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<title>Customizing &brandShortName;</title>
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<div class="boilerPlate">This document is provided for your information
only. It may help you take certain steps to protect the privacy and security
of your personal information on the Internet. This document does not,
however, address all online privacy and security issues, nor does it
represent a recommendation about what constitutes adequate privacy and
security protection on the Internet.</div>
<h1 id="customizing_mozilla">Customizing &brandShortName;</h1>
<p>You can customize &brandShortName; to better suit your needs using features
like Sidebar, bookmarks, and Tabbed Browsing.</p>
<p>This section describes the customizable aspects of &brandShortName;&apos;s
browser component, Navigator.</p>
<div class="contentsBox">In this section:
<li><a href="#sidebar">Sidebar</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabbed_browsing">Tabbed Browsing</a></li>
<li><a href="#changing_fonts_colors_and_themes">Changing Fonts, Colors, and
<li><a href="#toolbars">Toolbars</a></li>
<li><a href="#bookmarks">Bookmarks</a></li>
<li><a href="#specifying_how_mozilla_starts_up">Specifying How
&brandShortName; Starts Up</a></li>
<li><a href="cs_nav_prefs_appearance.xhtml#navigator_settings">Navigator
<h2 id="sidebar">Sidebar</h2>
<div class="contentsBox">In this section:
<li><a href="#what_is_sidebar">What is Sidebar?</a></li>
<li><a href="#using_sidebar">Using Sidebar</a></li>
<li><a href="#adding_sidebar_tabs">Adding Sidebar Tabs</a></li>
<li><a href="#customizing_individual_sidebar_tabs">Customizing Individual
Sidebar Tabs</a></li>
<li><a href="#reorganizing_sidebar_tabs">Reorganizing Sidebar Tabs</a></li>
<li><a href="#removing_sidebar_tabs">Removing Sidebar Tabs</a></li>
<li><a href="#opening_closing_and_resizing_sidebar">Opening, Closing, and
Resizing Sidebar</a></li>
<h3 id="what_is_sidebar">What is Sidebar?</h3>
<p>Sidebar is a customizable area in your browser where you can keep items
that you need to use all the time&mdash;the latest news and weather, your
address book or Buddy List, stock quotes, a calendar&mdash;and many other
available options. Sidebar presents these items to you in tabs that are
continually updated.</p>
<p>&brandShortName; comes with some Sidebar tabs already set up, but you can
customize Sidebar by adding, removing, and rearranging tabs.</p>
<p>[<a href="#sidebar">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="using_sidebar">Using Sidebar</h3>
<p>Unless you have <a href="#opening_closing_and_resizing_sidebar">closed</a>
Sidebar, it is always open at the left side of your browser. To view a
<li>Click a tab&apos;s title; for instance, click the word
<q>Search</q>. The Search tab opens, which allows you to search for
web pages.</li>
<td style="width: 140px;"> <img src="images/sidebarclosed_small.png"
alt="Sidebar with handle"/></td>
<td style="vertical-align:
<p>If you don&apos;t see Sidebar, it may be closed. To open it:</p>
<li>Move the mouse pointer up and down along the left-hand border of the
&brandShortName; window. The pointer changes to a hand when it touches the
<q>handle</q> of Sidebar.</li>
<li>Click the handle to open Sidebar.
<p><strong>Note</strong>: If Sidebar is not selected from the View menu
in Navigator (within the Show/Hide submenu), you will not see the frame
or its handle.</p>
<p><strong>Tip</strong>: To reload a Sidebar tab, right-click on the tab title
and choose Reload from the pop-up menu.</p>
<p>[<a href="#sidebar">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="adding_sidebar_tabs">Adding Sidebar Tabs</h3>
<p>To add a new tab:</p>
<li>Click <q>Tabs</q> at the top of Sidebar, and select Customize
Sidebar from the menu</li>
<li>In the Customize Sidebar dialog box, select a tab from the list on the
left. Double-click the folders to open or close folders.</li>
<li>Click Add.</li>
<li>Continue adding as many tabs as you want.</li>
<li>Click OK to finish.</li>
<p><strong>Note</strong>: If you add more than eight tabs to Sidebar,
&brandShortName; hides the remaining tabs to reduce clutter. To scroll
through the hidden tabs, click the down arrow button at the bottom of Sidebar
until you see the desired tab. Click the up arrow button to once again scroll
<li>To preview a Sidebar tab before adding it, select a tab from the list
on the left side of the Customize Sidebar dialog box and click Preview.
