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// Check that variables view is linked to the inspector for highlighting and
// selecting DOM nodes
const TEST_URI = "";
let gWebConsole, gJSTerm, gVariablesView, gToolbox;
function test()
loadTab(TEST_URI).then(() => {
openConsole().then(hud => {
function consoleOpened(hud)
gWebConsole = hud;
gJSTerm = hud.jsterm;
gToolbox = gDevTools.getToolbox(;
function onQSAexecuted(msg)
ok(msg, "output message found");
let anchor = msg.querySelector("a");
ok(anchor, "object link found");
gJSTerm.once("variablesview-fetched", onNodeListVviewFetched);
executeSoon(() =>
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(anchor, 2, 2, {}, gWebConsole.iframeWindow)
function onNodeListVviewFetched(aEvent, aVar)
gVariablesView = aVar._variablesView;
ok(gVariablesView, "variables view object");
// Transform the vview into an array we can filter properties from
let props = [[id, prop] for([id, prop] of aVar)];
// These properties are the DOM nodes ones
props = props.filter(v => v[0].match(/[0-9]+/));
function hoverOverDomNodeVariableAndAssertHighlighter(index) {
if (props[index]) {
let prop = props[index][1];
let valueEl = prop._valueLabel;
gToolbox.once("node-highlight", () => {
ok(true, "The highlighter was shown on hover of the DOMNode");
gToolbox.highlighterUtils.unhighlight().then(() => {
// Rather than trying to emulate a mouseenter event, let's call the
// variable's highlightDomNode and see if it has the desired effect
} else {
function clickOnDomNodeVariableAndAssertInspectorSelected(index) {
let prop = props[index][1];
// Make sure the inspector is initialized so we can listen to its events
gToolbox.initInspector().then(() => {
// Rather than trying to click on the value here, let's just call the
// variable's openNodeInInspector function and see if it has the
// desired effect
prop.openNodeInInspector().then(() => {
is(gToolbox.currentToolId, "inspector", "The toolbox switched over the inspector on DOMNode click");
gToolbox.selectTool("webconsole").then(() => {
hoverOverDomNodeVariableAndAssertHighlighter(index + 1);
function finishUp() {
gWebConsole = gJSTerm = gVariablesView = gToolbox = null;