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<title>Test updating a service worker with a bad script cache.</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<script src='utils.js'></script>
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
async function deleteCaches(cacheStorage) {
let keyList = await cacheStorage.keys();
let promiseList = [];
keyList.forEach(key => {
return await Promise.all(keyList);
function waitForUpdate(reg) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
reg.addEventListener('updatefound', resolve, { once: true });
async function runTest() {
let reg;
try {
const script = 'update_worker.sjs';
const scope = 'bad-script-cache';
reg = await navigator.serviceWorker.register(script, { scope: scope });
await waitForState(reg.installing, 'activated');
// Verify the service worker script cache has the worker script stored.
let chromeCaches = SpecialPowers.createChromeCache('chrome', window.origin);
let scriptURL = new URL(script, window.location.href);
let response = await chromeCaches.match(scriptURL.href);
is(response.url, scriptURL.href, 'worker script should be stored');
// Force delete the service worker script out from under the service worker.
// Note: Prefs are set to kill the SW thread immediately on idle.
await deleteCaches(chromeCaches);
// Verify the service script cache no longer knows about the worker script.
response = await chromeCaches.match(scriptURL.href);
is(response, undefined, 'worker script should not be stored');
// Force an update and wait for it to fire an update event.
await waitForUpdate(reg);
await waitForState(reg.installing, 'activated');
// Verify that the script cache knows about the worker script again.
response = await chromeCaches.match(scriptURL.href);
is(response.url, scriptURL.href, 'worker script should be stored');
} catch (e) {
ok(false, e);
if (reg) {
await reg.unregister();
// If this test is run on windows and the process shuts down immediately after, then
// we may fail to remove some of the Cache API body files. This is because the GC
// runs late causing Cache API to cleanup after shutdown begins. It seems something
// during shutdown scans these files and conflicts with removing the file on windows.
// To avoid this we perform an explict GC here to ensure that Cache API can cleanup
// earlier.
await new Promise(resolve => SpecialPowers.exactGC(resolve));
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [
// standard prefs
["dom.serviceWorkers.exemptFromPerDomainMax", true],
["dom.serviceWorkers.enabled", true],
["dom.serviceWorkers.testing.enabled", true],
["dom.caches.enabled", true],
// immediately kill the service worker thread when idle
["dom.serviceWorkers.idle_timeout", 0],
]}, runTest);