After a few seconds, the tab displays in the Tab Preview pop-up
<li>To view an extensive and categorized list of tabs available for Sidebar,
click <q>Tabs</q> at the top of Sidebar, and select Sidebar
<p>You can also turn Sidebar tabs on and off.</p>
<li>Click <q>Tabs</q> at the top of Sidebar. Current tabs are listed in
the lower part of the menu.</li>
<li>Select the tabs you want displayed in Sidebar. Remove the checkmark
(deselect) to turn a tab off (it will still be available from the
<p><strong>Tip: </strong>To quickly turn off a Sidebar tab, right-click on its
name and choose Hide Tab.</p>
<p>[<a href="#sidebar">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="customizing_individual_sidebar_tabs">Customizing Individual Sidebar
<p><strong>Note</strong>: Not all tabs can be customized.</p>
<li>Click <q>Tabs</q> at the top of Sidebar and select Customize Sidebar
from the menu.</li>
<li>Select an available tab from the list on the right.</li>
<li>Click Customize Tab if it is enabled. A window appears with information
and options for customizing the tab.
<p>The instructions vary depending on the source of the tab&mdash;in addition
to &brandShortName;, tab providers can be any company, organization, or
individual who uses the Internet.</p>
<li>After you follow the tab provider&apos;s instructions, close the
customization window (or follow the provider&apos;s instructions to close
<li>Click OK to finish.</li>
<p>[<a href="#sidebar">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="reorganizing_sidebar_tabs">Reorganizing Sidebar Tabs</h3>
<li>Click "Tabs" at the top of Sidebar and select Customize Sidebar from
the menu.</li>
<li>Select a tab from the list on the right.</li>
<li>Click Up and Down to change the tab&apos;s placement.</li>
<li>Repeat steps 1 and 2 to continue reorganizing as many tabs as you
<li>Click OK to finish.</li>
<p>[<a href="#sidebar">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="removing_sidebar_tabs">Removing Sidebar Tabs</h3>
<li>Click "Tabs" at the top of Sidebar and select Customize Sidebar from the
<li>Select a tab from the list on the right.</li>
<li>Click Remove.</li>
<li>Continue removing as many tabs as you like.</li>
<li>Click OK to finish.</li>
<p>[<a href="#sidebar">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="opening_closing_and_resizing_sidebar">Opening, Closing, and Resizing
<p>Use Sidebar&apos;s handles to open, close, and resize Sidebar&apos;s
<table summary="Image table">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<tr style="vertical-align: top;">
<td><img src="images/sidebarclosed_small.png" alt="image of sidebar with
<td style="vertical-align: middle;">
<p>If Sidebar is closed, you can still see its handle. If the
handle is missing, open the View menu , choose Show/Hide, and then
Sidebar. Move the mouse pointer up and down along the left edge of the
&brandShortName; window. The pointer changes to a hand when it touches the
<q>handle</q> for Sidebar, as shown in the picture.</p>
<li>Click the <q>Open Sidebar</q> icon
<img src="chrome://navigator/skin/sbar-open.gif"
alt="open sidebar icon"/> on the left side of the Personal
<li>Click the handle to open and close Sidebar.</li>
<li>Click and drag the handle to resize Sidebar.</li>
<p>To remove Sidebar, including the handle, do one of the following:</p>
<li>Click the <q>Close Sidebar</q> icon
<img src="chrome://navigator/skin/sbar-close.gif"
alt="close sidebar icon"/>on the left side of the Personal
<li>Click the X in the upper-right corner of Sidebar.</li>
<li>Open the View menu, choose Show/Hide, and uncheck Sidebar.</li>
<li>Press <kbd>F9</kbd>.</li>
<p>[<a href="#sidebar">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h2 id="tabbed_browsing">Tabbed Browsing</h2>
<div class="contentsBox">In this section:
<li><a href="#what_is_tabbed_browsing">What is Tabbed Browsing?</a></li>
<li><a href="#setting_up_tabbed_browsing">Setting up Tabbed Browsing</a></li>
<li><a href="#opening_tabs">Opening Tabs</a></li>
<li><a href="#bookmarking_tabs">Bookmarking Tabs</a></li>
<li><a href="#closing_tabs">Closing Tabs</a></li>
<h3 id="what_is_tabbed_browsing">What is Tabbed Browsing?</h3>
<p>Tabbed Browsing lets you open more than one web page in a single window.
Each web page has its own tab across the top of a single Navigator window.
