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Common Lisp

;;; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
;;; License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
;;; except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
;;; the License at
;;; Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
;;; IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
;;; implied. See the License for the specific language governing
;;; rights and limitations under the License.
;;; The Original Code is the Language Design and Prototyping Environment.
;;; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
;;; Corporation. Portions created by Netscape Communications Corporation are
;;; Copyright (C) 1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
;;; Rights Reserved.
;;; Contributor(s): Waldemar Horwat <>
;;; ECMAScript semantic calculus markup emitters
;;; Waldemar Horwat (
(defvar *hide-$-nonterminals* t) ; Should rules and actions expanding nonterminals starting with $ be invisible?
(defvar *styled-text-world*)
(defun hidden-nonterminal? (general-nonterminal)
(and *hide-$-nonterminals*
(eql (first-symbol-char (general-grammar-symbol-symbol general-nonterminal)) #\$)))
; Return true if this action call should be replaced by a plain reference to the action's nonterminal.
(defun default-action? (action-name)
(equal (symbol-name action-name) "$DEFAULT-ACTION"))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *semantic-keywords*
'(not and or is type oneof tuple action function if then else throw try catch in new case of end let letexc))
; Emit markup for one of the semantic keywords, as specified by keyword-symbol.
(defun depict-semantic-keyword (markup-stream keyword-symbol)
(assert-true (find keyword-symbol *semantic-keywords* :test #'eq))
(depict-char-style (markup-stream :semantic-keyword)
(depict markup-stream (string-downcase (symbol-name keyword-symbol)))))
; If test is true, depict an opening parenthesis, evaluate body, and depict a closing
; parentheses. Otherwise, just evaluate body.
; Return the result value of body.
(defmacro depict-optional-parentheses ((markup-stream test) &body body)
(let ((temp (gensym "PAREN")))
`(let ((,temp ,test))
(when ,temp
(depict ,markup-stream "("))
(progn ,@body)
(when ,temp
(depict ,markup-stream ")"))))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; A depict-env holds state that helps in depicting a grammar or lexer.
(defstruct (depict-env (:constructor make-depict-env (visible-semantics)))
(visible-semantics t :type bool) ;Nil if semantics are not to be depicted
(grammar-info nil :type (or null grammar-info)) ;The current grammar-info or nil if none
(seen-nonterminals nil :type (or null hash-table)) ;Hash table (nonterminal -> t) of nonterminals already depicted
(seen-grammar-arguments nil :type (or null hash-table)) ;Hash table (grammar-argument -> t) of grammar-arguments already depicted
(mode nil :type (member nil :syntax :semantics)) ;Current heading (:syntax or :semantics) or nil if none
(pending-actions-reverse nil :type list)) ;Reverse-order list of closures of actions pending for a %print-actions
(defun checked-depict-env-grammar-info (depict-env)
(or (depict-env-grammar-info depict-env)
(error "Grammar needed")))
; Set the mode to the given mode, emitting a heading if necessary.
; Return true if the contents should be visible, nil if not.
(defun depict-mode (markup-stream depict-env mode)
(unless (eq mode (depict-env-mode depict-env))
(when (depict-env-visible-semantics depict-env)
(ecase mode
(:syntax (depict-paragraph (markup-stream ':grammar-header)
(depict markup-stream "Syntax")))
(:semantics (depict-paragraph (markup-stream ':grammar-header)
(depict markup-stream "Semantics")))
(setf (depict-env-mode depict-env) mode))
(or (depict-env-visible-semantics depict-env)
(not (eq mode :semantics))))
; Emit markup paragraphs for a command.
(defun depict-command (markup-stream world depict-env command)
(handler-bind ((error #'(lambda (condition)
(declare (ignore condition))
(format *error-output* "~&While depicting: ~:W~%" command))))
(let ((depictor (and (consp command)
(identifier? (first command))
(get (world-intern world (first command)) :depict-command))))
(if depictor
(apply depictor markup-stream world depict-env (rest command))
(error "Bad command: ~S" command)))))
; Emit markup paragraphs for a list of commands.
(defun depict-commands (markup-stream world depict-env commands)
(dolist (command commands)
(depict-command markup-stream world depict-env command)))
; Emit markup paragraphs for the world's commands.
(defun depict-world-commands (markup-stream world &key (visible-semantics t))
(let ((depict-env (make-depict-env visible-semantics)))
(depict-commands markup-stream world depict-env (world-commands-source world))
(depict-clear-grammar markup-stream world depict-env)))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; The level argument indicates what kinds of component types may be represented without being placed
;;; in parentheses.
(defparameter *type-level* (make-partial-order))
(def-partial-order-element *type-level* %%primary%%) ;id, oneof, tuple, (type), {type}
(def-partial-order-element *type-level* %%suffix%% %%primary%%) ;type[], type^
(def-partial-order-element *type-level* %%function%% %%suffix%%) ;type x type -> type
(defparameter %%max%% %%function%%)
; Emit markup for the name of a type, which must be a symbol.
; link should be one of:
; :reference if this is a reference of this type name;
; :external if this is an external reference of this type name;
; :definition if this is a definition of this type name;
; nil if this use of the type name should not be cross-referenced.
(defun depict-type-name (markup-stream type-name link)
(let ((name (symbol-upper-mixed-case-name type-name)))
(depict-link (markup-stream link "T-" name nil)
(depict-char-style (markup-stream :type-name)
(depict markup-stream name)))))
; Emit markup for the name of a tuple or oneof field, which must be a symbol.
