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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
import mozpack.path
import os
import platform
import sys
import which
from mozbuild.base import (
MachCommandConditions as conditions,
from mach.decorators import (
from mach.logging import StructuredHumanFormatter
ADB_NOT_FOUND = """The %s command requires the adb binary to be on your path.
This can be found in '%s/out/host/<platform>/bin'."""
class UnexpectedFilter(logging.Filter):
def filter(self, record):
msg = getattr(record, 'params', {}).get('msg', '')
return 'TEST-UNEXPECTED-' in msg
class MochitestRunner(MozbuildObject):
"""Easily run mochitests.
This currently contains just the basics for running mochitests. We may want
to hook up result parsing, etc.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
MozbuildObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# TODO Bug 794506 remove once mach integrates with virtualenv.
build_path = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, 'build')
if build_path not in sys.path:
self.tests_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests')
self.mochitest_dir = os.path.join(self.tests_dir, 'testing', 'mochitest')
def run_b2g_test(self, b2g_home, xre_path, test_file=None, **kwargs):
"""Runs a b2g mochitest.
test_file is a path to a test file. It can be a relative path from the
top source directory, an absolute filename, or a directory containing
test files.
except which.WhichError:
# TODO Find adb automatically if it isn't on the path
raise Exception(ADB_NOT_FOUND % ('mochitest-remote', b2g_home))
# TODO without os.chdir, chained imports fail below
import imp
path = os.path.join(self.mochitest_dir, '')
with open(path, 'r') as fh:
imp.load_module('mochitest', fh, path,
('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))
import mochitest
from mochitest_options import B2GOptions
parser = B2GOptions()
options = parser.parse_args([])[0]
options.b2gPath = b2g_home
options.consoleLevel = 'INFO'
options.logcat_dir = self.mochitest_dir
options.httpdPath = self.mochitest_dir
options.xrePath = xre_path
if test_file:
options.testPath = test_file
options.testManifest = 'b2g.json'
for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(options, k, v)
mochitest.run_remote_mochitests(parser, options)
def run_desktop_test(self, suite=None, test_file=None, debugger=None,
debugger_args=None, shuffle=False, keep_open=False, rerun_failures=False,
no_autorun=False, repeat=0, run_until_failure=False, slow=False):
"""Runs a mochitest.
test_file is a path to a test file. It can be a relative path from the
top source directory, an absolute filename, or a directory containing
test files.
suite is the type of mochitest to run. It can be one of ('plain',
'chrome', 'browser', 'metro', 'a11y').
debugger is a program name or path to a binary (presumably a debugger)
to run the test in. e.g. 'gdb'
debugger_args are the arguments passed to the debugger.
shuffle is whether test order should be shuffled (defaults to false).
keep_open denotes whether to keep the browser open after tests
if rerun_failures and test_file:
print('Cannot specify both --rerun-failures and a test path.')
return 1
# Need to call relpath before os.chdir() below.
test_path = ''
if test_file:
test_path = self._wrap_path_argument(test_file).relpath()
failure_file_path = os.path.join(self.statedir, 'mochitest_failures.json')
if rerun_failures and not os.path.exists(failure_file_path):
print('No failure file present. Did you run mochitests before?')
return 1
from StringIO import StringIO
from automation import Automation
# is ambiguous, so we load the file/module manually.
if 'mochitest' not in sys.modules:
import imp
path = os.path.join(self.mochitest_dir, '')
with open(path, 'r') as fh:
imp.load_module('mochitest', fh, path,
('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))
import mochitest
# This is required to make other components happy. Sad, isn't it?
automation = Automation()
# Automation installs its own stream handler to stdout. Since we want
# all logging to go through us, we just remove their handler.
remove_handlers = [l for l in logging.getLogger().handlers
if isinstance(l, logging.StreamHandler)]
for handler in remove_handlers:
runner = mochitest.Mochitest(automation)
opts = mochitest.MochitestOptions(automation)
options, args = opts.parse_args([])
appname = ''
if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
appname = os.path.join(self.distdir, self.substs['MOZ_MACBUNDLE_NAME'],
'Contents', 'MacOS', 'webapprt-stub' + automation.BIN_SUFFIX)
