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<title>Scopes and Contexts</title>
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<h1> Scopes and Contexts</h1>
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<p>Before using Rhino in a concurrent environment, it is important to understand
the distinction between Contexts and scopes. Both are required to execute
scripts, but they play different roles. Simple embeddings of Rhino probably
won't need any of the information here, but more complicated embeddings can
gain performance and flexibility from the techniques described below. <br>
&nbsp; </p>
<h2> Contexts</h2>
The Rhino Context object is used to store thread-specific information about
the execution environment. There should be one and only one Context associated
with each thread that will be executing JavaScript.
<p>To associate the current thread with a Context, simply call the <tt>enter</tt>
method of Context: </p>
Context cx = Context.enter();
Once you are done with execution, simply exit the Context:
These calls will work properly even if there is already a Context associated
with the current thread. That context will be returned and an internal counter
incremented. Only when the counter reaches zero will it be disassociated from
the thread.
<p>Remember to put the <tt>exit()</tt> call in a <tt>finally</tt> block if
you're executing code that could throw an exception. <br>
&nbsp; </p>
<h2> Scopes</h2>
A scope is a set of JavaScript objects. Execution of scripts requires a scope
for top-level script variable storage as well as a place to find standard
objects like <tt>Function</tt> and <tt>Object</tt>.
<p>It's important to understand that a scope is independent of the Context
that created it. You can create a scope using one Context and then evaluate
a script using that scope and another Context (either by exiting the current
context and entering another, or by executing on a different thread). You
can even execute scripts on multiple threads simultaneously in the same scope.
Rhino guarantees that accesses to properties of JavaScript objects are atomic
across threads, but doesn't make any more guarantees for scripts executing
in the same scope at the same time. If two scripts use the same scope simultaneously,
the scripts are responsible for coordinating any accesses to shared variables.
<p>A top-level scope is created by calling <tt>Context.initStandardObjects</tt>
to create all the standard objects: </p>
ScriptableObject scope = cx.initStandardObjects();
The easiest way to embed Rhino is just to create a new scope this way whenever
you need one. However, <tt>initStandardObjects</tt> is an expensive method
to call and it allocates a fair amount of memory. We'll see below that there
are ways to share a scope created this way among multiple scopes and threads.
<h2> Name Lookup</h2>
So how are scopes used to look up names? In general, variables are looked
up by starting at the current variable object (which is different depending
on what code is being executed in the program), traversing its prototype chain,
and then traversing the parent chain. In the diagram below, the order in
which the six objects are traversed is indicated.
<p><img src="lookup.gif" height="194" width="500">
<i><font size="-1">Order of lookups in a two-deep scope chain with prototypes.</font></i></p>
<p>For a more concrete example, let's consider the following script: </p>
<blockquote><tt>var g = 7;</tt> <br>
<tt>function f(a) {</tt> <br>
<tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; var v = 8;</tt> <br>
<tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; x = v + a;</tt> <br>
<tt>}</tt> <br>
We have a top-level variable <tt>g</tt>, and the call to <tt>f</tt> will
create a new top-level variable <tt>x</tt>. All top-level variables are properties
of the scope object. When we start executing <tt>f</tt>, the scope chain
will start with the function's activation object and will end with the top-level
scope (see diagram below). The activation object has two properties, 'a'
for the argument, and 'v' for the variable. The top-level scope has properties
for the variable <tt>g</tt> and the function <tt>f</tt>.
<p><img src="scopes.gif" height="496" width="820">
<i><font size="-1">An example scope chain for a simple script.</font></i></p>
<p>When the statement <tt>x = v + a;</tt> is executed, the scope chain is
traversed looking for a 'x' property. When none is found, a new property 'x'
is created in the top-level scope. </p>
<h2> Sharing Scopes</h2>
JavaScript is a language that uses delegation rather than traditional class-based inheritance. This is a large topic in itself, but for our purposes it gives us an easy way to share a set of read-only variables across multiple scopes.
To do this we set an object's prototype. When accessing a property of an object
in JavaScript, the object is first searched for a property with the given
name. If none is found, the object's prototype is searched. This continues
until either the object is found or the end of the prototype chain is reached.