; link should be one of:
; :reference if this is a reference of this general-nonterminal;
; :external if this is an external reference of this general-nonterminal;
; :definition if this is a definition of this general-nonterminal;
; nil if this use of the general-nonterminal should not be cross-referenced.
; type is the tuple or oneof type that contains the field or nil if not known
; (it's only needed if link is :reference or :external).
(defun depict-field-name (markup-stream field-name link &optional type)
((depict-it (markup-stream)
(depict-char-style (markup-stream :field-name)
(depict markup-stream (symbol-lower-mixed-case-name field-name)))))
(if (or (eq link :reference) (eq link :external))
(let ((type-name (type-name type)))
(assert-true (field-type type field-name))
(if type-name
(depict-link (markup-stream link "T-" (symbol-upper-mixed-case-name type-name) nil)
(depict-it markup-stream))
(warn "Reference to field ~S of anonymous type ~S" field-name type)
(depict-it markup-stream))))
(depict-it markup-stream))))
; If level < threshold, depict an opening parenthesis, evaluate body, and depict a closing
; parentheses. Otherwise, just evaluate body.
; Return the result value of body.
(defmacro depict-type-parentheses ((markup-stream level threshold) &body body)
`(depict-optional-parentheses (,markup-stream (partial-order-< ,level ,threshold))
; Emit markup for the given type expression. level is non-nil if this is a recursive
; call to depict-type-expr for which the markup-stream's style is :type-expression.
; In this case level indicates the binding level imposed by the enclosing type expression.
(defun depict-type-expr (markup-stream world type-expr &optional level)
((identifier? type-expr)
(let ((type-name (world-intern world type-expr)))
(depict-type-name markup-stream type-expr (if (symbol-type-user-defined type-name) :reference :external))))
((type? type-expr)
(let ((type-str (print-type-to-string type-expr)))
(warn "Depicting raw type ~A" type-str)
(depict markup-stream "<<<" type-str ">>>")))
(t (let ((depictor (get (world-intern world (first type-expr)) :depict-type-constructor)))
(if level
(apply depictor markup-stream world level (rest type-expr))
(depict-char-style (markup-stream :type-expression)
(apply depictor markup-stream world %%max%% (rest type-expr))))))))
; (-> (<arg-type1> ... <arg-typen>) <result-type>)
; "<arg-type1> x ... x <arg-typen> -> <result-type>"
(defun depict--> (markup-stream world level arg-type-exprs result-type-expr)
(depict-type-parentheses (markup-stream level %%function%%)
(depict-list markup-stream
#'(lambda (markup-stream arg-type-expr)
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world arg-type-expr %%suffix%%))
:separator '(" " :cartesian-product-10 " ")
:empty "()")
(depict markup-stream " " :function-arrow-10 " ")
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world result-type-expr %%suffix%%)))
; (vector <element-type>)
; "<element-type>[]"
(defun depict-vector (markup-stream world level element-type-expr)
(depict-type-parentheses (markup-stream level %%suffix%%)
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world element-type-expr %%suffix%%)
(depict markup-stream "[]")))
; (set <element-type>)
; "{<element-type>}"
(defun depict-set (markup-stream world level element-type-expr)
(declare (ignore level))
(depict markup-stream "{")
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world element-type-expr %%max%%)
(depict markup-stream "}"))
; (address <element-type>)
; "<element-type>^"
(defun depict-address (markup-stream world level element-type-expr)
(depict-type-parentheses (markup-stream level %%suffix%%)
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world element-type-expr %%suffix%%)
(depict markup-stream :up-arrow-10)))
(defun depict-tuple-or-oneof (markup-stream world keyword-symbol tag-pairs)
(depict-semantic-keyword markup-stream keyword-symbol)
#'(lambda (markup-stream tag-pair)
(if (identifier? tag-pair)
(depict-field-name markup-stream tag-pair :definition)
(depict-field-name markup-stream (first tag-pair) :definition)
(depict markup-stream ": ")
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world (second tag-pair) %%max%%))))
:indent 6
:prefix " {"
:prefix-break 0
:suffix "}"
:separator ";"
:break 1
:empty nil))
; (oneof (<tag1> <type1>) ... (<tagn> <typen>))
; "ONEOF{<tag1>: <type1>; ...; <tagn>:<typen>}"
(defun depict-oneof (markup-stream world level &rest tags-and-types)
(declare (ignore level))
(depict-tuple-or-oneof markup-stream world 'oneof tags-and-types))
; (tuple (<tag1> <type1>) ... (<tagn> <typen>))
; "TUPLE{<tag1>: <type1>; ...; <tagn>:<typen>}"
(defun depict-tuple (markup-stream world level &rest tags-and-types)
(declare (ignore level))
(depict-tuple-or-oneof markup-stream world 'tuple tags-and-types))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; The level argument indicates what kinds of subexpressions may be represented without being placed
;;; in parentheses (or on a separate line for the case of function and if/then/else).
; If primitive-level is not a superset of threshold, depict an opening parenthesis,
; evaluate body, and depict a closing parentheses. Otherwise, just evaluate body.
; Return the result value of body.
(defmacro depict-expr-parentheses ((markup-stream primitive-level threshold) &body body)
`(depict-optional-parentheses (,markup-stream (partial-order-< ,primitive-level ,threshold))
; Emit markup for the name of a global variable, which must be a symbol.
; link should be one of:
; :reference if this is a reference of this global variable;
; :external if this is an external reference of this global variable;
; :definition if this is a definition of this global variable;
; nil if this use of the global variable should not be cross-referenced.
