
949 строки
28 KiB

/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
function StartCodeTime ( ) {
CodeTimeInitial = new Date();
function EndCodeTime ( str ) {
var CodeTimeFinal = new Date();
var diff = CodeTimeFinal.getTime() - CodeTimeInitial.getTime();
dump("Timing " + str + " took " + diff + " milliseconds.\n");
// ************************************************************
// Initialize stuff
// ************************************************************
haveRead = false;
currentTime = new Date(); // a new Date object with the current time
monthShowing = new Date();
nowShowing = new Date();
month_names_internal = new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
// the namespace of the RDF literals
// find the location of the appointments data - relative URLs don't work (now, anyway)
// the filename within the directory of the XUL document
var RDFRelFileName = 'bug12012.rdf';
dump("Getting window.location.href...\n");
// to get the directory, start with the filename of the XUL document
var baseURL = window.location.href;
// XXX Needs three slashes because of file:// URL parsing bug (see Bug 9236)
//if ((baseURL.indexOf("file:/") != -1) && (baseURL.indexOf("file:///") == -1)) {
//baseURL = "file:///" + baseURL.substring(6);
if (baseURL.indexOf("file:") == 0) {
baseURL = baseURL.substring(5);
while (baseURL.charAt(0) == '/') {
baseURL = baseURL.substring(1);
baseURL = "file:///" + baseURL;
// and take off whatever is after the last "/"
baseURL = baseURL.substring(0, baseURL.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
// combine these to get the filename for the RDF
RDFFileName = baseURL + RDFRelFileName;
appts_resourcename = RDFFileName + "#WhenComAppointmentsRoot";
// the rdf service
RDFService = Components.classes[';1'].getService();
RDFService = RDFService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
// ************************************************************
// Event handler for Edit code
// ************************************************************
function ascendToTR (node) {
var rv = node;
while ( rv.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "tr" ) {
rv = rv.parentNode;
return rv;
function handleRClick ( event ) {
// XXX event.type and event.currentNode and event.button are broken
var currentNode = ascendToTR(;
// ************************************************************
// Functions for event handlers (e.g., onclick)
// ************************************************************
function gotoURL( url ) {
window.content.location = url;
function getAddDiv() {
return document.documentElement.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild;
function getScheduleDiv() {
return document.documentElement.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild.nextSibling;
function getPickDiv() {
return document.documentElement.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling;
function buttonDisabled ( number ) {
// 0 for AddEvent
// 1 for Schedule
// 2 for Go To Date
var tabTR = document.getElementById("tabsTR");
tabTR.childNodes.item(0).className = "tab";
tabTR.childNodes.item(1).className = "tab";
tabTR.childNodes.item(2).className = "tab";
tabTR.childNodes.item(number).className = "tab disable";
// XXX BUG These two lines cause failure to display
// setting is on an XULElement
//"medium solid black";
// XXX BUG These two lines cover up most of a shifting bug...
// Setting is on a table"medium solid black";"none";
function divActive( number ) {
// 0 for AddEvent
// 1 for Schedule
// 2 for Go To Date
// for speed:
var AddDiv = getAddDiv();
var ScheduleDiv = getScheduleDiv();
var PickDiv = getPickDiv()
if ( number == 0 ) { = "none"; = "none"; = "block";
} else if ( number == 1 ) { = "none"; = "none"; = "block";
} else if ( number == 2 ) { = "none"; = "none"; = "block";
function editButtonsActive( number ) {
// 0 for addbuttons
// 1 for editbuttons
var adddiv = getAddDiv();
var addbdiv = GetElementWithIdIn("addbuttons", adddiv);
var edbdiv = GetElementWithIdIn("editbuttons", adddiv);
if (number == 0) { = "none"; = "block";
} else if (number == 1) { = "none"; = "block";
function nextDay() {
nowShowing.setDate(nowShowing.getDate() + 1);
function nextWeek() {
nowShowing.setDate(nowShowing.getDate() + 7);
function prevDay() {
nowShowing.setDate(nowShowing.getDate() - 1);
function prevWeek() {
nowShowing.setDate(nowShowing.getDate() - 7);
function today() {
nowShowing = new Date();
/* Date Picker */
function nextMonth() {
monthShowing.setMonth(monthShowing.getMonth() + 1);
function prevMonth() {
monthShowing.setMonth(monthShowing.getMonth() - 1);
function nextYear() {
monthShowing.setFullYear(monthShowing.getFullYear() + 1);
function prevYear() {
monthShowing.setFullYear(monthShowing.getFullYear() - 1);
function thisMonth() {
monthShowing = new Date();
function pickDate( year, month, date ) {
// the month is 1..12
nowShowing = new Date(year, month - 1, date);
divActive(1); // calls ShowSchedule
// ************************************************************
// Utility functions
// ************************************************************
// XXX Should this be needed?
