
358 строки
8.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Usage:
# [directory [ directory ..] ] >
# Description:
# Outputs a Graphviz-compatible graph description file for use
# with the utilities dot, sccmap, and so forth.
# Graphviz is available from:
# Reccomendations:
# View the graphs by creating graphs with dot:
# > dot -Tpng -o foo.png
# Note to Linux users: graphviz needs TrueType fonts installed
# Todo:
# - eliminate arcs implied by transitive dependancies
# (i.e. in a -> b -> c; a->c;, eliminate a->c;
# (discovered that "tred" will do this, but isn't super-helpful)
# - group together strongly-connected components, where strongly connected
# means there exists a cycle, and all dependancies off the cycle.
# in the graph "a -> b <-> c -> d", b and c are strongly connected, and
# they depend on d, so b, c, and d should be grouped together.
use strict;
# For --option1, --option2, ...
use Getopt::Long;
sub PrintUsage {
Prints out required modules for specified directories.
usage: [--list-only] [--start-module <mod> ] <dir1> <dir2> ...
my %clustered;
my %deps;
my %toplevel_modules;
my $debug = 0;
my $makecommand;
if ($^O eq "linux") {
$makecommand = "make";
} elsif ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
$makecommand = "nmake /nologo /f";
use Cwd;
my @dirs;
my $curdir = getcwd();
my $list_only_mode = 0; # --list-only argument, only print out module names
my $opt_list_only;
my $opt_start_module; # --start-module optionally print out dependencies
# for a given module.
# Parse commandline input.
sub parse_args() {
# Stuff arguments into variables.
# Print usage if we get an unknown argument.
PrintUsage() if !GetOptions('list-only' => \$opt_list_only,
'start-module=s' => \$opt_start_module);
# Pick up arguments, if any.
if($opt_list_only) {
$list_only_mode = 1;
if (!@ARGV) {
@dirs = (getcwd());
} else {
@dirs = @ARGV;
# XXX does them in reverse order..
my $arg;
foreach $arg (@ARGV) {
push @dirs, "$curdir/$arg";
# Build up the %deps matrix.
sub build_deps_matrix() {
while ($#dirs != -1) {
my ($current_dirs, $current_module, $current_requires);
# pop the curdir
$curdir = pop @dirs;
if(!$list_only_mode) {
print STDERR "Entering $curdir.. \r";
chdir "$curdir" || next;
if ($^O eq "linux") {
next if (! -e "$curdir/Makefile");
} elsif ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
next if (! -e "$curdir/");
$current_dirs = "";
open(MAKEOUT, "$makecommand echo-dirs echo-module echo-requires|") || die "Can't make: $!\n";
$current_dirs = <MAKEOUT>; $current_dirs && chop $current_dirs;
$current_module = <MAKEOUT>; $current_module && chop $current_module;
$current_requires = <MAKEOUT>; $current_requires && chop $current_requires;
close MAKEOUT;
if ($current_module) {
# now keep a list of all dependancies of the module
my @require_list = split(/\s+/,$current_requires);
my $req;
foreach $req (@require_list) {
next if !$current_dirs;
# now push all child directories onto the list
my @local_dirs = split(/\s+/,$current_dirs);
for (@local_dirs) {
push @dirs,"$curdir/$_" if $_;
if(!$list_only_mode) {
print STDERR "\n";
# Print out %deps.
sub print_deps_matrix() {
my $module;
if(!$list_only_mode) {
print "digraph G {\n";
print " concentrate=true;\n";
# figure out the internal nodes, and place them in a cluster
#print " subgraph cluster0 {\n";
#print " color=blue;\n"; # blue outline around cluster
# ** new method: just list all modules that came from MODULE=foo
foreach $module (sort keys %toplevel_modules) {
print " $module [style=filled];\n"
if(!$list_only_mode) {
print "}\n";
# ** old method: find only internal nodes
# (nodes with both parents and children)
sub print_internal_nodes() {
my $module;
my $depmod;
foreach $module (sort { scalar keys %{$deps{$b}} <=> scalar keys %{$deps{$a}} } keys %deps) {
foreach $depmod ( keys %deps ) {
# only in cluster if they are a child too
if ($deps{$depmod}{$module}) {
print " $module;\n";
# Run over dependency array to generate raw component list.
sub print_dependency_list() {
my @raw_list;
my @unique_list;
my $module;
foreach $module (sort sortby_deps keys %deps) {
my $req;
foreach $req ( sort { $deps{$module}{$b} <=> $deps{$module}{$a} }
keys %{ $deps{$module} } ) {
# print " $module -> $req [weight=$deps{$module}{$req}];\n";
if(!$list_only_mode) {
print " $module -> $req;\n";
} else {
# print "$req ";
push(@raw_list, $req);
# generate unique list, print it out.
if($list_only_mode) {
my %saw;
undef %saw;
@unique_list = grep(!$saw{$_}++, @raw_list);
my $i;
for ($i=0;$i <= $#unique_list; $i++) {
print $unique_list[$i], " ";
print "\n";
# we're sorting based on clustering
# order:
# - unclustered, with dependencies
# - clustered
# - unclustered, with no dependencies
# However, the last group will probably never come in $a or $b, because we're
# probably only being called from the keys in $deps
# We'll keep all the logic here, in case we come up with a better scheme later
sub sortby_deps() {
my $keys_a = scalar keys %{$deps{$a}};
my $keys_b = scalar keys %{$deps{$b}};
# determine if they are the same or not
if ($clustered{$a} && $clustered{$b}) {
# both in "clustered" group
return $keys_a <=> $keys_b;
elsif (!$clustered{$a} && !$clustered{$b}) {
# not clustered. Do they both have dependencies or both
# have no dependencies?
if (($keys_a && $keys_b) ||
(!$keys_a && !$keys_b)) {
# both unclustered, and either both have dependencies,
# or both don't have dependencies
return $keys_a <=> $keys_b;
# if we get here, then they are in different "groups"
if ($clustered{$a}) {
# b must be unclustered
if ($keys_b) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
} elsif ($clustered{$b}) {
# a must be unclustered
if ($keys_a) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
} else {
# both are unclustered, so the with-dependencies one comes first
if ($keys_a) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
# Recursively traverse the deps matrix.
my %visited_nodes;
sub print_module_digraph {
my ($module, $level) = @_;
# Remember that we visited this node.
# Print this node.
if (!$list_only_mode) {
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i<$level; $i++) {
print " ";
print "$module\n";
# If we haven't visited this node, search again
# from this node.
my $depmod;
foreach $depmod ( keys %{ $deps{$module} } ) {
my $visited = $visited_nodes{$depmod};
if(!$visited) { # test recursion: if($level < 5)
#if($level < 5) {
print_module_digraph($depmod, $level + 1);
if (!$list_only_mode) {
if($level == 1) {
print "\n";
sub print_module_deps {
# Recursively hunt down dependencies for $opt_start_module
print_module_digraph($opt_start_module, 1);
my $visited_mod;
foreach $visited_mod (sort keys %visited_nodes ) {
print "$visited_mod ";
print "\n";
if($debug) {
my @total_visited = (sort keys %visited_nodes);
my $total = $#total_visited + 1;
print "\ntotal = $total\n";
# main
# Print out deps matrix.
# --list-only and --start-module together mean to
# print out the module deps, not the matrix.
if (not ($list_only_mode and $opt_start_module)) {
# If we specified a --start-module option, print out
# the required modules for that module.
if($opt_start_module) {