Each tab appears on the Tab Bar. For example, you can visit,, and within one window instead of three windows.</p>
<table summary="Image table">
<td>Click this to open a new tab.</td>
<td colspan="2">
<img src="images/tabbed_browsing_bar.png" alt="tab bar"/>
<td style="text-align: left;">Tab being viewed.</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Click this to close the tab being
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;"><strong>Tab Bar</strong></td>
<p>You don&apos;t need to have several windows open to visit several web pages;
thus, freeing up more space on your desktop. Instead, you can open, close,
and reload web pages conveniently in one place without having to switch to
another window.</p>
<p>[<a href="#tabbed_browsing">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="setting_up_tabbed_browsing">Setting up Tabbed Browsing</h3>
<p>There are several ways to customize Tabbed Browsing. For example, you can
change your preferences to open new Navigator tabs from the Location Bar. You
can set up Tabbed Browsing in other ways too, such as loading new Navigator
tabs in the background so the first page is kept on top while the second page
is loading. To learn more about setting up Tabbed Browsing in
&brandShortName;, see
<a href="cs_nav_prefs_navigator.xhtml#tabbed_browsing">Navigator Preferences
- Tabbed Browsing</a>.</p>
<p>[<a href="#tabbed_browsing">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="opening_tabs">Opening Tabs</h3>
<p>You can open a Navigator tab in the following ways:</p>
<p><strong>Opening a New Blank Navigator Tab:</strong></p>
<li><strong>From the File menu</strong>: Open the File menu, choose New, and
then New Navigator Tab.</li>
<li><strong>From the Tab Bar</strong>: If visible, click the <q>new
tab</q> icon
<img src="chrome://global/skin/icons/tab-new.gif" alt="new tab icon"/>
on the left side of the Tab Bar.</li>
<li><strong>From a pop-up menu</strong>: If the Tab Bar is visible,
right-click on it, and choose New Tab from the pop.</li>
<p><strong>Opening a Web Page Link in a Navigator Tab:</strong></p>
<li><strong>From a pop-up menu</strong>: Right-click<span class="mac"> or, if
you have a one-button mouse, <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>-click</span> on a web page
link and choose Open Link in New Tab.</li>
<li><strong>From the Location Bar</strong>: Type a web page location in the
Location Bar and press <kbd class="mac">Cmd</kbd><kbd class="noMac">
Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd class="mac">Return</kbd><kbd class="noMac">Enter</kbd>.
<p><strong>Note</strong>: You must set your Tabbed Browsing preferences to
open a Navigator tab from the Location Bar. See
<a href="cs_nav_prefs_navigator.xhtml#tabbed_browsing">Navigator
Preferences - Tabbed Browsing</a> for more information.</p>
<li>To quickly open a new Navigator tab, press
<kbd class="mac">Cmd</kbd>
<kbd class="noMac">Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>T</kbd>.</li>
<li>To reload one or all Navigator tabs, right-click<span class="mac"> or, if
you have a one-button mouse, <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>-click</span> anywhere on the
Tab Bar and select Reload Tab or Reload All Tabs, respectively.</li>
<p>[<a href="#tabbed_browsing">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="bookmarking_tabs">Bookmarking Tabs</h3>
<p>A bookmarked group of tabs is called a Groupmark. To bookmark the group of
Navigator tabs in the current window:</p>
<li>Open the Bookmarks menu and choose <q>Bookmark This Group of
<li>Type a name for the bookmark group in the Name field.</li>
<li>Choose a folder in which to create your Groupmark, or click New Folder to
create a new folder for your Groupmark.</li>
<li>Click OK to add the Groupmark.</li>
<p><strong>Tip</strong>: To learn how to use a group of tabs as your home page,
see <a href="cs_nav_prefs_navigator.xhtml#navigator">Navigator Preferences -
<p>[<a href="#tabbed_browsing">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="closing_tabs">Closing Tabs</h3>
<p>You can close Navigator tabs in several ways:</p>
<p><strong>Closing the Navigator Tab Being Viewed</strong>:</p>
<li>Open the File menu and choose Close Tab.</li>
<li>Click the <q>X</q> button on the right side of the Tab Bar.</li>
<table summary="Image table">
<td> Click this to open a new tab.</td>
<td colspan="2">
<img src="images/tabbed_browsing_bar.png" alt="tab bar"/>
<td style="text-align: left;">Tab being viewed.</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Click this to close the tab being
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;"><strong>Tab Bar</strong></td>
<li>To close any Navigator tab, even if hidden, right-click on the tab and
choose Close Tab from the pop-up menu.</li>
<li>To keep only one Navigator tab open, while closing all other tabs,
right-click on the Navigator tab and choose Close Other Tabs.</li>
<p>[<a href="#tabbed_browsing">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h2 id="changing_fonts_colors_and_themes">Changing Fonts, Colors, and
<div class="contentsBox">In this section:
<li><a href="#changing_the_default_fonts">Changing the Default Fonts</a></li>
<li><a href="#changing_the_default_colors">Changing the Default
<li><a href="#changing_the_theme">Changing the Theme</a></li>
<h3 id="changing_the_default_fonts">Changing the Default Fonts</h3>
<p>Normally, web pages are displayed in the default font set by your browser
or in a font chosen by the web pages&apos; authors.</p>
<p>To change the default fonts:</p>
<li>Open the <span class="mac">&brandShortName;</span>
<span class="noMac">Edit</span> menu and choose Preferences.</li>
<li>Under the Appearance category, choose Fonts. (If no options are visible
in this category, double-click Appearance to expand the list.)</li>
<li>From the "Fonts for" drop-down list, choose a language group/script.
