
1086 строки
35 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Despot Account Administration System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
use strict;
use diagnostics;
# Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once". "use vars" just
# doesn't work for me.
sub sillyness {
my $zz;
$zz = $F::state;
$zz = $F::description;
$zz = $F::id;
$zz = $F::newpassword2;
$zz = $F::files;
$zz = $F::partition;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI qw(:standard :html3);
require '';
$::POSTTYPE = "Post";
$| = 1;
$::despot = param("_despot");
if (!defined $::despot) {
$::despot = 0;
print header();
my $bg = "white";
my $extra = "";
if ($::despot) {
$bg = "lightgreen";
$extra = " (Wonder-twin powers -- activate!)";
print start_html(-Title=>"Despot -- configure mozilla users$extra",
if (!param()) {
print h1("Despot -- access control for");
if ($ENV{"HTTPS"} ne "ON") {
my $fixedurl = "https://$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}";
print b("<font color=red>If possible, please use the " .
a({href=>$fixedurl}, "secure version of this form") .
print h2("Login, please.");
print img({-align=>"right",-width=>72,-height=>84,-src=>"handcuff.gif"});
print p("To manage mozilla users, or to change your " .
"password, you must first log in.");
print start_form(-method=>$::POSTTYPE);
print table(Tr(th({-align=>"right"}, "Email address:"),
Tr(th({-align=>"right"}, "Password:"),
print submit(-name=>"Log in");
print hr();
print p("If you think you should be able to use this system, but you haven't been issued a login, please send mail to " .
a({href=>"mailto:dmose\"}, "dmose") . ".");
# print p("If you do not yet have a account, or you have one " .
# "but have forgotten your password, please fill in your e-mail " .
# "address above, and click <nobr>here: " .
# submit({name=>"mailMePassword"}, "Email me a password") . "</nobr>");
import_names("F"); # Makes all form values available as F::.
# $F::debug = 1;
use Mysql;
$::db = Mysql->Connect("localhost", "mozusers", $F::loginname, "")
|| die "Can't connect to database server";
my $query = Query("select passwd,despot,neednewpassword,id,disabled from users where email = '$F::loginname'");
my @row = $query->fetchrow();
if (!@row || !checkpassword($F::loginpassword, $row[0])) {
if ($F::loginname !~ /@/) {
Punt("You must type in your full e-mail address, including the '\@'.");
} else {
Punt("Invalid login (bad email address, or bad password).");
my $passwd;
my $disabled;
($passwd,$::candespot,$::neednewpassword,$::loginid,$disabled) = @row;
if ($disabled eq "Yes") {
Punt("Your account has been disabled.");
if ($::candespot eq "Yes") {
$::candespot = 1;
} else {
$::candespot = 0;
$::despot = 0;
if ($::neednewpassword eq "Yes") {
$::neednewpassword = 1;
} else {
$::neednewpassword = 0;
$::skiptrailer = 0;
if (defined $F::command) {
my $cmd = $F::command;
param("command", "");
eval "$cmd()";
if ($@ ne "") {
die "Error executing $cmd -- $@";
} else {
if (!$::skiptrailer) {
print hr();
print MyForm("MainMenu") . submit("Main menu") . end_form();
$query = Query("select needed from syncneeded where needed=1");
@row = $query->fetchrow();
if ($row[0]) {
print hr();
print p("Updating external machines...");
print "<PRE>";
if (!open(DOSYNC, "./ -user $F::loginname|")) {
print p("Can't do sync (error $?). Please send mail to " .
a({href=>"mailto:terry\"}, "terry") . ".");
} else {
while (<DOSYNC>) {
if ($::despot) {
print $_;
print "</PRE>";
print p("... update completed.");
sub MainMenu() {
print h1("Despot -- main menu");
print table({-width=>"100%"},
Tr(td(h3("What would you like to do?")) .
td({-align=>"right"}, a({-href=>"help.html"},
"Introduction to Despot"))));
my @list = ();
push(@list, li(MyForm("ViewAccount") .
submit("View info about your account") .end_form()));
push(@list, li(MyForm("ChangePassword") .
submit("Change your password") . end_form()));
push(@list, li(MyForm("ListPartitions") .
submit("List all the partitions") .end_form()));
# my $query = Query("select partitionid,,, from members,partitions,repositories where userid=$::loginid and class != 'Member' and and");
# my @row;
# while (@row = $query->fetchrow()) {
# my ($partid,$partname,$repname,$repid) = (@row);
# my $title = "Edit partition '$partname' ($repname)";
# param("partitionid", $partid);
# push(@list,
# li(MyForm("EditPartition") . submit($title) .
# hidden(-name=>"partitionid") . end_form()));
# }
my $query = Query("select id,name from repositories order by name");
my @vals = ();
my %labels;
while (my @row = $query->fetchrow()) {
my $v = $row[0];
push(@vals, $v);
$labels{$v} = $row[1];
my $radio = popup_menu(-name=>"repid",
push(@list, li(MyForm("FindPartition") .
submit("Find partition containing file") .
