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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "UntrustedDllsHandler.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/mozalloc.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/ThreadLocal.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
#include "nsWindowsHelpers.h" // For AutoCriticalSection
namespace mozilla {
namespace glue {
// Copies a null-terminated string. Upon error, returns nullptr.
static UniquePtr<wchar_t[]> CopyString(const UniquePtr<wchar_t[]>& aOther) {
if (!aOther) {
return nullptr;
size_t chars = wcslen(aOther.get());
auto ret = MakeUnique<wchar_t[]>(chars + 1);
if (wcsncpy_s(ret.get(), chars + 1, aOther.get(), chars)) {
return nullptr;
return ret;
// Creates a UniquePtr<wchar_t[]> from a PCUNICODE_STRING string.
// Upon error, returns nullptr.
static UniquePtr<wchar_t[]> CopyString(PCUNICODE_STRING aOther) {
if (!aOther || !aOther->Buffer) {
return nullptr;
size_t chars = aOther->Length / sizeof(wchar_t);
auto ret = MakeUnique<wchar_t[]>(chars + 1);
if (wcsncpy_s(ret.get(), chars + 1, aOther->Buffer, chars)) {
return nullptr;
return ret;
// Basic wrapper around ::GetModuleFileNameW.
// Returns the full path of the loaded module specified by aModuleBase.
// Upon error, returns nullptr.
static UniquePtr<wchar_t[]> GetModuleFullPath(uintptr_t aModuleBase) {
size_t allocated = MAX_PATH;
auto ret = MakeUnique<wchar_t[]>(allocated);
size_t len;
while (true) {
len = (size_t)::GetModuleFileNameW((HMODULE)aModuleBase, ret.get(),
if (!len) {
return nullptr;
if (len == allocated && ::GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) {
allocated *= 2;
ret = MakeUnique<wchar_t[]>(allocated);
// The buffer may much bigger than needed. Return an efficiently-allocated
// buffer.
return CopyString(ret);
// To track call depth and recursively-loaded modules, we must store this data
// in thread local storage.
class TLSData {
Vector<ModuleLoadEvent::ModuleInfo, 0, InfallibleAllocPolicy> mModulesLoaded;
int mCallDepth = 0;
static MOZ_THREAD_LOCAL(TLSData*) sTlsData;
// This singleton class does the underlying work for UntrustedDllsHandler
class UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl {
// Refcounting gives us a way to synchronize call lifetime vs object lifetime.
// We don't have access to NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING from mozglue,
// but it's easy to roll our own.
Atomic<int32_t> mRefCnt;
// In order to prevent sInstance from being "woken back up" after it's been
// cleared on shutdown, this will let us know if sInstance is empty because
// it's not initialized yet, or because it's been cleared on shutdown.
static Atomic<bool> sInstanceHasBeenSet;
// Singleton reference
static StaticRefPtr<UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl> sInstance;
// Holds a list of module load events. This gets emptied upon calling
// UntrustedDllsHandler::TakePendingEvents
Vector<ModuleLoadEvent, 0, InfallibleAllocPolicy> mModuleLoadEvents;
// Holds a list of module full paths that we've already handled, so we can
// skip duplicates.
Vector<mozilla::UniquePtr<wchar_t[]>> mModuleHistory;
// This lock protects gModuleLoadEvents and gModuleHistory.
// You must only make trivial, loader-lock-friendly calls within the lock. We
// cannot risk re-entering the loader at this point.
UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl() { InitializeCriticalSection(&mDataLock); }
~UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl() {
{ // Scope for lock
// Ensure pending ops are complete.
AutoCriticalSection lock(&mDataLock);
static RefPtr<UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl> GetInstance() {
if (sInstanceHasBeenSet) {
return sInstance;
sInstance = new UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl();
sInstanceHasBeenSet = true;
return sInstance;
static void Shutdown() { sInstance = nullptr; }
int32_t AddRef() { return ++mRefCnt; }
int32_t Release() {
int32_t ret = --mRefCnt;
if (!ret) {
delete this;
return ret;
// Called after a successful module load at the top level. Now we are safe
// to package up the event and save for later processing.
void OnAfterTopLevelModuleLoad() {
// Hold a reference to ensure we don't get deleted during this call.