appname = os.path.join(self.distdir, 'bin', 'webapprt-stub' +
# Need to set the suite options before verifyOptions below.
if suite == 'plain':
# Don't need additional options for plain.
elif suite == 'chrome': = True
elif suite == 'browser':
options.browserChrome = True
elif suite == 'metro':
options.immersiveMode = True
options.browserChrome = True
elif suite == 'a11y':
options.a11y = True
elif suite == 'webapprt-content':
options.webapprtContent = True = appname
elif suite == 'webapprt-chrome':
options.webapprtChrome = True = appname
raise Exception('None or unrecognized mochitest suite type.')
options.autorun = not no_autorun
options.closeWhenDone = not keep_open
options.shuffle = shuffle
options.consoleLevel = 'INFO'
options.repeat = repeat
options.runUntilFailure = run_until_failure
options.runSlower = slow
options.testingModulesDir = os.path.join(self.tests_dir, 'modules')
options.extraProfileFiles.append(os.path.join(self.distdir, 'plugins'))
options.symbolsPath = os.path.join(self.distdir, 'crashreporter-symbols')
options.failureFile = failure_file_path
if test_path:
test_root = runner.getTestRoot(options)
test_root_file = mozpack.path.join(self.mochitest_dir, test_root, test_path)
if not os.path.exists(test_root_file):
print('Specified test path does not exist: %s' % test_root_file)
print('You may need to run |mach build| to build the test files.')
return 1
options.testPath = test_path
if rerun_failures:
options.testManifest = failure_file_path
if debugger:
options.debugger = debugger
if debugger_args:
if options.debugger == None:
print("--debugger-args passed, but no debugger specified.")
return 1
options.debuggerArgs = debugger_args
options = opts.verifyOptions(options, runner)
if options is None:
raise Exception('mochitest option validator failed.')
automation.setServerInfo(options.webServer, options.httpPort,
options.sslPort, options.webSocketPort)
# We need this to enable colorization of output.
# Output processing is a little funky here. The old make targets
# grepped the log output from TEST-UNEXPECTED-* and printed these lines
# after test execution. Ideally the test runner would expose a Python
# API for obtaining test results and we could just format failures
# appropriately. Unfortunately, it doesn't yet do that. So, we capture
# all output to a buffer then "grep" the buffer after test execution.
# Bug 858197 tracks a Python API that would facilitate this.
test_output = StringIO()
handler = logging.StreamHandler(test_output)
handler.setFormatter(StructuredHumanFormatter(0, write_times=False))
result = runner.runTests(options)
# Need to remove our buffering handler before we echo failures or else
# it will catch them again!
if test_output.getvalue():
result = 1
for line in test_output.getvalue().splitlines():
self.log(logging.INFO, 'unexpected', {'msg': line}, '{msg}')
return result
def MochitestCommand(func):
"""Decorator that adds shared command arguments to mochitest commands."""
# This employs light Python magic. Keep in mind a decorator is just a
# function that takes a function, does something with it, then returns a
# (modified) function. Here, we chain decorators onto the passed in
# function.
debugger = CommandArgument('--debugger', '-d', metavar='DEBUGGER',
help='Debugger binary to run test in. Program name or path.')
func = debugger(func)
debugger_args = CommandArgument('--debugger-args',
metavar='DEBUGGER_ARGS', help='Arguments to pass to the debugger.')
func = debugger_args(func)
shuffle = CommandArgument('--shuffle', action='store_true',
help='Shuffle execution order.')
func = shuffle(func)
keep_open = CommandArgument('--keep-open', action='store_true',
help='Keep the browser open after tests complete.')
func = keep_open(func)
rerun = CommandArgument('--rerun-failures', action='store_true',
help='Run only the tests that failed during the last test run.')
func = rerun(func)
autorun = CommandArgument('--no-autorun', action='store_true',
help='Do not starting running tests automatically.')
func = autorun(func)
repeat = CommandArgument('--repeat', type=int, default=0,
help='Repeat the test the given number of times.')
func = repeat(func)
runUntilFailure = CommandArgument("--run-until-failure", action='store_true',
help='Run a test repeatedly and stops on the first time the test fails. ' \
'Only available when running a single test. Default cap is 30 runs, ' \
'which can be overwritten with the --repeat parameter.')