"named<nobr> " .
textfield(-name=>"file", -size=>60) .
"</nobr> in <nobr>repository " . $radio .
if ($::candespot) {
param("_despot", !$::despot);
my $str = $::despot ? "Disable" : "Enable";
li(MyForm("MainMenu") . submit("$str Despot Powers") .
param("_despot", $::despot);
if ($::despot) {
my @l2 = ();
my $opts = popup_menu(-name=>"matchtype",
-values=>["regexp", "not regexp"],
-labels=>{"regexp"=>"Matching regexp",
"not regexp"=>"Not matching regexp"});
li("<nobr>" .
MyForm("ListUsers") . submit("List all users") .
$opts .
textfield(-name=>"match", -size=>50) .
"</nobr>" .
li(MyForm("AddUser") . submit("Add or edit user") .
"with email<nobr> " .
textfield(-name=>"email", -size=>25) . "</nobr>" .
li(MyForm("AddPartition") . submit("Create or edit partition")
. " named<nobr> " .
textfield(-name=>"partition", -size=>24) . "</nobr>" .
"</nobr> in <nobr>repository " . $radio .
push(@list, "Despot commands:" . ul(\@l2));
print ul(\@list);
if ($::neednewpassword) {
print "<font color=red>Your account has been frozen. To make it usable, you must change your password.</font>";
$::skiptrailer = 1;
sub AddUser() {
if ($F::email eq "") {
Punt("You must enter an email address.");
my $email = $F::email;
my $query;
my @row;
if ($email !~ /^[^@, ]*@[^@, ]*\.[^@, ]*$/) {
Punt("Email addresses must contain exactly one '\@', and at least one '.' after the \@, and may not contain any commas or spaces.");
my $q = SqlQuote($email);
$query = Query("select count(*) from users where email='$q'");
@row = $query->fetchrow();
if ($row[0] < 1) {
my $p = "";
my $realname = "";
my $plain = pickrandompassword();
$p = cryptit($plain);
my $feedback = "'" . tt($plain) . "'";
my $mailwords = "of '$plain'";
$p = $::db->quote($p);
$realname = $::db->quote($realname);
Query("insert into users (email,passwd,neednewpassword,realname) values ('$q',$p,'Yes',$realname)");
print p("New account created. Password initialized to $feedback; " .
"please " .
a({href=>"mailto:$email?subject=Change your password&body=Your new account has been created. It initially has a%0apassword $mailwords. Please go to change your password as soon as possible. You won't actually be%0aable to use it for anything until you do."},
"send mail") .
" and have the user change the password!");
print hr();
sub EditUser() {
print h1("Edit a user");
my $q = SqlQuote($F::email);
my $query = Query("select * from users where email='$q'");
my @row;
@row = $query->fetchrow();
my $query2 = Query("show columns from users");
my @list;
my @desc;
for (my $i=0 ; $i<@row ; $i++) {
@desc = $query2->fetchrow();
my $line = th({-align=>"right"}, "$desc[0]:");
if ($desc[0] ne ($query->name)[$i]) {
die "show columns in different order than select???";
$_ = $desc[1];
if (/^varchar/ || /int\([0-9]*\)$/) {
if ($desc[0] eq "voucher") {
$row[$i] = IdToEmail($row[$i]);
$line .= td(textfield(-name=>($query->name)[$i],
} elsif (/^enum/) {
my @values = split(/,/);
my $opts = "";
for (my $j=0 ; $j<@values ; $j++) {
$values[$j] =~ s/^\'//;
$values[$j] =~ s/\'$//;
$line .= td(radio_group(-name=>$desc[0], "-values"=>\@values,
$line .= hidden("orig_$desc[0]", $row[$i]);
print MyForm("ChangeUser");
print table(@list);
print submit("Save changes");
print end_form();
print MyForm("GeneratePassword") . hidden(-name=>"email");
print submit("Generate a new random password for this user");
print end_form();
print MyForm("DeleteUser") . hidden(-name=>"email");
print submit("Delete user");
print end_form();
sub DeleteUser() {
my $q = SqlQuote($F::email);
Query("delete from users where email = '$q'");
Query("insert into syncneeded (needed) values (1)");
print h1("OK, $F::email is gone.");
print hr();
sub ChangeUser() {
foreach my $field ("email") {
my $value = param($field);
if ($value ne param("orig_$field")) {
my $query = Query("select count(*) from users where $field = '" .
