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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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* nsDASHWebMODParser.h
* Copyrigh(C) 2010 - 2012 Klagenfurt University
* Created on: May 1, 2012
* Based on IsoffMainParser.h by:
* Christopher Mueller <>
* Christian Timmerer <>
* Author:
* Steve Workman <>
* This Source Code Form Is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
/* DASH - Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP.
* DASH is an adaptive bitrate streaming technology where a multimedia file is
* partitioned into one or more segments and delivered to a client using HTTP.
* (see DASHDecoder.cpp for info on DASH interaction with the media engine).
* Media Presentation Description (MPD) Parser for WebM On Demand Profile.
* Parses DOM built from MPD XML to verify data and populate MPD classes.
* MPD classes used as a metadata source by WebM On Demand Manager.
* General:
* -- Ignore all elements with @|xlink|.
* -- @|startWithSAP| XXX examine later - defines "Segments starting with
* media stream access points".
* -- @|mimeType| for elements should be 'video/webm' or 'audio/webm'.
* |MPD|:
* -- May have |BaseURL|.
* -- @|type| = 'static' only.
* |Period|:
* -- no |SegmentList| or |SegmentTemplate|; not just ignored, they shouldn't be
* present.
* |AdaptationSet|:
* -- ignore this element if it has a |SegmentList| or |SegmentTemplate|.
* -- ignore this element if @|subsegmentAlignment| is not present or is set
* to false.
* To enable stream switching:
* -- @|subsegmentStartsWithSAP| = 1.
* -- @|segmentAlignment| = true.
* -- @|bitstreamSwitching| = true.
* -- Can have @|width| and @|height|.
* -- Can have @|id|.
* -- Can have @|codecs|, but this should match appropriately with @|mimeType|.
* |Representation|:
* -- should contain only one |Segment|, which should be 'Self-Initializing
* Indexed Media Segment'. Note: |Segment|s are generated from |BaseURL|
* elements within a |Representation|.
* -- ignore if @|profiles| is not the same as MPD's @|profiles|.
* -- ignore this element if it has a |SegmentList| or |SegmentTemplate|.
* -- ignore if it does NOT have a |BaseURL|.
* -- ignore if @|subsegmentStartsWithSAP| != 1 and has sibling |Representation|s
* in |AdaptationSet|.
* -- no |IndexSegment|.
* |BaseURL|:
* -- no specifics.
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "IMPDParser.h"
#include "MPD.h"
#include "Period.h"
#include "AdaptationSet.h"
#include "Representation.h"
#include "SegmentBase.h"
class nsIDOMElement;
namespace mozilla {
namespace net {
class nsDASHWebMODParser : public IMPDParser
nsDASHWebMODParser(nsIDOMElement* aRoot);
virtual ~nsDASHWebMODParser();
// Inherited from IMPDParser.
MPD* Parse();
// Parses MPD tag attributes from the DOM.
nsresult VerifyMPDAttributes();
// Parses the |BaseURL| to be used for all other URLs.
nsresult SetMPDBaseUrls(MPD* aMpd);
// Parses all |Period|s in the DOM of the media presentation.
nsresult SetPeriods(MPD* aMpd);
// Parses |AdaptationSet|s of media in the DOM node for the given |Period|.
nsresult SetAdaptationSets(nsIDOMElement* aPeriodNode,
Period* aPeriod,
bool &bIgnoreThisRep);
// Validates the attributes for the given |AdaptationSet| of media.
nsresult ValidateAdaptationSetAttributes(nsIDOMElement* aChild,
bool &bAttributesValid);
// Parses |Representation|s in the DOM for the given |AdaptationSet|.
nsresult SetRepresentations(nsIDOMElement* aAdaptationSetNode,
AdaptationSet* aAdaptationSet,
bool &bIgnoreThisRep);
// Parses |BaseURLs| for the given media |Representation|.
// Note: in practise, this is combined with the |BaseURL| for the |MPD|.
nsresult SetRepresentationBaseUrls(nsIDOMElement* aRepNode,
Representation* aRep,
bool &bIgnoreThisRep);
// Parses the |SegmentBase| for the media |Representation|.
// For WebM OD, there is one |SegmentBase| and one |Segment| per media
// |Representation|.
nsresult SetRepSegmentBase(nsIDOMElement* aRepElem,
Representation* aRep,
bool &bIgnoreThisRep);
// Parses the |InitSegment| for the |SegmentBase|.
// For WebM OD, the |InitSegment| is a range of bytes for each |SegmentBase|.
nsresult SetSegmentBaseInit(nsIDOMElement* aSegBaseElem,
SegmentBase* aSegBase,
bool &bIgnoreThisSegBase);
// Gets an attribute's value from a DOM element.
nsresult GetAttribute(nsIDOMElement* aElem,
const nsAString& aAttribute,
nsAString& aValue);
// Converts a subtring "<time>" in a string of format "PT<time>S" to a double.
nsresult GetTime(nsAString& aTimeStr, double& aTime);
// The root DOM element of the MPD; populated after reading the XML file; used
// to populate the MPD class structure.
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> mRoot;
}//namespace net
}//namespace mozilla