function GetElementWithIdIn ( id, ancestor ) {
// recursive search for an element with a given id
if ( ancestor.getAttribute("id") == id ) {
return ancestor;
} else { // else shows logic, not really needed because of return
for (var i = 0; i < ancestor.childNodes.length ; i++ ) {
// This isn't an official way to use named constants, but
// Mozilla supports it
if ( ancestor.childNodes.item(i).nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
var rv = GetElementWithIdIn(id, ancestor.childNodes.item(i));
if (rv != null) {
return rv; // exits the function here, since we found the target
return null;
// ************************************************************
// The Appointment type
// ************************************************************
function ApptToString () {
return "[" + String( + "," + this.title + "]";
Appointment.prototype.toString = ApptToString;
function Appointment ( date, title, desc, dur, id ) { // used as a constructor = date; // date
this.title = title; // title
this.desc = desc; // description
this.dur = dur; // duration (minutes) = id; // id (in the RDF and in the table row)
// A useful debugging function:
// XXX If error in string, get silent error:
//this.toString = new Function('return "[" + String( + "," + this.title + "]"');
function compareAppt ( x , y ) { // for passing to Array::sort
// should return negative if x<y, 0 if x=y, and positive if x>y
// Date::getTime returns milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970, so
return -;
// ************************************************************
// Code used for showing the schedule
// ************************************************************
function getOutputTBody() {
// get the TBody element for output
// XXX a hack, since getElementById doesn't work with mixed XUL/HTML, it
// seems.
//return document.documentElement.childNodes.item(2).childNodes.item(1);
// hack within a hack, to get around bug 8044
// for thead:
return getScheduleDiv().firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nextSibling;
// for no thead:
// return getScheduleDiv().firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild;
function getOutputForDate() {
// 2, 1, 3
return getScheduleDiv().firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling;
function timeString( date ) {
var minutes = date.getMinutes();
if (minutes < 10 ) {
minutes = "0" + minutes;
var hours = date.getHours();
if (hours < 12) {
var suffix = "A";
} else {
var suffix = "P";
if (hours == 0) {
hours = 12;
} else if (hours > 12) {
hours -= 12;
return hours + ":" + minutes + suffix;
function dateString( date ) {
// month is 0..11
// ISO-8601 version:
// return date.getFullYear() + "-" + ( date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + date.getDate();
return month_names_internal[date.getMonth()] + // both 0-based
" " + date.getDate() + ", " + date.getFullYear();
function getAttr(rdf_datasource,service,attr_name) {
var attr = rdf_datasource.GetTarget(service,
RDFService.GetResource(rdf_ns + attr_name),
if (attr)
attr = attr.QueryInterface(
if (attr)
attr = attr.Value;
return attr;
function ReadAndSort () {
if ( ! haveRead ) {
// enumerate all of the flash datasources.
var enumerator = appts_container.GetElements();
// put all the appointments into an array
allAppts = new Array();
try {
while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
var service = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(
// get the title text
var title = getAttr(rdf_datasource, service, 'title');
// get the description text
var descrip = getAttr(rdf_datasource, service, 'notes');
// get the date, and see if it's for us
var year = getAttr(rdf_datasource, service, 'year');
var month = getAttr(rdf_datasource, service, 'month');
var date = getAttr(rdf_datasource, service, 'date');
var hour = getAttr(rdf_datasource, service, 'hour');
var minute = getAttr(rdf_datasource, service, 'minute');
// get the full resource URL:
var theid = service.Value;
// and use only the fragment identifier:
theid = theid.substring(theid.lastIndexOf("#") + 1);
var duration = getAttr(rdf_datasource, service, 'duration');
// month is 0..11
var apptDate = new Date(year, month - 1, date, hour, minute);
allAppts[allAppts.length] = new Appointment( apptDate, title, descrip, duration, theid );
} catch (ex) {
window.alert("Caught exception [[" + ex + "]]\n");
haveRead = true;
var todaysAppts = new Array();
for ( var i = 0 ; i < allAppts.length ; i++ ) {
var appt = allAppts[i];
if ( ( == nowShowing.getFullYear())
&& ( == nowShowing.getMonth())
&& ( == nowShowing.getDate()) ) {
todaysAppts[todaysAppts.length] = appt;
// sort todaysAppts using the JavaScript builtin Array::sort(), by
// providing a sort function
todaysAppts.sort( compareAppt );
return todaysAppts;
function ShowSchedule() {
// Get the nodes where we will output
var outTB = getOutputTBody();
var outDate = getOutputForDate();
// Remove all its existing children, since we'll rewrite them
while (outTB.hasChildNodes() ) {
while (outDate.hasChildNodes() ) {
// Write the date at the top
// and write the appointments to the table...