SqlQuote($value) . "'");
my @row;
@row = $query->fetchrow();
if ($row[0] > 0) {
Punt("Can't change $field to '$value'; already used.");
my $query = Query("show columns from users");
my @list;
my @row;
while (@row = $query->fetchrow()) {
my $old = param("orig_$row[0]");
my $new = param($row[0]);
if ($old ne $new) {
if ($row[0] eq "voucher") {
$old = EmailToId($old);
$new = EmailToId($new);
Query("insert into changes (email,field,oldvalue,newvalue,who) values (" .
$::db->quote($F::orig_email) . ",'$row[0]'," .
$::db->quote($old) . "," .
$::db->quote($new) . ",'" .
$F::loginname . "')");
push(@list, "$row[0] = '" . SqlQuote($new) . "'");
my $qstr = "update users set " . join(",", @list) . " where email='" .
SqlQuote($F::orig_email) . "'";
print h1("OK, record for $F::email has been updated.");
print hr();
Query("insert into syncneeded (needed) values (1)");
sub GeneratePassword {
my $email = $F::email;
my $plain = pickrandompassword();
my $p = cryptit($plain);
Query("update users set passwd = " . $::db->quote($p) . ", neednewpassword='Yes' where email=" .
print h1("OK, new password generated.");
print "$email now has a new password of '" . tt($plain) . "'. ";
print "Please " .
a({href=>"mailto:$email?subject=Change your password&body=Your account now has a password of '$plain'. Please go to%0a and change your password as soon as%0apossible. You won't actually be able to use your account%0afor anything until you do."},
"send mail") .
" to have the user change the password!";
Query("insert into syncneeded (needed) values (1)");
sub ListPartitions () {
print p("If you're wondering what a 'partition' is, " .
a({-href=>"help.html#partition"}, "read this") . ".");
ListSomething("partitions", "id", "ListPartitions", "EditPartition", "name",
"name,repositoryid,state,description", "",
sub ListUsers() {
# ListSomething("users", "email", "ListUsers", "EditUser", "email", "email,realname,gila_group,cvs_group", "users as u2", {"voucher"=>","});
my $wherepart = "";
if ($F::match ne "") {
$wherepart = "email $F::matchtype " . $::db->quote($F::match);
ListSomething("users", "email", "ListUsers", "EditUser", "email", "email,realname,gila_group,cvs_group", "users as u2", {"voucher"=>["if(users.voucher=0,'NONE',", ",,users.voucher)", "u2"]}, $wherepart);
sub ListSomething {
my ($tablename,$idcolumn,$listprocname,$editprocname,$defaultsortorder,
$defaultcolumns,$extratables,$columndefs,$extrawhere) = (@_);
my %columnremap;
my %columnwhere;
my %columntable;
while (my ($key,$value) = each %$columndefs) {
($columnremap{$key}, $columnwhere{$key}, $columntable{$key}) = (@$value);
if (!defined $columntable{$key}) {
$columntable{$key} = $columnremap{$key};
$columntable{$key} =~ s/\..*$//;
print h1("List of $tablename");
my $sortorder = $defaultsortorder;
if (defined $F::sortorder) {
$sortorder = $F::sortorder;
my $query = Query("show columns from $tablename");
my @allcols = ();
my @cols = ();
while (@row = $query->fetchrow()) {
push(@allcols, $row[0]);
my $hiddencols = "";
if (defined @F::showcolumns) {
@cols = @F::showcolumns;
foreach my $c (@cols) {
$hiddencols .= hidden(-name=>"showcolumns",
if (0 == @cols) {
@cols = split(/,/, $defaultcolumns);
my $rtext = th();
my @list = ();
my @emaillist = ();
my $hiddenbits = "";
if (defined $F::matchtype) {
$hiddenbits .= hidden(-name=>"matchtype");
if (defined $F::match) {
$hiddenbits .= hidden(-name=>"match");
foreach my $c (@cols) {
if ($c eq $sortorder) {
$rtext .= th({-valign=>"top"}, "sorted by<br>$c");
} else {
$rtext .= th({-valign=>"top"},
MyForm($listprocname) .
submit($c) .
