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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is OEone Calendar Code, released October 31st, 2001.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* OEone Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Garth Smedley <>
* Mike Potter <>
* Chris Charabaruk <>
* Colin Phillips <>
* ArentJan Banck <>
* Curtis Jewell <>
* Eric Belhaire <>
* Mark Swaffer <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
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* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
* U N I F I N D E R
* This is a hacked in interface to the unifinder. We will need to
* improve this to make it usable in general.
const ToDoUnifinderTreeName = "unifinder-todo-tree";
var gTaskArray = new Array();
* Observer for the calendar event data source. This keeps the unifinder
* display up to date when the calendar event data is changed
var unifinderToDoDataSourceObserver =
mInBatch: false,
QueryInterface: function (aIID) {
if (!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) &&
!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.calICompositeObserver) &&
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
onStartBatch: function() {
this.mInBatch = true;
onEndBatch: function() {
this.mInBatch = false;
onLoad: function() {
if (!this.mInBatch)
onAddItem: function(aItem) {
if (aItem instanceof Components.interfaces.calITodo &&
onModifyItem: function(aNewItem, aOldItem) {
if (aNewItem instanceof Components.interfaces.calITodo &&
onDeleteItem: function(aDeletedItem) {
if (aDeletedItem instanceof Components.interfaces.calITodo &&
onAlarm: function(aAlarmItem) {},
onError: function(aMessage) {},
onCalendarAdded: function(aDeletedItem) {
if (!this.mInBatch)
onCalendarRemoved: function(aDeletedItem) {
if (!this.mInBatch)
onDefaultCalendarChanged: function(aNewDefaultCalendar) {}
* Called when the calendar is loaded
function prepareCalendarToDoUnifinder()
var ccalendar = getDisplayComposite();
* Called when the calendar is unloaded
function finishCalendarToDoUnifinder()
var ccalendar = getDisplayComposite();
* Helper function to display todo datetimes in the unifinder
function formatUnifinderToDoDateTime(aDateTime)
// datetime is from todo object, it is not a javascript date
if (aDateTime && aDateTime.isValid)
return gCalendarWindow.dateFormater.formatDateTime(aDateTime.jsDate, true);
return "";
* Called by event observers to update the display
function toDoUnifinderRefresh()
var hideCompleted = document.getElementById("hide-completed-checkbox").checked;
var savedThis = this;
var refreshListener = {
mTaskArray: new Array(),
onOperationComplete: function (aCalendar, aStatus, aOperationType, aId, aDateTime) {
setTimeout(function () { refreshToDoTree (refreshListener.mTaskArray); }, 0);
onGetResult: function (aCalendar, aStatus, aItemType, aDetail, aCount, aItems) {
for (var i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
var ccalendar = getDisplayComposite();
var filter = 0;
if (hideCompleted)
filter |= ccalendar.ITEM_FILTER_COMPLETED_NO;
filter |= ccalendar.ITEM_FILTER_COMPLETED_ALL;
filter |= ccalendar.ITEM_FILTER_TYPE_TODO;
ccalendar.getItems(filter, 0, null, null, refreshListener);
function getToDoFromEvent( event )
var tree = document.getElementById( ToDoUnifinderTreeName );
var row = tree.treeBoxObject.getRowAt( event.clientX, event.clientY );
if( row != -1 && row < tree.view.rowCount )
return( tree.taskView.getCalendarTaskAtRow( row ) );
return false;
function getSelectedToDo()
var tree = document.getElementById( ToDoUnifinderTreeName );
// .toDo object sometimes isn't available?
