
271 строка
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_idbdatabase_h__
#define mozilla_dom_idbdatabase_h__
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/IDBTransactionBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/indexedDB/PBackgroundIDBSharedTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/quota/PersistenceType.h"
#include "mozilla/DOMEventTargetHelper.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "nsTHashMap.h"
#include "nsHashKeys.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsTHashSet.h"
class nsIEventTarget;
class nsIGlobalObject;
namespace mozilla {
class ErrorResult;
class EventChainPostVisitor;
namespace dom {
class Blob;
class DOMStringList;
class IDBFactory;
class IDBMutableFile;
class IDBObjectStore;
struct IDBObjectStoreParameters;
class IDBOpenDBRequest;
class IDBRequest;
class IDBTransaction;
template <class>
class Optional;
class StringOrStringSequence;
namespace indexedDB {
class BackgroundDatabaseChild;
class PBackgroundIDBDatabaseFileChild;
} // namespace indexedDB
class IDBDatabase final : public DOMEventTargetHelper {
using DatabaseSpec = mozilla::dom::indexedDB::DatabaseSpec;
using PersistenceType = mozilla::dom::quota::PersistenceType;
class Observer;
friend class Observer;
friend class IDBObjectStore;
friend class IDBIndex;
// The factory must be kept alive when IndexedDB is used in multiple
// processes. If it dies then the entire actor tree will be destroyed with it
// and the world will explode.
SafeRefPtr<IDBFactory> mFactory;
UniquePtr<DatabaseSpec> mSpec;
// Normally null except during a versionchange transaction.
UniquePtr<DatabaseSpec> mPreviousSpec;
indexedDB::BackgroundDatabaseChild* mBackgroundActor;
nsTHashSet<IDBTransaction*> mTransactions;
nsTHashMap<nsISupportsHashKey, indexedDB::PBackgroundIDBDatabaseFileChild*>
RefPtr<Observer> mObserver;
// Weak refs, IDBMutableFile strongly owns this IDBDatabase object.
nsTArray<NotNull<IDBMutableFile*>> mLiveMutableFiles;
const bool mFileHandleDisabled;
bool mClosed;
bool mInvalidated;
bool mQuotaExceeded;
bool mIncreasedActiveDatabaseCount;
[[nodiscard]] static RefPtr<IDBDatabase> Create(
IDBOpenDBRequest* aRequest, SafeRefPtr<IDBFactory> aFactory,
indexedDB::BackgroundDatabaseChild* aActor,
UniquePtr<DatabaseSpec> aSpec);
void AssertIsOnOwningThread() const
#ifdef DEBUG
nsIEventTarget* EventTarget() const;
const nsString& Name() const;
void GetName(nsAString& aName) const {
aName = Name();
uint64_t Version() const;
[[nodiscard]] RefPtr<Document> GetOwnerDocument() const;
void Close() {
bool IsClosed() const {
return mClosed;
void Invalidate();
// Whether or not the database has been invalidated. If it has then no further
// transactions for this database will be allowed to run.
bool IsInvalidated() const {
return mInvalidated;
void SetQuotaExceeded() { mQuotaExceeded = true; }
void EnterSetVersionTransaction(uint64_t aNewVersion);
void ExitSetVersionTransaction();
// Called when a versionchange transaction is aborted to reset the
// DatabaseInfo.
void RevertToPreviousState();
void RegisterTransaction(IDBTransaction& aTransaction);
void UnregisterTransaction(IDBTransaction& aTransaction);
void AbortTransactions(bool aShouldWarn);
indexedDB::PBackgroundIDBDatabaseFileChild* GetOrCreateFileActorForBlob(
Blob& aBlob);
void NoteFinishedFileActor(
indexedDB::PBackgroundIDBDatabaseFileChild* aFileActor);
void NoteActiveTransaction();
void NoteInactiveTransaction();
// XXX This doesn't really belong here... It's only needed for IDBMutableFile
// serialization and should be removed or fixed someday.
nsresult GetQuotaInfo(nsACString& aOrigin, PersistenceType* aPersistenceType);
bool IsFileHandleDisabled() const { return mFileHandleDisabled; }
void NoteLiveMutableFile(IDBMutableFile& aMutableFile);
void NoteFinishedMutableFile(IDBMutableFile& aMutableFile);
[[nodiscard]] RefPtr<DOMStringList> ObjectStoreNames() const;
[[nodiscard]] RefPtr<IDBObjectStore> CreateObjectStore(
const nsAString& aName,
const IDBObjectStoreParameters& aOptionalParameters, ErrorResult& aRv);
void DeleteObjectStore(const nsAString& name, ErrorResult& aRv);
// This will be called from the DOM.
[[nodiscard]] RefPtr<IDBTransaction> Transaction(
JSContext* aCx, const StringOrStringSequence& aStoreNames,
IDBTransactionMode aMode, ErrorResult& aRv);
[[nodiscard]] RefPtr<IDBRequest> CreateMutableFile(
JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aName, const Optional<nsAString>& aType,
ErrorResult& aRv);
void ClearBackgroundActor() {
// Decrease the number of active databases if it was not done in
// CloseInternal().
mBackgroundActor = nullptr;
const DatabaseSpec* Spec() const { return mSpec.get(); }
template <typename Pred>
indexedDB::ObjectStoreSpec* LookupModifiableObjectStoreSpec(Pred&& aPred) {
auto& objectStores = mSpec->objectStores();
const auto foundIt =
std::find_if(objectStores.begin(), objectStores.end(), aPred);
return foundIt != objectStores.end() ? &*foundIt : nullptr;
// DOMEventTargetHelper
void DisconnectFromOwner() override;
virtual void LastRelease() override;
// nsWrapperCache
virtual JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
IDBDatabase(IDBOpenDBRequest* aRequest, SafeRefPtr<IDBFactory> aFactory,
indexedDB::BackgroundDatabaseChild* aActor,
UniquePtr<DatabaseSpec> aSpec);
void CloseInternal();
void InvalidateInternal();
bool RunningVersionChangeTransaction() const {
return !!mPreviousSpec;
void RefreshSpec(bool aMayDelete);
void ExpireFileActors(bool aExpireAll);
void InvalidateMutableFiles();
void NoteInactiveTransactionDelayed();
void LogWarning(const char* aMessageName, const nsAString& aFilename,
uint32_t aLineNumber, uint32_t aColumnNumber);
// Only accessed by IDBObjectStore.
nsresult RenameObjectStore(int64_t aObjectStoreId, const nsAString& aName);
// Only accessed by IDBIndex.
nsresult RenameIndex(int64_t aObjectStoreId, int64_t aIndexId,
const nsAString& aName);
void IncreaseActiveDatabaseCount();
void MaybeDecreaseActiveDatabaseCount();
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // mozilla_dom_idbdatabase_h__