$hiddenbits .
$hiddencols .
-override=>1) .
if (!defined $columnremap{$c}) {
$columnremap{$c} = "$tablename.$c";
$columntable{$c} = $tablename;
push(@list, $rtext);
my @mungedcols;
my %usedtables;
my $wherepart = "";
if (defined $extrawhere && $extrawhere ne "") {
$wherepart = " where " . $extrawhere;
foreach my $c (@cols) {
my $t = $columnremap{$c};
$usedtables{$columntable{$c}} = 1;
if (defined $columnwhere{$c}) {
if ($wherepart eq "") {
$wherepart = " where ";
} else {
$wherepart .= " and ";
$wherepart .= $columnwhere{$c};
if ($extratables ne "") {
foreach my $i (split(/,/, $extratables)) {
$usedtables{$i} = 1;
if ($i =~ m/as (.*)$/) {
if (exists $usedtables{$1}) {
delete $usedtables{$1};
} else {
delete $usedtables{$i};
my $orderby = $columnremap{$sortorder};
if ($orderby =~ /\(/) {
# The sort order is too complicated for stupid SQL. Pick something
# simpler.
$orderby = "$tablename.$sortorder";
$query = Query("select $tablename.$idcolumn," . join(",", @mungedcols) . " from " . join(",", keys(%usedtables)) . $wherepart . " order by $orderby");
while (@row = $query->fetchrow()) {
my $i;
for ($i=1 ; $i<@row ; $i++) {
if (!defined $row[$i]) {
$row[$i] = "";
my $thisid = shift(@row);
push(@emaillist, $thisid);
push(@list, td(MyForm($editprocname) . hidden($idcolumn, $thisid) .
submit("Edit") . end_form()) .
print table(Tr(\@list));
if ($idcolumn eq "email") {
my $mailtolist = "mailto:" . join(',', @emaillist);
print p(a({href=>$mailtolist},"Send mail to all users"));
print hr();
print MyForm($listprocname);
print submit("Redisplay with the following columns:") . br();
print checkbox_group(-name=>"showcolumns",
print hidden(-name=>"sortorder", -default=>$sortorder, -override=>1);
print $hiddenbits;
print end_form();
sub ViewAccount {
my $query = Query("select * from users where email='$F::loginname'");
my @row;
@row = $query->fetchrow();
my $query2 = Query("show columns from users");
my @list;
my @desc;
my $userid;
for (my $i=0 ; $i<@row ; $i++) {
@desc = $query2->fetchrow();
my $line = th({-align=>"right"}, "$desc[0]:");
if ($desc[0] ne ($query->name)[$i]) {
die "show columns in different order than select???";
if ($desc[0] eq "voucher") {
$row[$i] = IdToEmail($row[$i]);
$line .= td($row[$i]);
print table(@list);
$query = Query("select,,,class from members,repositories,partitions where members.userid=$::loginid and and order by class");
while (@row = $query->fetchrow()) {
my ($partid, $repname,$partname,$class) = (@row);
param("partitionid", $partid);
print MyForm("EditPartition") . hidden("partitionid") .
submit("$class of $partname ($repname)") . end_form();
if ($::despot) {
print MyForm("EditUser") . hidden("email", $F::loginname) .
submit("Edit your account") .
"(Since you're a despot, you can do this)" .
sub FindPartition {
my $repid = $F::repid;
my $file = $F::file;
print h1("Searching for partitions matching $file ...");
my $query = Query("select files.pattern,, from files,partitions where and partitions.repositoryid=$repid");
my $found = 0;
while (@row = $query->fetchrow()) {
my ($pattern,$name,$id) = (@row);
if (FileMatches($file, $pattern) || FileMatches($pattern, $file)) {
print MyForm("EditPartition") . submit($name) .
hidden("partitionid", $id) . "(matches pattern $pattern)" .
