
462 строки
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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import datetime
import glob
import time
import re
import os
import posixpath
import tempfile
import shutil
import sys
from automation import Automation
from mozdevice import ADBTimeoutError
from mozlog import get_default_logger
from mozscreenshot import dump_screen, dump_device_screen
import mozcrash
# signatures for logcat messages that we don't care about much
fennecLogcatFilters = ["The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared",
"Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver instead.",
"Unexpected value from nativeGetEnabledTags: 0"]
class RemoteAutomation(Automation):
def __init__(self, device, appName='', remoteProfile=None, remoteLog=None,
self._device = device
self._appName = appName
self._remoteProfile = remoteProfile
self._remoteLog = remoteLog
self._processArgs = processArgs or {}
self.lastTestSeen = ""
# Set up what we need for the remote environment
def environment(self, env=None, xrePath=None, crashreporter=True, debugger=False,
lsanPath=None, ubsanPath=None):
# Because we are running remote, we don't want to mimic the local env
# so no copying of os.environ
if env is None:
env = {}
if crashreporter and not debugger:
# Crash on non-local network connections by default.
# MOZ_DISABLE_NONLOCAL_CONNECTIONS can be set to "0" to temporarily
# enable non-local connections for the purposes of local testing.
# Don't override the user's choice here. See bug 1049688.
# Send an env var noting that we are in automation. Passing any
# value except the empty string will declare the value to exist.
# This may be used to disabled network connections during testing, e.g.
# Switchboard & telemetry uploads.
env.setdefault('MOZ_IN_AUTOMATION', '1')
# Set WebRTC logging in case it is not set yet.
# On Android, environment variables cannot contain ',' so the
# standard WebRTC setting for NSPR_LOG_MODULES is not available.
# env.setdefault('NSPR_LOG_MODULES', 'signaling:5,mtransport:5,datachannel:5,jsep:5,MediaPipelineFactory:5') # NOQA: E501
env.setdefault('R_LOG_LEVEL', '6')
env.setdefault('R_LOG_DESTINATION', 'stderr')
env.setdefault('R_LOG_VERBOSE', '1')
return env
def waitForFinish(self, proc, utilityPath, timeout, maxTime, startTime, debuggerInfo,
symbolsPath, outputHandler=None):
""" Wait for tests to finish.
If maxTime seconds elapse or no output is detected for timeout
seconds, kill the process and fail the test.
proc.utilityPath = utilityPath
# maxTime is used to override the default timeout, we should honor that
status = proc.wait(timeout=maxTime, noOutputTimeout=timeout)
self.lastTestSeen = proc.getLastTestSeen
topActivity = self._device.get_top_activity(timeout=60)
if topActivity == proc.procName:
print("Browser unexpectedly found running. Killing...")
if status == 1:
if maxTime:
print("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | application ran for longer than "
"allowed maximum time of %s seconds" % (
self.lastTestSeen, maxTime))
print("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | application ran for longer than "
"allowed maximum time" % (self.lastTestSeen))
if status == 2:
print("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | application timed out after %d "
"seconds with no output"
% (self.lastTestSeen, int(timeout)))
return status
def deleteANRs(self):
# Remove files from the dalvik stack-trace directory.
if not self._device.is_dir(self._device.stack_trace_dir, root=True):
for trace_file in, root=True):
trace_path = posixpath.join(self._device.stack_trace_dir, trace_file)
self._device.chmod(trace_path, root=True)
self._device.rm(trace_path, root=True)
except Exception as e:
print("Error deleting %s: %s" % (self._device.stack_trace_dir, str(e)))
def checkForANRs(self):
if not self._device.is_dir(self._device.stack_trace_dir):
print("%s not found" % self._device.stack_trace_dir)
for trace_file in, root=True):
trace_path = posixpath.join(self._device.stack_trace_dir, trace_file)
t = self._device.get_file(trace_path)
if t:
stripped = t.strip()
if len(stripped) > 0:
print("Contents of %s:" % trace_path)
# Once reported, delete traces
except Exception as e:
print("Error pulling %s: %s" % (self._device.stack_trace_dir, str(e)))
def deleteTombstones(self):
# delete any tombstone files from device
self._device.rm("/data/tombstones", force=True,
recursive=True, root=True)
def checkForTombstones(self):
# pull any tombstones from device and move to MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR
remoteDir = "/data/tombstones"
uploadDir = os.environ.get('MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR', None)
if uploadDir:
if not os.path.exists(uploadDir):
if self._device.is_dir(remoteDir):
# copy tombstone files from device to local upload directory
self._device.chmod(remoteDir, recursive=True, root=True)
self._device.pull(remoteDir, uploadDir)
for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(uploadDir, "tombstone_??")):
# add a unique integer to the file name, in case there are
# multiple tombstones generated with the same name, for
# instance, after multiple robocop tests
for i in xrange(1, sys.maxint):
newname = "%s.%d.txt" % (f, i)
if not os.path.exists(newname):
os.rename(f, newname)
print("%s does not exist; tombstone check skipped" % remoteDir)
print("MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR not defined; tombstone check skipped")
def checkForCrashes(self, directory, symbolsPath):
logcat = self._device.get_logcat(
javaException = mozcrash.check_for_java_exception(
logcat, test_name=self.lastTestSeen)
if javaException:
