPI", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL))
nscpxpiPath = workspacePath + "\\NSCPXPI";
nscpxpiPath = rootPath + "NSCPXPI";
iniSrcPath = nscpxpiPath + "\\config.ini";
//Check for disk space before continuing
ULARGE_INTEGER nTotalBytes, nTotalFreeBytes, nTotalAvailable;
GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(NULL,&nTotalAvailable, &nTotalBytes, &nTotalFreeBytes);
if ((nTotalAvailable.QuadPart) > 17,505,658)
AfxMessageBox("You dont have enough Disk space ", MB_OK);
return FALSE;
//Check for Disk space over
//checking for the autorun CD shell - inorder to create a Core dir or not
CString cdDir= GetGlobal("CD image");
CString networkDir = GetGlobal("Network");
CString ftpLocation = GetGlobal("FTPLocation");
//checking to see if the AnimatedLogoURL has a http:// appended in front of it
//if not then we have to append it;
//Check to see if the User Agent string exists and if so then append -CCK to it ;
CString userAgent = GetGlobal("OrganizationName");
if (userAgent)
CString templeft = userAgent.Left(5);
if ((templeft.CompareNoCase("CCK -")) != 0)
userAgent = "CCK -" + userAgent;
// check to see if the bmp for rshell background is bigger than 302KB;
DWORD dwFileSize;
CString Rshellbmp = GetGlobal("ShellBgBitmap");
dwFileSize = GetFileSize (hFile, NULL);
int returnValue;
if (dwFileSize < 300000)
returnValue = AfxMessageBox("You have chosen a background BitMap that is too small for the customized RShell-If you want to proceed anyway choose Cancel or click on Retry and go back and make your changes",MB_RETRYCANCEL);
if (returnValue == IDRETRY)
return FALSE;
//end of filesize check;
// Check to see if the animatedlogourl has the http before it or not- else the browser
// looks only in the chrome directory.
CString animLogoUrl = GetGlobal("AnimatedLogoURL");
CString leftvalue = animLogoUrl.Left(7);
CString httpvalue = "http://";
if (leftvalue.CompareNoCase("http://") != 0)
httpvalue = httpvalue + animLogoUrl;
CString HelpUrl = GetGlobal("HelpMenuCommandURL");
leftvalue = HelpUrl.Left(7);
httpvalue = "http://";
if (leftvalue.CompareNoCase("http://") != 0)
httpvalue = httpvalue + HelpUrl;
// Create the HelpMenu.xul in the beginning so that it can be called from the script.ib
CString setHlpRDF = tempPath +"\\helpMenu.rdf";
CString setIspRDF = tempPath +"\\mailaccount.rdf";
CString setnewsRDF = tempPath +"\\newsaccount.rdf";
if (cdDir.Compare("1") ==0)
_mkdir((char *)(LPCTSTR) cdPath);
iniDstPath = outputPath + "\\config.ini";
xpiDstPath = outputPath;
CNewDialog newprog;
newprog.Create(IDD_NEW_DIALOG,NULL );
CWnd * dlg;
CRect tmpRect = CRect(7,7,173,13);
dlg = newprog.GetDlgItem(IDC_BASE_TEXT);
CWnd* pwnd = newprog.GetDlgItem(IDD_NEW_DIALOG);
dlg->SetWindowText(" Customization is in Progress");
_mkdir((char *)(LPCTSTR) tempPath);
_mkdir((char *)(LPCTSTR) workspacePath);
// _mkdir((char *)(LPCTSTR) cdshellPath);
GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(olddir), olddir);
if(SetCurrentDirectory((char *)(LPCTSTR) tempPath) == FALSE)
AfxMessageBox("Windows System Error:Unable to change directory",MB_OK);
return TRUE;
//PostBeta - We have to inform the user that he has not set any value
//and that it will default.Returning TRUE so that it doesnt stay in the last
//screen forever.
// Read in script file and interpret commands from it
FILE *f = fopen(scriptPath, "r");
if (!f)
rv = FALSE;
int done = FALSE;
while (!done)
fgetsrv = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f);
done = feof(f);
if (!done)
if (!fgetsrv || ferror(f))
rv = FALSE;
buffer[strlen(buffer)] = '\0'; // Eliminate the trailing newline
if (!interpret(buffer))
rv = FALSE;
dlg->SetWindowText(" Customization is in Progress \n |||||||||");
// Put all the extracted files back into their new XPI homes
dlg->SetWindowText(" Customization is in Progress \n ||||||||||||||||||");
// Copy remaining default installer files into config
// preserving any existing files that we created already
// in previous steps
/* -- Need to be more selective than this
CopyDir(nscpxpiPath, cdPath, NULL, FALSE);
for (int i=0; i<numComponents; i++)
if (Components[i].selected)
CopyFile(nscpxpiPath + "\\" + Components[i].archive,
xpiDstPath + "\\" + Components[i].archive, TRUE);
if (cdDir.Compare("1") ==0)
CString shellPath = workspacePath + "\\Autorun\\";
CopyDir(shellPath, outputPath, NULL, TRUE);
CreateRshell ();
FILE *infout;
CString infFile = outputPath + "\\autorun.inf";
infout = fopen(infFile, "w");
if (!infout)
exit( 3 );
fprintf(infout,"[autorun]\nopen = setup.exe");
CString component;
CString configiniPath = xpiDstPath +"\\config.ini";
if (ftpLocation.Compare("ftp://") !=0)
//**************** Change the ftp section to accomodate changes from PR3 to RTM
// for (int i=0; i<numComponents; i++)
// {
// if (Components[i].selected)
// CopyFile(nscpxpiPath + "\\" + Components[i].archive,
// networkPath + "\\" + Components[i].archive, TRUE);
WritePrivateProfileString("General", "url", ftpLocation, configiniPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Redirect", "Status", "Disabled", configiniPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Site Selector", NULL, "", configiniPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Site Selector", "Identifier0", "Site0", configiniPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Site Selector", "Description0", "Default", configiniPath);
WritePrivateProfileString("Site Selector", "Domain0", "ftp://", configiniPath);
// }
// Didn't work...
dlg->SetWindowText(" Customization is in Progress \n |||||||||||||||||||||||||||");
dlg->SetWindowText(" Customization is in Progress \n ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||");
dlg->SetWindowText(" Customization is in Progress \n |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||");
dlg->SetWindowText(" Customization is in Progress \n ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||");
CString TargetDir = GetGlobal("Root");
CString TargetFile = TargetDir + "wizardmachine.ini";
CString MozBrowser = GetBrowser();
// CreateShortcut(MozBrowser, TargetFile, "HelpLink", TargetDir, FALSE);
dlg->SetWindowText(" Customization is in Progress \n |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||");
return TRUE;