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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
* WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
* language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.]
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Adobe System Incorporated. Portions created
* by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)[ 2004-2006 ] Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights
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* Contributor(s): Adobe AS3 Team
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU
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***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#ifndef __avmplus_ArmAssembler__
#define __avmplus_ArmAssembler__
namespace avmplus
class ArmAssembler
/* ARM registers */
typedef enum
R0 = 0,
R1 = 1,
R2 = 2,
R3 = 3,
R4 = 4,
R5 = 5,
R6 = 6,
R7 = 7,
R8 = 8,
R9 = 9,
R10 = 10,
FP = 11,
IP = 12,
SP = 13,
LR = 14,
PC = 15,
// Pseudo-register for floating point
F0 = 0,
Unknown = -1
/* ARM registers */
typedef enum
R0_mask = (1<<0),
R1_mask = (1<<1),
R2_mask = (1<<2),
R3_mask = (1<<3),
R4_mask = (1<<4),
R5_mask = (1<<5),
R6_mask = (1<<6),
R7_mask = (1<<7),
R8_mask = (1<<8),
R9_mask = (1<<9),
R10_mask = (1<<10),
FP_mask = (1<<11),
IP_mask = (1<<12),
SP_mask = (1<<13),
LR_mask = (1<<14),
PC_mask = (1<<15)
/* ARM condition codes */
typedef enum
EQ = 0x0, // Equal
NE = 0x1, // Not Equal
CS = 0x2, // Carry Set (or HS)
CC = 0x3, // Carry Clear (or LO)
MI = 0x4, // MInus
PL = 0x5, // PLus
VS = 0x6, // oVerflow Set
VC = 0x7, // oVerflow Clear
HI = 0x8, // HIgher
LS = 0x9, // Lower or Same
GE = 0xA, // Greater or Equal
LT = 0xB, // Less Than
GT = 0xC, // Greater Than
LE = 0xD, // Less or Equal
AL = 0xE, // ALways
NV = 0xF // NeVer
/* --- Data Processing Instructions --- */
/* Values for operator "a" */
typedef enum
AND_op = 0x0, // Boolean And Rd = Rn AND Op2
EOR_op = 0x1, // Boolean Eor Rd = Rn EOR Op2
SUB_op = 0x2, // Subtract Rd = Rn - Op2
RSB_op = 0x3, // Reverse Subtract Rd = Op2 - Rn
ADD_op = 0x4, // Addition Rd = Rn + Op2
ADC_op = 0x5, // Add with Carry Rd = Rn + Op2 + C
SBC_op = 0x6, // Subtract with Carry Rd = Rn - Op2 - (1-C)
RSC_op = 0x7, // Reverse Subtract with Carry Rd - Op2 - Rn - (1-C)
TST_op = 0x8, // Test bit Rn AND Op2
TEQ_op = 0x9, // Test equality Rn EOR Op2
CMP_op = 0xA, // Compare Rn - Op2
CMN_op = 0xB, // Compare Negative Rn + Op2
ORR_op = 0xC, // Boolean Or Rd = Rn OR Op2
MOV_op = 0xD, // Move value Rd = Op2
BIC_op = 0xE, // Bit Clear Rd = Rn AND NOT Op2
MVN_op = 0xF // Move Not Rd = NOT Op2
/* Values for operand "t" */
typedef enum
LSL_imm = 0, // LSL #c - Logical Shift Left
LSL_reg = 1, // LSL Rc - Logical Shift Left
LSR_imm = 2, // LSR #c - Logical Shift Right
LSR_reg = 3, // LSR Rc - Logical Shift Right
ASR_imm = 4, // ASR #c - Arithmetic Shift Right
ASR_reg = 5, // ASR Rc - Arithmetic Shift Right
ROR_imm = 6, // Rotate Right (c != 0)
RRX = 6, // Rotate Right one bit with extend (c == 0)
ROR_reg = 7 // Rotate Right
typedef uint32 MDInstruction;
/* Instruction pointer */
MDInstruction *mip;
MDInstruction *mipStart;
int mInstructionCount; // number of machine instructions
#define incInstructionCount() mInstructionCount++
/* Current condition code */
ConditionCode conditionCode;
void SET_CONDITION_CODE(ConditionCode conditionCode);
void IMM32(int value);
void MOV(Register dst, Register src);
void STMFD_bang(Register dst, int mask);
void SUB_imm8(Register dst, Register src, int imm8);
void RSB_imm8(Register dst, Register src, int imm8);
void B(int offset24);
void BL(int offset24);
void LDR(Register dst, int offset, Register base);
void BIC_imm8(Register dst, Register src, int imm8);
void MOV_imm8(Register dst, int imm8);
void MOV_imm16(Register dst, int imm16);
void CMP_imm8(Register src, int imm8);
void ADD(Register dst, Register src1, Register src2);
void SUB(Register dst, Register src1, Register src2);
void AND(Register dst, Register src1, Register src2);
void ORR(Register dst, Register src1, Register src2);
void EOR(Register dst, Register src1, Register src2);
void MUL(Register dst, Register src1, Register src2);
void CMP(Register Rn, Register Rm);
void LSL(Register dst, Register src, Register rShift);
void LSR(Register dst, Register src, Register rShift);
void ASR(Register dst, Register src, Register rShift);
void LSL_i(Register dst, Register src, int iShift);
void LSR_i(Register dst, Register src, int iShift);
void ASR_i(Register dst, Register src, int iShift);
void STR(Register src, int offset, Register base);
void ADD_imm8(Register dst, Register src, int imm8);
void ADD_imm8_hi(Register dst, Register src, int imm8);
void ADD_imm16(Register dst, Register src, int imm16);
void AND_imm8(Register dst, Register src, int imm8);
void ORR_imm8(Register dst, Register src, int imm8);
void EOR_imm8(Register dst, Register src, int imm8);
void LDMFD(Register src, int mask);
void LDMFD_bang(Register src, int mask);
// Cheeseball way of doing imm32.
void MOV_imm32(Register dst, int imm32);
void flushDataCache(void *start, int len);
// Set if verbose output desired
bool verboseFlag;
PrintWriter *console;
// Immediate pool
MDInstruction *immediatePool;
int immediatePoolCount;
const static int kImmediatePoolMax = 16;
static const char* const regNames[];
#define gpregNames regNames
static const char* const conditionCodes[];
#endif /* __avmplus_ArmAssembler__ */