(defun depict-global-variable (markup-stream global-name link)
(let ((name (symbol-lower-mixed-case-name global-name)))
(depict-link (markup-stream link "V-" name nil)
(depict-char-style (markup-stream :global-variable)
(depict markup-stream name)))))
; Emit markup for the name of a local variable, which must be a symbol.
(defun depict-local-variable (markup-stream name)
(depict-char-style (markup-stream :local-variable)
(depict markup-stream (symbol-lower-mixed-case-name name))))
; Emit markup for the name of an action, which must be a symbol.
(defun depict-action-name (markup-stream action-name)
(depict-char-style (markup-stream :action-name)
(depict markup-stream (symbol-upper-mixed-case-name action-name))))
; Emit markup for the value constant.
(defun depict-constant (markup-stream constant)
((integerp constant)
(depict-integer markup-stream constant))
((floatp constant)
(depict markup-stream (format nil (if (= constant (floor constant 1)) "~,1F" "~F") constant)))
((characterp constant)
(depict markup-stream ':left-single-quote)
(depict-char-style (markup-stream ':character-literal)
(depict-character markup-stream constant nil))
(depict markup-stream ':right-single-quote))
((stringp constant)
(depict-string markup-stream constant))
(t (error "Bad constant ~S" constant))))
; Emit markup for the primitive when it is not called in a function call.
(defun depict-primitive (markup-stream primitive)
(unless (eq (primitive-appearance primitive) ':global)
(error "Can't depict primitive ~S outside a call" primitive))
(let ((markup (primitive-markup1 primitive))
(external-name (primitive-markup2 primitive)))
(if external-name
(depict-link (markup-stream :external "V-" external-name nil)
(depict-item-or-group-list markup-stream markup))
(depict-item-or-group-list markup-stream markup))))
; Emit markup for the parameters to a function call.
(defun depict-call-parameters (markup-stream world annotated-parameters)
(depict-list markup-stream
#'(lambda (markup-stream parameter)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world parameter))
:indent 4
:prefix "("
:prefix-break 0
:suffix ")"
:separator ","
:break 1
:empty nil))
; Emit markup for the function or primitive call. level indicates the binding level imposed
; by the enclosing expression.
(defun depict-call (markup-stream world level annotated-function-expr &rest annotated-arg-exprs)
(if (eq (first annotated-function-expr) 'expr-annotation:primitive)
(let ((primitive (symbol-primitive (second annotated-function-expr))))
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level (primitive-level primitive))
(ecase (primitive-appearance primitive)
(depict-primitive markup-stream primitive)
(depict-call-parameters markup-stream world annotated-arg-exprs))
(assert-true (= (length annotated-arg-exprs) 2))
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 0)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world (first annotated-arg-exprs) (primitive-level1 primitive))
(let ((spaces (primitive-markup2 primitive)))
(when spaces
(depict-space markup-stream))
(depict-item-or-group-list markup-stream (primitive-markup1 primitive))
(depict-break markup-stream (if spaces 1 0)))
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world (second annotated-arg-exprs) (primitive-level2 primitive))))
(assert-true (= (length annotated-arg-exprs) 1))
(depict-item-or-group-list markup-stream (primitive-markup1 primitive))
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world (first annotated-arg-exprs) (primitive-level1 primitive))
(depict-item-or-group-list markup-stream (primitive-markup2 primitive)))
(assert-true (= (length annotated-arg-exprs) 1))
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world (first annotated-arg-exprs) level)))))
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %suffix%)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world annotated-function-expr %suffix%)
(depict-call-parameters markup-stream world annotated-arg-exprs))))
; Emit markup for the reference to the action on the given general grammar symbol.
(defun depict-action-reference (markup-stream action-name general-grammar-symbol &optional index)
(let ((action-default (default-action? action-name)))
(unless action-default
(depict-action-name markup-stream action-name)
(depict markup-stream :action-begin))
(depict-general-grammar-symbol markup-stream general-grammar-symbol :reference index)
(unless action-default
(depict markup-stream :action-end))))
; Emit markup for the given annotated value expression. level indicates the binding level imposed
; by the enclosing expression.
