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Исходник Ответственный История

Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода!

Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода, которые могут быть отображены не так, как показано ниже. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы показать скрытые символы.

const {Cc,Ci,Cu,Cr} = require("chrome");
const ObservableObject = require("devtools/shared/observable-object");
const promise = require("devtools/toolkit/deprecated-sync-thenables");
const {EventEmitter} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/event-emitter.js");
const {generateUUID} = Cc[';1'].getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator);
const {FileUtils} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
const { indexedDB } = require("sdk/indexed-db");
* IndexedDB wrapper that just save project objects
* The only constraint is that project objects have to have
* a unique `location` object.
const IDB = {
_db: null,
databaseName: "AppProjects",
open: function () {
let deferred = promise.defer();
let request =, 5);
request.onerror = function(event) {
deferred.reject("Unable to open AppProjects indexedDB: " + + " - " + this.error.message );
request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
let db =;
db.createObjectStore("projects", { keyPath: "location" });
request.onsuccess = function() {
let db = IDB._db = request.result;
let objectStore = db.transaction("projects").objectStore("projects");
let projects = []
let toRemove = [];
objectStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function(event) {
let cursor =;
if (cursor) {
if (cursor.value.location) {
// We need to make sure this object has a `.location` property.
// The UI depends on this property.
// This should not be needed as we make sure to register valid
// projects, but in the past (before bug 924568), we might have
// registered invalid objects.
// We also want to make sure the location is valid.
// If the location doesn't exist, we remove the project.
try {
let file = FileUtils.File(cursor.value.location);
if (file.exists()) {
} else {
} catch (e) {
// A URL
} else {
let removePromises = [];
for (let location of toRemove) {
promise.all(removePromises).then(() => {
return deferred.promise;
add: function(project) {
let deferred = promise.defer();
project = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(project));
if (!project.location) {
// We need to make sure this object has a `.location` property.
deferred.reject("Missing location property on project object.");
} else {
let transaction = IDB._db.transaction(["projects"], "readwrite");
let objectStore = transaction.objectStore("projects");
let request = objectStore.add(project);
request.onerror = function(event) {
deferred.reject("Unable to add project to the AppProjects indexedDB: " + + " - " + this.error.message );
request.onsuccess = function() {
return deferred.promise;
update: function(project) {
let deferred = promise.defer();
// Clone object to make it storable by IndexedDB.
// Projects are proxified objects (for the template
// mechanismn in the first version of the App Manager).
// This will change in the future.
project = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(project));
var transaction = IDB._db.transaction(["projects"], "readwrite");
var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("projects");
var request = objectStore.put(project);
request.onerror = function(event) {
deferred.reject("Unable to update project to the AppProjects indexedDB: " + + " - " + this.error.message );
request.onsuccess = function() {
return deferred.promise;
remove: function(location) {
let deferred = promise.defer();
let request = IDB._db.transaction(["projects"], "readwrite")
request.onsuccess = function(event) {
request.onerror = function() {
deferred.reject("Unable to delete project to the AppProjects indexedDB: " + + " - " + this.error.message );
return deferred.promise;
const store = new ObservableObject({ projects:[] });
let loadDeferred = promise.defer();
loadDeferred.resolve( (projects) {
store.object.projects = projects;
AppProjects.emit("ready", store.object.projects);
const AppProjects = {
load: function() {
return loadDeferred.promise;
addPackaged: function(folder) {
let file = FileUtils.File(folder.path);
if (!file.exists()) {
return promise.reject("path doesn't exist");
let existingProject = this.get(folder.path);
if (existingProject) {
return promise.reject("Already added");
let project = {
type: "packaged",
location: folder.path,
// We need a unique id, that is the app origin,
// in order to identify the app when being installed on the device.
// The packaged app local path is a valid id, but only on the client.
// This origin will be used to generate the true id of an app:
// its manifest URL.
// If the app ends up specifying an explicit origin in its manifest,
// we will override this random UUID on app install.
packagedAppOrigin: generateUUID().toString().slice(1, -1)
return IDB.add(project).then(function () {
// return the added objects (proxified)
return store.object.projects[store.object.projects.length - 1];
addHosted: function(manifestURL) {
let existingProject = this.get(manifestURL);
if (existingProject) {
return promise.reject("Already added");
let project = {
type: "hosted",
location: manifestURL
return IDB.add(project).then(function () {
// return the added objects (proxified)
return store.object.projects[store.object.projects.length - 1];
update: function (project) {
return IDB.update(project);
updateLocation: function(project, newLocation) {
return IDB.remove(project.location)
.then(() => {
project.location = newLocation;
return IDB.add(project);
remove: function(location) {
return IDB.remove(location).then(function () {
let projects = store.object.projects;
for (let i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
if (projects[i].location == location) {
projects.splice(i, 1);
throw new Error("Unable to find project in AppProjects store");
get: function(location) {
let projects = store.object.projects;
for (let i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
if (projects[i].location == location) {
return projects[i];
return null;
store: store
exports.AppProjects = AppProjects;