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// Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
//! A simple rkv demo that showcases the basic usage (put/get/delete) of rkv.
//! You can test this out by running:
//! cargo run --example simple-store
use rkv::{
use tempfile::Builder;
use std::fs;
fn getput<'env, 's>(store: MultiStore, writer: &'env mut Writer, ids: &'s mut Vec<String>) {
let keys = vec!["str1", "str2", "str3"];
// we convert the writer into a cursor so that we can safely read
for k in keys.iter() {
// this is a multi-valued database, so get returns an iterator
let mut iter = store.get(writer, k).unwrap();
while let Some(Ok((_key, val))) = {
if let Value::Str(s) = val.unwrap() {
} else {
panic!("didn't get a string back!");
for id in ids {
store.put(writer, &id, &Value::Blob(b"weeeeeee")).unwrap();
fn delete(store: MultiStore, writer: &mut Writer) {
let keys = vec!["str1", "str2", "str3"];
let vals = vec!["string uno", "string quatro", "string siete"];
// we convert the writer into a cursor so that we can safely read
for i in 0..keys.len() {
store.delete(writer, &keys[i], &Value::Str(vals[i])).unwrap();
fn main() {
let root = Builder::new().prefix("simple-db").tempdir().unwrap();
let p = root.path();
// The manager enforces that each process opens the same lmdb environment at most once
let created_arc = Manager::singleton().write().unwrap().get_or_create(p, Rkv::new).unwrap();
let k =;
// Creates a store called "store"
let store = k.open_single("store", StoreOptions::create()).unwrap();
let multistore = k.open_multi("multistore", StoreOptions::create()).unwrap();
println!("Inserting data...");
// Use a writer to mutate the store
let mut writer = k.write().unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "int", &Value::I64(1234)).unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "uint", &Value::U64(1234_u64)).unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "float", &Value::F64(1234.0.into())).unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "instant", &Value::Instant(1_528_318_073_700)).unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "boolean", &Value::Bool(true)).unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "string", &Value::Str("héllo, yöu")).unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "json", &Value::Json(r#"{"foo":"bar", "number": 1}"#)).unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "blob", &Value::Blob(b"blob")).unwrap();
println!("Testing getput");
let mut ids = Vec::new();
let mut writer = k.write().unwrap();
multistore.put(&mut writer, "str1", &Value::Str("string uno")).unwrap();
multistore.put(&mut writer, "str1", &Value::Str("string dos")).unwrap();
multistore.put(&mut writer, "str1", &Value::Str("string tres")).unwrap();
multistore.put(&mut writer, "str2", &Value::Str("string quatro")).unwrap();
multistore.put(&mut writer, "str2", &Value::Str("string cinco")).unwrap();
multistore.put(&mut writer, "str2", &Value::Str("string seis")).unwrap();
multistore.put(&mut writer, "str3", &Value::Str("string siete")).unwrap();
multistore.put(&mut writer, "str3", &Value::Str("string ocho")).unwrap();
multistore.put(&mut writer, "str3", &Value::Str("string nueve")).unwrap();
getput(multistore, &mut writer, &mut ids);
let mut writer = k.write().unwrap();
delete(multistore, &mut writer);
println!("Looking up keys...");
// Use a reader to query the store
let reader =;
println!("Get int {:?}", store.get(&reader, "int").unwrap());
println!("Get uint {:?}", store.get(&reader, "uint").unwrap());
println!("Get float {:?}", store.get(&reader, "float").unwrap());
println!("Get instant {:?}", store.get(&reader, "instant").unwrap());
println!("Get boolean {:?}", store.get(&reader, "boolean").unwrap());
println!("Get string {:?}", store.get(&reader, "string").unwrap());
println!("Get json {:?}", store.get(&reader, "json").unwrap());
println!("Get blob {:?}", store.get(&reader, "blob").unwrap());
println!("Get non-existent {:?}", store.get(&reader, "non-existent").unwrap());
println!("Looking up keys via Writer.get()...");
let mut writer = k.write().unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "foo", &Value::Str("bar")).unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "bar", &Value::Str("baz")).unwrap();
store.delete(&mut writer, "foo").unwrap();
println!("It should be None! ({:?})", store.get(&writer, "foo").unwrap());
println!("Get bar ({:?})", store.get(&writer, "bar").unwrap());
let reader ="reader");
println!("It should be None! ({:?})", store.get(&reader, "foo").unwrap());
println!("Get bar {:?}", store.get(&reader, "bar").unwrap());
println!("Aborting transaction...");
// Aborting a write transaction rollbacks the change(s)
let mut writer = k.write().unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "foo", &Value::Str("bar")).unwrap();
let reader ="reader");
println!("It should be None! ({:?})", store.get(&reader, "foo").unwrap());
// Explicitly aborting a transaction is not required unless an early
// abort is desired, since both read and write transactions will
// implicitly be aborted once they go out of scope.
println!("Deleting keys...");
// Deleting a key/value also requires a write transaction
let mut writer = k.write().unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "foo", &Value::Str("bar")).unwrap();
store.delete(&mut writer, "foo").unwrap();
println!("It should be None! ({:?})", store.get(&writer, "foo").unwrap());
// Committing a transaction consumes the writer, preventing you
// from reusing it by failing and reporting a compile-time error.
// This line would report error[E0382]: use of moved value: `writer`.
// store.put(&mut writer, "baz", &Value::Str("buz")).unwrap();
println!("Clearing store...");
// Clearing a store deletes all the entries in that store
let mut writer = k.write().unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "foo", &Value::Str("bar")).unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "bar", &Value::Str("baz")).unwrap();
store.clear(&mut writer).unwrap();
let reader ="reader");
println!("It should be None! ({:?})", store.get(&reader, "foo").unwrap());
println!("It should be None! ({:?})", store.get(&reader, "bar").unwrap());
println!("Write and read on multiple stores...");
let another_store = k.open_single("another_store", StoreOptions::create()).unwrap();
let mut writer = k.write().unwrap();
store.put(&mut writer, "foo", &Value::Str("bar")).unwrap();
another_store.put(&mut writer, "foo", &Value::Str("baz")).unwrap();
let reader =;
println!("Get from store value: {:?}", store.get(&reader, "foo").unwrap());
println!("Get from another store value: {:?}", another_store.get(&reader, "foo").unwrap());
println!("Environment statistics: btree depth = {}", k.stat().unwrap().depth());