(defun depict-annotated-value-expr (markup-stream world annotated-expr &optional (level %expr%))
(let ((annotation (first annotated-expr))
(args (rest annotated-expr)))
(ecase annotation
(expr-annotation:constant (depict-constant markup-stream (first args)))
(expr-annotation:primitive (depict-primitive markup-stream (symbol-primitive (first args))))
(expr-annotation:local (depict-local-variable markup-stream (first args)))
(expr-annotation:global (depict-global-variable markup-stream (first args) :reference))
(expr-annotation:call (apply #'depict-call markup-stream world level args))
(expr-annotation:action (apply #'depict-action-reference markup-stream args))
(apply (get (first args) :depict-special-form) markup-stream world level (rest args)))
(let ((depictor (get (first args) :depict-macro)))
(if depictor
(apply depictor markup-stream world level (rest args))
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world (second args) level)))))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro depict-statement ((markup-stream keyword &optional (space t)) &body body)
`(depict-logical-block (,markup-stream 0)
(when (partial-order-< level %stmt%)
(depict-break ,markup-stream))
(depict-expr-parentheses (,markup-stream level %stmt%)
(depict-semantic-keyword ,markup-stream ,keyword)
,@(and space `((depict-space ,markup-stream)))
; (bottom)
(defun depict-bottom (markup-stream world level)
(declare (ignore world level))
(depict markup-stream ':bottom-10))
(defun depict-function-bindings (markup-stream world arg-binding-exprs)
(depict-list markup-stream
#'(lambda (markup-stream arg-binding)
(depict-local-variable markup-stream (first arg-binding))
(depict markup-stream ": ")
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world (second arg-binding)))
:prefix "("
:suffix ")"
:separator ", "
:empty nil))
; (function ((<var1> <type1> [:unused]) ... (<varn> <typen> [:unused])) <body>)
(defun depict-function (markup-stream world level arg-binding-exprs body-annotated-expr)
(depict-statement (markup-stream 'function nil)
(depict-function-bindings markup-stream world arg-binding-exprs)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict-break markup-stream)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world body-annotated-expr %stmt%))))
; (if <condition-expr> <true-expr> <false-expr>)
(defun depict-if (markup-stream world level condition-annotated-expr true-annotated-expr false-annotated-expr)
(depict-statement (markup-stream 'if)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world condition-annotated-expr))
(depict-break markup-stream)
(depict-semantic-keyword markup-stream 'then)
(depict-space markup-stream)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 7)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world true-annotated-expr %stmt%))
(depict-break markup-stream)
(depict-semantic-keyword markup-stream 'else)
(depict-space markup-stream)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream (if (special-form-annotated-expr? 'if false-annotated-expr) nil 6))
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world false-annotated-expr %stmt%))))
; (throw <value-expr>)
(defun depict-throw (markup-stream world level value-annotated-expr)
(depict-statement (markup-stream 'throw)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world value-annotated-expr))))
; (catch <body> (<var> [:unused]) <handler>)
(defun depict-catch (markup-stream world level body-annotated-expr arg-binding-expr handler-annotated-expr)
(depict-statement (markup-stream 'try nil)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict-break markup-stream)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world body-annotated-expr %stmt%))
(depict-break markup-stream)
(depict-semantic-keyword markup-stream 'catch)
(depict-space markup-stream)
(depict markup-stream "(")
(depict-local-variable markup-stream (first arg-binding-expr))
(depict markup-stream ": ")
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world *semantic-exception-type-name*)
(depict markup-stream ")")
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict-break markup-stream)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world handler-annotated-expr %stmt%))))
;;; Vectors
; (vector <element-expr> <element-expr> ... <element-expr>)
(defun depict-vector-form (markup-stream world level &rest element-annotated-exprs)
(declare (ignore level))
(depict-list markup-stream
#'(lambda (markup-stream element-annotated-expr)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world element-annotated-expr))
:indent 1
:prefix ':vector-begin
:suffix ':vector-end
:separator ","
:break 1))
(defun depict-subscript-type-expr (markup-stream world type-expr)
(depict-char-style (markup-stream 'sub)
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world type-expr)))
; (vector-of <element-type>)
(defun depict-vector-of (markup-stream world level element-type-expr)
(declare (ignore level))
(depict markup-stream ':empty-vector)
(depict-subscript-type-expr markup-stream world element-type-expr))
(defun depict-special-function (markup-stream world name-str &rest arg-annotated-exprs)
(depict-link (markup-stream :external "V-" name-str nil)
(depict-char-style (markup-stream :global-variable)
(depict markup-stream name-str)))
(depict-call-parameters markup-stream world arg-annotated-exprs))
; (empty <vector-expr>)
(defun depict-empty (markup-stream world level vector-annotated-expr)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %relational%)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 0)
(depict-length markup-stream world %term% vector-annotated-expr)
(depict markup-stream " = ")
(depict-constant markup-stream 0))))
; (length <vector-expr>)
(defun depict-length (markup-stream world level vector-annotated-expr)
(declare (ignore level))
(depict markup-stream "|")
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world vector-annotated-expr)
(depict markup-stream "|"))
; (nth <vector-expr> <n-expr>)
(defun depict-nth (markup-stream world level vector-annotated-expr n-annotated-expr)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %suffix%)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world vector-annotated-expr %suffix%)
(depict markup-stream "[")
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world n-annotated-expr)
(depict markup-stream "]")))
; (subseq <vector-expr> <low-expr> [<high-expr>])
(defun depict-subseq (markup-stream world level vector-annotated-expr low-annotated-expr high-annotated-expr)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %suffix%)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world vector-annotated-expr %suffix%)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict markup-stream "[")
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world low-annotated-expr)
(depict markup-stream " ...")
(when high-annotated-expr
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world high-annotated-expr))
(depict markup-stream "]"))))
; (set-nth <vector-expr> <n-expr> <value-expr>)
(defun depict-set-nth (markup-stream world level vector-annotated-expr n-annotated-expr value-annotated-expr)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %suffix%)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world vector-annotated-expr %suffix%)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict markup-stream "[")
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world n-annotated-expr)
(depict markup-stream " " :vector-assign-10)
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world value-annotated-expr)
(depict markup-stream "]"))))
; (append <vector-expr> <vector-expr>)
(defun depict-append (markup-stream world level vector1-annotated-expr vector2-annotated-expr)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %term%)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 0)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world vector1-annotated-expr %term%)
(depict markup-stream " " :vector-append)
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world vector2-annotated-expr %term%))))
;;; Sets
; (set-of-ranges <element-type> <low-expr> <high-expr> ... <low-expr> <high-expr>)
(defun depict-set-of-ranges (markup-stream world level element-type-expr &rest element-annotated-exprs)
(declare (ignore level))
((combine-exprs (element-annotated-exprs)
(if (endp element-annotated-exprs)
(acons (first element-annotated-exprs) (second element-annotated-exprs)
(combine-exprs (cddr element-annotated-exprs))))))
(depict-list markup-stream
#'(lambda (markup-stream element-annotated-expr-range)
(let ((element-annotated-expr1 (car element-annotated-expr-range))
(element-annotated-expr2 (cdr element-annotated-expr-range)))
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world element-annotated-expr1)
(when element-annotated-expr2
(depict markup-stream " ...")