<p>So to share information across multiple scopes, we first create the object
we wish to share. Typically this object will have been created with <tt>initStandardObjects</tt>
and may also have additional objects specific to the embedding. Then all
we need to do is create a new object and call its <tt>setPrototype</tt> method
to set the prototype to the shared object, and the parent of the new scope
to null:
<pre> Scriptable newScope = cx.newObject(sharedScope);
The call to <tt>newObject</tt> simply creates a new JavaScript object with
no properties. It uses the <tt>sharedScope</tt> passed in to initialize the
prototype with the standard <tt>Object.prototype</tt> value.
<p>We can now use <tt>newScope</tt> as a scope for calls to evaluate scripts.
Let's call this scope the <i>instance scope</i>. Any top-level functions or
variables defined in the script will end up as properties of the instance
scope. Uses of standard objects like <tt>Function</tt>, <tt>String</tt>, or
<tt>RegExp</tt> will find the definitions in the shared scope. Multiple
instance scopes can be defined and have their own variables for scripts yet
share the definitions in the shared scope. These multiple instance scopes
can be used concurrently. <br>
&nbsp; </p>
<h2>Sealed shared scopes</h2>
<p>The ECMAScript standard defines that scripts can add properties to all standard library objects and in many cases it is also possible to change or delete their properties as well. Such behavior may not be suitable with shared scopes since if a script by mistake adds a property to a library object from the shared scope, that object would not be garbage collected until there re active references to the shared scope potentially leading to memory leaks. In addition if a script alters some of the standard objects, the library may not work properly for other scripts. Such bugs are hard to debug and to remove a possibility for them to occur one can use seal the shared scope and all its objects.
A notion of a sealed object is a JavaScript extension supported by Rhino and it means that properties can not be added/deleted to the object and the existing object properties can not be changed. Any attempt to modify sealed object throws an exception. To seal all objects in the standard library pass <tt>true</tt> for the sealed argument when calling <tt>Context.initStandardObjects(ScriptableObject, boolean)</tt>:
<pre> ScriptableObject sealedSharedScope = cx.initStandardObjects(null, true);</pre>
This seals only all standard library objects, it does not seal the shared scope itself thus after calling <tt>initStandardObjects</tt>, <tt>sealedSharedScope</tt> cab be farther populated with application-specific objects and functions. Then after a custom initialization is done, one can seal the shared scope by calling <tt>ScriptableObject.sealObject()</tt>:
<pre> sealedSharedScope.sealObject();</pre>
Note that currently one needs to explicitly seal any additional properties he adds to the sealed shared scope since although after calling <tt>sealedSharedScope.sealObject();</tt> it would no be possible to set the additional properties to different values, one still would be able to alter the objects themselves.
<h2> Dynamic Scopes</h2>
There's one problem with the setup outlined above. Calls to functions in
JavaScript use <i>static scope</i>, which means that variables are first looked
up in the function and then, if not found there, in the lexically enclosing
scope. This causes problems if functions you define in your shared scope
need access to variables you define in your instance scope.
<p>With Rhino 1.6, it is possible to use <i>dynamic scope</i>. With dynamic scope, functions look at the top-level scope of the currently executed script
rather than their lexical scope. So we can store information
that varies across scopes in the instance scope yet still share functions
that manipulate that information reside in the shared scope. </p>
<p>The <a href="">
DynamicScopes example</a>
illustrates all the points discussed above. <br>
&nbsp; <br>
&nbsp; </p>
<h2> More on Scopes</h2>
The key things to determine in setting up scopes for your application are
(1) What scope should global variables be created in when your script executes
an assignment to an undefined variable, and <br>
(2) What variables should your script have access to when it references a
<p>The answer to (1) determines which scope should be the ultimate parent
scope: Rhino follows the parent chain up to the top and places the variable
there. After you've constructed your parent scope chain, the answer to question
(2) may indicate that there are additional scopes that need to be searched
that are not in your parent scope chain. You can add these as prototypes
of scopes in your parent scope chain. When Rhino looks up a variable, it
starts in the current scope, walks the prototype chain, then goes to the
parent scope and its prototype chain, until there are no more parent scopes
left. <br>
&nbsp; </p>
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