
58 строки
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<title>MSE: seeking to end of data with data gap.</title>
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<pre id="test">
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runWithMSE(function(ms, el) {
once(ms, 'sourceopen').then(function() {
ok(true, "Receive a sourceopen event");
var videosb = ms.addSourceBuffer("video/mp4");
var audiosb = ms.addSourceBuffer("audio/mp4");
fetchAndLoad(videosb, 'bipbop/bipbop_video', ['init'], '.mp4')
.then(fetchAndLoad.bind(null, videosb, 'bipbop/bipbop_video', range(1, 6), '.m4s'))
.then(fetchAndLoad.bind(null, audiosb, 'bipbop/bipbop_audio', ['init'], '.mp4'))
.then(function() {
is(videosb.buffered.length, 1, "continuous buffered range");
// Ensure we have at least 2s less audio than video.
audiosb.appendWindowEnd = videosb.buffered.end(0) - 2;
return fetchAndLoad(audiosb, 'bipbop/bipbop_audio', range(1, 6), '.m4s');
}).then(function() {
return Promise.all([once(el, "durationchange"), once(ms, "sourceended")]);
}).then(function() {
ok(true, "endOfStream completed");
// Seek to the middle of the gap where audio is missing. As we are in readyState = ended
// seeking must complete.
el.currentTime = videosb.buffered.end(0) / 2 + audiosb.buffered.end(0) / 2;
ok(el.currentTime - audiosb.buffered.end(0) > 1, "gap is big enough");
is(el.buffered.length, 1, "continuous buffered range");
is(el.buffered.end(0), videosb.buffered.end(0), "buffered range end is aligned with longest track");
ok(el.seeking, "element is now seeking");
ok(el.currentTime >= el.buffered.start(0) && el.currentTime <= el.buffered.end(0), "seeking time is in buffered range");
ok(el.currentTime > audiosb.buffered.end(0), "seeking point is not buffered in audio track");
return once(el, 'seeked');
}).then(function() {
ok(true, "we have successfully seeked");
// Now ensure that we can play to the end, even though we are missing data in one track.;
once(el, 'ended').then(SimpleTest.finish.bind(SimpleTest));