
240 строки
7.4 KiB

/* -*- Mode: Objective-C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "DocAccessibleParent.h"
#include "AccessibleOrProxy.h"
#include "nsCocoaUtils.h"
#import "GeckoTextMarker.h"
extern "C" {
CFTypeID AXTextMarkerGetTypeID();
AXTextMarkerRef AXTextMarkerCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const UInt8* bytes, CFIndex length);
const UInt8* AXTextMarkerGetBytePtr(AXTextMarkerRef text_marker);
size_t AXTextMarkerGetLength(AXTextMarkerRef text_marker);
CFTypeID AXTextMarkerRangeGetTypeID();
AXTextMarkerRangeRef AXTextMarkerRangeCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, AXTextMarkerRef start_marker,
AXTextMarkerRef end_marker);
AXTextMarkerRef AXTextMarkerRangeCopyStartMarker(AXTextMarkerRangeRef text_marker_range);
AXTextMarkerRef AXTextMarkerRangeCopyEndMarker(AXTextMarkerRangeRef text_marker_range);
namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
struct OpaqueGeckoTextMarker {
OpaqueGeckoTextMarker(uintptr_t aID, int32_t aOffset) : mID(aID), mOffset(aOffset) {}
OpaqueGeckoTextMarker() {}
uintptr_t mID;
int32_t mOffset;
// GeckoTextMarker
GeckoTextMarker::GeckoTextMarker(AccessibleOrProxy aDoc, AXTextMarkerRef aTextMarker) {
OpaqueGeckoTextMarker opaqueMarker;
if (AXTextMarkerGetLength(aTextMarker) == sizeof(OpaqueGeckoTextMarker)) {
memcpy(&opaqueMarker, AXTextMarkerGetBytePtr(aTextMarker), sizeof(OpaqueGeckoTextMarker));
if (aDoc.IsProxy()) {
mContainer = aDoc.AsProxy()->AsDoc()->GetAccessible(opaqueMarker.mID);
} else {
mContainer = aDoc.AsAccessible()->AsDoc()->GetAccessibleByUniqueID(
mOffset = opaqueMarker.mOffset;
id GeckoTextMarker::CreateAXTextMarker() {
uintptr_t identifier = mContainer.IsProxy()
? mContainer.AsProxy()->ID()
: reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(mContainer.AsAccessible()->UniqueID());
OpaqueGeckoTextMarker opaqueMarker(identifier, mOffset);
AXTextMarkerRef cf_text_marker =
AXTextMarkerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, reinterpret_cast<const UInt8*>(&opaqueMarker),
return [static_cast<id>(cf_text_marker) autorelease];
bool GeckoTextMarker::operator<(const GeckoTextMarker& aPoint) const {
if (mContainer == aPoint.mContainer) return mOffset < aPoint.mOffset;
// Build the chain of parents
AccessibleOrProxy p1 = mContainer;
AccessibleOrProxy p2 = aPoint.mContainer;
AutoTArray<AccessibleOrProxy, 30> parents1, parents2;
do {
p1 = p1.Parent();
} while (!p1.IsNull());
do {
p2 = p2.Parent();
} while (!p2.IsNull());
// Find where the parent chain differs
uint32_t pos1 = parents1.Length(), pos2 = parents2.Length();
for (uint32_t len = std::min(pos1, pos2); len > 0; --len) {
AccessibleOrProxy child1 = parents1.ElementAt(--pos1);
AccessibleOrProxy child2 = parents2.ElementAt(--pos2);
if (child1 != child2) {
return child1.IndexInParent() < child2.IndexInParent();
return false;
// GeckoTextMarkerRange
GeckoTextMarkerRange::GeckoTextMarkerRange(AccessibleOrProxy aDoc,
AXTextMarkerRangeRef aTextMarkerRange) {
if (CFGetTypeID(aTextMarkerRange) != AXTextMarkerRangeGetTypeID()) {
AXTextMarkerRef start_marker(AXTextMarkerRangeCopyStartMarker(aTextMarkerRange));
AXTextMarkerRef end_marker(AXTextMarkerRangeCopyEndMarker(aTextMarkerRange));