RefPtr<UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl> refHolder(this);
if (!refHolder) {
ModuleLoadEvent thisEvent;
TLSData* tlsData = sTlsData.get();
if (!tlsData) {
{ // Scope for lock
// Lock around gModuleHistory to prune out modules we've handled before.
// Only trivial calls allowed during lock (don't invoke the loader)
AutoCriticalSection lock(&mDataLock);
// There will rarely be more than a couple items in
// tlsData->mModulesLoaded, so this is efficient enough.
for (auto& module : tlsData->mModulesLoaded) {
if (module.mFullPath && wcslen(module.mFullPath.get())) {
bool foundInHistory = false;
for (auto& h : mModuleHistory) {
if (!wcsicmp(h.get(), module.mFullPath.get())) {
foundInHistory = true;
if (foundInHistory) {
Unused << mModuleHistory.append(CopyString(module.mFullPath));
Unused << thisEvent.mModules.emplaceBack(std::move(module));
if (thisEvent.mModules.empty()) {
return; // All modules have been filtered out; nothing further to do.
thisEvent.mThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId();
TimeStamp processCreation = TimeStamp::ProcessCreation();
TimeDuration td = TimeStamp::Now() - processCreation;
thisEvent.mProcessUptimeMS = (uint64_t)td.ToMilliseconds();
static const uint32_t kMaxFrames = 500;
auto frames = MakeUnique<void*[]>(kMaxFrames);
// Setting FramesToSkip to 1 so the caller will see itself as the top frame.
USHORT frameCount =
CaptureStackBackTrace(1, kMaxFrames, frames.get(), nullptr);
if (thisEvent.mStack.reserve(frameCount)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < frameCount; ++i) {
Unused << thisEvent.mStack.append((uintptr_t)frames[i]);
// Lock in order to store the new event.
// Only trivial calls allowed during lock (don't invoke the loader)
AutoCriticalSection lock(&mDataLock);
Unused << mModuleLoadEvents.emplaceBack(std::move(thisEvent));
// Returns true if aOut is no longer empty.
bool TakePendingEvents(
Vector<ModuleLoadEvent, 0, InfallibleAllocPolicy>& aOut) {
// Hold a reference to ensure we don't get deleted during this call.
RefPtr<UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl> refHolder(this);
if (!refHolder) {
return false;
AutoCriticalSection lock(&mDataLock);
return !aOut.empty();
Atomic<bool> UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl::sInstanceHasBeenSet;
StaticRefPtr<UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl> UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl::sInstance;
/* static */
void UntrustedDllsHandler::Init() { Unused << sTlsData.init(); }
#ifdef DEBUG
/* static */
void UntrustedDllsHandler::Shutdown() { UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl::Shutdown(); }
#endif // DEBUG
/* static */
void UntrustedDllsHandler::EnterLoaderCall() {
if (!sTlsData.initialized()) {
if (!sTlsData.get()) {
sTlsData.set(new TLSData());
/* static */
void UntrustedDllsHandler::ExitLoaderCall() {
if (!sTlsData.initialized()) {
if (!--(sTlsData.get()->mCallDepth)) {
delete sTlsData.get();
/* static */
void UntrustedDllsHandler::OnAfterModuleLoad(uintptr_t aBaseAddr,
double aLoadDurationMS) {
RefPtr<UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl> p(UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl::GetInstance());
if (!p) {
if (!sTlsData.initialized()) {
TLSData* tlsData = sTlsData.get();
if (!tlsData) {
ModuleLoadEvent::ModuleInfo moduleInfo;
moduleInfo.mLdrName = CopyString(aLdrModuleName);
moduleInfo.mBase = aBaseAddr;
moduleInfo.mFullPath = GetModuleFullPath(aBaseAddr);
moduleInfo.mLoadDurationMS = aLoadDurationMS;
Unused << tlsData->mModulesLoaded.emplaceBack(std::move(moduleInfo));
if (tlsData->mCallDepth > 1) {
// Recursive call; bail and wait until top-level call can proceed.
/* static */
bool UntrustedDllsHandler::TakePendingEvents(
Vector<ModuleLoadEvent, 0, InfallibleAllocPolicy>& aOut) {
RefPtr<UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl> p(UntrustedDllsHandlerImpl::GetInstance());
if (!p) {
return false;
return p->TakePendingEvents(aOut);
} // namespace glue
} // namespace mozilla