$found = 1;
if (!$found) {
print "No partitions found.";
if ($file !~ /^mozilla/) {
print p("Generally, your filename should start with mozilla/ or mozilla-org/.");
sub AddPartition {
my $partition = $F::partition;
if ($partition eq "") {
Punt("You must enter a partition name.");
my $repid = $F::repid;
my $query;
my @row;
$query = Query("select id from partitions where repositoryid=$repid and name = '$partition'");
if (!(@row = $query->fetchrow())) {
Query("insert into partitions (name,repositoryid,state,branchid) values ('$partition',$repid,'Open',1)");
print p("New partition created.") . hr();
@row = Query("select LAST_INSERT_ID()")->fetchrow();
$F::partitionid = $row[0];
sub EditPartition() {
my $partitionid;
if (defined $F::partitionid) {
$partitionid = $F::partitionid;
} else {
$partitionid = $F::id;
my $canchange = CanChangePartition($partitionid);
my $query = Query("select,partitions.description,state,,,,newsgroups,doclinks from partitions,repositories,branches where = $partitionid and = repositoryid and = branchid");
@row = $query->fetchrow();
my ($partname,$partdesc,$state,$repname,$repid,$branchname,$newsgroups,
$doclinks) = (@row);
print h1(($canchange ? "Edit" : "View") . " partition -- $partname");
if (!$canchange) {
print p(b("You can't change anything here!") .
" You can look, but you won't be permitted to touch.");
if ($partname eq "default") {
print "<font color=red>This is the magic default partition. It gets consulted on any file that does not match any other partition.</font>";
my @list;
push(@list, Tr(th("Repository:") . td($repname)));
push(@list, Tr(th("Description:") . td(textarea(-name=>"description",
push(@list, Tr(th("Newsgroups:"),
push(@list, Tr(th("Doc links:"),
Tr(th(a({-href=>"help.html#state"},"State:")) .
"-values"=>['Open', 'Restricted', 'Closed'],
Tr(th(a({-href=>"help.html#branch"}, "Branch:")),
$query = Query("select pattern from files where partitionid=$partitionid order by pattern");
push(@list, CreateListRow("files", $query));
foreach my $class ("Owner", "Peer", "Member") {
$query = Query("select,users.disabled from members,users where members.partitionid = $partitionid and members.class = '$class' and = members.userid order by");
push(@list, CreateListRow($class, $query));
param("partitionid", $partitionid);
param("repid", $repid);
param("repname", $repname);
my $h = hidden(-name=>"partitionid") .
hidden(-name=>"repid") .
print MyForm("ChangePartition");
print table(@list);
if ($canchange) {
print submit("Save changes");
print $h;
print end_form();
print MyForm("DeletePartition");
print submit("Delete partition");
print $h;
print end_form();
sub ChangePartition {
my $query;
my @row;
Query("lock tables partitions write,branches write,files write,members write,users read");
# Sanity checking first...
my @files = split(/\n/, $F::files);
$query = Query("select files.pattern, from files,partitions where files.partitionid != $F::partitionid and and partitions.repositoryid=$F::repid");
while (@row = $query->fetchrow()) {
my $f1 = $row[0];
foreach my $f2 (@files) {
$f2 = trim($f2);
if ($f2 eq "") {
if (FileMatches($f1, $f2) || FileMatches($f2, $f1)) {
Punt("File rule $f2 overlaps with existing rule in partition $row[1]");
my %idhash;
foreach my $class ("Owner", "Peer", "Member") {
my @names = split(/\n/, param($class));
foreach my $n (@names) {
$n =~ s/\(.*\)//g;
$n = trim($n);
if ($n eq "") {
$query = Query("select id,${F::repname}_group from users where email = " . $::db->quote($n));
if (!(@row = $query->fetchrow())) {
Punt("$n is not an email address in the database.");
my ($userid,$group) = (@row);
if (exists $idhash{$n}) {
Punt("$n seems to be mentioned more than once. A given user can only have one class.");
$idhash{$n} = $userid;
if ($group eq "None") {
Punt("$n is not allowed to use the $F::repname repository at all, so it doesn't make sense to put this user into this partition.");
# And now actually update things.
$query = Query("select id from branches where name = " .
if (!(@row = $query->fetchrow())) {
Query("insert into branches (name) values (" .
$::db->quote($F::branchname) . ")");
$query = Query("select LAST_INSERT_ID()");
@row = $query->fetchrow();
my $branchid = $row[0];
Query("update partitions set description=" .
$::db->quote($F::description) .
", branchid=$branchid, state='$F::state', newsgroups=" .
$::db->quote($F::newsgroups) .
", doclinks=" .
$::db->quote($F::doclinks) .