return( tree.taskView.getCalendarTaskAtRow(tree.currentIndex) );
* This is attached to the onclik attribute of the to do list shown in the unifinder
function modifyToDoCommand( event )
// we only care about button 0 (left click) events
if (event.button != 0) return;
//open the edit todo dialog box
var ThisToDo = getToDoFromEvent( event );
if( ThisToDo )
editToDo( ThisToDo );
* Set the context menu on mousedown to change it before it is opened
function unifinderMouseDownToDo( event )
var tree = document.getElementById( ToDoUnifinderTreeName );
var treechildren = tree.getElementsByTagName( "treechildren" )[0];
var ThisToDo = getToDoFromEvent( event );
if( ThisToDo )
// TODO HACK notifiers should be rewritten to integrate events and todos
document.getElementById( "delete_todo_command" ).removeAttribute( "disabled" );
document.getElementById( "print_command" ).setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );
} else
// TODO HACK notifiers should be rewritten to integrate events and todos
document.getElementById( "delete_todo_command" ).setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );
// printing tasks not supported
document.getElementById( "print_command" ).setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );
function checkboxClick(thisTodo, completed)
var newTodo = thisTodo.clone().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.calITodo);
newTodo.isCompleted = completed;
doTransaction('modify', newTodo, newTodo.calendar, thisTodo, null);
This function return the progress state of a ToDo task :
completed, overdue, duetoday, inprogress, future
function ToDoProgressAtom( aTodo )
var now = new Date();
if (aTodo.isCompleted)
return "completed";
if (aTodo.dueDate && aTodo.dueDate.isValid) {
if (aTodo.dueDate.jsDate.getTime() < now.getTime())
return "overdue";
else if (aTodo.dueDate.year == now.getFullYear() &&
aTodo.dueDate.month == now.getMonth() && == now.getDate())
return "duetoday";
if (aTodo.entryDate && aTodo.entryDate.isValid &&
aTodo.entryDate.jsDate.getTime() < now.getTime())
return "inprogress";
return "future";
var toDoTreeView =
rowCount : gTaskArray.length,
selectedColumn : null,
sortDirection : null,
sortStartedTime : new Date().getTime(), // updated just before sort
isContainer : function(){return false;},
// By getCellProperties, the properties defined with
// treechildren:-moz-tree-cell-text in CSS are used.
// It is use here to color a particular row with a color
// given by the progress state of the ToDo task.
getCellProperties : function( row,column, props )
calendarToDo = gTaskArray[row];
var aserv=Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAtomService);
// Moz1.8 trees require, moz1.7 and earlier trees use column.
if( (typeof(column)=="object" ? : column) == "unifinder-todo-tree-col-priority" )
if(calendarToDo.priority > 0 && calendarToDo.priority < 5)
if(calendarToDo.priority > 5 && calendarToDo.priority < 10)
getColumnProperties : function(){return false;},
// By getRowProperties, the properties defined with
// treechildren:-moz-tree-row in CSS are used.
// It is used here to color the background of a selected
// ToDo task with a color
// given by the progress state of the ToDo task.
getRowProperties : function( row,props ){
calendarToDo = gTaskArray[row];
var aserv=Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAtomService);
props.AppendElement(aserv.getAtom(ToDoProgressAtom( calendarToDo )));
isSorted : function(){return false;},
isEditable : function(){return true;},
isSeparator : function(){return false;},
// Return the empty string in order
// to use moz-tree-image pseudoelement :
// it is mandatory to return "" and not false :-(
getImageSrc : function(){return("");},
cycleCell : function(row,col)
calendarToDo = gTaskArray[row];
// Moz1.8 trees require, moz1.7 and earlier trees use column.
if ( == "unifinder-todo-tree-col-completed") {
if (calendarToDo.completedDate)
checkboxClick( calendarToDo, false ) ;
checkboxClick( calendarToDo, true ) ;
cycleHeader : function(col, element) // element parameter used in Moz1.7-
{ // not in Moz1.8+
var sortActive;
var treeCols;
// Moz1.8 trees require, moz1.7 and earlier trees use column.
