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TransforMiiX (TM) (C) Copyright The MITRE Corporation 1999 All rights reserved.
Build 19990813
-- added new example: indentity.xml/xsl which tests:
-- xsl:copy, node()
-- added comment(), pi(), and node()
-- XMLParser still needs to handle reading in XML comments
-- added xsl:copy
-- added xsl:processing-instruction
-- added xsl:comment
Build 19990812
-- Created base/Double.cpp (primitives.h)
-- Based off some code submitted by Larry Fitzpatrick, changed Name from
FloatPort to Double, I wanted to add more Double related methods
-- changed the NaN() method to just a static double
-- All expr classes now use Double::isNaN() and Double::NaN
-- I added Double::isInfinite, Double::POSITIVE_INFINITY and
-- Added base/Integer.cpp back into Makefile
-- added Integer::toString(int,String);
-- changed implementation
-- Moved code to convert from Strings to doubles and from doubles to Strings
into the Double class
-- removed testdom.cpp from xml/dom
-- Added more changes from Larry Fitzpatrick and Michele Lee for
porting issues
-- added appropriate return values for:
-- xml/dom/Element.cpp
-- xml/dom/NodeDefinition.cpp
-- base/StringList.cpp
-- xsl/expr/PredicateList.cpp
-- Added remaining String Function Calls
-- substring(), substring-after(), substring-before(), translate(),
Build 19990810
-- Added most of the Whitespace handling
-- Added ErrorObserver interface
-- ErrorObserver is now used throughout most of the code
-- Added SimpleErrorObserver implementation of ErrorObserver
-- Moved main() method from XSLProcessor.cpp to tranformiix.cpp
-- Added the following XPath functions:
-- local-part(), name(), namespace()
-- see functions.xml/functions.xsl for available functions
Build 19990806
-- Incoporated Changes From Larry Fitzpatrick
-- Added more XPath functions
-- last(), count(), string(), contains(), starts-with(), concat()
-- see functions.xml/functions.xsl for available functions
-- Added xsl:text support