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world element-annotated-expr2))))
(combine-exprs element-annotated-exprs)
:indent 1
:prefix "{"
:suffix "}"
:separator ","
:break 1
:empty nil)
(when (null element-annotated-exprs)
(depict-subscript-type-expr markup-stream world element-type-expr))))
;;; Oneofs
; (oneof <tag> <value-expr> [type])
; [type] was added by scan-oneof-form.
(defun depict-oneof-form (markup-stream world level tag value-annotated-expr type)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %prefix%)
(depict-field-name markup-stream tag :reference type)
(when value-annotated-expr
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world value-annotated-expr %unary%)))))
; (typed-oneof <type-expr> <tag> <value-expr> [type])
(defun depict-typed-oneof (markup-stream world level type-expr tag value-annotated-expr type)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %prefix%)
(depict-field-name markup-stream tag :reference type)
(depict-subscript-type-expr markup-stream world type-expr)
(when value-annotated-expr
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world value-annotated-expr %unary%)))))
; (case <oneof-expr> [oneof-expr-type] (<tag-spec> <value-expr>) (<tag-spec> <value-expr>) ... (<tag-spec> <value-expr>))
; where each <tag-spec> is either ((<tag> <tag> ... <tag>) nil nil) or ((<tag>) <var> <type>)
(defun depict-case (markup-stream world level oneof-annotated-expr oneof-expr-type &rest annotated-cases)
(depict-statement (markup-stream 'case)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 6)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world oneof-annotated-expr))
(depict-space markup-stream)
(depict-semantic-keyword markup-stream 'of)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 3)
(mapl #'(lambda (annotated-cases)
(let* ((annotated-case (first annotated-cases))
(tag-spec (first annotated-case))
(tags (first tag-spec))
(var (second tag-spec))
(value-annotated-expr (second annotated-case)))
(depict-break markup-stream)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 6)
(depict-list markup-stream
#'(lambda (markup-stream field-name)
(depict-field-name markup-stream field-name :reference oneof-expr-type))
:indent 0
:separator ","
:break 1)
(when var
(depict markup-stream "(")
(depict-local-variable markup-stream var)
(depict markup-stream ": ")
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world (third tag-spec))
(depict markup-stream ")"))
(depict markup-stream ":")
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world value-annotated-expr %stmt%)
(when (cdr annotated-cases)
(depict markup-stream ";")))))
(depict-break markup-stream)
(depict-semantic-keyword markup-stream 'end))))
; (select <tag> <oneof-expr> [oneof-expr-type])
; (& <tag> <tuple-expr> [tuple-expr-type])
(defun depict-select-or-& (markup-stream world level tag annotated-expr expr-type)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %suffix%)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world annotated-expr %suffix%)
(depict markup-stream ".")
(depict-field-name markup-stream tag :reference expr-type)))
; (is <tag> <oneof-expr> [oneof-expr-type])
(defun depict-is (markup-stream world level tag oneof-annotated-expr oneof-expr-type)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %relational%)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world oneof-annotated-expr %suffix%)
(depict-space markup-stream)
(depict-semantic-keyword markup-stream 'is)
(depict-space markup-stream)
(depict-field-name markup-stream tag :reference oneof-expr-type)))
;;; Tuples
; (tuple <tuple-type> [type] <field-expr1> ... <field-exprn>)
(defun depict-tuple-form (markup-stream world level type-expr type &rest annotated-exprs)
(declare (ignore level type-expr))
(let ((tags (type-tags type)))
(assert-true (= (length tags) (length annotated-exprs)))
(depict-list markup-stream
#'(lambda (markup-stream parameter)
(let ((tag (pop tags)))
(depict-field-name markup-stream tag :reference type)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world parameter %unary%))))
:indent 4
:prefix ':tuple-begin
:prefix-break 0
:suffix ':tuple-end
:separator ","
:break 1
:empty nil)))
;;; Addresses
; (new <value-expr>)
(defun depict-new (markup-stream world level value-annotated-expr)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 5)
(depict-semantic-keyword markup-stream 'new)
(depict-space markup-stream)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %unparenthesized-new%)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world value-annotated-expr
(if (partial-order-< level %unparenthesized-new%) %expr% %prefix%)))))
; (@ <address-expr>)
(defun depict-@ (markup-stream world level address-annotated-expr)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %prefix%)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 2)
(depict markup-stream "@")
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world address-annotated-expr %prefix%))))
; (@= <address-expr> <value-expr>)
(defun depict-@= (markup-stream world level address-annotated-expr value-annotated-expr)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %stmt%)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 0)
(depict markup-stream "@")
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world address-annotated-expr %prefix%)
(depict markup-stream " :=")
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 6)
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world value-annotated-expr %stmt%)))))
; (address-equal <address-expr1> <address-expr2>)
(defun depict-address-equal (markup-stream world level address1-annotated-expr address2-annotated-expr)
(depict-expr-parentheses (markup-stream level %relational%)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 0)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world address1-annotated-expr %term%)
(depict markup-stream " " :identical-10)
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world address2-annotated-expr %term%))))
;;; Macros
(defun depict-let-binding (markup-stream world var type-expr value-annotated-expr)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict-local-variable markup-stream var)
(depict markup-stream ": ")
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world type-expr)
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 3)
(depict markup-stream "= ")
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world value-annotated-expr %stmt%))))
(defun depict-let-body (markup-stream world body-annotated-expr)
(depict-break markup-stream)