this.selectedColumn = (typeof(col)=="object" ? : col);
if (!element) element = col.element; // in Moz1.8+, get element from col
sortActive = element.getAttribute("sortActive");
this.sortDirection = element.getAttribute("sortDirection");
if (sortActive != "true")
treeCols = document.getElementsByTagName("treecol");
for (var i = 0; i < treeCols.length; i++)
sortActive = true;
this.sortDirection = "ascending";
sortActive = true;
if (this.sortDirection == "" || this.sortDirection == "descending")
this.sortDirection = "ascending";
this.sortDirection = "descending";
element.setAttribute("sortActive", sortActive);
element.setAttribute("sortDirection", this.sortDirection);
this.sortStartedTime = now(); // for null dates during sort
gTaskArray.sort( compareTasks );
document.getElementById( ToDoUnifinderTreeName ).view = this;
setTree : function( tree ){this.tree = tree;},
getCellText : function(row,column)
calendarToDo = gTaskArray[row];
if( !calendarToDo )
return false;
// Moz1.8 trees require, moz1.7 and earlier trees use column.
switch( typeof(column)=="object" ? : column )
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-completed":
return( "" );
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-priority":
return( "" );
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-title":
// return title, or "Untitled" if empty/null
return calendarToDo.title || gCalendarBundle.getString( "eventUntitled" );
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-startdate":
return( formatUnifinderToDoDateTime( calendarToDo.entryDate ) );
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-duedate":
return( formatUnifinderToDoDateTime( calendarToDo.dueDate ) );
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-completeddate":
return( formatUnifinderToDoDateTime( calendarToDo.completedDate ) );
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-percentcomplete":
return( calendarToDo.percentComplete+"%" );
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-categories":
return( calendarToDo.getProperty("CATEGORIES") );
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-location":
return( calendarToDo.getProperty("LOCATION") );
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-status":
return getToDoStatusString(calendarToDo);
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-calendarname":
return( );
return false;
function compareTasks( taskA, taskB )
var modifier = 1;
if (toDoTreeView.sortDirection == "descending")
modifier = -1;
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-priority": // 0-9
//0=none, but 1=high. Intuitively, none should be after low
var aFix = taskA.priority == 0 ? 10 : taskA.priority;
var bFix = taskB.priority == 0 ? 10 : taskB.priority;
return compareNumber(aFix, bFix) * modifier;
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-title":
return compareString(taskA.title, taskB.title) * modifier;
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-startdate":
return compareDate(taskA.entryDate, taskB.entryDate) * modifier;
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-duedate":
return compareDate(taskA.dueDate, taskB.dueDate) * modifier;
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-completed": // checkbox if date exists
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-completeddate":
return compareDate(taskA.completedDate, taskB.completedDate) * modifier;
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-percentcomplete":
return compareNumber(taskA.percentComplete, taskB.percentComplete) * modifier;
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-categories":
return compareString(taskA.getProperty("CATEGORIES"), taskB.getProperty("CATEGORIES")) * modifier;
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-location":
return compareString(taskA.getProperty("LOCATION"), taskB.getProperty("LOCATION")) * modifier;
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-status":
return compareNumber(kStatusOrder.indexOf(taskA.status), kStatusOrder.indexOf(taskB.status)) * modifier;
case "unifinder-todo-tree-col-calendarname":
return compareString(, * modifier;
return 0;
function compareString(a, b) {
a = nullToEmpty(a);
b = nullToEmpty(b);
return ((a < b) ? -1 :
(a > b) ? 1 : 0);
function nullToEmpty(value) {
return value == null? "" : value;
function compareNumber(a, b) {
// Number converts a date to msecs since 1970, and converts a null to 0.