return True
# If crash reporting is disabled (MOZ_CRASHREPORTER!=1), we can't say
# anything.
if not self.CRASHREPORTER:
return False
dumpDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
remoteCrashDir = posixpath.join(self._remoteProfile, 'minidumps')
if not self._device.is_dir(remoteCrashDir):
# If crash reporting is enabled (MOZ_CRASHREPORTER=1), the
# minidumps directory is automatically created when Fennec
# (first) starts, so its lack of presence is a hint that
# something went wrong.
print("Automation Error: No crash directory (%s) found on remote device" %
return True
self._device.pull(remoteCrashDir, dumpDir)
logger = get_default_logger()
crashed = mozcrash.log_crashes(
logger, dumpDir, symbolsPath, test=self.lastTestSeen)
except Exception as e:
print("WARNING: unable to remove directory %s: %s" % (
dumpDir, str(e)))
return crashed
def buildCommandLine(self, app, debuggerInfo, profileDir, testURL, extraArgs):
# If remote profile is specified, use that instead
if self._remoteProfile:
profileDir = self._remoteProfile
# Hack for robocop, if app is "am" and extraArgs contains the rest of the stuff, lets
# assume extraArgs is all we need
if app == "am" and extraArgs[0] in ('instrument', 'start'):
return app, extraArgs
cmd, args = Automation.buildCommandLine(
self, app, debuggerInfo, profileDir, testURL, extraArgs)
except Exception:
return app, args
def Process(self, cmd, stdout=None, stderr=None, env=None, cwd=None):
return self.RProcess(self._device, cmd, self._remoteLog, env, cwd, self._appName,
class RProcess(object):
def __init__(self, device, cmd, stdout=None, env=None, cwd=None, app=None,
messageLogger=None, counts=None):
self.device = device
self.lastTestSeen = ""
self.messageLogger = messageLogger
self.proc = stdout
self.procName = cmd[0].split(posixpath.sep)[-1]
self.stdoutlen = 0
self.utilityPath = None
if app and self.device.process_exist(app):
print(" %s is already running. Stopping...")
self.device.stop_application(app, root=True)
self.counts = counts
if self.counts is not None:
self.counts['pass'] = 0
self.counts['fail'] = 0
self.counts['todo'] = 0
if cmd[0] == 'am':
cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
self.procName = app
if not self.device.shell_bool(cmd):
print(" failed to launch %s" % cmd)
args = cmd
if args[0] == app:
args = args[1:]
url = args[-1:][0]
if url.startswith('/'):
# this is probably a reftest profile directory, not a url
url = None
args = args[:-1]
if 'geckoview' in app:
activity = "TestRunnerActivity"
self.device.launch_activity(app, activity, e10s=True, moz_env=env,
extra_args=args, url=url)
app, moz_env=env, extra_args=args, url=url)
# Setting timeout at 1 hour since on a remote device this takes much longer.
# Temporarily increased to 110 minutes because no more chunks can be created.
self.timeout = 6600
# Used to buffer log messages until we meet a line break
self.logBuffer = ""
def pid(self):
procs = self.device.get_process_list()
# limit the comparison to the first 75 characters due to a
# limitation in processname length in android.
pids = [proc[0] for proc in procs if proc[1] == self.procName[:75]]
if pids is None or len(pids) < 1:
return 0
return pids[0]
def read_stdout(self):
Fetch the full remote log file, log any new content and return True if new
content processed.