For instance, to set default fonts for West European languages/script
(Latin), choose "Western."</li>
<li>Select whether proportional text should be serif (like Times Roman) or
sans-serif (like Arial). Then specify the font size you want for
proportional text.</li>
<li>If an appropriate font is available for your language/script, select
fonts for Serif, Sans-Serif, Cursive, Fantasy, and Monospace. You can also
specify what font size you want for monospace text.</li>
<li>Specify whether the default font should be serif or sans serif.</li>
<li>Select a fixed-width font and size. Certain types of text, such as
equations and formulas, are displayed in a fixed-width font.</li>
<p>Many web page authors choose their own fonts and font sizes. To allow fonts
other than the ones specified in your preferences, check <q>Allow
documents to use other fonts</q>.</p>
<p>To adjust the readability of fonts, select from the drop-down list the dots
per inch (dpi) for displaying web pages. Select <q>Other</q> to open the
Calibrate Resolution dialog box, which allows you to calibrate your
resolution by measuring how long a line appears on your screen. Increased
screen resolution may will improve text readability on some screens.</p>
<p>[<a href="#changing_fonts_colors_and_themes">Return to beginning of
<h3 id="changing_the_default_colors">Changing the Default Colors</h3>
<p>Normally, the background and text colors on web pages are determined by the
default colors set by your browser or by the pages&apos; authors.</p>
<p>To change the default colors:</p>
<li>Open the <span class="mac">&brandShortName;</span>
<span class="noMac">Edit</span> menu and choose Preferences.</li>
<li>Under the Appearance category, choose Colors. (If no options are visible
in this category, click to expand the list.)</li>
<li>Click the colored blocks next to Text, Background, Unvisited Links, and
Visited Links. Choose a color for each from the color chart. You can also
specify that links should be underlined.</li>
<p>Most web page authors choose their own colors. You can override the
authors&apos; intentions by selecting <q>Use my chosen colors, ignoring
the colors specified</q>.</p>
<p>When viewing the source of a web page, you can see the HTML syntax of the
source of a web page highlighted in specific colors by selecting <q>Enable
syntax highlighting</q>.</p>
<p>[<a href="#changing_fonts_colors_and_themes">Return to beginning of
<h3 id="changing_the_theme">Changing the Theme</h3>
<p>You can change the look and feel of &brandShortName; by changing themes.</p>
<li>Open the <span class="mac">&brandShortName;</span>
<span class="noMac">Edit</span> menu and choose Preferences.</li>
<li>Under the Appearance category, choose Themes.</li>
<li>Click to select the theme you want to use.</li>
<li>Click OK to confirm your choice.
<p><strong>Note: </strong>You need to quit and restart &brandShortName;
after you apply a new theme in order for the change to take effect.</p>
<p><strong>Shortcut</strong>: You can also change themes by opening the View
menu, choosing Apply Theme, and then choosing the theme you want to use.</p>
<p>[<a href="#changing_fonts_colors_and_themes">Return to beginning of
<h2 id="toolbars">Toolbars</h2>
<div class="contentsBox">In this section:
<li><a href="#navigation_toolbar">Navigation Toolbar</a></li>
<li><a href="#personal_toolbar">Personal Toolbar</a></li>
<li><a href="#status_bar">Status Bar</a></li>
<li><a href="#component_bar">Component Bar</a></li>
<li><a href="#hiding_a_toolbar">Hiding a Toolbar</a></li>
<h3 id="navigation_toolbar">Navigation Toolbar</h3>
<p>The Navigation Toolbar, pictured here, helps you move around the Web.</p>
<table summary="Image table">
<td colspan="4">
<img src="images/reload.gif" alt="navigation toolbar"/>
<p>[<a href="#toolbars">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="personal_toolbar">Personal Toolbar</h3>
<p>The Personal Toolbar is completely customizable&mdash;you decide what you
want to keep there.</p>
<table summary="Image table">
<td><img src="images/personalbar.png" alt="Personal Toolbar"/></td>
<td style="text-align: center;"><strong>Personal Toolbar</strong></td>
<p>You can easily add, delete, and rearrange items in the Personal Toolbar.</p>
<h4 id="turning_buttons_on_and_off">Turning Buttons On and Off</h4>
<li>Open the <span class="mac">&brandShortName;</span>
<span class="noMac">Edit</span> menu and choose Preferences.</li>
<li>Click Navigator.</li>
<li>Under <q>Select the buttons you want to see in the toolbars</q>,
choose the buttons that you want on your toolbar.</li>
<li>Click OK.</li>
<h4 id="adding_personal_toolbar_bookmarks">Adding Personal Toolbar
<p>You can add buttons for your favorite bookmarks, or folders containing
groups of bookmarks. To create a new bookmark to add to the Personal
<li>Open a web page you want to bookmark.</li>
