
321 строка
8.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl --
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Tinderbox build tool.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
use Compress::Zlib;
use Compress::Bzip2;
use Time::Local;
use lib "@TINDERBOX_DIR@";
require ''; # for $gzip
umask 002;
$tinderboxdir = "@TINDERBOX_DIR@";
chdir $tinderboxdir || die "Couldn't chdir to $tinderboxdir";
if ($ARGV[0] eq '--check-mail') {
$only_check_mail = 1;
shift @ARGV;
# If datafile is given on the commandline, use it. Otherwise, read from STDIN
$mail_file = shift;
if (!defined($mail_file)) {
$mail_file = "data/tbx.$$";
open(DF, ">", $mail_file) || die "could not open $mail_file";
print DF $_;
%tinderbox = ();
# Scan the logfile once to get mail header and build variables
open(LOG, "<", $mail_file) or die "Can't open $!";
parse_mail_header(*LOG, \%MAIL_HEADER);
parse_log_variables(*LOG, \%tinderbox);
close LOG;
# If the mail does not contain any tinderbox header info, just drop it.
@tbkeys = keys %tinderbox;
if ($#tbkeys == -1) {
unlink $mail_file;
exit 0;
# Make sure variables are defined correctly
check_required_variables(\%tinderbox, \%MAIL_HEADER);
die "Mail variables passed the test\n" if $only_check_mail;
# Write data to "build.dat"
$tinderbox{logfile} = "$tinderbox{builddate}.$$.gz";
# Compress the build log and put it in the tree
compress_log_file(\%tinderbox, $mail_file)
unless $tinderbox{status} =~ /building/;
unlink $mail_file;
# Who data
$err = system("./", "$tinderbox{tree}");
if ($err) {
die " returned an error\n";
# Warnings
# Compare the name with $warning_buildnames_pat which is defined in
# $tinderbox{tree}/ if at all.
require "$tinderbox{tree}/" if -r "$tinderbox{tree}/";
if (defined $warning_buildnames_pat
and $tinderbox{build} =~ /^$warning_buildnames_pat$/
and $tinderbox{status} ne 'failed') {
$err = system("./", "$tinderbox{tree}/$tinderbox{logfile}");
die " returned an error\n" if ($err);
# Scrape data
# Look for build name in
require "$tinderbox{tree}/" if -r "$tinderbox{tree}/";
if ($scrape_builds->{$tinderbox{build}}
and $tinderbox{status} ne 'building') {
$err = system("./", "$tinderbox{tree}", "$tinderbox{logfile}");
die " returned an error\n" if ($err);
# Static pages
# For Sidebar flash and tinderbox panels.
my $rel_path = '';
require '';
$tree = $tinderbox{tree};
# end of main
# This routine will scan through log looking for 'tinderbox:' variables
sub parse_log_variables {
my ($fh, $tbx) = @_;
local $_;
while (<$fh>) {
if (/^tinderbox:.*:/) {
last if /^tinderbox: END/;
my ($key, $value) = (split /:\s*/, $_, 3)[1..2];
$value =~ s/\s*$//;
$tbx->{$key} = &trick_taint($value);
sub parse_mail_header {
my ($fh, $mail_ref) = @_;
local $_;
my $name = '';
while(<$fh>) {
last if $line eq '';
if (/([^ :]*)\:[ \t]+([^\n]*)/) {
$name = $1;
$name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$mail_ref{$name} = $2;
elsif ($name ne '') {
$mail_ref{$name} .= $2;
sub check_required_variables {
my ($tbx, $mail_header) = @_;
my $err_string = '';
if ($tbx->{tree} eq '') {
$err_string .= "Variable 'tinderbox:tree' not set.\n";
elsif (not -r $tbx->{tree}) {
$err_string .= "Variable 'tinderbox:tree' not set to a valid tree.\n";
elsif (($mail_header->{'to'} =~ /external/i or
$mail_header->{'cc'} =~ /external/i) and
$tbx->{tree} !~ /external/i) {
$err_string .= "Data from an external source didn't specify an 'external' tree.";