(depict-semantic-keyword markup-stream 'in)
(depict-space markup-stream)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream (if (or (macro-annotated-expr? 'let body-annotated-expr)
(macro-annotated-expr? 'letexc body-annotated-expr))
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world body-annotated-expr %stmt%)))
; (let ((<var1> <type1> <expr1> [:unused]) ... (<varn> <typen> <exprn> [:unused])) <body>) ==>
; ((function ((<var1> <type1> [:unused]) ... (<varn> <typen> [:unused])) <body>) <expr1> ... <exprn>)
(defun depict-let (markup-stream world level annotated-expansion)
(assert-true (eq (first annotated-expansion) 'expr-annotation:call))
(let ((function-annotated-expr (second annotated-expansion))
(arg-annotated-exprs (cddr annotated-expansion)))
(assert-true (special-form-annotated-expr? 'function function-annotated-expr))
(let ((arg-binding-exprs (third function-annotated-expr))
(body-annotated-expr (fourth function-annotated-expr)))
(depict-statement (markup-stream 'let)
(depict-list markup-stream
#'(lambda (markup-stream arg-binding)
(depict-let-binding markup-stream world (first arg-binding) (second arg-binding) (pop arg-annotated-exprs)))
:indent 4
:separator ";"
:break t
:empty nil)
(depict-let-body markup-stream world body-annotated-expr)))))
; (letexc (<var> <type> <expr> [:unused]) <body>) ==>
; (case <expr> [expr-type]
; ((abrupt x exception) (typed-oneof <body-type> abrupt x [body-type]))
; ((normal <var> <type> [:unused]) <body>)))
(defun depict-letexc (markup-stream world level annotated-expansion)
(assert-true (special-form-annotated-expr? 'case annotated-expansion))
(let* ((expr-annotated-expr (third annotated-expansion))
(abrupt-binding (fifth annotated-expansion))
(abrupt-tag-spec (first abrupt-binding))
(normal-binding (sixth annotated-expansion))
(normal-tag-spec (first normal-binding)))
(assert-true (equal (first abrupt-tag-spec) '(abrupt)))
(assert-true (equal (first normal-tag-spec) '(normal)))
(let* ((var (second normal-tag-spec))
(type-expr (third normal-tag-spec))
(body-annotated-expr (second normal-binding)))
(depict-statement (markup-stream 'letexc)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 9)
(depict-let-binding markup-stream world var type-expr expr-annotated-expr))
(depict-let-body markup-stream world body-annotated-expr)))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro depict-semantics ((markup-stream depict-env &optional (paragraph-style ':semantics)) &body body)
`(when (depict-mode ,markup-stream ,depict-env :semantics)
(depict-paragraph (,markup-stream ,paragraph-style)
; (%highlight <highlight> <command> ... <command>)
; Depict the commands highlighted with the <highlight> block style.
(defun depict-%highlight (markup-stream world depict-env highlight &rest commands)
(when commands
(depict-block-style (markup-stream highlight t)
(depict-commands markup-stream world depict-env commands))))
; (%section "section-name")
(defun depict-%section (markup-stream world depict-env section-name)
(declare (ignore world))
(assert-type section-name string)
(when (depict-mode markup-stream depict-env nil)
(depict-paragraph (markup-stream ':section-heading)
(depict markup-stream section-name))))
; (%subsection "subsection-name")
(defun depict-%subsection (markup-stream world depict-env section-name)
(declare (ignore world))
(assert-type section-name string)
(when (depict-mode markup-stream depict-env nil)
(depict-paragraph (markup-stream ':subsection-heading)
(depict markup-stream section-name))))
; (%text <mode> . <styled-text>)
; <mode> is one of:
; :syntax This is a comment about the syntax
; :semantics This is a comment about the semantics (not displayed when semantics are not displayed)
; nil This is a general comment
(defun depict-%text (markup-stream world depict-env mode &rest text)
(when (depict-mode markup-stream depict-env mode)
(depict-paragraph (markup-stream ':body-text)
(let ((grammar-info (depict-env-grammar-info depict-env))
(*styled-text-world* world))
(if grammar-info
(let ((*styled-text-grammar-parametrization* (grammar-info-grammar grammar-info)))
(depict-styled-text markup-stream text))
(depict-styled-text markup-stream text))))))
; (grammar-argument <argument> <attribute> <attribute> ... <attribute>)
(defun depict-grammar-argument (markup-stream world depict-env argument &rest attributes)
(declare (ignore world))
(let ((seen-grammar-arguments (depict-env-seen-grammar-arguments depict-env))
(abbreviated-argument (symbol-abbreviation argument)))
(unless (gethash abbreviated-argument seen-grammar-arguments)
(when (depict-mode markup-stream depict-env :syntax)
(depict-paragraph (markup-stream :grammar-argument)
(depict-nonterminal-argument markup-stream argument)
(depict markup-stream " " :member-10 " ")
(depict-list markup-stream
#'(lambda (markup-stream attribute)
(depict-nonterminal-attribute markup-stream attribute))
:prefix "{"
:suffix "}"
:separator ", ")))
(setf (gethash abbreviated-argument seen-grammar-arguments) t))))
; (%rule <general-nonterminal-source>)
(defun depict-%rule (markup-stream world depict-env general-nonterminal-source)
(declare (ignore world))
(let* ((grammar-info (checked-depict-env-grammar-info depict-env))
(grammar (grammar-info-grammar grammar-info))
(general-nonterminal (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar general-nonterminal-source))
(seen-nonterminals (depict-env-seen-nonterminals depict-env)))
(when (grammar-info-charclass grammar-info general-nonterminal)
(error "Shouldn't use %rule on a lexer charclass nonterminal ~S" general-nonterminal))
((seen-nonterminal? (nonterminal)
(gethash nonterminal seen-nonterminals)))
(unless (or (hidden-nonterminal? general-nonterminal)
(every #'seen-nonterminal? (general-grammar-symbol-instances grammar general-nonterminal)))
(let ((visible (depict-mode markup-stream depict-env :syntax)))
(dolist (general-rule (grammar-general-rules grammar general-nonterminal))
(let ((rule-lhs-nonterminals (general-grammar-symbol-instances grammar (general-rule-lhs general-rule))))
(unless (every #'seen-nonterminal? rule-lhs-nonterminals)
(when (some #'seen-nonterminal? rule-lhs-nonterminals)
(warn "General rule for ~S listed before specific ones; use %rule to disambiguate" general-nonterminal))
(when visible
(depict-general-rule markup-stream general-rule (grammar-highlights grammar)))
(dolist (nonterminal rule-lhs-nonterminals)
(setf (gethash nonterminal seen-nonterminals) t))))))))))
;******** May still have a problem when a specific rule precedes a general one.
