
1112 строки
29 KiB

* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
* March 31, 1998.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Pete Collins
* Brian King
if we ever need to use a different string bundle, use srGetStrBundle
by including
<script language="javascript" src="chrome://global/content/strres.js"/>
var bundle = srGetStrBundle("chrome://global/locale/");
// Each editor window must include this file
// Variables shared by all dialogs:
var editorShell;
// Bummer! Can't get at enums from nsIDocumentEncoder.h
var gOutputSelectionOnly = 1;
var gOutputFormatted = 2;
var gOutputNoDoctype = 4;
var gOutputBodyOnly = 8;
var gOutputPreformatted = 16;
var gOutputWrap = 32;
var gOutputFormatFlowed = 64;
var gOutputAbsoluteLinks = 128;
var gOutputEncodeEntities = 256;
var gStringBundle;
var gValidationError = false;
// Use for 'defaultIndex' param in InitPixelOrPercentMenulist
var gPixel = 0;
var gPercent = 1;
var maxPixels = 10000;
// For dialogs that expand in size. Default is smaller size see "onMoreFewer()" below
var SeeMore = false;
// A XUL element with id="location" for managing
// dialog location relative to parent window
var gLocation;
// The element being edited - so AdvancedEdit can have access to it
var globalElement;
function InitEditorShell()
// get the editor shell from the parent window
editorShell = window.opener.editorShell;
if (editorShell) {
editorShell = editorShell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIEditorShell);
if (!editorShell) {
dump("EditorShell not found!!!\n");
return false;
// Save as a property of the window so it can be used by child dialogs
window.editorShell = editorShell;
return true;
function StringExists(string)
if (string != null && string != "undefined" && string.length > 0)
return true;
return false;
/* Validate contents of an input field
* inputWidget The 'textbox' XUL element for text input of the attribute's value
* listWidget The 'menulist' XUL element for choosing "pixel" or "percent"
* May be null when no pixel/percent is used.
* minVal minimum allowed for input widget's value
* maxVal maximum allowed for input widget's value
* (when "listWidget" is used, maxVal is used for "pixel" maximum,
* 100% is assumed if "percent" is the user's choice)
* element The DOM element that we set the attribute on. May be null.
* attName Name of the attribute to set. May be null or ignored if "element" is null
* mustHaveValue If true, error dialog is displayed if "value" is empty string
* This calls "ValidateNumberRange()", which puts up an error dialog to inform the user.
* If error, we also:
* Shift focus and select contents of the inputWidget,
* Switch to appropriate panel of tabbed dialog if user implements "SwitchToValidate()",
* and/or will expand the dialog to full size if "More / Fewer" feature is implemented
* Returns the "value" as a string, or "" if error or input contents are empty
* The global "gValidationError" variable is set true if error was found
function ValidateNumber(inputWidget, listWidget, minVal, maxVal, element, attName, mustHaveValue, mustShowMoreSection)
if (!inputWidget)
gValidationError = true;
return "";
// Global error return value
gValidationError = false;
var maxLimit = maxVal;
var isPercent = false;
var numString = inputWidget.value.trimString();
if (numString)
if (listWidget)
isPercent = (listWidget.selectedIndex == 1);
if (isPercent)
maxLimit = 100;
// This method puts up the error message
numString = ValidateNumberRange(numString, minVal, maxLimit, mustHaveValue);
// Switch to appropriate panel for error reporting
// or expand dialog for users of "More / Fewer" button
if ("dialog" in window && dialog &&
"MoreSection" in dialog && dialog.MoreSection)
if ( !SeeMore )
// Error - shift to offending input widget
gValidationError = true;
if (isPercent)
numString += "%";
if (element)
element.setAttribute(attName, numString);
} else if (element) {
return numString;
/* Validate contents of an input field
* value number to validate
* minVal minimum allowed for input widget's value
* maxVal maximum allowed for input widget's value
* (when "listWidget" is used, maxVal is used for "pixel" maximum,
* 100% is assumed if "percent" is the user's choice)
* mustHaveValue If true, error dialog is displayed if "value" is empty string
* If inputWidget's value is outside of range, or is empty when "mustHaveValue" = true,
* an error dialog is popuped up to inform the user. The focus is shifted
* to the inputWidget.
