
434 строки
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Erik Stambaugh <>
# Script Initialization
use strict;
use lib ".";
require "";
require "";
use vars qw( $vars );
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::User;
# require the user to have logged in
# Main Body Execution
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
my $template = Bugzilla->template;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my $userid = $user->id;
my $sth; # database statement handle
# $events is a hash ref, keyed by event id, that stores the active user's
# events. It starts off with:
# 'subject' - the subject line for the email message
# 'body' - the text to be sent at the top of the message
# Eventually, it winds up with:
# 'queries' - array ref containing hashes of:
# 'name' - the name of the saved query
# 'title' - The title line for the search results table
# 'sort' - Numeric sort ID
# 'id' - row ID for the query entry
# 'onemailperbug' - whether a single message must be sent for each
# result.
# 'schedule' - array ref containing hashes of:
# 'day' - Day or range of days this schedule will be run
# 'time' - time or interval to run
# 'mailto' - person who will receive the results
# 'id' - row ID for the schedule
my $events = get_events($userid);
# First see if this user may use whines
ThrowUserError('whine_access_denied') unless (UserInGroup('bz_canusewhines'));
# May this user send mail to other users?
my $can_mail_others = UserInGroup('bz_canusewhineatothers');
# If the form was submitted, we need to look for what needs to be added or
# removed, then what was altered.
if ($cgi->param('update')) {
if ($cgi->param("add_event")) {
# we create a new event
$sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO whine_events " .
"(owner_userid) " .
"VALUES (?)");
else {
for my $eventid (keys %{$events}) {
# delete an entire event
if ($cgi->param("remove_event_$eventid")) {
# We need to make sure these belong to the same user,
# otherwise we could simply delete whatever matched that ID.
# schedules
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT " .
"FROM whine_schedules " .
"LEFT JOIN whine_events " .
"ON = " .
"whine_schedules.eventid " .
"WHERE = ? " .
"AND whine_events.owner_userid = ?");
$sth->execute($eventid, $userid);
my @ids = @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref};
$sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM whine_schedules "
. "WHERE id=?");
for (@ids) {
my $delete_id = $_->[0];
# queries
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT " .
"FROM whine_queries " .
"LEFT JOIN whine_events " .
"ON = " .
"whine_queries.eventid " .
"WHERE = ? " .
"AND whine_events.owner_userid = ?");
$sth->execute($eventid, $userid);
@ids = @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref};
$sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM whine_queries " .
"WHERE id=?");
for (@ids) {
my $delete_id = $_->[0];
# events
$sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM whine_events " .
"WHERE id=? AND owner_userid=?");
$sth->execute($eventid, $userid);
else {
# check the subject and body for changes
my $subject = ($cgi->param("event_${eventid}_subject") or '');
my $body = ($cgi->param("event_${eventid}_body") or '');
trick_taint($subject) if $subject;
trick_taint($body) if $body;
if ( ($subject ne $events->{$eventid}->{'subject'})
|| ($body ne $events->{$eventid}->{'body'}) ) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE whine_events " .
"SET subject=?, body=? " .
"WHERE id=?");
$sth->execute($subject, $body, $eventid);
# add a schedule
if ($cgi->param("add_schedule_$eventid")) {
# the schedule table must be locked before altering
$sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO whine_schedules " .
"(eventid, mailto_userid, " .
"run_day, run_time) " .
"VALUES (?, ?, 'Sun', 2)");
$sth->execute($eventid, $userid);
# add a query
elsif ($cgi->param("add_query_$eventid")) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO whine_queries "
. "(eventid) "
. "VALUES (?)");
# now check all of the schedules and queries to see if they need
# to be altered or deleted
# Check schedules for changes
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id " .
"FROM whine_schedules " .
"WHERE eventid=?");
my @scheduleids = ();
for (@{$sth->fetchall_arrayref}) {
push @scheduleids, $_->[0];
# we need to double-check all of the user IDs in mailto to make
# sure they exist
my $arglist = {}; # args for match_field
for my $sid (@scheduleids) {
$arglist->{"mailto_$sid"} = {
'type' => 'single',
if (scalar %{$arglist}) {
for my $sid (@scheduleids) {
if ($cgi->param("remove_schedule_$sid")) {
# having the owner id in here is a security failsafe
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT " .
"FROM whine_schedules " .
"LEFT JOIN whine_events " .
"ON = " .
"whine_schedules.eventid " .
"WHERE whine_events.owner_userid=? " .
"AND =?");
$sth->execute($userid, $sid);
my @ids = @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref};
for (@ids) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM whine_schedules " .