<li>Drag the bookmark icon
<img src="chrome://communicator/skin/bookmarks/bookmark-item.gif"
alt="image of bookmark icon"/>(located to the left of URL in the
Location Bar) to a desired place on the Personal Toolbar. You can drag the
icon directly to the Personal Toolbar, or to a folder on the Personal
Toolbar. For more information, see
<a href="#adding_bookmark_folders_to_the_personal_toolbar">Adding Bookmark
Folders to the Personal Toolbar</a>.</li>
<p><strong>Note</strong>: The bookmark icon
<img src="chrome://communicator/skin/bookmarks/bookmark-item.gif" alt="image
of bookmark icon"/> may appear as another page-specific icon if you have
checked Show Website Icons in preferences. See
<a href="cs_nav_prefs_appearance.xhtml#appearance">Appearance Preferences -
Appearance</a> for more information on changing this preferences.</p>
<p>Each item in the Personal Toolbar folder appears as a toolbar button. You
may need to enlarge the browser window to see them all.</p>
<p id="adding_bookmark_folders_to_the_personal_toolbar"><strong>Adding
Bookmark Folders to the Personal Toolbar</strong></p>
<p>You can add bookmark folders to the Personal Toolbar to sort your favorite
bookmarks into categories. For example, you can have one folder on the
Personal Toolbar for hobby-related bookmarks and another folder for
work-related bookmarks. To add a new bookmark to the Personal Toolbar:</p>
<li>Open the Bookmarks menu and choose Manage Bookmarks.</li>
<li>Select your designated <q>Personal Toolbar Folder</q>.</li>
<li>Click New Folder on the toolbar.</li>
<li> Type a name for your new bookmark folder. By default, the name is
<q>New Folder</q>.</li>
<li>Click OK to confirm your new bookmark folder name.</li>
<p>The new bookmark folder will appear at the end of the Personal Toolbar.</p>
<h4>Designating a Bookmark Folder as Your Personal Toolbar Folder</h4>
<li>Open the Bookmarks menu and choose Manage Bookmarks.</li>
<li>Select the bookmark folder whose items you want to appear on the
<li>From the View menu, choose Set as Personal Toolbar Folder.</li>
<p>The buttons in your Personal Toolbar now correspond to the bookmarks in the
folder you designated.</p>
<h4>Removing Bookmarks from the Personal Toolbar</h4>
<li>Open the Bookmarks menu and choose Manage Bookmarks.</li>
<li>Click the Personal Toolbar Folder.</li>
<li>Select the bookmark or folder you want to delete.</li>
<li>Press Delete on your keyboard.</li>
<li>Close the Manage Bookmarks window.</li>
<p><strong>Tip: </strong>To quickly remove a bookmark placed on the Personal
Toolbar (not in a folder), right-click on the bookmark and select Delete.</p>
<h4>Rearranging the Personal Toolbar</h4>
<li>Open the Bookmarks menu and choose Manage Bookmarks.</li>
<li>In your Bookmarks window, click the Personal Toolbar Folder.</li>
<li>Select a bookmark or folder and drag it to a new location.</li>
<li>When you are finished rearranging items, close your Bookmarks
<p><strong>Note: </strong>Standard buttons on the Personal Toolbar such as
Bookmarks, Search, Go, Print and Home cannot be rearranged, but they can
be <a href="#turning_buttons_on_and_off">turned off and on</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Tip: </strong>To move a bookmark placed on the Personal Toolbar
quickly, click and drag the bookmark to another location on the Personal
Toolbar or to a folder.</p>
<p>[<a href="#toolbars">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="status_bar">Status Bar</h3>
<p>The Status Bar is located at the bottom of any &brandShortName; window. It
includes the following:</p>
<li>Component Bar: Allows you to switch between components. For more
information, see <a href="#component_bar">Component Bar</a>.</li>
<li>Status information: Displays information like the web-page URL and load
status information.</li>
<li>Cookie notification icon
<img src="chrome://cookie/content/taskbar-cookie.gif"
alt="cookie notification icon"/>:
Appears when a website has used a cookie in a way that requires you to be
notified. For more information, see
<a href="using_priv_help.xhtml#cookie_notification">Cookie
<li>Work Offline
<img src="chrome://communicator/skin/icons/offline.gif"
alt="work offline icon"/> or Work Online
<img src="chrome://communicator/skin/icons/online.gif"
alt="work online icon"/> icon: Click the icon to toggle working
offline or online. Working offline prevents &brandShortName; from
attempting to connect to the Internet, for example to load images on web
pages or automatically check email.</li>
<li>Lock icon (Example:
<img src="chrome://communicator/skin/icons/lock-insecure.gif"
alt="lock icon"/>): Indicates whether the entire contents of the page
was encrypted while it was being received by your computer. For more
information, see
<a href="using_certs_help.xhtml#checking_security_for_a_web_page">Checking
Security for a Web Page</a>.</li>