func = runUntilFailure(func)
slow = CommandArgument('--slow', action='store_true',
help='Delay execution between tests.')
func = slow(func)
path = CommandArgument('test_file', default=None, nargs='?',
help='Test to run. Can be specified as a single file, a ' \
'directory, or omitted. If omitted, the entire test suite is ' \
func = path(func)
return func
def B2GCommand(func):
"""Decorator that adds shared command arguments to b2g mochitest commands."""
busybox = CommandArgument('--busybox', default=None,
help='Path to busybox binary to install on device')
func = busybox(func)
logcatdir = CommandArgument('--logcat-dir', default=None,
help='directory to store logcat dump files')
func = logcatdir(func)
profile = CommandArgument('--profile', default=None,
help='for desktop testing, the path to the \
gaia profile to use')
func = profile(func)
geckopath = CommandArgument('--gecko-path', default=None,
help='the path to a gecko distribution that should \
be installed on the emulator prior to test')
func = geckopath(func)
nowindow = CommandArgument('--no-window', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Pass --no-window to the emulator')
func = nowindow(func)
sdcard = CommandArgument('--sdcard', default="10MB",
help='Define size of sdcard: 1MB, 50MB...etc')
func = sdcard(func)
emulator = CommandArgument('--emulator', default='arm',
help='Architecture of emulator to use: x86 or arm')
func = emulator(func)
marionette = CommandArgument('--marionette', default=None,
help='host:port to use when connecting to Marionette')
func = marionette(func)
path = CommandArgument('test_file', default=None, nargs='?',
help='Test to run. Can be specified as a single file, a ' \
'directory, or omitted. If omitted, the entire test suite is ' \
func = path(func)
return func
class MachCommands(MachCommandBase):
@Command('mochitest-plain', category='testing',
description='Run a plain mochitest.')
def run_mochitest_plain(self, test_file, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_file, 'plain', **kwargs)
@Command('mochitest-chrome', category='testing',
description='Run a chrome mochitest.')
def run_mochitest_chrome(self, test_file, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_file, 'chrome', **kwargs)
@Command('mochitest-browser', category='testing',
description='Run a mochitest with browser chrome.')
def run_mochitest_browser(self, test_file, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_file, 'browser', **kwargs)
@Command('mochitest-metro', category='testing',
description='Run a mochitest with metro browser chrome.')
def run_mochitest_metro(self, test_file, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_file, 'metro', **kwargs)
@Command('mochitest-a11y', category='testing',
description='Run an a11y mochitest.')
def run_mochitest_a11y(self, test_file, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_file, 'a11y', **kwargs)
@Command('webapprt-test-chrome', category='testing',
description='Run a webapprt chrome mochitest.')
def run_mochitest_webapprt_chrome(self, test_file, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_file, 'webapprt-chrome', **kwargs)
@Command('webapprt-test-content', category='testing',
description='Run a webapprt content mochitest.')
def run_mochitest_webapprt_content(self, test_file, **kwargs):
return self.run_mochitest(test_file, 'webapprt-content', **kwargs)
def run_mochitest(self, test_file, flavor, **kwargs):
mochitest = self._spawn(MochitestRunner)
return mochitest.run_desktop_test(test_file=test_file, suite=flavor,
# TODO For now b2g commands will only work with the emulator,
# they should be modified to work with all devices.
def is_emulator(cls):
"""Emulator needs to be configured."""
return cls.device_name in ('emulator', 'emulator-jb')
class B2GCommands(MachCommandBase):
def __init__(self, context):
MachCommandBase.__init__(self, context)
for attr in ('b2g_home', 'xre_path', 'device_name'):
setattr(self, attr, getattr(context, attr, None))
@Command('mochitest-remote', category='testing',
description='Run a remote mochitest.',
conditions=[conditions.is_b2g, is_emulator])
def run_mochitest_remote(self, test_file, **kwargs):
mochitest = self._spawn(MochitestRunner)
return mochitest.run_b2g_test(self.b2g_home, self.xre_path,
test_file=test_file, **kwargs)