зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/gecko-dev.git
270 строки
8.8 KiB
270 строки
8.8 KiB
# Shortcuts for various tasks (UNIX only).
# To use a specific Python version run: "make install PYTHON=python3.3"
# You can set the variables below from the command line.
PYTHON = python
TSCRIPT = psutil/tests/__main__.py
# List of nice-to-have dev libs.
DEPS = \
argparse \
check-manifest \
coverage \
flake8 \
futures \
ipaddress \
mock==1.0.1 \
pep8 \
perf \
pyflakes \
requests \
setuptools \
sphinx \
twine \
unittest2 \
# In not in a virtualenv, add --user options for install commands.
INSTALL_OPTS = `$(PYTHON) -c "import sys; print('' if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix') else '--user')"`
all: test
# ===================================================================
# Install
# ===================================================================
clean: ## Remove all build files.
rm -rf `find . -type d -name __pycache__ \
-o -type f -name \*.bak \
-o -type f -name \*.orig \
-o -type f -name \*.pyc \
-o -type f -name \*.pyd \
-o -type f -name \*.pyo \
-o -type f -name \*.rej \
-o -type f -name \*.so \
-o -type f -name \*.~ \
-o -type f -name \*\$testfn`
rm -rf \
*.core \
*.egg-info \
*\$testfn* \
.coverage \
.tox \
build/ \
dist/ \
docs/_build/ \
htmlcov/ \
build: _ ## Compile without installing.
# make sure setuptools is installed (needed for 'develop' / edit mode)
$(PYTHON) -c "import setuptools"
PYTHONWARNINGS=all $(PYTHON) setup.py build
@# copies compiled *.so files in ./psutil directory in order to allow
@# "import psutil" when using the interactive interpreter from within
@# this directory.
PYTHONWARNINGS=all $(PYTHON) setup.py build_ext -i
rm -rf tmp
$(PYTHON) -c "import psutil" # make sure it actually worked
install: ## Install this package as current user in "edit" mode.
${MAKE} build
rm -rf tmp
uninstall: ## Uninstall this package via pip.
cd ..; $(PYTHON) -m pip uninstall -y -v psutil
install-pip: ## Install pip (no-op if already installed).
$(PYTHON) -c \
"import sys, ssl, os, pkgutil, tempfile, atexit; \
sys.exit(0) if pkgutil.find_loader('pip') else None; \
pyexc = 'from urllib.request import urlopen' if sys.version_info[0] == 3 else 'from urllib2 import urlopen'; \
exec(pyexc); \
ctx = ssl._create_unverified_context() if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context') else None; \
kw = dict(context=ctx) if ctx else {}; \
req = urlopen('https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py', **kw); \
data = req.read(); \
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.py'); \
atexit.register(f.close); \
f.write(data); \
f.flush(); \
print('downloaded %s' % f.name); \
code = os.system('%s %s --user' % (sys.executable, f.name)); \
f.close(); \
setup-dev-env: ## Install GIT hooks, pip, test deps (also upgrades them).
${MAKE} install-git-hooks
${MAKE} install-pip
$(PYTHON) -m pip install $(INSTALL_OPTS) --upgrade pip
$(PYTHON) -m pip install $(INSTALL_OPTS) --upgrade $(DEPS)
# ===================================================================
# Tests
# ===================================================================
test: ## Run all tests.
${MAKE} install
test-process: ## Run process-related API tests.
${MAKE} install
$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) -m unittest -v psutil.tests.test_process
test-system: ## Run system-related API tests.
${MAKE} install
$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) -m unittest -v psutil.tests.test_system
test-misc: ## Run miscellaneous tests.
${MAKE} install
$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) psutil/tests/test_misc.py
test-unicode: ## Test APIs dealing with strings.
${MAKE} install
$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) psutil/tests/test_unicode.py
test-contracts: ## APIs sanity tests.
${MAKE} install
$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) psutil/tests/test_contracts.py
test-connections: ## Test net_connections() and Process.connections().
${MAKE} install
$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) psutil/tests/test_connections.py
test-posix: ## POSIX specific tests.
${MAKE} install
$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) psutil/tests/test_posix.py
test-platform: ## Run specific platform tests only.
${MAKE} install
$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) psutil/tests/test_`$(PYTHON) -c 'import psutil; print([x.lower() for x in ("LINUX", "BSD", "OSX", "SUNOS", "WINDOWS", "AIX") if getattr(psutil, x)][0])'`.py
test-memleaks: ## Memory leak tests.