"WHERE id=?");
else {
my $o_day = $cgi->param("orig_day_$sid");
my $day = $cgi->param("day_$sid");
my $o_time = $cgi->param("orig_time_$sid");
my $time = $cgi->param("time_$sid");
my $o_mailto = $cgi->param("orig_mailto_$sid");
my $mailto = $cgi->param("mailto_$sid");
$o_day = '' unless length($o_day);
$o_time = '' unless length($o_time);
$o_mailto = '' unless length($o_mailto);
$day = '' unless length($day);
$time = '' unless length($time);
$mailto = '' unless length($mailto);
my $mail_uid = $userid;
# get a userid for the mailto address
if ($can_mail_others and $mailto) {
$mail_uid = DBname_to_id($mailto);
if ( ($o_day ne $day) ||
($o_time ne $time) ){
trick_taint($day) if length($day);
trick_taint($time) if length($time);
# the schedule table must be locked
$sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE whine_schedules " .
"SET run_day=?, run_time=?, " .
"mailto_userid=?, " .
"run_next=NULL " .
"WHERE id=?");
$sth->execute($day, $time, $mail_uid, $sid);
# Check queries for changes
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id " .
"FROM whine_queries " .
"WHERE eventid=?");
my @queries = ();
for (@{$sth->fetchall_arrayref}) {
push @queries, $_->[0];
for my $qid (@queries) {
if ($cgi->param("remove_query_$qid")) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT " .
"FROM whine_queries " .
"LEFT JOIN whine_events " .
"ON = " .
"whine_queries.eventid " .
"WHERE whine_events.owner_userid=? " .
"AND =?");
$sth->execute($userid, $qid);
for (@{$sth->fetchall_arrayref}) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM whine_queries " .
"WHERE id=?");
else {
my $o_sort = $cgi->param("orig_query_sort_$qid");
my $sort = $cgi->param("query_sort_$qid");
my $o_queryname = $cgi->param("orig_query_name_$qid");
my $queryname = $cgi->param("query_name_$qid");
my $o_title = $cgi->param("orig_query_title_$qid");
my $title = $cgi->param("query_title_$qid");
my $o_onemailperbug =
my $onemailperbug =
$o_sort = '' unless length($o_sort);
$o_queryname = '' unless length($o_queryname);
$o_title = '' unless length($o_title);
$o_onemailperbug = '' unless length($o_onemailperbug);
$sort = '' unless length($sort);
$queryname = '' unless length($queryname);
$title = '' unless length($title);
$onemailperbug = '' unless length($onemailperbug);
if ($onemailperbug eq 'on') {
$onemailperbug = 1;
elsif ($onemailperbug eq 'off') {
$onemailperbug = 0;
if ( ($o_sort ne $sort) ||
($o_queryname ne $queryname) ||
($o_onemailperbug xor $onemailperbug) ||
($o_title ne $title) ){
detaint_natural($sort) if length $sort;
trick_taint($queryname) if length $queryname;
trick_taint($title) if length $title;
trick_taint($onemailperbug) if length $onemailperbug;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE whine_queries " .
"SET sortkey=?, " .
"query_name=?, " .
"title=?, " .
"onemailperbug=? " .
"WHERE id=?");
$sth->execute($sort, $queryname, $title,
$onemailperbug, $qid);
$vars->{'mail_others'} = $can_mail_others;
# Return the appropriate HTTP response headers.
print $cgi->header();
# Get events again, to cover any updates that were made
$events = get_events($userid);
# Here is the data layout as sent to the template:
# events
# event_id #
# schedule
# day
# time
# mailto
# queries
# name
# title
# sort
# build the whine list by event id
for my $event_id (keys %{$events}) {
$events->{$event_id}->{'schedule'} = [];
$events->{$event_id}->{'queries'} = [];
# schedules
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT run_day, run_time, profiles.login_name, id " .
"FROM whine_schedules " .
"LEFT JOIN profiles " .
"ON whine_schedules.mailto_userid = " .
"profiles.userid " .
"WHERE eventid=?");
for my $row (@{$sth->fetchall_arrayref}) {
my $this_schedule = {
'day' => $row->[0],
'time' => $row->[1],
'mailto' => $row->[2],
'id' => $row->[3],
push @{$events->{$event_id}->{'schedule'}}, $this_schedule;
# queries
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT query_name, title, sortkey, id, " .
"onemailperbug " .
"FROM whine_queries " .
"WHERE eventid=? " .
"ORDER BY sortkey");
for my $row (@{$sth->fetchall_arrayref}) {
my $this_query = {
'name' => $row->[0],
'title' => $row->[1],
'sort' => $row->[2],
'id' => $row->[3],
'onemailperbug' => $row->[4],
push @{$events->{$event_id}->{'queries'}}, $this_query;
$vars->{'events'} = $events;
# get the available queries
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name FROM namedqueries WHERE userid=?");
$vars->{'available_queries'} = [];
while (my $query = $sth->fetch) {
push @{$vars->{'available_queries'}}, $query->[0];
$template->process("whine/schedule.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
# get_events takes a userid and returns a hash, keyed by event ID, containing
# the subject and body of each event that user owns
sub get_events {
my $userid = shift;
my $events = {};
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT id, subject, body " .
"FROM whine_events " .
"WHERE owner_userid=?");
for (@{$sth->fetchall_arrayref}) {
$events->{$_->[0]} = {
'subject' => $_->[1],
'body' => $_->[2],
return $events;