
234 строки
10 KiB
Executable File

$function = $_GET["function"];
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<TITLE>Mozilla Update :: Developer Control Panel :: Application Manager</TITLE>
if ($_SESSION["level"]!="admin") {
echo"<h1>Access Denied</h1>\n";
echo"You do not have access to the Application Manager";
if (!$function) {
//Add Category to MySQL Table
if ($_POST["submit"]=="Add Application" or $_POST["submit"]=="Add Version") {
echo"<h2>Processing Add Request, please wait...</h2>\n";
$appname = escape_string($_POST["appname"]);
$guid = escape_string($_POST["guid"]);
$shortname = escape_string($_POST["shortname"]);
$version = escape_string($_POST["version"]);
$major = escape_string($_POST["Major"]);
$minor = escape_string($_POST["Minor"]);
$release = escape_string($_POST["Release"]);
$subver = escape_string($_POST["SubVer"]);
$public_ver = escape_string($_POST["public_ver"]);
if (checkFormKey()) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO `applications` (`AppName`, `GUID`, `shortname`, `Version`, `major`, `minor`, `release`,`SubVer`,`public_ver`) VALUES ('$appname','$guid','$shortname','$version', '$major','$minor','$release','$subver','$public_ver')";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<div class=\"error\">MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</div>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sql_result) {
echo"The application $appname $version has been successfully added.";
<h1>Manage Application List</h1>
<SPAN style="font-size:8pt">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Show Versions for: <?php $i=0;
$sql = "SELECT `AppName` from `applications` GROUP BY `AppName` ORDER BY `AppName` ASC";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."", E_USER_NOTICE);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) {
$appname = $row["AppName"];
echo"<a href=\"?application=".strtolower($appname)."\">$appname</a> / ";
echo"<a href=\"?function=addnewapp\">Add New Application...</a>";
<h2>Application Versions for <?php echo ucwords($application); ?></h2>
<th style="width: 200px">Release</th>
<th>Public Version?</th>
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `AppName`='$application' ORDER BY `AppName` ASC, `major` ASC, `minor` ASC, `release` ASC, `SubVer` ASC";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<div class=\"error\">MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</div>", E_USER_NOTICE);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) {
echo"<td>&nbsp;<a href=\"?function=editversion&appid=".$row["AppID"]."\">$row[AppName] $row[Version]</a></td>";
<h2>New Version of <?php echo ucwords($application); ?></h2>
<form name="addapplication" method="post" action="?function=&action=addnewapp">
$sql = "SELECT `AppName`, `GUID`, `shortname` FROM `applications` WHERE `AppName`='$application' LIMIT 1";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."", E_USER_NOTICE);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result);
$application = $row["AppName"];
$guid = $row["GUID"];
$shortname = $row["shortname"];
<input name="appname" type="hidden" value="<?php echo ucwords($application); ?>">
<input name="guid" type="hidden" value="<?php echo"$guid"; ?>">
<input name="shortname" type="hidden" value="<?php echo"$shortname"; ?>">
Display Version (e.g. 1.0PR): <input name="version" size=8 maxlength=15 title="User Friendly Version (Ex. 1.0PR instead of 0.10)"><BR>
Major: <input name="Major" type="text" size="5" maxlength="3" value="" title="Major Version #. (Ex. 1 if 1.0)">
Minor: <input name="Minor" type="text" size="5" maxlength="3" value="" title="Minor Version #. (Ex. 0 if 1.0)">
Release: <input name="Release" type="text" size="5" maxlength="3" value="" title="Release Version. (Ex. 2 if 1.0.2)">
SubVer: <input name="SubVer" size="5" maxlength="5" title="SubVersion Value (Ex. a4 if 1.8a4 or + if 0.10+)">
<div style="margin-top: 10px; font-size: 8pt">Should this version be exposed to end-users of the website, or just allowed for extension authors' install.rdf files? In general only release milestones should be exposed.</DIV>
Public Version: Yes: <input name="public_ver" type="radio" value="YES" checked> No: <input name="public_ver" type="radio" value="NO"><BR>
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Add Version">&nbsp;<input name="reset" type="reset" value="Reset Form">
} else if ($function=="editversion") {
$appid = escape_string($_GET["appid"]);
//Post Functions
if ($_POST["submit"] == "Update") {
$appname = escape_string($_POST["AppName"]);
$version = escape_string($_POST["version"]);
$major = escape_string($_POST["Major"]);
$minor = escape_string($_POST["Minor"]);
$release = escape_string($_POST["Release"]);
$subver = escape_string($_POST["SubVer"]);
$public_ver = escape_string($_POST["public_ver"]);
$appid= escape_string($_POST["appid"]);
if (checkFormKey()) {
echo"<h2>Processing update request, please wait...</h2>\n";