// XXX Hack: get around insertRow() bug.
var newrow = outTB.insertRow(outTB.rows.length);
// Get the appointments for today, already sorted, from some kind of input
// this is an Array of Appointment
var todaysAppts = ReadAndSort();
for ( var i = 0 ; i < todaysAppts.length ; i++ ) {
var appt = todaysAppts[i];
// add the appointment to the list:
var newrow = outTB.insertRow(outTB.rows.length);
// set up event handling
// XXX extra param shouldn't be needed
newrow.addEventListener("click", handleRClick, false, false);
// XXX Hack: get around insertCell() bug by switching order.
var titlecell = newrow.insertCell(1);
var timecell = newrow.insertCell(0);
// ************************************************************
// Code used for the Goto date function
// ************************************************************
// monthShowing holds Year and Month for current Calendar
function monthString( date ) {
// ISO-8601 format
// return date.getFullYear() + "-" + ( date.getMonth() + 1);
return month_names_internal[date.getMonth()] + // both 0-based
" " + date.getFullYear();
function ShowPick() {
var pickDiv = getPickDiv(); // for speed
// StartCodeTime();
var outCal = GetElementWithIdIn("calendar", pickDiv);
var outDate = GetElementWithIdIn("MonthOutput", pickDiv);
// EndCodeTime("two runs of GetElementWithIdIn");
// StartCodeTime();
// Remove all existing children, since we'll rewrite them
while (outCal.hasChildNodes() ) {
while (outDate.hasChildNodes() ) {
// EndCodeTime("removing existing children");
// StartCodeTime();
// Write the month at the top
// EndCodeTime("initial stuff");
// and write the calendar to the table...
// StartCodeTime();
// XXX Hack: get around insertRow() bug.
var myrow = outCal.insertRow(0);
// EndCodeTime("initial stuff");
// make room before the first day, which starts on a strange day of the week
// note that getDay(), 0=Sunday and 6=Saturday
// StartCodeTime();
var curDay = new Date(monthShowing); // get the month we want to show
curDay.setDate(1); // start with the first day of the month
// EndCodeTime("setting curDay");
// StartCodeTime();
myrow = outCal.insertRow(outCal.rows.length);
var junkcell = myrow.insertCell(0); // XXX Bug in insertCell
for (var i = 0 ; i < curDay.getDay() ; i++ ) {
// EndCodeTime("writing extra cells");
// StartCodeTime();
var mycell;
var targMonth = monthShowing.getMonth(); // for speed - saves 30ms
// for speed:
var testNowShowing = (
( monthShowing.getFullYear() == nowShowing.getFullYear()) &&
( monthShowing.getMonth() == nowShowing.getMonth()) );
var testCurrentTime = (
( monthShowing.getFullYear() == currentTime.getFullYear()) &&
( monthShowing.getMonth() == currentTime.getMonth()) );
while ( curDay.getMonth() == targMonth ) {
if ( ( curDay.getDay() == 0) && (curDay.getDate() != 1) ) {
// if it's Sunday, and not the 1st of the month
// then add a new row
myrow = outCal.insertRow(outCal.rows.length);
junkcell = myrow.insertCell(0); // XXX Bug in insertCell
mycell = myrow.insertCell( myrow.cells.length );
// put the number of the current date in the cell
mycell.appendChild( document.createTextNode( curDay.getDate() ) );
// and set the onClick handler
mycell.setAttribute("onclick", "pickDate(" + curDay.getFullYear()
+ "," + (curDay.getMonth() + 1)
+ "," + curDay.getDate()
+ ")");
// and set the class
var classNm = "caldate";
if ( testNowShowing && ( curDay.getDate() == nowShowing.getDate())) {
classNm += " nowshowing";
if ( testCurrentTime && ( curDay.getDate() == currentTime.getDate())) {
classNm += " today";
mycell.setAttribute("class", classNm);
// and loop...
