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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
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"use strict";
// FxA Telemetry support. For hysterical raisins, the actual implementation
// is inside "sync". We should move the core implementation somewhere that's
// sanely shared (eg, services-common?), but let's wait and see where we end up
// first...
const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import(
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
// We use this observers module because we leverage its support for richer
// "subject" data.
Observers: "resource://services-common/observers.js",
Services: "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm",
CryptoUtils: "resource://services-crypto/utils.js",
const { PREF_ACCOUNT_ROOT, log } = ChromeUtils.import(
const PREF_SANITIZED_UID = PREF_ACCOUNT_ROOT + "telemetry.sanitized_uid";
class FxAccountsTelemetry {
constructor(fxai) {
this._fxai = fxai;
Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled("fxa", true);
// Records an event *in the Fxa/Sync ping*.
recordEvent(object, method, value, extra = undefined) {
// We need to ensure the telemetry module is loaded.
// Now it will be listening for the notifications...
Observers.notify("fxa:telemetry:event", { object, method, value, extra });
// A flow ID can be anything that's "probably" unique, so for now use a UUID.
generateFlowID() {
return Cc[";1"]
.slice(1, -1);
// Account Ecosystem Telemetry identifies the user by a secret id called their "ecosystemUserId".
// To maintain user privacy this value must never be shared with Mozilla servers in plaintext
// (although there may be some client-side-only features that use it in future).
// Instead, AET-related telemetry pings can identify the user by their "ecosystemAnonId",
// an encrypted bundle that can communicate the "ecosystemUserId" through to the telemetry
// backend without allowing it to be snooped on in transit.
// Get the user's ecosystemAnonId, or null if it's not available.
// This method is asynchronous because it may need to load data from storage, but it will not
// block on network access and will return null rather than throwing an error on failure. This is
// designed to simplify usage from telemetry-sending code, which may want to avoid making expensive
// network requests.
// If you want to ensure that a value is present then use `ensureEcosystemAnonId()` instead.
async getEcosystemAnonId() {
try {
// N.B. `getProfile()` may kick off a silent background update but won't await network requests.
const profile = await this._internal.profile.getProfile();
if (profile.hasOwnProperty("ecosystemAnonId")) {
return profile.ecosystemAnonId;
} catch (err) {
log.error("Getting ecosystemAnonId from profile failed", err);
// Calling `ensureEcosystemAnonId()` so the calling code doesn't have to do this when a call
// to `getProfile()` doesn't produce `ecosystemAnonId`.
this.ensureEcosystemAnonId().catch(err => {
log.error("Failed ensuring we have an anon-id in the background ", err);
return null;
// Get the user's ecosystemAnonId, fetching it from the server if necessary.
// This asynchronous method resolves with the "ecosystemAnonId" value on success, and rejects
// with an error if no user is signed in or if the value could not be obtained from the
// FxA server.
async ensureEcosystemAnonId() {
const profile = await this._internal.profile.ensureProfile();
if (!profile.hasOwnProperty("ecosystemAnonId")) {
// In a future iteration, we can synthesize a placeholder ecosystemAnonId and persist it
// back to the FxA server.
throw new Error("Profile data does not contain an 'ecosystemAnonId'");
return profile.ecosystemAnonId;
// Prior to Account Ecosystem Telemetry, FxA- and Sync-related metrics were submitted in
// a special-purpose "sync ping". This ping identified the user by a version of their FxA
// uid that was HMAC-ed with a server-side secret key, but this approach provides weaker
// privacy than "ecosystemAnonId" above. New metrics should prefer to use AET rather than
// the sync ping.
// Secret back-channel by which tokenserver client code can set the hashed UID.
// This value conceptually belongs to FxA, but we currently get it from tokenserver,
// so there's some light hackery to put it in the right place.
_setHashedUID(hashedUID) {
if (!hashedUID) {
} else {
Services.prefs.setStringPref(PREF_SANITIZED_UID, hashedUID);
getSanitizedUID() {
// Sadly, we can only currently obtain this value if the user has enabled sync.
return pref_sanitizedUid || null;
// Sanitize the ID of a device into something suitable for including in the
// ping. Returns null if no transformation is possible.
sanitizeDeviceId(deviceId) {
const uid = this.getSanitizedUID();
if (!uid) {
// Sadly, we can only currently get this if the user has enabled sync.
return null;
// Combine the raw device id with the sanitized uid to create a stable
// unique identifier that can't be mapped back to the user's FxA
// identity without knowing the metrics HMAC key.
// The result is 64 bytes long, which in retrospect is probably excessive,
// but it's already shipping...
return CryptoUtils.sha256(deviceId + uid);
// Record the connection of FxA or one of its services.
// Note that you must call this before performing the actual connection
// or we may record incorrect data - for example, we will not be able to
// determine whether FxA itself was connected before this call.
// Currently sends an event in the main telemetry event ping rather than the
// FxA/Sync ping (although this might change in the future)
// @param services - An array of service names which should be recorded. FxA
// itself is not counted as a "service" - ie, an empty array should be passed
// if the account is connected without anything else .
// @param how - How the connection was done.
async recordConnection(services, how = null) {
try {
let extra = {};
// Record that fxa was connected if it isn't currently - it will be soon.
if (!(await this._fxai.getUserAccountData())) {
extra.fxa = "true";
// Events.yaml only declares "sync" as a valid service.
if (services.includes("sync")) {
extra.sync = "true";
Services.telemetry.recordEvent("fxa", "connect", "account", how, extra);
} catch (ex) {
log.error("Failed to record connection telemetry", ex);
console.error("Failed to record connection telemetry", ex);
// Record the disconnection of FxA or one of its services.
// Note that you must call this before performing the actual disconnection
// or we may record incomplete data - for example, if this is called after
// disconnection, we've almost certainly lost the ability to record what
// services were enabled prior to disconnection.
// Currently sends an event in the main telemetry event ping rather than the
// FxA/Sync ping (although this might change in the future)
// @param service - the service being disconnected. If null, the account
// itself is being disconnected, so all connected services are too.
// @param how - how the disconnection was done.
async recordDisconnection(service = null, how = null) {
try {
let extra = {};
if (!service) {
extra.fxa = "true";
// We need a way to enumerate all services - but for now we just hard-code
// all possibilities here.
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("services.sync.username")) {
extra.sync = "true";
} else if (service == "sync") {
extra[service] = "true";
} else {
// Events.yaml only declares "sync" as a valid service.
`recordDisconnection has invalid value for service: ${service}`
} catch (ex) {
log.error("Failed to record disconnection telemetry", ex);
console.error("Failed to record disconnection telemetry", ex);
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["FxAccountsTelemetry"];