; (%charclass <nonterminal>)
(defun depict-%charclass (markup-stream world depict-env nonterminal-source)
(let* ((grammar-info (checked-depict-env-grammar-info depict-env))
(grammar (grammar-info-grammar grammar-info))
(nonterminal (grammar-parametrization-intern grammar nonterminal-source))
(charclass (grammar-info-charclass grammar-info nonterminal)))
(unless charclass
(error "%charclass with a non-charclass ~S" nonterminal))
(if (gethash nonterminal (depict-env-seen-nonterminals depict-env))
(warn "Duplicate charclass ~S" nonterminal)
(when (depict-mode markup-stream depict-env :syntax)
(depict-charclass markup-stream charclass)
(dolist (action-cons (charclass-actions charclass))
(depict-charclass-action world depict-env (car action-cons) (cdr action-cons) nonterminal)))
(setf (gethash nonterminal (depict-env-seen-nonterminals depict-env)) t)))))
; (%print-actions)
(defun depict-%print-actions (markup-stream world depict-env)
(declare (ignore world))
(dolist (pending-action (nreverse (depict-env-pending-actions-reverse depict-env)))
(funcall pending-action markup-stream depict-env))
(setf (depict-env-pending-actions-reverse depict-env) nil))
; (deftype <name> <type>)
(defun depict-deftype (markup-stream world depict-env name type-expr)
(depict-semantics (markup-stream depict-env)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 2)
(depict-semantic-keyword markup-stream 'type)
(depict-space markup-stream)
(depict-type-name markup-stream name :definition)
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 3)
(depict markup-stream "= ")
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world type-expr)))))
; (define <name> <type> <value> <destructured>)
; <destructured> is a flag that is true if this define was originally in the form
; (define (<name> (<arg1> <type1>) ... (<argn> <typen>)) <result-type> <value>)
; and converted into
; (define <name> (-> (<type1> ... <typen>) <result-type>)
; (function ((<arg1> <type1>) ... (<argn> <typen>)) <value>)
; t)
(defun depict-define (markup-stream world depict-env name type-expr value-expr destructured)
(depict-semantics (markup-stream depict-env)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 2)
(depict-global-variable markup-stream name :definition)
((depict-type-and-value (markup-stream type-expr annotated-value-expr)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 0)
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict markup-stream ": ")
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world type-expr))
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 3)
(depict markup-stream "= ")
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world annotated-value-expr %max%))))
(let ((annotated-value-expr (nth-value 2 (scan-value world *null-type-env* value-expr))))
(if destructured
(assert-true (eq (first type-expr) '->))
(assert-true (special-form-annotated-expr? 'function annotated-value-expr))
(depict-function-bindings markup-stream world (third annotated-value-expr))
(depict-type-and-value markup-stream (third type-expr) (fourth annotated-value-expr)))
(depict-type-and-value markup-stream type-expr annotated-value-expr)))))))
; (set-grammar <name>)
(defun depict-set-grammar (markup-stream world depict-env name)
(depict-clear-grammar markup-stream world depict-env)
(let ((grammar-info (world-grammar-info world name)))
(unless grammar-info
(error "Unknown grammar ~A" name))
(setf (depict-env-grammar-info depict-env) grammar-info)
(setf (depict-env-seen-nonterminals depict-env) (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
(setf (depict-env-seen-grammar-arguments depict-env) (make-hash-table :test #'eq))))
; (clear-grammar)
(defun depict-clear-grammar (markup-stream world depict-env)
(depict-%print-actions markup-stream world depict-env)
(depict-mode markup-stream depict-env nil)
(let ((grammar-info (depict-env-grammar-info depict-env)))
(when grammar-info
(let ((seen-nonterminals (depict-env-seen-nonterminals depict-env))
(missed-nonterminals nil))
(dolist (nonterminal (grammar-nonterminals-list (grammar-info-grammar grammar-info)))
(unless (or (gethash nonterminal seen-nonterminals)
(eq nonterminal *start-nonterminal*)
(hidden-nonterminal? nonterminal))
(push nonterminal missed-nonterminals)))
(when missed-nonterminals
(warn "Nonterminals not printed: ~S" missed-nonterminals)))
(setf (depict-env-grammar-info depict-env) nil)
(setf (depict-env-seen-nonterminals depict-env) nil)
(setf (depict-env-seen-grammar-arguments depict-env) nil))))
(defmacro depict-delayed-action ((markup-stream depict-env) &body depictor)
`(push #'(lambda (,markup-stream ,depict-env) ,@depictor)
(depict-env-pending-actions-reverse ,depict-env)))
(defun depict-declare-action-contents (markup-stream world action-name general-grammar-symbol type-expr)
(depict-semantic-keyword markup-stream 'action)
(depict-space markup-stream)
(depict-action-name markup-stream action-name)
(depict markup-stream :action-begin)
(depict-general-grammar-symbol markup-stream general-grammar-symbol :reference)
(depict markup-stream :action-end)
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 2)
