
143 строки
5.4 KiB
Executable File

# these variables will need to be changed to fit the host machine configuration/directories.
# this is where the linux.dat files live; currently /home/usr/ftp/pub/data/memtests
$directory_root = "/u/twalker/memtest/results/daily";
$host_server = "smoketest1";
# note: the /plots_tmp directory under $results_dir will need to be cleaned out periodically
# because this is where the .png files will be put on creation (it could become a memory hog)
$results_dir = "/usr/local/apache/htdocs";
# this is where gnuplot app lives
$gnuplot = "/usr/bin/gnuplot";
# take in form info and convert it to usable variables --------------------------------
$query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
@key_value_pairs = split (/&/, $query_string);
foreach $key_value (@key_value_pairs)
($key, $value) = split (/=/, $key_value);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C", hex ($1))/eg;
$form_data{$key} = $value;
@list_keys = keys(%form_data);
@values_keys = values(%form_data);
# error check for user selecting all three fields ------------------------------------
$number_of_values = @key_value_pairs;
if ($number_of_values != 3) {
print "Content-type: text/html", "\n\n";
print "<HTML>", "\n";
print "<HEAD><TITLE>Plotting Error</TITLE><HEAD>", "\n";
print "<BODY>", "\n";
print "<H1>", "Plotting Error", "</H1>", "<HR>", "\n";
print "Please close this window and make a selection from each of the three fields.", "\n";
print "</BODY></HTML>", "\n";
# create variables to point to directories containg the linux.dat files ---------------
else {
($month, $day, $year) = split (/\//, $form_data{"first_date"});
$first_date = "$year$month$day";
($month, $day, $year) = split (/\//, $form_data{"compare_date"});
$compare_date = "$year$month$day";
$test_list_in = $form_data{"test_list"};
if ($test_list_in eq "large to small") {
$test_list = "static41x3_gtol";
elsif ($test_list_in eq "small to large") {
$test_list = "static41x3_ltog";
elsif ($test_list_in eq "plain text") {
$test_list = "static_vanillaX100";
elsif ($test_list_in eq "memory hog") {
$test_list = "static_iplanetX100";
open(FIRST_DATE_DIR,"$directory_root/$test_list/$first_date/linux.dat") || die "could not create directory\n";
open(COMPARE_DATE_DIR,"$directory_root/$test_list/$compare_date/linux.dat") || die "could not create directory\n";
$first_date_dir = join ("/",$directory_root , $test_list, $first_date, "linux.dat");
$compare_date_dir = join ("/", $directory_root, $test_list, $compare_date, "linux.dat");
# get slope of first date line---------------------------------------------------------
while (<FIRST_DATE_DIR>) {
$line = $_;
@slope_array_first = split (' ',$line);
$slope_first = $slope_array_first[1];
$label_placement_first = $slope_array_first[5];
$line_formula_first = join (" ", $slope_array_first[3], $slope_array_first[2], $slope_array_first[1], $slope_array_first[4], $slope_array_first[5]);
# get slope of compare date line---------------------------------------------------------
while (<COMPARE_DATE_DIR>) {
$line = $_;
@slope_array_compare = split (' ',$line);
$slope_compare = $slope_array_compare[1];
$label_placement_compare = $slope_array_compare[5];
$line_formula_compare = join (" ", $slope_array_compare[3], $slope_array_compare[2], $slope_array_compare[1], $slope_array_compare[4], $slope_array_compare[5]);
# generate gnuplot graph --------------------------------------------------------------
$process_id = $$;
$output_file = join ("", $results_dir, "/plots_tmp/", $process_id, ".png");
$output_location = join ("", "http://", $host_server, "/plots_tmp/", $process_id, ".png");
open(GNUPLOT, "|$gnuplot");
print GNUPLOT <<gnuplot_Commands_Done;
set term png color
set output '$output_file'
set title 'Gross Dynamic Footprints of $test_list_in list on $form_data{"first_date"} and $form_data{"compare_date"}'
set xlabel 'URLs'
set ylabel 'KB'
set key bottom right Right title 'Legend' box -1
set label '$slope_first KB/URL' at 5, $label_placement_first right rotate
set label '$slope_compare KB/URL' at 10, $label_placement_compare right rotate
plot "$compare_date_dir" using 1:2 title "VM size on $form_data{"compare_date"}" with line 1,$line_formula_compare title "Slope of $form_data{"compare_date"}" with line 7,"$first_date_dir" using 1:2 title "VM size on $form_data{"first_date"}" with line 3,$line_formula_first title "Slope of $form_data{"first_date"}" with line 9,"$compare_date_dir" using 1:4 title "Code size on $form_data{"compare_date"}" with line 2,"$first_date_dir" using 1:4 title "Code size on $form_data{"first_date"}" with line 8
# send graph to users browser----------------------------------------------------------
print "Location: $output_location", "\n\n";
#end if
exit (0);