a = Number(a);
b = Number(b);
return ((a < b) ? -1 : // avoid underflow problems of subtraction
(a > b) ? 1 : 0);
// Takes two calDateTimes
function compareDate(a, b) {
if (!a)
a = toDoTreeView.sortStartedTime;
if (!b)
b = toDoTreeView.sortStartedTime;
return (;
function calendarTaskView( taskArray )
this.contextTask = null;
this.taskArray = taskArray;
calendarTaskView.prototype.getCalendarTaskAtRow = function( i )
return( gTaskArray[ i ] );
calendarTaskView.prototype.getRowOfCalendarTask = function( Task )
for( var i = 0; i < this.gTaskArray.length; i++ )
if( this.gTaskArray[i].id == )
return( i );
return( "null" );
* Redraw the categories unifinder tree
function refreshToDoTree( taskArray )
if( taskArray === false )
taskArray = getTaskTable();
gTaskArray = taskArray;
toDoTreeView.rowCount = gTaskArray.length;
var ArrayOfTreeCols = document.getElementById( ToDoUnifinderTreeName ).getElementsByTagName( "treecol" );
for( var i = 0; i < ArrayOfTreeCols.length; i++ )
if( ArrayOfTreeCols[i].getAttribute( "sortActive" ) == "true" )
toDoTreeView.selectedColumn = ArrayOfTreeCols[i].getAttribute( "id" );
toDoTreeView.sortDirection = ArrayOfTreeCols[i].getAttribute("sortDirection");
toDoTreeView.sortStartedTime = now(); //for null/0 dates
document.getElementById( ToDoUnifinderTreeName ).view = toDoTreeView;
document.getElementById( ToDoUnifinderTreeName ).taskView = new calendarTaskView( gTaskArray );
function getTaskTable( )
return gTaskArray;
function contextChangeProgress( event, Progress )
var tree = document.getElementById( ToDoUnifinderTreeName );
var start = new Object();
var end = new Object();
var numRanges = tree.view.selection.getRangeCount();
var toDoItem;
if(numRanges == 0)
for (var t = 0; t < numRanges; t++) {
tree.view.selection.getRangeAt(t, start, end);
for (var v = start.value; v <= end.value; v++) {
toDoItem = tree.taskView.getCalendarTaskAtRow( v );
var newItem = toDoItem.clone().QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.calITodo );
newItem.percentComplete = Progress;
switch (Progress) {
case 0:
newItem.isCompleted = false;
case 100:
newItem.isCompleted = true;
newItem.status = "IN-PROCESS";
newItem.completedDate = null;
doTransaction('modify', newItem, newItem.calendar, toDoItem, null);
function contextChangePriority( event, Priority )
var tree = document.getElementById( ToDoUnifinderTreeName );
var start = new Object();
var end = new Object();
var numRanges = tree.view.selection.getRangeCount();
var toDoItem;
if(numRanges == 0)
for (var t = 0; t < numRanges; t++) {
tree.view.selection.getRangeAt(t, start, end);
for (var v = start.value; v <= end.value; v++) {
toDoItem = tree.taskView.getCalendarTaskAtRow( v );
var newItem = toDoItem.clone().QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.calITodo );
newItem.priority = Priority;
doTransaction('modify', newItem, newItem.calendar, toDoItem, null);
function modifyTaskFromContext() {
var task = document.getElementById( ToDoUnifinderTreeName ).taskView.contextTask;
function changeContextMenuForToDo(event)
if ( != "taskitem-context-menu")
var toDoItem = getToDoFromEvent(event);
// If only one task is selected, enable 'Edit Task'
var tree = document.getElementById(ToDoUnifinderTreeName);
var start = new Object();
var end = new Object();
var numRanges = tree.view.selection.getRangeCount();
tree.view.selection.getRangeAt(0, start, end);
if (numRanges == 1 && (start.value == end.value) && toDoItem) {
tree.taskView.contextTask = toDoItem;
else {
.setAttribute("disabled", true);
tree.taskView.contextTask = null;
// make progress and priority popup menu visible
// enable/disable progress and priority popup menus
if (toDoItem)
var liveList = document.getElementById("taskitem-context-menu")
.getElementsByAttribute("checked", "true");
// Delete in reverse order. Moz1.8+ getElementsByAttribute list is
// 'live', so when attribute is deleted the indexes of later elements
// change, but Moz1.7- is not. Reversed order works with both.
for (var i = liveList.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
if (document.getElementById("percent-"+toDoItem.percentComplete+"-menuitem"))
.setAttribute("checked", "true");
if (document.getElementById("priority-"+toDoItem.priority+"-menuitem"))
.setAttribute("checked", "true");
} else {
document.getElementById("is_editable").setAttribute("disabled", "true");