mStart = GeckoTextMarker(aDoc, start_marker);
mEnd = GeckoTextMarker(aDoc, end_marker);
id GeckoTextMarkerRange::CreateAXTextMarkerRange() {
AXTextMarkerRangeRef cf_text_marker_range = AXTextMarkerRangeCreate(
kCFAllocatorDefault, mStart.CreateAXTextMarker(), mEnd.CreateAXTextMarker());
return [static_cast<id>(cf_text_marker_range) autorelease];
NSString* GeckoTextMarkerRange::Text() const {
nsAutoString text;
TextInternal(text, mStart.mContainer, mStart.mOffset);
return nsCocoaUtils::ToNSString(text);
void GeckoTextMarkerRange::AppendTextTo(const AccessibleOrProxy& aContainer, nsAString& aText,
uint32_t aStartOffset, uint32_t aEndOffset) const {
nsAutoString text;
if (aContainer.IsProxy()) {
aContainer.AsProxy()->TextSubstring(aStartOffset, aEndOffset, text);
} else if (aContainer.AsAccessible()->IsHyperText()) {
aContainer.AsAccessible()->AsHyperText()->TextSubstring(aStartOffset, aEndOffset, text);
int32_t GeckoTextMarkerRange::StartOffset(const AccessibleOrProxy& aChild) const {
if (aChild.IsProxy()) {
bool unused;
return aChild.AsProxy()->StartOffset(&unused);
return aChild.AsAccessible()->StartOffset();
int32_t GeckoTextMarkerRange::EndOffset(const AccessibleOrProxy& aChild) const {
if (aChild.IsProxy()) {
bool unused;
return aChild.AsProxy()->EndOffset(&unused);
return aChild.AsAccessible()->EndOffset();
int32_t GeckoTextMarkerRange::LinkCount(const AccessibleOrProxy& aContainer) const {
if (aContainer.IsProxy()) {
return aContainer.AsProxy()->LinkCount();
if (aContainer.AsAccessible()->IsHyperText()) {
return aContainer.AsAccessible()->AsHyperText()->LinkCount();
return 0;
AccessibleOrProxy GeckoTextMarkerRange::LinkAt(const AccessibleOrProxy& aContainer,
uint32_t aIndex) const {
if (aContainer.IsProxy()) {
return aContainer.AsProxy()->LinkAt(aIndex);
if (aContainer.AsAccessible()->IsHyperText()) {
return aContainer.AsAccessible()->AsHyperText()->LinkAt(aIndex);
return AccessibleOrProxy();
bool GeckoTextMarkerRange::TextInternal(nsAString& aText, AccessibleOrProxy aCurrent,
int32_t aStartIntlOffset) const {
int32_t endIntlOffset = aCurrent == mEnd.mContainer ? mEnd.mOffset : -1;
if (endIntlOffset == 0) {
return false;
AccessibleOrProxy next;
int32_t linkCount = LinkCount(aCurrent);
int32_t linkStartOffset = 0;
int32_t end = endIntlOffset;
// Find the first link that is at or after the start offset.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < linkCount; i++) {
AccessibleOrProxy link = LinkAt(aCurrent, i);
linkStartOffset = StartOffset(link);
if (aStartIntlOffset <= linkStartOffset) {
next = link;
bool endIsBeyondLink = !next.IsNull() && (endIntlOffset < 0 || endIntlOffset > linkStartOffset);
if (endIsBeyondLink) {
end = linkStartOffset;
AppendTextTo(aCurrent, aText, aStartIntlOffset, end);
if (endIsBeyondLink) {
if (!TextInternal(aText, next, 0)) {
return false;
if (endIntlOffset >= 0) {
// If our original end marker is positive, we know we found all the text we
// needed within this current node, and our search is complete.
return false;
next = aCurrent.Parent();
if (!next.IsNull()) {
// The end offset is passed this link, go back to the parent
// and continue from this link's end offset.
return TextInternal(aText, next, EndOffset(aCurrent));
return true;