<p>[<a href="#toolbars">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="component_bar">Component Bar</h3>
<p>Use the Component Bar at the bottom left of any &brandShortName; window to
switch between tasks (such as browsing or mail).</p>
<p><img src="images/taskbar.png" alt="component bar"/></p>
<p>[<a href="#toolbars">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="hiding_a_toolbar">Hiding a Toolbar</h3>
<p>There are two ways to hide the toolbars.</p>
<p>To minimize a toolbar:</p>
<li>Click the small triangle at the left of the toolbar. To show the toolbar,
click the triangle again. (Note: You cannot hide the Component Bar using
this method.)</li>
<p>To completely hide a toolbar, including its triangle:</p>
<li>Open the View menu.</li>
<li>Choose Show/Hide and uncheck the toolbars you want to hide.</li>
<p>To reverse this action, open the View menu, choose Show, and then select
the toolbars you want to show.</p>
<p>[<a href="#toolbars">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h2 id="bookmarks">Bookmarks</h2>
<div class="contentsBox">In this section:
<li><a href="#what_are_bookmarks">What Are Bookmarks?</a></li>
<li><a href="#using_bookmarks">Using Bookmarks</a></li>
<li><a href="#creating_new_bookmarks">Creating New Bookmarks</a></li>
<li><a href="#organizing_your_bookmarks">Organizing Your Bookmarks</a></li>
<li><a href="#changing_individual_bookmarks">Changing Individual
<li><a href="#searching_your_bookmarks">Searching Your Bookmarks</a></li>
<li><a href="#exporting_or_importing_a_bookmark_list">Exporting or Importing a
Bookmark List</a></li>
<h3 id="what_are_bookmarks">What Are Bookmarks?</h3>
<p>Bookmarks are shortcuts to your favorite and most-visited web pages. Rather
than typing in long URLs (web addresses), you can create bookmarks that take
you directly to the pages you want to see.</p>
<p>You access your bookmarks through the Bookmarks menu, the Bookmarks tab on
Sidebar, and the Manage Bookmarks window. You can control what&apos;s listed
in the Bookmarks menu by adding bookmarks for your favorite web pages and
organizing your list of bookmarks any way you want.</p>
<h3 id="using_bookmarks">Using Bookmarks</h3>
<p>&brandShortName; comes with some bookmarks already available. To use a
<li>Open the Bookmarks menu.</li>
<li>Choose a bookmark from the list or from a folder in the list.</li>
<p>[<a href="#bookmarks">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="creating_new_bookmarks">Creating New Bookmarks</h3>
<p>You can bookmark your favorite websites to make it easy to return to
<p>To bookmark the current page, perform one of these steps:</p>
<li>To add a bookmark to the Bookmarks menu, open the Bookmarks menu and
choose Bookmark This Page.</li>
<li>To add a bookmark to a specific folder on the Bookmarks menu, or to
provide a specific name or URL for your bookmark:
<li>Open the Bookmarks menu and choose File Bookmark. Choose from any of
these options:
<li><strong>Name</strong>: Type a name for the bookmark if you want a
different name.</li>
<li><strong>Location</strong>: Type a URL for the bookmark if you
want a different URL.</li>
<li><strong>Keyword</strong>: Type a keyword for the bookmark if you
want to be able to open the bookmarked page from the Location
Bar (typing the keyword into the Location Bar and pressing Enter
will open the bookmarked page).</li>
<li><strong>Destination</strong>: Choose a folder in which to create
your bookmark.</li>
<li><strong>New Folder</strong>: Click this to create a new folder in
which to create your bookmark.</li>
<li>Click OK to add the bookmark.</li>
<p><strong>Tip</strong>: If you have multiple Navigator tabs open in a
window, you can select <q>Bookmark this groups of tabs</q> to add a
single bookmark that will open all of the open tabs in the current
<li>To add a bookmark to the Personal Toolbar, drag the bookmark icon
<img src="chrome://communicator/skin/bookmarks/bookmark-item.gif"
alt="image of bookmark icon"/> next to the Location Bar to a place on
the Personal Toolbar. You can drag a bookmark to the following places:
<li>In the Bookmarks folder on the Personal Toolbar.</li>
<li>In a bookmarks folder you&apos;ve created on the Personal
<li>To the Personal Toolbar itself, on the right side of all bookmarks
<p>For more information about adding bookmarks to the Personal Toolbar,
see <a href="#adding_personal_toolbar_bookmarks">Adding Personal
Toolbar bookmarks</a>.</p>
<table summary="Image table">
<td><img src="images/personalbar.png" alt="Personal Toolbar"/></td>
<td><strong>Personal Toolbar</strong></td>
<li>To add a bookmark to the Bookmarks tab in Sidebar, open Sidebar, select
the Bookmarks tab, and drag the bookmark icon
<img src="chrome://communicator/skin/bookmarks/bookmark-item.gif"
alt="image of bookmark icon"/> next to the Location Bar to a place on
the bookmark list in the Bookmarks tab.