* Returns the "value" as a string, or "" if error or input contents are empty
* The global "gValidationError" variable is set true if error was found
function ValidateNumberRange(value, minValue, maxValue, mustHaveValue)
// Initialize global error flag
gValidationError = false;
value = TrimString(String(value));
// We don't show error for empty string unless caller wants to
if (!value && !mustHaveValue)
return "";
var numberStr = "";
if (value.length > 0)
// Extract just numeric characters
var number = Number(value.replace(/\D+/g, ""));
if (number >= minValue && number <= maxValue )
// Return string version of the number
return String(number);
numberStr = String(number);
var message = "";
if (numberStr.length > 0)
// We have a number from user outside of allowed range
message = editorShell.GetString( "ValidateRangeMsg");
message = message.replace(/%n%/, numberStr);
message += "\n ";
message += editorShell.GetString( "ValidateNumberMsg");
// Replace variable placeholders in message with number values
message = message.replace(/%min%/, minValue).replace(/%max%/, maxValue);
// Return an empty string to indicate error
gValidationError = true;
return "";
function SetTextboxFocusById(id)
function SetTextboxFocus(textbox)
if (textbox)
// Select entire contents
// This "fixes" bug 48400 temporarily by
// not calling "select" on empty textboxes
if (textbox.value.length > 0);
function ShowInputErrorMessage(message)
editorShell.AlertWithTitle(GetString("InputError"), message);
function GetString(name)
if (editorShell)
return editorShell.GetString(name);
// Non-editors (like prefs) may use these methods
if (!gStringBundle)
gStringBundle = srGetStrBundle("chrome://editor/locale/");
if (!gStringBundle)
return null;
return gStringBundle.GetStringFromName(name);
return null;
function TrimStringLeft(string)
if(!string) return "";
return string.replace(/^\s+/, "");
function TrimStringRight(string)
if (!string) return "";
return string.replace(/\s+$/, '');
// Remove whitespace from both ends of a string
function TrimString(string)
if (!string) return "";
return string.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g, '')
String.prototype.trimString = function() {
return this.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g, '')
function IsWhitespace(string)
return /^\s/.test(string);
function TruncateStringAtWordEnd(string, maxLength, addEllipses)
// Return empty if string is null, undefined, or the empty string
if (!string)
return "";
// We assume they probably don't want whitespace at the beginning
string = string.replace(/^\s+/, '');
if (string.length <= maxLength)
return string;
// We need to truncate the string to maxLength or fewer chars
if (addEllipses)
maxLength -= 3;
string = string.replace(RegExp("(.{0," + maxLength + "})\\s.*"), "$1")
if (string.length > maxLength)
string = string.slice(0, maxLength);
if (addEllipses)
string += "...";
return string;
// Replace all whitespace characters with supplied character
// E.g.: Use charReplace = " ", to "unwrap" the string by removing line-end chars
// Use charReplace = "_" when you don't want spaces (like in a URL)
function ReplaceWhitespace(string, charReplace) {
return string.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g,'').replace(/\s+/g,charReplace)
// Replace whitespace with "_" and allow only HTML CDATA
// characters: "a"-"z","A"-"Z","0"-"9", "_", ":", "-", and "."
function ConvertToCDATAString(string)
return string.replace(/\s+/g,"_").replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-\:]+/g,'');
// this function takes an elementID and a flag
// if the element can be found by ID, then it is either enabled (by removing "disabled" attr)
// or disabled (setAttribute) as specified in the "doEnable" parameter
function SetElementEnabledById( elementID, doEnable )
var element = document.getElementById(elementID);
if ( element )
if ( doEnable )
element.removeAttribute( "disabled" );
element.setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );
dump("Element "+elementID+" not found in SetElementEnabledById\n");
// This function relies on css classes for enabling and disabling
// This function takes an ID for a label and a flag
// if an element can be found by its ID, then it is either enabled or disabled
// The class is set to either "enabled" or "disabled" depending on the flag passed in.
// This function relies on css having a special appearance for these two classes.
function SetClassEnabledById( elementID, doEnable )
element = document.getElementById(elementID);
if ( element )
if ( doEnable )
element.setAttribute( "class", "enabled" );
element.setAttribute( "class", "disabled" );
dump( "not changing element "+elementID+"\n" );
// Get the text appropriate to parent container
// to determine what a "%" value is refering to.