(depict markup-stream ": ")
(depict-type-expr markup-stream world type-expr)))
; (declare-action <action-name> <general-grammar-symbol> <type>)
(defun depict-declare-action (markup-stream world depict-env action-name general-grammar-symbol-source type-expr)
(declare (ignore markup-stream))
(let* ((grammar-info (checked-depict-env-grammar-info depict-env))
(general-grammar-symbol (grammar-parametrization-intern (grammar-info-grammar grammar-info) general-grammar-symbol-source)))
(unless (or (and (general-nonterminal? general-grammar-symbol) (hidden-nonterminal? general-grammar-symbol))
(grammar-info-charclass-or-partition grammar-info general-grammar-symbol))
(depict-delayed-action (markup-stream depict-env)
(depict-semantics (markup-stream depict-env)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict-declare-action-contents markup-stream world action-name general-grammar-symbol type-expr)))))))
; Declare and define the lexer-action on the charclass given by nonterminal.
(defun depict-charclass-action (world depict-env action-name lexer-action nonterminal)
(unless (default-action? action-name)
(depict-delayed-action (markup-stream depict-env)
(depict-semantics (markup-stream depict-env)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 4)
(depict-declare-action-contents markup-stream world action-name
nonterminal (lexer-action-type-expr lexer-action))
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 3)
(depict markup-stream "= ")
(depict-global-variable markup-stream (lexer-action-function-name lexer-action) :external)
(depict markup-stream "(")
(depict-general-nonterminal markup-stream nonterminal :reference)
(depict markup-stream ")")))))))
; (action <action-name> <production-name> <body>)
; <destructured> is a flag that is true if this define was originally in the form
; (action (<action-name> (<arg1> <type1>) ... (<argn> <typen>)) <production-name> <body>)
; and converted into
; (action <action-name> <production-name> (function ((<arg1> <type1>) ... (<argn> <typen>)) <body>) t)
(defun depict-action (markup-stream world depict-env action-name production-name body-expr destructured)
(declare (ignore markup-stream))
(let* ((grammar-info (checked-depict-env-grammar-info depict-env))
(grammar (grammar-info-grammar grammar-info))
(general-production (grammar-general-production grammar production-name))
(lhs (general-production-lhs general-production)))
(unless (or (grammar-info-charclass grammar-info lhs)
(hidden-nonterminal? lhs))
(depict-delayed-action (markup-stream depict-env)
(depict-semantics (markup-stream depict-env :semantics-next)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 2)
(let* ((initial-env (general-production-action-env grammar general-production))
(body-annotated-expr (nth-value 2 (scan-value world initial-env body-expr)))
(action-grammar-symbols (annotated-expr-grammar-symbols body-annotated-expr)))
(depict-action-name markup-stream action-name)
(depict markup-stream :action-begin)
(depict-general-production markup-stream general-production :reference action-grammar-symbols)
(depict markup-stream :action-end)
((depict-body (markup-stream body-annotated-expr)
(depict-break markup-stream 1)
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 3)
(depict markup-stream "= ")
(depict-annotated-value-expr markup-stream world body-annotated-expr %stmt%))))
(if destructured
(assert-true (special-form-annotated-expr? 'function body-annotated-expr))
(depict-logical-block (markup-stream 10)
(depict-break markup-stream 0)
(depict-function-bindings markup-stream world (third body-annotated-expr)))
(depict-body markup-stream (fourth body-annotated-expr)))
(depict-body markup-stream body-annotated-expr))))))))))
; (terminal-action <action-name> <terminal> <lisp-function>)
(defun depict-terminal-action (markup-stream world depict-env action-name terminal function)
(declare (ignore markup-stream world depict-env action-name terminal function)))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Styled text can include the formats below as long as *styled-text-world* is bound around the call
; to depict-styled-text.
; (:type <type-expression>)
(defun depict-styled-text-type (markup-stream type-expression)
(depict-type-expr markup-stream *styled-text-world* type-expression))
(setf (styled-text-depictor :type) #'depict-styled-text-type)
; (:field <name> <type-expression>)
(defun depict-styled-text-field (markup-stream name type-expression)
(depict-field-name markup-stream name :reference (scan-type *styled-text-world* type-expression)))
(setf (styled-text-depictor :field) #'depict-styled-text-field)
; (:global <name>)
(defun depict-styled-text-global-variable (markup-stream name)
(depict-global-variable markup-stream name :reference))
(setf (styled-text-depictor :global) #'depict-styled-text-global-variable)
; (:local <name>)
(setf (styled-text-depictor :local) #'depict-local-variable)
; (:constant <value>)
; <value> can be either an integer, a float, a character, or a string.
(setf (styled-text-depictor :constant) #'depict-constant)
; (:action <name>)
(setf (styled-text-depictor :action) #'depict-action-name)