<li>The bookmark icon
<img src="chrome://communicator/skin/bookmarks/bookmark-item.gif"
alt="image of bookmark icon"/> may appear as another page-specific
icon if you have checked Show Website Icons in preferences. See
<a href="cs_nav_prefs_appearance.xhtml#appearance">Appearance Preferences -
Appearance</a> for more information on changing this preferences.</li>
<li>After adding a bookmark using any of the methods listed above, it can be
accessed using the Sidebar Bookmarks tab, the Manage Bookmarks window, and
the Bookmarks menu.</li>
<p>[<a href="#bookmarks">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="organizing_your_bookmarks">Organizing Your Bookmarks</h3>
<p>To organize your bookmarks, open the Bookmarks menu and choose Manage
Bookmarks. Perform any of the following tasks in your Manage Bookmarks
<p><strong>Tip: </strong>You can open the Manage Bookmarks window from the
Bookmarks tab in Sidebar. Click on Manage at the top of the Bookmarks
<p>To view bookmarks inside of folders:</p>
<li>Double-click a folder to view its contents.</li>
<p>To move a bookmark or a folder to another location in the list:</p>
<li>Drag the bookmark or folder that you want to move to the new location. To
put a bookmark in a folder, drag it to the folder.</li>
<p>To create a new folder or separator:</p>
<li>Click New Folder or New Separator at the top of the Bookmarks window. The
new folder or separator appears below the current selection.</li>
<p>To remove a bookmark or a folder from the list:</p>
<li>Click to highlight the bookmark or folder that you want to remove.</li>
<li>Press the Delete key on your keyboard, or click Delete in the Bookmarks
<p>To sort your bookmarks in the Manage Bookmarks window:</p>
<li>Open the View menu and select how you want the list sorted (such as Sort
by Name or Sort by Location).
<p><strong>Tip</strong>: To add more columns, open the View menu, open
<q>Show columns</q>, and select a column header in the list.</p></li>
<h4>Designating a New Bookmark Folder</h4>
<p>When you create a new bookmark, &brandShortName; normally adds it to the
bottom of your bookmarks list. If you prefer to file your bookmarks in a
folder, you can designate a new bookmarks folder.</p>
<li>Open the Bookmarks menu and choose Manage Bookmarks.</li>
<li>In your Bookmarks window, select a folder to hold new bookmarks.</li>
<li>Open the View menu and choose Set as New Bookmark Folder.</li>
<p> [<a href="#bookmarks">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="changing_individual_bookmarks">Changing Individual Bookmarks</h3>
<p>You can change the information for any individual bookmark.</p>
<li>Open the Bookmarks menu and choose Manage Bookmarks.</li>
<li>In your Bookmarks window, click a bookmark.</li>
<li>Click Properties.</li>
<li>In the bookmark Properties dialog box window, click the Info tab.</li>
<p>You can rename the bookmark (the name appears in your bookmark list), add
descriptive information, or set a keyword. (You can type a bookmark&apos;s
keyword into the Location Bar to go to the bookmarked site.)</p>
<p>You can also set &brandShortName; to check bookmarked websites for
<li>Open the Bookmarks menu and choose Manage Bookmarks.</li>
<li>In your Bookmarks window, click a bookmark.</li>
<li>Click Properties.</li>
<li>In the bookmark Properties dialog box, click the Schedule tab.</li>
<li>Use the pull down lists to specify how frequently you want
&brandShortName; to check the bookmarked page for changes.</li>
<li>If you want to be notified when the bookmarked page changes, click the
Notify tab and choose a notification option.</li>
<p> [<a href="#bookmarks">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="searching_your_bookmarks">Searching Your Bookmarks</h3>
<p>To search the bookmarks list:</p>
<li>Open the Bookmarks menu and choose Manage Bookmarks.</li>
<li>In your Bookmarks window, open the Tools menu and choose Search
Bookmarks. You see the Find Bookmarks dialog box.</li>
<li>In the drop-down lists, choose options to define your search, and then
click Find. Bookmarks that match your search criteria are displayed. Choose
from the following Search options:
<li>Choose "contains," "starts with," or "ends with" if you know only
part of the word or phrase for which you&apos;re searching.</li>
<li>Choose "is" if you know exactly what you&apos;re searching for.</li>
<li>Choose "is not" or "doesn&apos;t contain" to exclude pages.</li>
<li>Click the fill-in field and type all or part of name or URL
(web address) for the bookmarks or history listings that you want to
find or exclude.</li>
<li>Select <q>Save query in bookmarks</q> to save this search for
later use.</li>
<li>Double-click a bookmark in the list to go to that page.</li>
<p><strong>Tip</strong>: If the list is hard to read, try expanding the search
results window.</p>
<p>[<a href="#bookmarks">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h3 id="exporting_or_importing_a_bookmark_list">Exporting or Importing a
Bookmark List</h3>
<p>Your bookmarks are stored in a file named bookmarks.html. You can export a
copy of this file and save it in a folder of your choosing. You can then edit
it and treat it as you would any HTML file.</p>
<li>Open the Bookmarks menu and choose Manage Bookmarks.</li>
<li>In your Bookmarks window, open the Tools menu, and choose Export.</li>
<li>In the <q>Export Bookmarks File</q> dialog box, choose a folder.
