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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef nsDOMDataTransfer_h__
#define nsDOMDataTransfer_h__
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsIVariant.h"
#include "nsIPrincipal.h"
#include "nsIDOMDataTransfer.h"
#include "nsIDOMElement.h"
#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
#include "nsDOMFile.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
class nsITransferable;
class nsISupportsArray;
class nsILoadContext;
* TransferItem is used to hold data for a particular format. Each piece of
* data has a principal set from the caller which added it. This allows a
* caller that wishes to retrieve the data to only be able to access the data
* it is allowed to, yet still allow a chrome caller to retrieve any of the
* data.
struct TransferItem {
nsString mFormat;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mPrincipal;
nsCOMPtr<nsIVariant> mData;
class nsDOMDataTransfer MOZ_FINAL : public nsIDOMDataTransfer
friend class nsEventStateManager;
// hide the default constructor
// this constructor is used only by the Clone method to copy the fields as
// needed to a new data transfer.
nsDOMDataTransfer(uint32_t aEventType,
const uint32_t aEffectAllowed,
bool aCursorState,
bool aIsExternal,
bool aUserCancelled,
bool aIsCrossDomainSubFrameDrop,
int32_t aClipboardType,
nsTArray<nsTArray<TransferItem> >& aItems,
nsIDOMElement* aDragImage,
uint32_t aDragImageX,
uint32_t aDragImageY);
if (mFiles) {
static const char sEffects[8][9];
// Constructor for nsDOMDataTransfer.
// aEventType is an event constant (such as NS_DRAGDROP_START)
// aIsExternal must only be true when used to create a dataTransfer for a
// paste or a drag that was started without using a data transfer. The
// latter will occur when an external drag occurs, that is, a drag where the
// source is another application, or a drag is started by calling the drag
// service directly. For clipboard operations, aClipboardType indicates
// which clipboard to use, from nsIClipboard, or -1 for non-clipboard operations,
// or if access to the system clipboard should not be allowed.
nsDOMDataTransfer(uint32_t aEventType, bool aIsExternal, int32_t aClipboardType);
void GetDragTarget(nsIDOMElement** aDragTarget)
*aDragTarget = mDragTarget;
// a readonly dataTransfer cannot have new data added or existing data removed.
// Only the dropEffect and effectAllowed may be modified.
void SetReadOnly() { mReadOnly = true; }
// converts the data into an array of nsITransferable objects to be used for
// drag and drop or clipboard operations.
already_AddRefed<nsISupportsArray> GetTransferables(nsIDOMNode* aDragTarget);
// converts the data for a single item at aIndex into an nsITransferable object.
already_AddRefed<nsITransferable> GetTransferable(uint32_t aIndex,
nsILoadContext* aLoadContext);
// converts the data in the variant to an nsISupportString if possible or
// an nsISupports or null otherwise.
bool ConvertFromVariant(nsIVariant* aVariant,
nsISupports** aSupports,
uint32_t* aLength);
// clears all of the data
void ClearAll();
// Similar to SetData except also specifies the principal to store.
// aData may be null when called from CacheExternalDragFormats or
// CacheExternalClipboardFormats.
nsresult SetDataWithPrincipal(const nsAString& aFormat,
nsIVariant* aData,
uint32_t aIndex,
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal);
// returns a weak reference to the drag image
nsIDOMElement* GetDragImage(int32_t* aX, int32_t* aY)
*aX = mDragImageX;
*aY = mDragImageY;
return mDragImage;
// returns a weak reference to the current principal
nsIPrincipal* GetCurrentPrincipal(nsresult* rv);
// converts some formats used for compatibility in aInFormat into aOutFormat.
// Text and text/unicode become text/plain, and URL becomes text/uri-list
void GetRealFormat(const nsAString& aInFormat, nsAString& aOutFormat);
// caches text and uri-list data formats that exist in the drag service or
// clipboard for retrieval later.
void CacheExternalData(const char* aFormat, uint32_t aIndex, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal);
// caches the formats that exist in the drag service that were added by an
// external drag
void CacheExternalDragFormats();
// caches the formats that exist in the clipboard
void CacheExternalClipboardFormats();
// fills in the data field of aItem with the data from the drag service or
// clipboard for a given index.
void FillInExternalData(TransferItem& aItem, uint32_t aIndex);
// the event type this data transfer is for. This will correspond to an
// event->message value.
uint32_t mEventType;
// the drop effect and effect allowed
uint32_t mDropEffect;
uint32_t mEffectAllowed;
// Indicates the behavior of the cursor during drag operations
bool mCursorState;
// readonly data transfers may not be modified except the drop effect and
// effect allowed.
bool mReadOnly;
// true for drags started without a data transfer, for example, those from
// another application.
bool mIsExternal;
// true if the user cancelled the drag. Used only for the dragend event.
bool mUserCancelled;
// true if this is a cross-domain drop from a subframe where access to the
// data should be prevented
bool mIsCrossDomainSubFrameDrop;
// Indicates which clipboard type to use for clipboard operations. Ignored for
// drag and drop.
int32_t mClipboardType;
// array of items, each containing an array of format->data pairs
nsTArray<nsTArray<TransferItem> > mItems;
// array of files, containing only the files present in the dataTransfer
nsRefPtr<nsDOMFileList> mFiles;
// the target of the drag. The drag and dragend events will fire at this.
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> mDragTarget;
// the custom drag image and coordinates within the image. If mDragImage is
// null, the default image is created from the drag target.
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> mDragImage;
uint32_t mDragImageX;
uint32_t mDragImageY;
#endif // nsDOMDataTransfer_h__