
368 строки
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_bluetooth_ObexBase_h
#define mozilla_dom_bluetooth_ObexBase_h
#include "BluetoothCommon.h"
#include "mozilla/EndianUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
const char FINAL_BIT = 0x80;
* Section 3.2 "Response format", IrOBEX ver 1.2
* The format of an OBEX response header is
* [response code:1][response length:2]
static const uint32_t kObexRespHeaderSize = 3;
* Section 2.2.9 "Body, End-of-Body", IrOBEX ver 1.2
* The format of an OBEX Body header is
* [headerId:1][header length:2]
static const uint32_t kObexBodyHeaderSize = 3;
* Section "Minimum OBEX Packet Length", IrOBEX ver 1.2
* The minimum size of the OBEX Maximum packet length allowed for negotiation is
* 255 bytes.
static const uint32_t kObexLeastMaxSize = 255;
* Defined in section 2.1 "OBEX Headers", IrOBEX ver 1.2
enum ObexHeaderId {
Count = 0xC0,
Name = 0x01,
Type = 0x42,
Length = 0xC3,
TimeISO8601 = 0x44,
Time4Byte = 0xC4,
Description = 0x05,
Target = 0x46,
HTTP = 0x47,
Body = 0x48,
EndOfBody = 0x49,
Who = 0x4A,
ConnectionId = 0xCB,
AppParameters = 0x4C,
AuthChallenge = 0x4D,
AuthResponse = 0x4E,
ObjectClass = 0x4F
* Defined in section 3.3 "OBEX Operations and Opcode definitions",
* IrOBEX ver 1.2
enum ObexRequestCode {
Connect = 0x80,
Disconnect = 0x81,
Put = 0x02,
PutFinal = 0x82,
Get = 0x03,
GetFinal = 0x83,
SetPath = 0x85,
Abort = 0xFF
* Defined in section 3.2.1 "Response Code values", IrOBEX ver 1.2
enum ObexResponseCode {
Continue = 0x90,
Success = 0xA0,
Created = 0xA1,
Accepted = 0xA2,
NonAuthoritativeInfo = 0xA3,
NoContent = 0xA4,
ResetContent = 0xA5,
PartialContent = 0xA6,
MultipleChoices = 0xB0,
MovedPermanently = 0xB1,
MovedTemporarily = 0xB2,
SeeOther = 0xB3,
NotModified = 0xB4,
UseProxy = 0xB5,
BadRequest = 0xC0,
Unauthorized = 0xC1,
PaymentRequired = 0xC2,
Forbidden = 0xC3,
NotFound = 0xC4,
MethodNotAllowed = 0xC5,
NotAcceptable = 0xC6,
ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 0xC7,
RequestTimeOut = 0xC8,
Conflict = 0xC9,
Gone = 0xCA,
LengthRequired = 0xCB,
PreconditionFailed = 0xCC,
RequestedEntityTooLarge = 0xCD,
RequestUrlTooLarge = 0xCE,
UnsupprotedMediaType = 0xCF,
InternalServerError = 0xD0,
NotImplemented = 0xD1,
BadGateway = 0xD2,
ServiceUnavailable = 0xD3,
GatewayTimeout = 0xD4,
HttpVersionNotSupported = 0xD5,
DatabaseFull = 0xE0,
DatabaseLocked = 0xE1,
enum ObexDigestChallenge {
Nonce = 0x00,
Options = 0x01,
Realm = 0x02
enum ObexDigestResponse {
ReqDigest = 0x00,
UserId = 0x01,
NonceChallenged = 0x02
class ObexHeader
ObexHeader(ObexHeaderId aId, int aDataLength, const uint8_t* aData)
: mId(aId)
, mDataLength(aDataLength)
, mData(nullptr)
mData.reset(new uint8_t[mDataLength]);
memcpy(mData.get(), aData, aDataLength);
ObexHeaderId mId;
int mDataLength;
UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> mData;
class ObexHeaderSet
void AddHeader(ObexHeader* aHeader)
void GetName(nsString& aRetName) const
int length = mHeaders.Length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (mHeaders[i]->mId == ObexHeaderId::Name) {
* According to section 2.2.2 [Name] of IrOBEX spec, we know that
* the Name header is "a null terminated Unicode text string describing
* the name of the object.", and that's the reason why we need to minus
* 1 to get the real length of the file name.
int nameLength = mHeaders[i]->mDataLength / 2 - 1;
uint8_t* ptr = mHeaders[i]->mData.get();
for (int j = 0; j < nameLength; ++j) {
char16_t c = BigEndian::readUint16(&ptr[j * 2]);
aRetName += c;
void GetContentType(nsString& aRetContentType) const
int length = mHeaders.Length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (mHeaders[i]->mId == ObexHeaderId::Type) {
uint8_t* ptr = mHeaders[i]->mData.get();
aRetContentType.AssignASCII((const char*)ptr);
// @return file length, 0 means file length is unknown.