" where id=$F::partitionid");
Query("delete from files where partitionid=$F::partitionid");
foreach my $f2 (@files) {
$f2 = trim($f2);
if ($f2 eq "") {
Query("insert into files (partitionid,pattern) values ($F::partitionid," . $::db->quote($f2) . ")");
Query("delete from members where partitionid=$F::partitionid");
foreach my $class ("Owner", "Peer", "Member") {
my @names = split(/\n/, param($class));
foreach my $n (@names) {
$n =~ s/\(.*\)//g;
$n = trim($n);
if ($n eq "") {
Query("insert into members(userid,partitionid,class) values ($idhash{$n},$F::partitionid,'$class')");
print h1("OK, the partition has been updated.");
print hr();
Query("unlock tables");
Query("insert into syncneeded (needed) values (1)");
sub DeletePartition() {
Query("delete from partitions where id = '$F::partitionid'");
Query("delete from files where partitionid = '$F::partitionid'");
Query("delete from members where partitionid = '$F::partitionid'");
Query("insert into syncneeded (needed) values (1)");
print h1("OK, the partition is gone.");
print hr();
sub FileMatches {
my ($pattern, $name) = (@_);
my $regexp = $pattern;
if ($pattern =~ /\%$/) {
$regexp =~ s:\%$:[^/]*:;
} elsif ($pattern =~ /\*$/) {
$regexp =~ s:\*$:.*:;
if ($name =~ /$pattern/) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub CreateListRow {
my ($title, $query) = (@_);
my $result = "";
my @row;
while (my @row = $query->fetchrow()) {
my $v = $row[0];
if (defined $row[1] && $row[1] eq "Yes") {
$v .= " (disabled)";
$result .= $v . "\n";
return Tr(th(a({-href=>"help.html#$title"}, "$title:")) .
sub ChangePassword {
print h1("Change your password.");
$F::loginpassword = "";
print start_form($::POSTTYPE);
print hidden("loginname", $F::loginname);
print hidden(-name=>"command",
print table(Tr(th({-align=>"right"}, "Old password:"),
td(password_field(-name=>"loginpassword", -size=>20,
Tr(th({-align=>"right"}, "New password:"),
td(password_field(-name=>"newpassword1", -size=>20))),
Tr(th({-align=>"right"}, "Retype new password:"),
td(password_field(-name=>"newpassword2", -size=>20))));
print submit("Change password");
print end_form();
sub SetNewPassword {
if ($F::newpassword1 ne $F::newpassword2) {
Punt("New passwords didn't match.");
if ($F::newpassword1 eq $F::loginpassword) {
Punt("Your new password isn't any different than your old one.");
my $z1;
my $salt = "";
my $pass = cryptit($F::newpassword1, $salt);
my $qpass = $::db->quote($pass);
Query("update users set passwd = $qpass, neednewpassword = 'No' where email='$F::loginname'");
print h1("Password has been updated.");
Query("insert into syncneeded (needed) values (1)");
if ($::despot) {
param("loginpassword", $F::newpassword1);
print hr();
sub MyForm {
my ($command) = @_;
my $result = start_form($::POSTTYPE) . hidden("loginname", $F::loginname) .
hidden("_despot") .
hidden("loginpassword", $F::loginpassword) .
hidden(-name=>"command", -value=>$command, -override=>1);
return $result;
sub Punt {
my ($header) = @_;
print h1($header);
print p("Please hit " . b("back") . " and try again.");
sub EnsureDespot {
if (!$::despot) {
Punt("You're not a despot. You can't do this.");
sub EnsureCanChangePartition {
my ($id) = (@_);
if (!CanChangePartition($id)) {
Punt("You must be an Owner or Peer of the partition to do this.");
sub CanChangePartition {
my ($id) = (@_);
if ($::despot) {
return 1;
my $query = Query("select class from members where userid=$::loginid and partitionid=$id");
my @row;
if (@row = $query->fetchrow()) {
if ($row[0] ne "Member") {
return 1;
return 0;
sub pickrandompassword {
my $sc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
my $result = "";
for (my $i=0 ; $i<8 ; $i++) {
$result .= substr($sc, int (rand () * 100000) % (length ($sc) + 1), 1);
return $result;
sub IdToEmail {
my ($id) = (@_);
if ($id eq "0") {
return "(none)";
} else {
my $query3 =
Query("select email,disabled from users where id = $id");
my @row3;
if (@row3 = $query3->fetchrow()) {
if ($row3[1] eq "Yes") {
$row3[0] .= " (Disabled)";
return $row3[0];
return "<font color=red>Unknown Id $id</font>";
sub EmailToId {
my ($email, $forcevalid) = (@_);
$email =~ s/\(.*\)//g;
$email = trim($email);
my $query = Query("select id from users where email = " .
my @row;
if (@row = $query->fetchrow()) {
return $row[0];
if ($forcevalid || $email ne "") {
Punt("$email is not a registered email address.");
return 0;