if not self.device.is_file(self.proc):
return False
newLogContent = self.device.get_file(
self.proc, offset=self.stdoutlen)
except ADBTimeoutError:
except Exception:
return False
if not newLogContent:
return False
self.stdoutlen += len(newLogContent)
if self.messageLogger is None:
testStartFilenames = re.findall(
r"TEST-START \| ([^\s]*)", newLogContent)
if testStartFilenames:
self.lastTestSeen = testStartFilenames[-1]
return True
self.logBuffer += newLogContent
lines = self.logBuffer.split('\n')
lines = [l for l in lines if l]
if lines:
if self.logBuffer.endswith('\n'):
# all lines are complete; no need to buffer
self.logBuffer = ""
# keep the last (unfinished) line in the buffer
self.logBuffer = lines[-1]
del lines[-1]
if not lines:
return False
for line in lines:
# This passes the line to the logger (to be logged or buffered)
parsed_messages = self.messageLogger.write(line)
for message in parsed_messages:
if isinstance(message, dict) and message.get('action') == 'test_start':
self.lastTestSeen = message['test']
if isinstance(message, dict) and message.get('action') == 'log':
line = message['message'].strip()
if self.counts:
m = re.match(".*:\s*(\d*)", line)
if m:
val = int(
if "Passed:" in line:
self.counts['pass'] += val
elif "Failed:" in line:
self.counts['fail'] += val
elif "Todo:" in line:
self.counts['todo'] += val
except ADBTimeoutError:
except Exception:
return True
def getLastTestSeen(self):
return self.lastTestSeen
# Wait for the remote process to end (or for its activity to go to background).
# While waiting, periodically retrieve the process output and print it.
# If the process is still running after *timeout* seconds, return 1;
# If the process is still running but no output is received in *noOutputTimeout*
# seconds, return 2;
# Else, once the process exits/goes to background, return 0.
def wait(self, timeout=None, noOutputTimeout=None):
timer = 0
noOutputTimer = 0
interval = 10
if timeout is None:
timeout = self.timeout
status = 0
top = self.procName
slowLog = False
endTime = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout)
while top == self.procName:
# Get log updates on each interval, but if it is taking
# too long, only do it every 60 seconds
hasOutput = False
if (not slowLog) or (timer % 60 == 0):
startRead =
hasOutput = self.read_stdout()
if ( - startRead) > datetime.timedelta(seconds=5):
slowLog = True
if hasOutput:
noOutputTimer = 0
if self.counts and 'pass' in self.counts and self.counts['pass'] > 0:
interval = 0.5
timer += interval
noOutputTimer += interval
if > endTime:
status = 1
if (noOutputTimeout and noOutputTimer > noOutputTimeout):
status = 2
if not hasOutput:
top = self.device.get_top_activity(timeout=60)
if top is None:
print("Failed to get top activity, retrying, once...")
top = self.device.get_top_activity(timeout=60)
# Flush anything added to stdout during the sleep
print("wait for %s complete; top activity=%s" % (self.procName, top))
return status
def kill(self, stagedShutdown=False):
# Take a screenshot to capture the screen state just before
# the application is killed.
if not self.device._device_serial.startswith('emulator-'):
dump_device_screen(self.device, get_default_logger())
elif self.utilityPath:
# Do not use the on-device screenshot options since
# they rarely work well with Firefox on the Android
# emulator. dump_screen provides an effective
# screenshot of the emulator and its host desktop.
dump_screen(self.utilityPath, get_default_logger())
if stagedShutdown:
# Trigger an ANR report with "kill -3" (SIGQUIT)
self.device.pkill(self.procName, sig=3, attempts=1)
except ADBTimeoutError:
except: # NOQA: E722
# Trigger a breakpad dump with "kill -6" (SIGABRT)
self.device.pkill(self.procName, sig=6, attempts=1)
except ADBTimeoutError:
except: # NOQA: E722
# Wait for process to end
retries = 0
while retries < 3:
if self.device.process_exist(self.procName):
print("%s still alive after SIGABRT: waiting..." % self.procName)
retries += 1
self.device.pkill(self.procName, sig=9, attempts=1)
except ADBTimeoutError:
except: # NOQA: E722
print("%s still alive after SIGKILL!" % self.procName)
if self.device.process_exist(self.procName):