// elementForAtt is element we are actually setting attributes on
// (a temporary copy of element in the doc to allow canceling),
// but elementInDoc is needed to find parent context in document
function GetAppropriatePercentString(elementForAtt, elementInDoc)
var name = elementForAtt.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if ( name == "td" || name == "th")
return GetString("PercentOfTable");
// Check if element is within a table cell
// Check if current selection anchor node is within a table cell
if (editorShell.GetElementOrParentByTagName("td", elementInDoc))
return GetString("PercentOfCell");
return GetString("PercentOfWindow");
function InitPixelOrPercentMenulist(elementForAtt, elementInDoc, attribute, menulistID, defaultIndex)
if (!defaultIndex) defaultIndex = gPixel;
var size = elementForAtt.getAttribute(attribute);
var menulist = document.getElementById(menulistID);
var pixelItem;
var percentItem;
if (!menulist)
dump("NO MENULIST found for ID="+menulistID+"\n");
return size;
pixelItem = AppendStringToMenulist(menulist, GetString("Pixels"));
if (!pixelItem) return 0;
percentItem = AppendStringToMenulist(menulist, GetAppropriatePercentString(elementForAtt, elementInDoc));
if (size && size.length > 0)
// Search for a "%" character
var percentIndex =;
if (percentIndex > 0)
// Strip out the %
size = size.substr(0, percentIndex);
if (percentItem)
menulist.selectedItem = percentItem;
menulist.selectedItem = pixelItem;
menulist.selectedIndex = defaultIndex;
return size;
function AppendStringToMenulistById(menulist, stringID)
return AppendStringToMenulist(menulist, editorShell.GetString(stringID));
function AppendStringToMenulist(menulist, string)
if (menulist)
var menupopup = menulist.firstChild;
// May not have any popup yet -- so create one
if (!menupopup)
menupopup = document.createElementNS("", "menupopup");
if (menupopup)
dump("Failed to create menupoup\n");
return null;
var menuItem = document.createElementNS("", "menuitem");
if (menuItem)
menuItem.setAttribute("label", string);
return menuItem;
return null;
function AppendLabelAndValueToMenulist(menulist, labelStr, valueStr)
if (menulist)
var menupopup = menulist.firstChild;
// May not have any popup yet -- so create one
if (!menupopup)
menupopup = document.createElementNS("", "menupopup");
if (menupopup)
dump("Failed to create menupoup\n");
return null;
var menuItem = document.createElementNS("", "menuitem");
if (menuItem)
menuItem.setAttribute("label", labelStr);
menuItem.setAttribute("value", valueStr);
return menuItem;
return null;
function ClearMenulist(menulist)
// There is usually not more than 1 menupopup under a menulist,
// but look for > 1 children anyway.
// Note -- this doesn't remove menuitems from the menupopop -- SHOULD WE?
if (menulist) {
menulist.selectedItem = null;
while (menulist.firstChild)
/* These help using a <tree> for simple lists
Assumes this simple structure:
<treecolgroup><treecol flex="1"/></treecolgroup>
<treecell label="the text the user sees"/>
function AppendStringToTreelistById(tree, stringID)
return AppendStringToTreelist(tree, editorShell.GetString(stringID));
function AppendStringToTreelist(tree, string)
if (tree)
var treecols = tree.firstChild;
if (!treecols)
dump("Bad XUL: Must have <treecolgroup> as first child\n");
var treechildren = treecols.nextSibling;
if (!treechildren)
treechildren = document.createElementNS("", "treechildren");
if (treechildren)
dump("Failed to create <treechildren>\n");
return null;
var treeitem = document.createElementNS("", "treeitem");
var treerow = document.createElementNS("", "treerow");
var treecell = document.createElementNS("", "treecell");
if (treeitem && treerow && treecell)
treecell.setAttribute("label", string);
//var len = Number(tree.getAttribute("length"));
//if (!len) len = -1;
tree.setAttribute("length", treechildren.childNodes.length);
return treeitem;
return null;
function ReplaceStringInTreeList(tree, index, string)
if (tree)
var treecols = tree.firstChild;
if (!treecols)
dump("Bad XUL: Must have <treecolgroup> as first child\n");
var treechildren = treecols.nextSibling;
if (!treechildren)
// Each list item is a <treeitem><treerow><treecell> under <treechildren> node
var childNodes = treechildren.childNodes;
if (!childNodes || index >= childNodes.length)
var row = childNodes.item(index).firstChild;
if (row && row.firstChild)