void GetLength(uint32_t* aRetLength) const
int length = mHeaders.Length();
*aRetLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (mHeaders[i]->mId == ObexHeaderId::Length) {
uint8_t* ptr = mHeaders[i]->mData.get();
*aRetLength = BigEndian::readUint32(&ptr[0]);
void GetBody(uint8_t** aRetBody, int* aRetBodyLength) const
int length = mHeaders.Length();
*aRetBody = nullptr;
*aRetBodyLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (mHeaders[i]->mId == ObexHeaderId::Body ||
mHeaders[i]->mId == ObexHeaderId::EndOfBody) {
uint8_t* ptr = mHeaders[i]->mData.get();
*aRetBody = new uint8_t[mHeaders[i]->mDataLength];
memcpy(*aRetBody, ptr, mHeaders[i]->mDataLength);
*aRetBodyLength = mHeaders[i]->mDataLength;
uint32_t GetConnectionId() const
int length = mHeaders.Length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (mHeaders[i]->mId == ObexHeaderId::ConnectionId) {
uint32_t* id = (uint32_t *) mHeaders[i]->mData.get();
return *id;
// According to OBEX spec., the value 0xFFFFFFFF is reserved and it's
// considered invalid for Connection ID.
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
* Get a specified parameter from the 'Application Parameters' header with
* big-endian byte ordering.
* @param aTagId [in] The tag ID of parameter which is defined by
* applications or upper protocol layer.
* @param aRetBuf [out] The buffer which is used to return the parameter.
* @param aBufferSize [in] The size of the given buffer.
* @return a boolean value to indicate whether the given paramter exists.
bool GetAppParameter(uint8_t aTagId, uint8_t* aRetBuf, int aBufferSize) const
int length = mHeaders.Length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
// Parse the 'Application Parameters' header.
if (mHeaders[i]->mId == ObexHeaderId::AppParameters) {
uint8_t* ptr = mHeaders[i]->mData.get();
int dataLen = mHeaders[i]->mDataLength;
// An application parameters header may contain more than one
// [tag]-[length]-[value] triplet. The [tag] and [length] fields are
// each one byte in length.
uint8_t tagId;
uint8_t offset = 0;
do {
tagId = *(ptr + offset++);
// The length of value field, it should not exceed 255.
uint8_t paramLen = *(ptr + offset++);
if (tagId == aTagId) {
memcpy(aRetBuf, ptr + offset, paramLen < aBufferSize ? paramLen
: aBufferSize);
return true;
offset += paramLen;
} while (offset < dataLen);
// The specified parameter don't exist in 'Application Parameters' header.
return false;
const ObexHeader* GetHeader(ObexHeaderId aId) const
for (int i = 0, length = mHeaders.Length(); i < length; ++i) {
if (mHeaders[i]->mId == aId) {
return mHeaders[i].get();
return nullptr;
bool Has(ObexHeaderId aId) const
return !!GetHeader(aId);
void ClearHeaders()
nsTArray<UniquePtr<ObexHeader> > mHeaders;
int AppendHeaderName(uint8_t* aRetBuf, int aBufferSize, const uint8_t* aName,
int aLength);
int AppendHeaderBody(uint8_t* aRetBuf, int aBufferSize, const uint8_t* aBody,
int aLength);
int AppendHeaderTarget(uint8_t* aRetBuf, int aBufferSize, const uint8_t* aTarget,
int aLength);
int AppendHeaderWho(uint8_t* aRetBuf, int aBufferSize, const uint8_t* aWho,
int aLength);
int AppendAuthResponse(uint8_t* aRetBuf, int aBufferSize,
const uint8_t* aDigest, int aLength);
int AppendHeaderAppParameters(uint8_t* aRetBuf, int aBufferSize,
const uint8_t* aAppParameters, int aLength);
int AppendAppParameter(uint8_t* aRetBuf, int aBufferSize, const uint8_t aTagId,
const uint8_t* aValue, int aLength);
int AppendHeaderLength(uint8_t* aRetBuf, int aObjectLength);
int AppendHeaderConnectionId(uint8_t* aRetBuf, int aConnectionId);
int AppendHeaderEndOfBody(uint8_t* aRetBuf);
void SetObexPacketInfo(uint8_t* aRetBuf, uint8_t aOpcode, int aPacketLength);
* @return true when the message was parsed without any error, false otherwise.
bool ParseHeaders(const uint8_t* aHeaderStart,
int aTotalLength,
ObexHeaderSet* aRetHanderSet);
#endif // mozilla_dom_bluetooth_ObexBase_h