Your bookmarks.html file will be copied into the folder you designate.</li>
<li>Click Save.</li>
<p>Your &brandShortName; bookmarks are not altered by this procedure.</p>
<p>You can also import bookmarks files from other sources. For example, you can
import bookmarks files from earlier &brandShortName; versions, other
browsers, or from bookmarks files that your friends send you.</p>
<p>Before you start, make sure that the bookmarks file you want to import is an
HTML file.</p>
<li>Open the Bookmarks menu and choose Manage Bookmarks.</li>
<li>In your Bookmarks window, open the Tools menu and choose Import.</li>
<li>In the <q>Import Bookmarks File</q> dialog box, locate and select
the bookmarks file you want to import.</li>
<li>Click Open.</li>
<p>The imported bookmarks file is treated as a group of new bookmarks and added
to the bottom of your bookmarks list. If you have designated a new bookmark
folder, the imported bookmarks are added to that folder.</p>
<p><strong>Note</strong>: Importing a bookmarks file imports the bookmarks and
folders from that file. It does not create two bookmarks files.</p>
<p>[<a href="#bookmarks">Return to beginning of section</a>]</p>
<h2 id="specifying_how_mozilla_starts_up">Specifying How &brandShortName;
Starts Up</h2>
<div class="contentsBox">In this section:
<li><a href="#specifying_a_starting_page">Specifying a Starting Page</a></li>
<li><a href="#changing_your_home_page">Changing Your Home Page</a></li>
<li><a href="#specifying_which_components_open_at_launch">Specifying Which
Components Open at Launch</a></li>
<h3 id="specifying_a_starting_page">Specifying a Starting Page</h3>
<p>You can specify the page that loads when the browser starts:</p>
<li>Open the <span class="mac">&brandShortName;</span>
<span class="noMac">Edit</span> menu and choose Preferences.</li>
<li>Under "When Navigator, starts up display," choose whether you want a
blank page, your home page, or the last web page visited to open
automatically when you launch your browser.
<p><strong>Note</strong>: If you selected Home Page, type the URL in the
Location Bar.</p></li>
<p>[<a href="#specifying_how_mozilla_starts_up">Return to beginning of
<h3 id="changing_your_home_page">Changing Your Home Page</h3>
<p>Your home page is the page that opens when you click the Home button in the
Personal Toolbar. Depending on how your preferences are set, it may also be
the page that opens automatically when you launch &brandShortName;.</p>
<p>To specify your home page:</p>
<li>Open the <span class="mac">&brandShortName;</span>
<span class="noMac">Edit</span> menu and choose Preferences.</li>
<li>Click the Navigator category.</li>
<li>In the Home page section, perform one of the following:
<li>Type your home page&apos;s URL (web address) in the Location
<li>Click Use Current Page to make the page currently displayed in the
browser window your home page.</li>
<li>Click Choose File to select a file from your computer&apos;s hard
<p><strong>Tip</strong>: To specify your home page quickly, drag the bookmark
icon <img src="chrome://communicator/skin/bookmarks/bookmark-item.gif"
alt="image of bookmark icon"/> from the Location Bar to the Home Page
button on the Personal Toolbar.</p>
<p>[<a href="#specifying_how_mozilla_starts_up">Return to beginning of
<h3 id="specifying_which_components_open_at_launch">Specifying Which Components
Open at Launch</h3>
<p>You can choose components (such as Mail &amp; Newsgroups and Composer) to
launch when you start &brandShortName;:</p>
<li>Open the <span class="mac">&brandShortName;</span>
<span class="noMac">Edit</span> menu and choose Preferences.</li>
<li>Click the Appearance category.</li>
<li>Select the components you want opened automatically each time you start
<p>[<a href="#specifying_how_mozilla_starts_up">Return to beginning of
<p>Copyright &copy; 2003-2004 The Mozilla Foundation.</p>