row.firstChild.setAttribute("label", string);
function ClearTreelist(tree)
if (tree)
// Skip over the first <treecolgroup> child
if (tree.firstChild)
nextChild = tree.firstChild.nextSibling;
while (nextChild)
var nextTmp = nextChild.nextSibling;
nextChild = nextTmp;
// Count list items
tree.setAttribute("length", 0);
function GetSelectedTreelistAttribute(tree, attr)
if (tree)
if (tree.selectedIndex >= 0 &&
tree.selectedItems.length > 0 &&
tree.selectedItems[0] &&
tree.selectedItems[0].firstChild &&
return tree.selectedItems[0].firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute(attr);
return "";
function GetSelectedTreelistValue(tree)
return GetSelectedTreelistAttribute(tree,"label")
function RemoveSelectedTreelistItem(tree)
if (tree)
if (tree.selectedIndex >= 0 &&
tree.selectedItems.length > 0)
// Get the node to delete
var treeItem = tree.selectedItems[0];
if (treeItem)
var parent = treeItem.parentNode;
if (parent)
tree.setAttribute("length", parent.childNodes.length);
function GetTreelistValueAt(tree, index)
if (tree)
var item = tree.getItemAtIndex(index);
if (item && item.firstChild && item.firstChild.firstChild)
return item.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label");
return "";
function forceInteger(elementID)
var editField = document.getElementById( elementID );
if ( !editField )
var stringIn = editField.value;
if (stringIn && stringIn.length > 0)
stringIn = stringIn.replace(/\D+/g,"");
if (!stringIn) stringIn = "";
// Strip out all nonnumeric characters
editField.value = stringIn;
function onAdvancedEdit()
// First validate data from widgets in the "simpler" property dialog
if (ValidateData())
// Set true if OK is clicked in the Advanced Edit dialog
window.AdvancedEditOK = false;
// Open the AdvancedEdit dialog, passing in the element to be edited
// (the copy named "globalElement")
window.openDialog("chrome://editor/content/EdAdvancedEdit.xul", "_blank", "chrome,close,titlebar,modal,resizable=yes", "", globalElement);
if (window.AdvancedEditOK)
// Copy edited attributes to the dialog widgets:
function GetSelectionAsText()
return editorShell.GetContentsAs("text/plain", gOutputSelectionOnly);
// ** getSelection ()
// ** This function checks for existence of table around the focus node
// ** Brian King - XML Workshop
function getContainer ()
tagName = "img";
selImage = editorShell.GetSelectedElement(tagName);
if (selImage) // existing image
oneup = selImage.parentNode;
return oneup;
else if (!selImage) // new image insertion
dump("Not an image element -- Trying for caret selection\n");
var selection = window.editorShell.editorSelection;
if (selection)
var focusN = selection.focusNode;
if (focusN.nodeName.toLowerCase == "td")
return focusN
oneup = focusN.parentNode;
return oneup;
return null;
return null;
function getColor(ColorPickerID)
var colorPicker = document.getElementById(ColorPickerID);
var color;
if (colorPicker)
// Extract color from colorPicker and assign to colorWell.
color = colorPicker.getAttribute("color");
if (color && color == "")
return null;
// Clear color so next if it's called again before
// color picker is actually used, we dedect the "don't set color" state
return color;
function setColorWell(ColorWellID, color)
var colorWell = document.getElementById(ColorWellID);
if (colorWell)
if (!color || color == "")
// Don't set color (use default)
// Trigger change to not show color swatch
// Style in CSS sets "background-color",
// but color won't clear unless we do this:
// Use setAttribute so colorwell can be a XUL element, such as button
colorWell.setAttribute("style", "background-color:"+color);
function getColorAndSetColorWell(ColorPickerID, ColorWellID)
var color = getColor(ColorPickerID);
setColorWell(ColorWellID, color);
return color;
// Test for valid image by sniffing out the extension
function IsValidImage(imageName)
var image = imageName.trimString();
if ( !image )
return false;
/* look for an extension */
var tailindex = image.lastIndexOf(".");
if ( tailindex == 0 || tailindex == -1 ) /* -1 is not found */
return false;
/* move past period, get the substring from the first character after the '.' to the last character (length) */
tailindex = tailindex + 1;
var type = image.substring(tailindex,image.length);
/* convert extension to lower case */
if (type)
type = type.toLowerCase();
// TODO: Will we convert .BMPs to a web format?