$sql = "UPDATE `applications` SET `AppName`='$appname', `major`='$major', `minor`='$minor', `release`='$release', `SubVer`='$subver',`Version`='$version', `public_ver`='$public_ver' WHERE `appid`='$appid'";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<div class=\"error\">MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</div>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sql_result) {
echo"Your update to $appname $version has been successful.<br>";
} else if ($_POST["submit"] == "Delete Version") {
$appid= escape_string($_POST["appid"]);
$appname = escape_string($_POST["AppName"]);
$version = escape_string($_POST["version"]);
echo"<h2>Processing delete request, please wait...</h2>\n";
$sql = "DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE `appid`='$appid'";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<div class=\"error\">MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</div>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sql_result) {
echo"You've successfully deleted the application '$appname $version'<br>";
if (!$appid) { $appid = escape_string($_POST["appid"]); }
// Show Edit Form
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `appid` = '$appid' LIMIT 1";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<div class=\"error\">MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</div>", E_USER_NOTICE);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result);
<h3>Edit Application:</h3>
<form name="editcategory" method="post" action="?function=editversion">
echo"Name: <input name=\"AppName\" type=\"text\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"30\" value=\"".$row["AppName"]."\"><br>\n";
echo"Display Version: <input name=\"version\" type=\"text\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"15\" value=\"$row[Version]\" title=\"User Friendly Version (Ex. 1.0PR instead of 0.10)\"><br>\n";
echo"Major: <input name=\"Major\" type=\"text\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"3\" value=\"".$row["major"]."\" title=\"Major Version #. (Ex. 1 if 1.0)\">";
echo"Minor: <input name=\"Minor\" type=\"text\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"3\" value=\"".$row["minor"]."\" title=\"Minor Version #. (Ex. 0 if 1.0)\">";
echo"Release: <input name=\"Release\" type=\"text\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"3\" value=\"".$row["release"]."\" title=\"Release Version. (Ex. 2 if 1.0.2)\">";
echo"SubVer: <input name=\"SubVer\" type=\"text\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"5\" value=\"$row[SubVer]\" title=\"SubVersion Value (Ex. a4 if 1.8a4 or + if 0.10+)\"><br>\n";
<div style="margin-top: 10px; font-size: 8pt">Should this version be exposed to end-users of the website, or just allowed for extension authors' install.rdf files? In general only release milestones should be exposed.</DIV>
$public_ver = $row["public_ver"];
echo"Public Version: ";
if ($public_ver=="YES") {
echo"Yes: <input name=\"public_ver\" type=\"radio\" value=\"YES\" checked> No: <input name=\"public_ver\" type=\"radio\" value=\"NO\">\n";
} else if ($public_ver=="NO") {
echo"Yes: <input name=\"public_ver\" type=\"radio\" value=\"YES\"> No: <input name=\"public_ver\" type=\"radio\" value=\"NO\" checked>\n";
echo"<input name=\"appid\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"".$row["AppID"]."\">\n";
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Update">
<input name="reset" type="reset" value="Reset Form">
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Delete Version" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete <?php echo"$row[AppName] $row[Version]"; ?>?');">
<A HREF="?function=">&#171;&#171; Return to Application Manager</A>
} else if ($function=="addnewapp") {
<h1>Add New Application</h1>
<form name="addapplication" method="post" action="?function=&action=addnewapp">
Application Name: <input name="appname" type="text" title="Name of Application (e.g. Firefox)"><BR>
GUID of App: <input name="guid" type="text" size=35 title="Application Identifier"><BR>
Shortname: <input name="shortname" type="text" size="5" maxlength=2 title="two char abbrieviation of appname. (Eg fx for Firefox, or tb for Thunderbird)"><BR>
Display Version (e.g. 1.0PR): <input name="version" size=8 maxlength=15 title="User Friendly Version (Ex. 1.0PR instead of 0.10)"><BR>
Major: <input name="Major" type="text" size="5" maxlength="3" value="" title="Major Version #. (Ex. 1 if 1.0)">
Minor: <input name="Minor" type="text" size="5" maxlength="3" value="" title="Minor Version #. (Ex. 0 if 1.0)">
Release: <input name="Release" type="text" size="5" maxlength="3" value="" title="Release Version. (Ex. 2 if 1.0.2)">
SubVer: <input name="SubVer" size="5" maxlength="5" title="SubVersion Value (Ex. a4 if 1.8a4 or + if 0.10+)">
<input name="public_ver" type="hidden" value="YES">
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Add Application">&nbsp;<input name="reset" type="reset" value="Reset Form">
<!-- close #mBody-->