if ($tbx->{build} eq '') {
$err_string .= "Variable 'tinderbox:build' not set.\n";
if ($tbx->{errorparser} eq '') {
$err_string .= "Variable 'tinderbox:errorparser' not set.\n";
# Grab the date in the form of mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss
# Or a GMT unix date
if ($tbx->{builddate} eq '') {
$err_string .= "Variable 'tinderbox:builddate' not set.\n";
else {
if ($tbx->{builddate} =~
/([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)[ \t]*([0-9]*)\:([0-9]*)\:([0-9]*)/) {
$tbx->{builddate} = timelocal($6,$5,$4,$2,$1-1,$3);
elsif ($tbx->{builddate} < 7000000) {
$err_string .= "Variable 'tinderbox:builddate' not of the form MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS or unix date\n";
# Build Status
if ($tbx->{status} eq '') {
$err_string .= "Variable 'tinderbox:status' not set.\n";
elsif (not $tbx->{status} =~ /success|busted|building|testfailed/) {
$err_string .= "Variable 'tinderbox:status' must be 'success', 'busted', 'testfailed', or 'building'\n";
# Log compression
if ($tbx->{logcompression} !~ /^(bzip2|gzip)?$/) {
$err_string .= "Variable 'tinderbox:logcompression' must be '', 'bzip2' or 'gzip'\n";
# Log encoding
if ($tbx->{logencoding} !~ /^(base64|uuencode)?$/) {
$err_string .= "Variable 'tinderbox:logencoding' must be '', 'base64' or 'uuencode'\n";
# Report errors
die $err_string unless $err_string eq '';
sub write_build_data {
my $tbx = $_[0];
$process_time = time;
open(BUILDDATA, ">>", "$tbx->{tree}/build.dat")
or die "can't open $! for writing";
print BUILDDATA "$process_time|$tbx->{builddate}|$tbx->{build}|$tbx->{errorparser}|$tbx->{status}|$tbx->{logfile}|$tbx->{binaryurl}\n";
sub compress_log_file {
my ($tbx, $maillog) = @_;
local *LOG2;
open(LOG2, "<", $maillog) or die "cant open $!";
# Skip past the the RFC822.HEADER
while (<LOG2>) {
last if /^$/;
my $gz = gzopen("$tbx->{tree}/$tbx->{logfile}","wb") or
die "gzopen($tbx->{tree}/$tbx->{logfile}): $!\n";
# If this log is compressed, we need to decode it and decompress
# it before storing its contents into ZIPLOG.
if($tbx->{logcompression} ne '') {
# tinderbox variables are not compressed
# write them directly to the gzip'd log
while(<LOG2>) {
last if(m/^tinderbox: END/);
# Decode the log using the logencoding variable to determine
# the type of encoding.
my $decoded = "$tbx->{tree}/$tbx->{logfile}.uncomp";
if ($tbx->{logencoding} eq 'base64') {
eval "use MIME::Base64 ();";
open(DECODED, ">", $decoded)
or die "Can't open $decoded for writing: $!";
while (<LOG2>) {
print DECODED MIME::Base64::decode($_);
close DECODED;
elsif ($tbx->{logencoding} eq 'uuencode') {
open(DECODED, ">", $decoded)
or die "Can't open $decoded for writing: $!";
while (<LOG2>) {
print DECODED unpack("u*", $_);
close DECODED;
# Decompress the log using the logcompression variable to determine
# the type of compression used.
if ($tbx->{logcompression} eq 'gzip') {
my $comp_gz = gzopen($decoded, "rb") or
die ("$decoded: $!\n");
my ($bytesread, $line);
while (($bytesread = $comp_gz->gzreadline($line)) > 0) {
} elsif ($tbx->{logcompression} eq 'bzip2') {
my $comp_bz = bzopen($decoded, "rb") or
die ("$decoded: $!\n");
my ($bytesread, $line);
while (($bytesread = $comp_bz->bzreadline($line)) > 0) {
# Remove our temporary decoded file
unlink($decoded) if -f $decoded;
# This log is not compressed/encoded so we can simply write out
# it's contents to the gzip'd log file.
else {
while (<LOG2>) {
close LOG2;