curDay.setDate(curDay.getDate() + 1);
// EndCodeTime("writing the days");
// ************************************************************
// Code used for Adding to the data
// ************************************************************
function makeAssert ( source, data, name ) {
var target = RDFService.GetLiteral(data);
var arc = RDFService.GetResource(rdf_ns + name);
rdf_datasource.Assert(source, arc, target, true);
function SendBackToSource( appt ) {
// make a resource for the new appointment
// These four all write, but only first appt works
// var sourceNode = RDFService.GetResource("");
// var sourceNode = RDFService.GetResource("");
// var sourceNode = RDFService.GetResource("aoeuidhtns");
// var sourceNode = RDFService.GetResource("");
// milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 should be a good enough
// unique identifier (creation time of appt)
var sourceNode
= RDFService.GetResource(RDFFileName +"#" +;
// create literals and assert a relationship to the new appointment
// for each piece of data
makeAssert( sourceNode,, 'year');
makeAssert( sourceNode, + 1, 'month'); // month is 0..1 in the date structure
makeAssert( sourceNode,, 'date');
makeAssert( sourceNode,, 'hour');
makeAssert( sourceNode,, 'minute');
makeAssert( sourceNode, appt.title, 'title');
makeAssert( sourceNode, appt.desc, 'notes');
makeAssert( sourceNode, appt.dur, 'duration');
// connect the new appointment to the datasource
appts_container.AppendElement( sourceNode );
// write the datasource back to disk
try {
rdf_remote_datasource.Flush(); // must be a RemoteDataSource, after 1999-06-23
} catch (ex) {
window.alert("Caught exception [[" + ex + "]] in Flush().\n");
function Add( appt ) {
// Add it to our internal data -- note that we don't show it!
allAppts[allAppts.length] = appt;
// and add it to the external data
SendBackToSource( appt );
function ResetAddFormTo( year, month, date, hrs, min, durhrs, durmin, title, notes) {
var addDiv = getAddDiv(); // for speed
var yearselect = GetElementWithIdIn("addyear", addDiv );
var monthselect = GetElementWithIdIn("addmonth", addDiv );
var dayselect = GetElementWithIdIn("addday", addDiv );
var hourselect = GetElementWithIdIn("addtimehrs", addDiv );
var minselect = GetElementWithIdIn("addtimemin", addDiv );
var durhourselect = GetElementWithIdIn("adddurhrs", addDiv );
var durminselect = GetElementWithIdIn("adddurmin", addDiv );
var titleInput = GetElementWithIdIn("addtitle", addDiv );
var notesInput = GetElementWithIdIn("addnotes", addDiv );
if (yearselect != null) { // "if (yearselect)" works too
// Subtract the value of the first year in the list to set
// selectedIndex. JavaScript converts the string value to a number.
yearselect.selectedIndex =
year - yearselect.options.item(0).value;
} else {
window.alert("Hit a null.");
if (monthselect != null) {
// selectedIndex 0 based, so subtract one
monthselect.selectedIndex = month - 1;
} else {
window.alert("Hit a null.");
if (dayselect != null) {
// selectedIndex 0 based, so subtract one
dayselect.selectedIndex = date - 1;
} else {
window.alert("Hit a null.");
if (hourselect != null) {
// both 0 based
hourselect.selectedIndex = hrs ;
} else {
window.alert("Hit a null.");
if (minselect != null) {
minselect.selectedIndex = Math.round(min / 5);
} else {
window.alert("Hit a null.");
if (durhourselect != null) {
durhourselect.selectedIndex = durhrs;
} else {
window.alert("Hit a null.");
if (durminselect != null) {
durminselect.selectedIndex = Math.round(durmin / 5);
} else {
window.alert("Hit a null.");
if (titleInput != null) {
if ( title == null) {
title = "";
titleInput.value = title;
} else {
window.alert("Hit a null.");
if (notesInput != null) {
if ( notes == null) {
notes = "";
notesInput.value = notes;
} else {
window.alert("Hit a null.");
function ResetAddForm() {
ResetAddFormTo( nowShowing.getFullYear(),
nowShowing.getMonth() + 1,
nowShowing.getHours() + 1, // upcoming hour
0, // minutes
0, // duration hours
0, // duration minutes
"", // title
""); // notes
function SubmitAddForm() {
var addDiv = getAddDiv(); // for speed
var title = GetElementWithIdIn("addtitle", addDiv );
var years = GetElementWithIdIn("addyear", addDiv );
var months = GetElementWithIdIn("addmonth", addDiv );
var days = GetElementWithIdIn("addday", addDiv );
var timehrs = GetElementWithIdIn("addtimehrs", addDiv );
var timemin = GetElementWithIdIn("addtimemin", addDiv );
var durhrs = GetElementWithIdIn("adddurhrs", addDiv );
var durmin = GetElementWithIdIn("adddurmin", addDiv );
var notes = GetElementWithIdIn("addnotes", addDiv );
if ( ( title == null ) ||
( years == null ) ||
( months == null ) ||
( days == null ) ||
( timehrs == null ) ||
( timemin == null ) ||
( durhrs == null ) ||
( durmin == null ) ||
( notes == null ) ) {
window.alert("Something is null. Addition failed.\n");
} else {
// months go 0..11
var apptid = "appt" + (new Date().getTime());
Add( new Appointment( new Date ( years.value, months.value - 1,
days.value, timehrs.value,
timemin.value ),
(durhrs.value * 60) + (durmin.value * 1),
// ResetAddForm();
// ************************************************************
// Edit code, which uses add form
// ************************************************************
function getApptById( id ) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < allAppts.length ; i++ ) {
if ( allAppts[i].id == id ) {
return allAppts[i];
return null;
function removeApptById ( id ) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < allAppts.length ; i++ ) {
if ( allAppts[i].id == id ) {
// Remove from list
allAppts[i] = allAppts[allAppts.length - 1];
allAppts[allAppts.length - 1] = null;
allAppts.length -= 1;
function EditApptById( theid ) {
idEditing = theid; // global variable
var apptEditing = getApptById( idEditing );
if ( apptEditing == null) {
window.alert("Null appointment. Something's wrong.\n");
divActive(0); // XXX This should come later, but...