switch( type )
case "gif":
case "jpg":
case "jpeg":
case "png":
return true;
return false;
function InitMoreFewer()
// Set SeeMore bool to the OPPOSITE of the current state,
// which is automatically saved by using the 'persist="more"'
// attribute on the dialog.MoreFewerButton button
// onMoreFewer will toggle it and redraw the dialog
SeeMore = (dialog.MoreFewerButton.getAttribute("more") != "1");
function onMoreFewer()
if (SeeMore)
SeeMore = false;
SeeMore = true;
function SwitchToValidatePanel()
// no default implementation
// Only EdTableProps.js currently implements this
function GetPrefs()
var prefs;
try {
prefs = Components.classes[';1'];
if (prefs) prefs = prefs.getService();
if (prefs) prefs = prefs.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPref);
if (prefs)
return prefs;
dump("failed to get prefs service!\n");
dump("failed to get prefs service!\n");
return null;
const nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
function GetLocalFileURL(filterType)
var fp = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
if (filterType == "img")
fp.init(window, GetString("SelectImageFile"), nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
fp.init(window, GetString("OpenHTMLFile"), nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
// When loading into Composer, direct user to prefer HTML files and text files,
// so we call separately to control the order of the filter list
/* doesn't handle *.shtml files */
try {
var ret =;
if (ret == nsIFilePicker.returnCancel)
return null;
catch (ex) {
dump("filePicker.chooseInputFile threw an exception\n");
return null;
return fp.fileURL.spec;
function GetMetaElement(name)
if (name)
name = name.toLowerCase();
if (name != "")
var metaNodes = editorShell.editorDocument.getElementsByTagName("meta");
if (metaNodes && metaNodes.length > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < metaNodes.length; i++)
var metaNode = metaNodes.item(i);
if (metaNode && metaNode.getAttribute("name") == name)
return metaNode;
return null;
function CreateMetaElement(name)
metaElement = editorShell.CreateElementWithDefaults("meta");
if (metaElement)
metaElement.setAttribute("name", name);
dump("Failed to create metaElement!\n");
return metaElement;
function GetHTTPEquivMetaElement(name)
if (name)
name = name.toLowerCase();
if (name != "")
var metaNodes = editorShell.editorDocument.getElementsByTagName("meta");
if (metaNodes && metaNodes.length > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < metaNodes.length; i++)
var metaNode = metaNodes.item(i);
if (metaNode && metaNode.getAttribute("http-equiv").toLowerCase() == name)
return metaNode;
return null;
function CreateHTTPEquivMetaElement(name)
metaElement = editorShell.CreateElementWithDefaults("meta");
if (metaElement)
metaElement.setAttribute("http-equiv", name);
dump("Failed to create httpequivMetaElement!\n");
return metaElement;
function CreateHTTPEquivElement(name)
metaElement = editorShell.CreateElementWithDefaults("meta");
if (metaElement)
metaElement.setAttribute("http-equiv", name);
dump("Failed to create metaElement for http-equiv!\n");
return metaElement;
// Change "content" attribute on a META element,
// or delete entire element it if content is empty
// This uses undoable editor transactions
function SetMetaElementContent(metaElement, content, insertNew)
if (metaElement)
if(!content || content == "")
if (!insertNew)
if (insertNew)
metaElement.setAttribute("content", content);
editorShell.SetAttribute(metaElement, "content", content);
function GetHeadElement()
var headList = editorShell.editorDocument.getElementsByTagName("head");
if (headList)
return headList.item(0);
return null;
function AppendHeadElement(element)
var head = GetHeadElement();
if (head)
var position = 0;
if (head.hasChildNodes())
position = head.childNodes.length;
// Use editor's undoable transaction
editorShell.InsertElement(element, head, position);
function SetWindowLocation()
gLocation = document.getElementById("location");
if (gLocation)
window.screenX = Math.max(0, Math.min(window.opener.screenX + Number(gLocation.getAttribute("offsetX")),
screen.availWidth - window.outerWidth));
window.screenY = Math.max(0, Math.min(window.opener.screenY + Number(gLocation.getAttribute("offsetY")),
screen.availHeight - window.outerHeight));
function SaveWindowLocation()
if (gLocation)
var newOffsetX = window.screenX - window.opener.screenX;
var newOffsetY = window.screenY - window.opener.screenY;
gLocation.setAttribute("offsetX", window.screenX - window.opener.screenX);
gLocation.setAttribute("offsetY", window.screenY - window.opener.screenY);
function onCancel()
function GetDefaultBrowserColors()
var prefs = GetPrefs();
var colors = new Object();
var useSysColors = false;
colors.TextColor = 0;
colors.BackgroundColor = 0;
try { useSysColors = prefs.GetBoolPref("browser.display.use_system_colors"); } catch (e) {}
if (!useSysColors)
try { colors.TextColor = prefs.CopyCharPref("browser.display.foreground_color"); } catch (e) {}
try { colors.BackgroundColor = prefs.CopyCharPref("browser.display.background_color"); } catch (e) {}
// Use OS colors for text and background if explicitly asked or pref is not set
if (!colors.TextColor)
colors.TextColor = "windowtext";
if (!colors.BackgroundColor)
colors.BackgroundColor = "window";
colors.LinkColor = prefs.CopyCharPref("browser.anchor_color");
colors.VisitedLinkColor = prefs.CopyCharPref("browser.visited_color");
return colors;