${MAKE} install
$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) psutil/tests/test_memory_leaks.py
test-by-name: ## e.g. make test-by-name ARGS=psutil.tests.test_system.TestSystemAPIs
${MAKE} install
@$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) -m unittest -v $(ARGS)
test-coverage: ## Run test coverage.
${MAKE} install
# Note: coverage options are controlled by .coveragerc file
rm -rf .coverage htmlcov
$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) -m coverage run $(TSCRIPT)
$(PYTHON) -m coverage report
@echo "writing results to htmlcov/index.html"
$(PYTHON) -m coverage html
$(PYTHON) -m webbrowser -t htmlcov/index.html
# ===================================================================
# Linters
# ===================================================================
pep8: ## PEP8 linter.
@git ls-files | grep \\.py$ | xargs $(PYTHON) -m pep8
pyflakes: ## Pyflakes linter.
git ls-files | grep \\.py$ | xargs $(PYTHON) -m pyflakes
flake8: ## flake8 linter.
@git ls-files | grep \\.py$ | xargs $(PYTHON) -m flake8
# ===================================================================
# ===================================================================
git-tag-release: ## Git-tag a new release.
git tag -a release-`python -c "import setup; print(setup.get_version())"` -m `git rev-list HEAD --count`:`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
git push --follow-tags
install-git-hooks: ## Install GIT pre-commit hook.
ln -sf ../../.git-pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
# ===================================================================
# Distribution
# ===================================================================
# --- create
sdist: ## Create tar.gz source distribution.
${MAKE} generate-manifest
$(PYTHON) setup.py sdist
wheel: ## Generate wheel.
$(PYTHON) setup.py bdist_wheel
win-download-wheels: ## Download wheels hosted on appveyor.
$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) scripts/internal/download_exes.py --user giampaolo --project psutil
# --- upload
upload-src: ## Upload source tarball on https://pypi.python.org/pypi/psutil.
${MAKE} sdist
$(PYTHON) setup.py sdist upload
upload-win-wheels: ## Upload wheels in dist/* directory on PYPI.
$(PYTHON) -m twine upload dist/*.whl
# --- others
pre-release: ## Check if we're ready to produce a new release.
rm -rf dist
${MAKE} install
${MAKE} generate-manifest
git diff MANIFEST.in > /dev/null # ...otherwise 'git diff-index HEAD' will complain
${MAKE} win-download-wheels
${MAKE} sdist
$(PYTHON) -c \
"from psutil import __version__ as ver; \
doc = open('docs/index.rst').read(); \
history = open('HISTORY.rst').read(); \
assert ver in doc, '%r not in docs/index.rst' % ver; \
assert ver in history, '%r not in HISTORY.rst' % ver; \
assert 'XXXX' not in history, 'XXXX in HISTORY.rst';"
$(PYTHON) -c "import subprocess, sys; out = subprocess.check_output('git diff --quiet && git diff --cached --quiet', shell=True).strip(); sys.exit('there are uncommitted changes:\n%s' % out) if out else 0 ;"
release: ## Create a release (down/uploads tar.gz, wheels, git tag release).
${MAKE} pre-release
$(PYTHON) -m twine upload dist/* # upload tar.gz and Windows wheels on PYPI
${MAKE} git-tag-release
print-announce: ## Print announce of new release.
@$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) scripts/internal/print_announce.py
print-timeline: ## Print releases' timeline.
@$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) scripts/internal/print_timeline.py
check-manifest: ## Inspect MANIFEST.in file.
$(PYTHON) -m check_manifest -v $(ARGS)
generate-manifest: ## Generates MANIFEST.in file.
$(PYTHON) scripts/internal/generate_manifest.py > MANIFEST.in
# ===================================================================
# Misc
# ===================================================================
grep-todos: ## Look for TODOs in the source files.
git grep -EIn "TODO|FIXME|XXX"
bench-oneshot: ## Benchmarks for oneshot() ctx manager (see #799).
${MAKE} install
$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) scripts/internal/bench_oneshot.py
bench-oneshot-2: ## Same as above but using perf module (supposed to be more precise)
${MAKE} install
$(TEST_PREFIX) $(PYTHON) scripts/internal/bench_oneshot_2.py
check-broken-links: ## Look for broken links in source files.
git ls-files | xargs $(PYTHON) -Wa scripts/internal/check_broken_links.py
help: ## Display callable targets.
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'