ResetAddFormTo(, + 1,,,,
Math.floor(apptEditing.dur / 60),
apptEditing.dur % 60,
apptEditing.desc );
function getAttrLiteral(rdf_datasource,service,attr_name) {
var attr = rdf_datasource.GetTarget(service,
RDFService.GetResource(rdf_ns + attr_name),
if (attr)
attr = attr.QueryInterface(
return attr;
function makeUnAssert ( rdf_datasource, resource, name ) {
var target = getAttrLiteral(rdf_datasource, resource, name);
var data = getAttr(rdf_datasource, resource, name); // function above
var arc = RDFService.GetResource(rdf_ns + name);
rdf_datasource.Unassert(resource, arc, target);
function DeleteEditing() {
// delete from our list:
// delete from the data source
var sourceNode = RDFService.GetResource(RDFFileName +"#" + idEditing);
appts_container.RemoveElement( sourceNode, true );
// Need to unassert all of sourceNode's relationships
makeUnAssert(rdf_datasource, sourceNode, 'year');
makeUnAssert(rdf_datasource, sourceNode, 'month');
makeUnAssert(rdf_datasource, sourceNode, 'date');
makeUnAssert(rdf_datasource, sourceNode, 'hour');
makeUnAssert(rdf_datasource, sourceNode, 'minute');
makeUnAssert(rdf_datasource, sourceNode, 'title');
makeUnAssert(rdf_datasource, sourceNode, 'notes');
makeUnAssert(rdf_datasource, sourceNode, 'duration');
try {
rdf_remote_datasource.Flush(); // must be a RemoteDataSource, after 1999-06-23
} catch (ex) {
window.alert("Caught exception [[" + ex + "]] in Flush().\n");
function EditFormSubmit() {
function EditFormDelete() {
function EditFormCancel() {
// ************************************************************
// Startup Code
// ************************************************************
function Init()
// Initialize the Sidebar
// Install all the datasources named in the Flash Registry into
// the tree control. Datasources are listed as members of the
// NC:FlashDataSources sequence, and are loaded in the order that
// they appear in that sequence.
try {
// First try to construct a new one and load it
// synchronously. nsIRDFService::GetDataSource() loads RDF/XML
// asynchronously by default.
rdf_datasource = Components.classes[';1?name=xml-datasource'].createInstance();
rdf_datasource = rdf_datasource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
rdf_remote_datasource = rdf_datasource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource);
rdf_remote_datasource.Init(RDFFileName); // this will throw if it's already been opened and registered.
dump("Reading datasource synchronously.\n");
// read it in synchronously.
catch (ex) {
// if we get here, then the RDF/XML has been opened and read
// once. We just need to grab the datasource.
dump("Datasource already read. Grabbing.\n");
rdf_datasource = RDFService.GetDataSource(RDFFileName);
// Create a 'container' wrapper around the appts_resourcename
// resource so we can use some utility routines that make access a
// bit easier.
// NOT var, so it's global
appts_container = Components.classes[';1'].createInstance();
appts_container = appts_container.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
appts_resource = RDFService.GetResource(appts_resourcename);
appts_container.Init(rdf_datasource, appts_resource);
function Boot() {
if (document.getElementById("ApptsWindow")) {
dump("Calling init:\n");
// XXX Bug 9136 - this doesn't work when form is hidden.
// ResetAddForm();
// ShowSchedule();
dump("Calling divActive(1):\n");
dump("Done initializing.\n");
// and let events take things from there...
} else {
setTimeout("Boot()", 0);